Nccu 239 Ejercicio T09

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Inglés Técnico

Inglés Técnico
Administración de Empresas
Semestre III

Semana 9: Stages in developing a successful supply chain

A continuación, se presentan un grupo de ejercicios propuestos de autoestudio referidos

al tema de la unidad y que complementa el aprendizaje.

Choose the correct sentence.

1. SCOR stands for Supply Chain Operations Reference.

a) False
b) True
2. The SCOR model runs through ______ supply chain stages.
a) ten
b) two
c) three
d) five
e) nine
3. _________ is the acquisition of goods and services at the best possible price, in the
right quantity and at the right time.

Administración de Empresas 1
Inglés Técnico
a) Stage
b) Procurement
c) Deliver
d) Return
e) Plan

4. Companies must also manage warehousing and inventory or pay for a service
provider to manage these tasks for them.
a) Return
b) Make
c) Deliver
d) Plan
e) Source

5. Match
(d)Plan a) It is associated with the managing all returns of
defective products, including identifying the product
(e)Source b) It encompasses all the steps from processing
customer inquiries to selecting distribution strategies
and transportation options.
(c) Make c) It is concerned with scheduling of production
activities, testing of products, packing and release.
(b) Deliver d) It involves a wide range of activities. Companies must first
decide on their operations strategy.
(a) Return e) It involves organizing the procurement of raw materials
and components.

Administración de Empresas 2

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