Sample Business Plan

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University of Perpetual Help System GMA Campus

San Gabriel GMA, Cavite, Philippines, 4117

(02)519-4100 / (046)460-4086
www. gma.

Senior High School Department

“Pretty Little”

Barangay San. Gabriel, General Mariano Alvarez, Cavite

Contact No. (046) 404 9331
Prepared by:

Alcantara, Earl Nicole

Alcantara, Marie Anne

Aluciman, Jasmine Joyce I.

Fernandez, Johndee S.

Gonzales, Jochelle

Tan, Darren Allan

Terado, Shera Mae


In today's highly competitive market environment, it is seemingly hard to provide unique

and new ideal product that would fairly supply and satisfy consumer’s eccentric needs and

golden wants. Thus, economically speaking, certain business plan and ideas would surely meet

these naturally occuring demands if and if only ‘something new’ for all beholding consumers are

presented exemplary and highly satisfying.

General Mariano Alvarez is the second most densely populated city/municipality in

Cavite after Rosario. Therefore, by location, more people are more demands occurring and more

demands occurring are more opportunities for unique business is widely open.
University of Perpetual Help System GMA Campus
San Gabriel GMA, Cavite, Philippines, 4117
(02)519-4100 / (046)460-4086
www. gma.

Senior High School Department

LOLLICAKE—sounds strange and unfamiliar one yet the product is basically coined

from two integrated physical feature of typical lollipop product and cake or simply ‘a cake in a

lollipop stick’.

Since this product is denoted from the other concept-form of food products, thus some

ingredients of these products are partially used, mostly and especially in cake product rather than

lollipop ingredients.

Furthermore, lollicakes have no distinct and similar physical feature; lollicake’s total

physical features may vary from one another because of the different sweet toppings, flavored-

decorations, additional crops and designs laid, due augmented products, in each lollicake.

Lollicake is apparently and surely a new innovative sweet product which seemingly

attractive especially for students and other people who are die-hard fun of cakes and extremely

sweet-lovers because of its yummy, fascinating appearance and brain nutritional benefit that

will satisfy one’s demanding appetite.

PRETTY LITTLE LOLLICAKE, formal business title, will provide a combination of

highly-satisfying wants, seasonal and thematic packaging presentations and high level of

nutritional benefit.

Pretty little lollicake is the answer to an advancing demand of consumers for bite-size

cake (1.77 cubic inches volume).

Due to its advantageous physical structure, unlike other usual cake, lollicake can be

consumed while walking and/or even while studying as it gives supplemental nutritional benefit

for one’s daily energy and sharp brain function.

Pretty little lollicake business on its first-time launching in University of Perpetual Help

System System JONELTA, General Mariano Alvarez, Cavite through Senior High School Fair

Celebration will not only meet people’s demand for product but a delight that every consumer

deserves for.
University of Perpetual Help System GMA Campus
San Gabriel GMA, Cavite, Philippines, 4117
(02)519-4100 / (046)460-4086
www. gma.

Senior High School Department


For two days of selling and serving of lollicakes on Senior High School Fair Celebration,

this pretty little lollicake business certainly aims for total sales of Php. 1,040.00, with a total of

80 units of products, in order to at least meet the Php 598.00 break-even point and generate or

realize a particular amount of profit.

Also, this business practically aims for a wider area of target market not only inside the

campus through showing and spreading the idea of this business to all individuals who want to

start up a prototype on their desired and/or projected market area.


Pretty little lollicake is a hospitality business idea dedicated on providing satisfactorily

bite-size cakes in a attractive looks for all the consumers and/or buyers who seek innovative and

new product to meet their precious wants and demand. This business intends to make more than

enough profit to finance continued growth and development of quality products. Moreover, the

business magnifies the value of every costumer through relying on essential principle of

costumer relationship which maintains a friendly, humane, fair, creative work environment,

respects, new ideas, and hard work.


