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Some people think that tourists should abide by the local rules and behavior.

Others dispute
this and think that the host country should embrace cultural diversity.

Others dispute this and think a variety of cultures should be welcomed by the host country.

Others dispute this and think that the host country should not reject cultural variety.

In recent years, the number of people choosing to move abroad, either for work or study,
has increased substantially.

In order to reduce crimes, the government should provide more funds to the police and
punishments should be made stricter.

Unless emergency supports are given more financial support, the number of fatality rates
will continue to rise, even if other measures are adopted.

Fatty and sugary foods need to be taxed or regulated so that the children are not tempted
by these unhealthy options.

So as to protect children, who may be influenced by the power of peer pressure, the
government should educate children about the dangers of drugs.

There is no doubt that adolescence can be a difficult period for both youngsters and their
parents. Although some people believe that argue at this age do more harm than good, I
would that it is an essential stage in teenagers development.

Those who believe_________ argue that________. This is because_____

On the other hand ______ the reason for this is

While some believe ______ Others argue that _______

On the other hand, those who believe conflict is harmful might argue that it can damage the
relationships between parents and their children. This is because such disputes can create
tension in the family. For example, it is quite common for young people to beging smoking
at their age to impress their peers but the resulting confrontations with their parents can
lead to difficulties with communication afterwards. In contrast, if there is no conflict
between parents and teenagers, there will be much greater sense of happiness among the
members of the family.

On the other hand, my view is that this conflict is important as it can help teenagers develop
their critical thinking skills. The reason for this is that by having arguments adolescents can
develop their own line of thoughts. For example, if a child grows up in the family of meat-
eaters but feel very strongly about not eating meat. If a child doesn’t raise their opinion,
they will go against their principles. However, if they are willing to conflict with their
parents, it will clear their conscience despite the conclusion of the argument.
In conclusion, despite the danger of damaging relationships which teenage conflict can
create, it is my firm belief that these conflicts are very vital for developing strong
independent opinions and gaining a sense of maturity.


Part 1

Discussion Essay

Bp1 advantages

In recent years, the approach of using exams to access students has risen in popularity over
the alternative of continual assessments. This essay will highlight the benefits and the
drawbacks that result from such an approach.

To begin with the positives, a crucial advantage that examinations have as a form of
assessment is that they leave little room for cheating. This is because exams are usually
undertaken in the presence of an invigilator, whose job it is to detect any candidate
breaking the rules. In contrast, the continual assessment increases the risk of plagiarism
since the assignments are completed with the help of internet. Besides reducing cheating,
exams are more time efficient. As they tend to appear once or twice per year, they free up
more time for students to revise and prepare.

Nevertheless, assessing students via examinations does present some problems. For
instance, some students are extremely intelligent and creative, but when put under
pressure their minds can go blank. Considering that exams are situations of intensely high
pressure, it is no wonder that even the brightest of students perform poorly. Another
significant disadvantage of this system is the narrow range of information on which students
are tested on. Unlike with continual assessments, the small window of time in tests limits
how many questions can be asked, thus failing to test students’ knowledge in full.

In conclusion, although formal examinations are beneficial in terms of cutting out cheating
and improving efficiency, it is important to consider that they also harm students’
concentration and do not judge the students on an entirety of the syllabus.
To meet the increasing demands for oil and gas throughout the world, people/industrialists
think that it is important to tap the new resources in the far off and rural areas. Through this
essay I will explain advantages and disadvantages for the above-mentioned viewpoint and
how disadvantages outweigh the advantages.

With the increasing population throughout the world, demands for fuel such as gas and oil
on a surge. In the world there are various remote regions where there is abundance of oil
which can be extracted. Along with sophisticated machinery and well-educated miners it is
now easy to mine such areas which earlier wasn’t possible. As a result, a lot of households
would get continuous supple of gas and oil, prices for such fuel will also decrease and it will
aid in increasing industrial outputs.

