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Understanding Culture, Society and Politics

Grade 12
Date & Time: September 12, 2022
Teacher: Jasmin B. Bartolome
Grading: 1st Quarter

I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, 80 % of the leaners are expected to:
1. Anlyze the concept, aspect and changes in/of culture and society

Subject Matter:
a. Culture and society as anthropological and sociological concept.
b. Materials: Laptop (power point presentation) and Works sheets
II. Procedure
A. Preliminaries
1. Prayer
2. Greetings
3. Checking of attendance
4. Setting of classroom standard
B. Motivation
C. Presentation
Defining Culture and Society from the Perspective of Anthropology and Sociology
D. Discussion
Society By ‘’ territory’’
A society describe a group of people Socioligist refer to a definable region-as
who share a common territory and a small as a neighborhood

Ex. Barangay, city, country and Asia

Refers to ‘’ that complex whole which encompasses beliefs, practice, values,
attitudes, laws, norms, artifacts, symbols, knowledge, and everything that a person
learn and share as a member of society ‘’.
Culture Society
 Represents: Represent:
 Beliefs Social Structures Organizations
 Practices
 Artifacts

Neither society nor culture could exist

without the other

Types of Society
Sociology have classified the different types of societies into six categories, each of
which possesses its own unique characteristics.
1. Hunting and Gathering societies
 These are the earliest form of society
 These are small and generally with less than 50 members and is
 The member survive primarily by hunting, trapping, fishing, and
gathering edible plants.
 Some division of labor based on gender
Hunting and gathering societies were also tribal
2. Pastoral Societies
 Rely on products through the domestication and breeding of animals for the
transportation and food.
 The word ‘’pastoral’’ comes from latin root word Pastor, which means
Shepherd’’ someone living in a pastoral society is called pastoralist.
 These are common in areas where crop cannot be supported and only have to
move when the land in which animals gaze is no longer usable.
 Allow certain of its members (domesticating animals) to engage in
nonsurvival activities.
 Traders, healers, spiritual leaders, craftspeople, and people with other
especially professions appear.
3. Horticultural Societies
 These societies rely on the cultivation of fruits, vegetables, and plants in order
to survive
 These are often forced to relocate when the resources of the land are depleted
or when the water supplies decrease
4. Agricultural Societies
 Focuses on mode of production
 They rely on the use of technology in order to cultivate crops on large
areas, including wheat, rice, and corn
 Product increase, and as long as there are plenty of food, people do not
have to move.
 Greater degrees of social stratification appeared in agricultural
 Farmers provide warriors with food in exchange for protection against
invasion by enemies. A system of rulers with high social status also
appeared. This nobility organized warriors to protect society from
5. Industrial Societies
 Sociologist refer to the period during the 18th century when the
production of goods in mechanized factories began as the industrial
 The industrial revolution appeared first in Britain, and then quickly
spread to the rest of the world.
 They use advance sources of energy to run large machinery led to
 Led to innovations in transportation led people to travel, work in
factories, and live in cities.
6. Post-Industrial Societies
 Their economy is based on service and technology, not production.
 The economy dependent on tangible goods, people must pursue greater
education, and the new communications. Technology allows work to
be performed from a variety of location.

IV. Evaluation:
Group Activity: Our ideal society
Creatively describe your ideal society by combining three categories. Consider the following
Social Interaction (Social)
Livelihood (Economy)
Leadership (government)
Resources (environmental)
V. Assignment
Research the aspect of culture. Write your answer in a 1 whole yellow paper.

VI. Reflection
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