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Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan

Lesson 1
A. Content Standards
Demonstrate understanding of the relationship among the location of volcanoes, earthquakes, epicentres, and
mountain ranges.
B. Performance Standards
1. Demonstrate ways to ensure disaster preparedness during earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic eruption.
2. Suggest way by which he/she can contribute to the government efforts in reducing damages due to
earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic eruption.
C. Learning Competency
Describe the different types of boundaries

Sub Competency/ies
1. Name areas in the Philippines with recorded epicenters of earthquakes
2. Locate the epicenter of a hypothetical earthquake

III. Learning Resources
Science Learner’s Material 10, page 8-10
A. Preliminary Activities
ELICIT- Answer Pre- Assessment ( Science LM, page 4-5) in ¼ sheet of paper

. ENGAGE- Unscramble the term being described

(Magnitude, Intensity, Earthquake, Focus, Epicenter, Fault)
What are earthquakes?
What are epicentres?
Do you know how earthquakes are recorded?
How does the people studying earthquakes determine how far an earthquake have occurred?
B. Discussing New Concepts and Practicing New Skills
EXPLORE- Perform the activity on Find the Center (Science LM, page 8-10
C. Making Generalization and Abstraction about the Lesson
EXPLAIN- Post Activity Discussion
Ask student to present their outputs to the class.
1. Where is the epicentre of the hypothetical earthquake?
2. What difficulty will you encounter if you only have two recording station?
3. How do seismologist determine the epicentre of an earthquake when it happened locally?
4. How about if the earthquake took place at a far distance, How do seismologist determine
the location of an epicentre?
Post maps of the Philippines that shows location of recorded epicenters of an earthquakes.
1. In which areas in the Philippines are there recorded epicentres of an earthquake?
2. Are there instances of epicentres in your locality?
3. In what area nearest to your locality was there a recorded epicentre of an earthquake?
D. Evaluating Learning:
EVALUATE- Ask student to locate hypothetical epicenter an earthquake given time difference in arrival
time of P-wave and S-wave of three recording stations. (Triangulation Method)
Make sure to provide a copy of the map and student must have own drawing compass ruler and

E. Additional Activities for Remediation:

EXTEND- Infer- Would using four seismograph stations to locate epicenters of an earthquake be any
more accurate than using 3? EXPLAIN.

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