On the other hand, these resources are limited and if not within next 2-3 years they will get
depleted by 10-30 years very easily. Due to which again scarcity of gas and oil will occur.
Over mining of fuels in remote areas and villages contributes to deforestation which results
into increase in air pollution and it also causes infertility to the nutrient rich soils. As a result,
it becomes difficult for farmers to grow crops and air pollutions results into poor air quality
along with some respiratory diseases.

In conclusion, although there are a lot of untouched fuel rich areas which can meet
immediate requirements of the public, but I feel disadvantages caused due to mining such
as increased air pollution and its detrimental effects on soil outweigh the advantages of
tapping resources from remote areas.
It is increasingly common for families to send their elderly relatives to live in nursing homes
rather than take care of them at home. This essay will highlight some benefits and
drawbacks that have resulted from this switch.

Looking firstly at the positives, a significant advantage is that care homes are often much
better equipped to deal with the demands of the elderly people than family homes. For
example, nursing homes do not usually have stairs, and for those which do, elevators need
to be installed. This means that typical mobility problems that tend to appear among old
people are taken care of. Not only this, but staff who work at nursing homes have been
professionally trained to manage the needs of elderly. It is rare for family members to
possess these skills.

However, care homes for the elderly also present some disadvantages, the most obvious of
which is the lack of loved ones around. Although it is possible for friends and relatives to
visit the nursing homes, these visits can be infrequent and loneliness is often the
consequence. To make matters worse, it has been shown that those who are lonely are at
greater risk of becoming depressed having their immune system weakened. Furthermore,
care homes are surrounded by illness and death. Such an environment is likely to decrease
happiness trigger severe depression.

In conclusion, despite of benefits of specially trained staff and well-equipped facilities that
nursing home can provide to the elderly, the drawbacks of loneliness and depression should
also be considered.
University education plays and important role in defining the career paths for the students.
While some people strongly believe that universities should only teach subjects which are
related to science and technology but others including myself believe that students should
be given freedom to the subjects of their choice.

Firstly, it is vital that universities equip our workforce with scientists, engineers and other
professionals that enable our society to progress. This is because a country without such
experts is a country without the means to plan, create and maintain essential features of
modern life. For instance, if we did not have university educated engineers, we would not
enjoy the public transport facilities or infrastructure like subways, metros and bridges. The
argument goes that if students are allowed to choose what they want to study, then there
will be a shortage of these important workers.

However, I believe that allowing students to choose what they want to study is the only way
to acquire motivated, passionate and a suitable professionals’. The reason for this is that
free choice people with sense of autonomy, and research has shown that autonomy is a
necessary catalyst for drive and enthusiasm. As a result, students have the motivation to
master their subject rather than merely aim for good enough. Conversely, if universities
force students into one category of study, then the drive to master their subject will

In conclusion, although universities continue to supply highly educated professionals in the

fields of science and technology, I feel it should be the students’ choice to choose the field
of education as it plays a crucial role to model their professional career.
These days people work day and night to buy their own house. Houses are gaining
popularity over the apartments. I feel that there are both pros and cons of staying in self
owned house rather than an apartment.

It is important to consider which type of accommodation people should live in. while some
believe it is better to live in an house, others see greater number of advantages to live in an
apartment. This essay will explain why I believe the drawbacks of staying in an house are
outweighed by the positives of staying in an apartment.

Considering firstly the negatives of houses, an important one is that this kind of
accommodation is less secure. This is because vast majority of houses are only protected by
a single or double lock on the front door, with occasionally a burglar alarm inside.
Furthermore, houses are usually single storey or double storey high which makes it easier
for the burglar to break into the house through windows. Contrast this with apartment
blocks, which have sophisticated cameras, security guards and other forms of security
services available.