An estimated number of students in University of Perpetual Help System JONELTA -

GMA Campus or simply Perpetual GMA are consisting of 333 basic education students, 95

college students and 850 senior high school students with a total of 1,278 students that may

possibly be the primary consumers or customers of business lollicake.

In this regard, most likely sweets are ever since in demand for all youngsters. However

some sweets has a lot of chemicals that may affect the health of consumers. So this new and

innovative business named as Pretty Little Lollicake purposed to provide a bite-size cake with a

good taste at value pricing with essential ingredients that contains vital vitamins that may help

the consumer in terms of health. This business produces lollicakes with nutritional benefit for

the consumer with affordable price for the students.

University of Perpetual Help System GMA Campus
San Gabriel GMA, Cavite, Philippines, 4117
(02)519-4100 / (046)460-4086
www. gma.

Senior High School Department

This product is apparently different from the other usual cake in terms of physical presentations

which only has a bite-size cake, however, the taste of lollicake is purposedly not sweet enough

because of the different ingredients used unlike the typical feature of other sweets. Furthermore,

compromising with the trends, this business provides extra service or augmented product to all

consumers such as giving note-cards for consumer’s ‘hugot lines’ that could be paste over the

wall of the booth and giving a service by making better and/ or desired boquet presentations for

every consumer who desired to purchase the products in several units or by bunch.


Every serving of lollicake product has 188g of calories, 7g saturated, 1g polyunsaturated,

4g monounsaturated, 27mg cholesterol, 196mg sodium, 75mg potassium, 16g total

carbohydrates, 7g sugar and 3g protein. Calories aren't bad for you. Your body needs calories for

energy. Without calories, you might be missing some critical nutrients that are needed for

wellness. Like carbohydrates and proteins, fats are nutrients that supply energy to your body.

This not only supports physical activity but also keeps your body's internal processes working at

their optimal level. Cholesterol is a waxy, fatlike substance found in every cell of your body, it is

needed for the production of certain hormones. Polyunsaturated fatty acids can help lower blood

pressure, also includes the possibility of improving depression symptoms. Monounsaturated fats

can help reduce bad cholesterol levels in your blood which can lower your risk of heart disease

and stroke. They also provide nutrients to help develop and maintain your body’s cells. Sodium

helps muscles and nerves work properly by assisting muscular contraction and transmission of

nerve signals. Too much sodium can lead to high blood pressure as well as fluid build-up in

people with congestive heart failure, cirrhosis or kidney disease. Potassium's primary functions

in the body include regulating fluid balance and controlling the electrical activity of the heart and

other muscles. Potassium is an electrolyte that counteracts the effects of sodium, helping to

maintain a healthy blood pressure. Although all sugar provides the body with energy, how

quickly the body breaks it down affects the blood sugar levels. The body breaks down simple

sugars quickly, causing a spike in blood sugar levels. The body responds by producing and
University of Perpetual Help System GMA Campus
San Gabriel GMA, Cavite, Philippines, 4117
releasing insulin, a hormone (02)519-4100
produced / (046)460-4086
by the cells in the pancreas necessary for cells to intake
www. gma.

glucose. Protein is in every cell of your body, including all of your muscles, organs and glands.
Senior High School Department

Your body can't make new cells without protein, and young people need it for growth and

development. However, consuming too much protein can cause health problems, including high

cholesterol, gout and kidney disease. Although carbohydrates have a bad reputation among much

of the dieting community, carbs are your body’s main source of energy. While choosing healthy

carbohydrates can reduce your risk of chronic diseases.


Lollicake is a sweet yet healthy food product, usually soft-spherical cake stuck in a usual

lollipop stick.

Since the product is physically spherical, the over-all intrinsic standard physical feature

of lollicake includes its spherical volume, surface area, and circumference. Hence, through the

measurement of 1.5 inches diameter(standard measurement of lollicake’s diameter), lollicake has

then 1.77 cubic inches volume with 7.07 square inches surface area and 4.71 inches middle

circumference. Furthermore, due to some factors that give variation of sizes, lollicake also

intrinsically posseses 0.05 ( | x – 1.5 | ≤ 0.05 ) inch tolerance on its over-all measurement.

