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CANDIDATE’S NUMBER : _______________________________________
SCHOOL NAME : ________________________________________________
DISTRICT : _______________________________________________________
REGION : ________________________________________________________
1. Fill in the personal information in the first part of your answer sheet.
2. Answer all questions as per instructions in each section.
3. Observe neatness in your work.
4. Shade the correct answer on the OMR answer sheet given from number 1 to 40.
5. For number 41 to 45 write the answers at the back of the OMR answer sheet given.
Choose the most correct answer and shade its letter in the answer sheet given
1. A human embryo after the eighth week of gestation is termed as:
A. Foetus B. Zygote C. Baby D. Infancy E. Neonate [ ]
2. In which part of the alimentary canal does the absorption of food take place?
A. Small intestine B. Colon C. Rectum D. Stomach E. Oesophagus [ ]
3. The muscles which pull radius and ulna and cause our fore limbs to bend are called:
A. Cardiac B. Tendons C. Triceps D. Biceps E. Bicuspid [ ]
4. In which stage of a scientific investigation does a scientist use data to accept or reject the hypothesis?
A. Doing experiment C. Interpreting data E. Preparation of materials[ ]
B. Writing the report D. Conclusion
5. The animals which feed in plants only are called:
A. Herbivores B. Omnivores C. Carnivores D. Scavengers E. Predators [ ]
6. What is the name of the symbol shown below in electric circuit?
A. Resistor D. Transformer [ ]
B. Fuse E. Capacitor
C. Battery
7. When water freezes its volume:
A. Perishes B. Is destroyed C. Decreases D. Increases E. Disappears [ ]
8. What is an important thing a pregnant woman should do?
A. Sleep frequently C. Do heavy works E. Rest all the time [ ]
B. Use cosmetics D. Attend clinic and eat balanced diet
9. The gravitational force between the Earth and the Moon leads to:
A. High tides C. Lunar eclipse E. Low tides [ ]
B. Solar eclipse D. High and low tides
10. Which of the following is NOT a symptom of AIDS?
A. Loss of weight C. Prolonged coughing E. Poor sighting during night [ ]
B. .Diarrhea frequently D. Abnormal sweating during night
11. The following diagram shows parts of a vacuum flask. Which part prevent heat loss by conduction or convection?

[ ]

12. What will happen when nervous system stops functioning in the human body?
A. Feeling weak C. Losing weight E. Several body pains [ ]
B. Shivering D. No communication in the human body
13. Which of the following is a source of electricity?
A. Dynamo B. Wire C. Bulb D. Switch E. Circuit [ ]
14. Water in plants is transported from one cell to another by the process called:
A. Osmosis B. Solution C. Osmoregulation D. Transpiration E. Diffusion [ ]
15. Blood from the heart to other parts of the body is full of:
A. Air B. Water C. Oxygen D. Carbon dioxide E. Blood [ ]
16. Family planning methods which are more safe for the health of mother are:
A. Condoms and injection C. Loops and injection E. Condom and ELISA [ ]
B. Natural methods D. Pills and injection
17. The following is a series of food chain in a certain national park.
LION ANTELOPE GRASSES. What will happen if all the lions will die or move out of the park?
A. Grasses will increase C. Grasses will decrease E. Antelopes will decrease [ ]
B. Antelopes will die D. Lions will come back
18. Work done is measured in:
A. Meters B. Newton’s C. Kilograms D. Forces E. Joules [ ]
19. When two or more elements combine together they form:
A. Radiation B. Compound C. Valence D. Atom E. Molecules [ ]
20. A millipede is an organism in one of the following group. Which one is it?
A. Chiropoda B. Diplopoda C. Mites D. Arachnida E. Ant [ ]
21. Which among the following can be separated by using a magnet?
A. Iron fillings and sand C. Sand and beans E. Iron fillings and nails [ ]
B. Sand and maize flour D. Soda and milk
22. Which of the following is the characteristic of clean and safe water?
A. Without a lot of soda ash C. Boiled, Cooked and filtered E. Stored and cooled [ ]
B. Fetched from the springs D. Boiled, filtered and kept in a clean container
23. What is the value of X in order for a meter ruler represented by the figure below to balance?
A. 50kg D. 5kg [ ]
B. 25kg E. 15kg
C. 500kg
24. A person who got an electric shock can be assisted by the use of:
A. Iron bar B. Wet wood C. Hands D. Plastic bar E. Dry wood [ ]
25. Convert 680F into 0C:
A. 500C B. 680C C. 200C D. 2000C E. 2120F [ ]
26. A group of different tissues that perform a particular function in the body is called:
A. Tissue B. Joint C. Cell D. Organ E. System [ ]
27. The capability of the expansion and contraction of liquids is considered when making:
A. Anemometer B. Hygrometer C. Thermometer D. Decimeter E. Wind speed [ ]
28. Which among the following is NOT a characteristic of living things?
A. Moving B. Feeding C. Breathing D. Sensitivity E. Cooking [ ]
29. People are likely to cause soil erosion if they practice one of the following:
A. Planting flowers C. Deforestation E. Using irrigation method [ ]
B. Planting trees D. Adding manure to the soil
30. Magnetism has relationship with:
A. Heat B. Light C. Waves D. Wind E. Electricity [ ]
31. Find the current flowing in the electric circuit shown by the figure below
A. 10A
B. 12A
C. 7A [ ]
D. 4A
E. 5A