However, the main advantage of living in a house is they are often more spacious and more
private. Houses typically have multiple rooms which provides more space for leisure and
relaxation. This also provides an advantage to especially joint families where a greater
number of rooms are required so that comfort of living, privacy and harmony is maintained
amongst the family members. Conversely, not only are flat generally smaller, but also they
are more noise as neighbors living in very close proximity.

In conclusion, I think the advantages of more space and privacy of living in a house
outweighs the disadvantages of less security while staying in an apartment.
Regular creation and integration of various protocols and regulations have led to various
changes in the way information is sent or received over the internet. This essay will explore
two major problems which have resulted due to these changes and propose some measures
which might address them.

One concern in terms of sharing information is that private data may now be more
vulnerable to hackers. This is because information is increasingly stored electronically rather
than physically, which means that it can be easily stolen by hacker for their personal gains.
Consequently, more new stories in today’s media relate to online security breaches as
compared to physical robberies. To tackle this issue, companies which handle sensitive
information must be legally required to install the strictest anti hacking software’s. This
should result in protection of such information making it less susceptible to hacking attacks.

Turning to the consumption of the information, one main problem is that much of the
information we read online is not true. Whereas in the past we read news articles form
established newspapers, nowadays anyone can publish information online in the form of
blogs or standalone website without having it verified. These false blogs or forums creates
misunderstandings and it can also lead to heated debates and disputes among various
sections of the society. This problem could be resolved if the backend team of any
information sharing sites hires fact checkers, whose job will be to validate the user’s articles
and provide permission only if more than 80% of the article is factually correct.

In conclusion, the major issues these days with respect to the consumption and sharing of
information over the internet are vulnerability of data and higher number of fake article on
the internet. These can simply be resolved by using sophisticated antiware software’s and
social media to start focusing on correctness of the information.
These days due to presence of sophisticated medical facilities in developed countries, the
average life expectancy is increasing in these rgions. This essay will discuss the issues raised
due to this increase at an individual and society level and further propose some measures to
mitigate these issues.

The main issue at an individual level will be the higher cost of living due to increase in life
expectancy. Old age comes along with various types of illness which requires specialized
medical attentions and requirement of sufficient fund. Shortage of funds during such
circumstances can create a lot of issues for an individual. To tackle such issues a government
can increase the age of retirement which would allow an individual to work more and save
more and overcome the problems of insufficient funds. This way citizens will be well
prepared for the old age and can lead a comfortable post retirement life.

As for societies, the higher number of people post retirement will increase the percentage
of unemployed population of a country. If the government implements the measure
proposed in the above paragraph, there will be increased number of people in the
workforce. This can lead to scarcity of jobs in the society for the younger generations who
will be eligible to enter the job market. To address this issue government can invest in
various technologies and new businesses in order to create more and more job
opportunities. This way most of the people will be a part of workforce thereby working
more and saving more money for a comfortable extended life.

In conclusion, due to increase in life expectancy there can issues such as higher cost of living
at and individual level and increased unemployment rates at a society level. Governments
can simply resolve these issues by increasing the retirement age across various professions
and by producing more jobs.
Generally, it is observed that in huge MNC’s and industries the directors earn way more
than the ordinary employees. While some people believe that this salary difference is not
fair whereas others support directors’ high salary. In this essay, I will discuss both sides of
the argument and explain my support for the latter view.

Salary differences in organizations is the prime reason for the demotivation among the
employees of a company. In a lot of MNC’s directors of the company usually get three times
to five times higher salary than the ordinary employees and sometimes this difference is
way more than this. As a consequence, the employees of the company don’t feel motivated
enough to give their 100% to the job and they don’t work to their maximum potential. This
results in companies hampered profits from a financial stand point and negative feedback
along with a lot of complaints from a customer review standpoint.

