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Project proposal

Inventory and employee management system

Proposer’s name:
Uli, Loeljen ~ Dayao, Julia mae

Deadline: May 31,2022

I have read the attached project proposal and, in my opinion, it proposes work

which is adequate in depth and scope to serve as the culminating experience for the

bachelor of science information technology. I would agree to chair this committee or

serve thereon.

Project advisor: Base, Jay-ar

Proposed system
This project proposal is focus Inventory and employee management system. It

allows the management to in code and decode the inventory of the products and the

managing the employees. It is easily to tract the delivery time and date by in coding the

delivery time.
Statement of the problem
General problem
The managing system is focus on inventorying products and managing

employees this system is only for management.

Specific problem
This system is created to provide solution to the difficulties encounter by the

management. The specific problem of this system

 How can the management access to the system?

 How can management do their job easier?

 Is this system help them to speed up their work?

Objectives of the project
General objective
This system is conducted to made the management easier and faster on their

inventorying system. And easy to tract the delivery time and date. And also, easy to

reach out their employees when the employees are not around, because the information

of the employees are already in coded to the system.

Specific objective
 To identify the delivery time and date

 To tract the products that already in coded

 To speed up the inventorying system

Significance of the study
The researcher believe that this system can help them in a better way and in a

convenient way the beneficiaries of this managing system.

The management – this study will benefit the management to have a convenient

and efficient way to speed up their managing system. This system is easy to use, easy

to trace the delivery, time and date and easy to access employees. The management

can easily in code and decode the products that arrived and phase out.

Future researchers – the outcome of this research can be used as a reference

for the future researchers in order to gather ideas and information that are essential to

the study that they will be conducting in the upcoming reports.

Scope and limitation of the project

This project proposal focuses on inventory and employee managing system. This

system is developed to have a convenient and a better way for the management. This system
benefits the management because this system can help to speed up the process for their

inventorying, and delivery time and date. And also, to easily access to their employee’s

information. When the employees are not around.

Development tools:

The fundamental developing tools used in this project is Microsoft and Visual Studio 2019.

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