32. The amount of water lost by plants increase due to the presence of which condition in the environment?
A. Clouds and wind C. Wind and sun rays E. Water vapour and wind [ ]
B. Water and soil D. Oxygen and carbon dioxide
33. What is the function of two clean pieces of wood when they are wrapped on the part of the broken bone?
A. Help to prevent bleeding C. To give cold to the wound E. Help to join the broken part
B. To give heat to the wound D. To cure the broken part [ ]
34. Which one among the following is a non-metallic element?
A. Copper B. Sodium C. Sulphuric D. Iron E. Aluminum [ ]
35. In the spinal cord below, letter C indicates the spinal canal which is filled with a fluid called:
A. Cerebrospinal fluid D. Serebrospinal fluid [ ]
B. Newtonian fluid E. Real fluid
C. Compressible fluid

36. How many bones are found in the upper frame?

A. 55 B. 60 C. 64 D. 58 E. 200 [ ]
37. The infectious diseases that spread in a wide area such as across the continental or world are called:
A. Hereditary diseases C. Contagious diseases E. Communicable diseases [ ]
B. Endemic diseases D. Pandemic diseases
38. Which gas among the following is used in a bulb of electricity?
A. Argon B. Oxygen C. Nitrogen D. Neon E. Xenon [ ]
39. Which pair is correct about reproductive parts in plants and animals?
A. Pollen grains in plants and sperms in animals D. Filament in plants and fallopian tube in animals
B. Fruits in plants and testes in animals E. Flowers in plants and uterus in animals [ ]
C. Seeds in plants and ovary in animals
40. Which of the following is NOT a function of roots in plants?
A. To absorb mineral salts C. To absorb water E. To hold plant [ ]
B. To manufacture food for plant D. To store plant food


In each of the questions 41 – 45, write the answer in the space provided by using a blue or black pen.
41. The table below shows the amount of rainfall recorded in a certain weather station for five weeks (Monday to Friday)
in April 2019
Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Amount of
rainfall in
millimeters 40 56 93 71 85

Calculate the average rainfall: _____________________________________

42. A nerve that connect the ear to the brain is called____________________________
43. Jenipher weigh 28kgf. She sits 4metres from the fulcrum of the seesaw. How far from the fulcrum should her mother
who weighs 56kgf sit in order to balance the seesaw? ______________________________________
44. Which characteristic of light is demonstrated by the illustration below:

45. The sharp and pointed teeth which are used for tearing the food are known as____________________________

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