However, I feel directors are the backbone of any industry. They play crucial role for
formulating strategies for a company’s growth. Furthermore, directors have a rich work
experience and superb decision-making skills. They are answerable and are held responsible
for every significant action performed by them. In contrast, ordinary employees just have to
follow the work plan and instructions provided the directors without worrying much about
the impact that it might create for the company. This is why directors are paid more than
ordinary employees.
There is a view that a person’s culture and personality can be established simply by
recognizing the clothes that they wear. In my opinion, although one’s choice of clothes can
tell us about these traits, this is very rare as appearances are usually only informative up to
a point.

To begin with, it is important to acknowledge that the dress sense of many people is
reflective of their culture and interests. This is because in most of the cultures there is a
particular code for how to dress appropriately. For instance, if we see a man wearing an
expensive suit and carrying a briefcase, we can make a fair guess that he is seeped in
business culture. Because of these social symbols it is possible to quickly ascertain that
people live in one culture instead of other.

That said, there are often limits to how much we can discover just by looking at someone’s
clothes, especially when it comes to their character. After all, it is said that you should never
judge a book by its cover. To illustrate, a women dresses in all black may be judged to have
a depressed, morose personality as we associate such feelings with the color clack. However
it is more than possible that a women may be returning from a funeral or simple thinks she
looks good in black, and more importantly she has a happy and cheerful disposition.

In conclusion, while it is not impossible to actually gather accurate information about a

person’s background or character via their dress sense, there is a real danger of being
misled if we rely on method of assessment all the times.

One of the significant benefit of community service for high school students is that such
work prepares students for the professional world. This is important because students who
have no awareness of how the working world is like may be overwhelmed when it finally
comes around. For instance, a student who has experience of caring for the aged – a typical
community service task – will be more able to adapt to the needs of the elderly customers
in a working role than a one who does not. Thus, community work can give students more
confidence about life after education.

Nevertheless, ………. . This is because, …………. Consequently, this resentment

In Contrast,

In conclusion, although , I believe ,…… as it ….. .


Sales in any company is the main source of profit. Companies strategize and plan various
policies to increase their year-on-year sales. Through this essay I would like to highlight 2
major activities which companies can adopt to increase their sales.

The first and foremost task which companies can do is to hire adequate number of
experienced and qualified sales person. This is because salesperson are the ones who
personally visits clients and persuade them to buy the products. This will result in increased
sales figures and higher profits eventually. Companies should also organize regular training
sessions for the salesperson to keep them updated with the company’s new product
offerings and it’s features. This will certainly help salesperson to prepare their sales pitch
according and it will also help them to be confident in front of the clients.

Data is the new oil. I feel companies should give up the old gut feeling based analysis and
start analyzing their historic data with the help of technology such as python. Data analysis
help companies to understand their customer’s choices and buying patterns in a much
better way, which can eventually help the companies to formulate new sales strategies and
plan launch of new products with maximized sales. For instance, an AC company analyzed
its historic sales data and observed that the maximum sales for the past 20 years was done
in the month on May for each year. Companies leveraged this analytical outcome by
introducing new models and discount deals in the may month to attract more customers
and as a result they observed a 20% surge in sales for that particular year.

In conclusion, a well-trained sales person can definitely help to increase the sales of a
company but I feel for companies’ data analytics and predictive modelling is an efficient way
to understand their customers behavior and accordingly formulate a sales plan to increase
the numbers of sales.
These days schools are incorporating foreign languages as a mandatory part of their
curriculum and forcing students to study and learn the same. However, I feel foreign
languages should be made optional and only the interested students should learn them.

At young age students have a tendency to absorb more knowledge at faster pace. Thus, I
feel students should invest their time studying important subjects such as mathematics,
science, business, finance etc. according to their will and one native language, as it will help
them land a great job and secured future. These skills demand more time and great amount
of practice to master them. In contrary, foreign languages can be learnt at a much later
stage of life such as an elective during graduation or can be taken as a part time professional
course along with the current job.