The service platter of each lollicake has estimatedly 1.77 cubic inches (lollicake’s

standard volume) stuck in a 5 inches long lollipop stick.


Beside the nutritional benefit, lollicake has also extra-pleasure benefit to all buyers
through attaching unique, seasonal and trending augmented service on every lollicake piece
and/or bunch.

This product would be more certainly marketable because each lollicake accompanies
assorted-color-card right below the stuck round cake which purposively used for writing buyer’s
meaningful notes, messages and ‘hugot-lines’.

Furthermore, if number of lollicakes are bought or ordered in bunch, it can be requested

in a wonderfully arranged bouquet by rendering an artistic and creative skills of the seller on tge
University of Perpetual Help System GMA Campus
San Gabriel GMA, Cavite, Philippines, 4117
POPS: -all/ (046)460-4086
presentations or designs the boquet , however,
www. gma.

with just few extra charges for the container, filler, ribbon, packaging, and styrofoam if will be
Senior High School Department

As you can see there is no exact portioning of how much cake & frosting. It will depend on what

kind of cake you are going to use.

Once the cake is cool, break it up in a large

bowl. Stir frosting into the crumbled cake. Mix

well. (The consistency should be almost like

thick, crumbly dough).

Using your hands, grab a little of the dough and roll into 1-2 inch balls.

As you are rolling, press the dough together to make sure it’s compacted tightly- you don’t want

hem falling apart later on! (If it still falling apart that means you need a little more frosting).

Place balls on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Refrigerate for about 30 minutes to 1

hour, or until the balls are cool and hard.


MELT - use a microwave (30 seconds at a

time) or a double broiler for best results.

Once the chocolate is melted and cooled to

room temperature, stick the cookie or pop stick into each cake pop, and dip the balls until

completely coated and smooth.

Coat the tops with a few sprinkles right after you dip the

cake pops.
University of Perpetual Help System GMA Campus
San Gabriel GMA, Cavite, Philippines, 4117
(02)519-4100 / (046)460-4086
www. gma.

Senior High School Department

Once you’ve finally coated it try to put

some of your creative skills to decorate

the cake pops.


Our target market is the students in the UPHS Jonelta Campus GMA Cavite. The

demographical segmentation, to females they can be easily attract through its design and kind of

a product. Though girls love sweets. To males, the name of the product would be uncommon to

hear in that case it would be beneficial to them by serving the products as a gift to their loved

ones. Our product will be beneficial for all ages due to the vitamins containing of it. It’s either

basic education students, senior high school students or even college students will possibly be

our customer due to the nutritional benefit of the product itself.


In cost-plus method, determining the total production cost which is ₱332, with a total

quantity of 40 pieces in just 1.5 hours at a minimum/hr wage of ₱30, labor cost of ₱20 and with a

total cost of ₱352. Basically, the unit cost is ₱8.8, with a mark on rate of 50% the mark on will

be 4.4. To sum it up, the selling price is ₱13.15.


University of Perpetual Help System GMA Campus
San Gabriel GMA, Cavite, Philippines, 4117
Pretty Little (02)519-4100
Lollicake contains / (046)460-4086
a nutritional benefit bite-size cake, satisfactorily taste for
www. gma.

the buyers, attractive design of the product itself and augmented products that will typically in
Senior High School Department
demands for the youngsters nowadays. Mostly of the desserts cost a highly price due to its

ingredients but pretty little lollicakes provides a bite-size cakes with affordable price

Maybe some business has a strategic plans to their products like adding ingredients for some

buyer that want to add for the product itself, in that case our lollicake can be served as gifts for


loved ones not just by its looks but through its taste that the buyer will surely buy it over and

over again.


In this product there has 8 sellers/producers and atleast 4 or more competitors. The

supplies are available in all market, the channel of distribution is by booth. Providing direct mail

through costumers will also help. In that way, their attention will be caught and encourage them

to buy. Due to a great accommodation it can help them to feel that they are assisted very well by

the sellers.

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