According to the recent research only 10-20% people leave their country to settle in some
other foreign country which a different language. So, I feel if different foreign languages are
made compulsory in schools, it will not benefit majority of the pupil. Instead, pupil who
don’t want to settle to any foreign land must focus on other professional skills which can
help them achieve their goals. For instance, a student who aspire to be a software developer
must invest his time to master a programming language and practice competitive coding in
lieu of learning a foreign language which will not help him in any way.

In conclusion, anything forced on someone doesn’t offer desired results in most of the
cases. Hence, I feel that no specific subjects should be enforced on students and instead
they should be made independent to choose subjects as per their area of interests.
It is perceived that through economic development many countries can improve the
standards of living for its citizens. While others believe that social values get affected due to
the economic development. In this essay, I will discuss both sides of the argument and show
my support for the latter view.

There is no doubt that economic developments lead to better public facilities such as
improved education system and better health infrastructure. With sophisticated medical
facilities people can be treated for various diseases which in turn helps to improve the life
expectancy of the citizens. Developed and upgraded education system will ensure that more
and more children have easy access to schools and universities. As a result of which literacy
rate of the country will increase and it will have highly educated youth for the better future
of the nation. Thus, economic developments lead to a better living standard for the citizens.

However, while economic developments can have a great impact for the citizens, it is true
that social values get affected due to this. Increased economic growth leads to longer hours
of work. Parents get too engrossed in their jobs as a result of which they are not able to pay
adequate attention towards their children. Due to decreased supervision of the parents,
children tend to get swayed away towards wrong habits such a smoking and drinking due to
the peer pressure.

In conclusion, even though improved economies means better public amenities such as
improved education and health services but I feel that these advantages are outweighed by
the negative impacts on families and society as a whole due to these developments.
Now days advertisements are persuading people to do similar things or follow similar trends
as a result of which people are losing their individuality. Through this essay I would like to
present arguments supporting the same.

These days advertisements are so attractive and persuasive that it instantly attracts
attention of masses. As a result, a lot of people start following one single trend. For
instance, recently there was an advertisement displaying ripped jeans from knees, thigh
area etc. by a very famous clothing brand. Within no time it impacted a lot of youth and mid
aged professionals in such a way that every third person in a shopping mall was wearing a
ripped jeans. Even the well educated people who used to wear normal jeans got caught with
the new trend and changed their attire.

Recently, there was an advertisement from a company which produces various music
accessories. It displayed a very handsome muscular man and a quite an attractive woman
wearing Bluetooth earphone while working out in gym and travelling. Due to this
advertisement, a lot of people purchased these earphones and started wearing them while
commuting to work or traveling. This led to a lot of road accidents as people were listening
to high volume music even while crossing the roads and they could not hear the sound of
horns from the vehicles.

In conclusion, companies are getting successful in generating advertisements which are so

convincing in such a way that huge number of people start following similar trends so start
doing same things due to which they lose out on their individuality.
Some people follow the ideology of be their own boss by setting up their own ventures and
businesses, while others think that there is a huge risk factor in terms of finance and added
stress in the same. Through this essay I will discuss both pros and cons for the above
argument and show my support for the latter view.

These days it is becoming very common for young and mid aged professionals to setting up
their own startups and businesses. This is because, while working in their own venture,
people don’t have to answerable to their bosses as they are working for themselves.
Additionally, people have liberty to work on the timelines which are suitable to them and
they are not required to fill any detailed timesheets in order to prove to their bosses how
much they have worked in a week’s time. As a result, individuals become more independent
in terms of working in their own styles and they are answerable to themselves for their

However, I feel it is really hectic and tiring to work in a startup mode as compared to a
typical hierarchical office structure. This is because, an individual company or business
requires huge amount of capital investment and people have to be very cautious and
strategic in terms of investing and using capital for their business because it is either their
own money or money arranged from a loan, thus it’s a financially risky affair. Furthermore,
working individually can be really stressful as in such working structure teams are usually
small and people have to do multitasking. In contrast, working in huge MNC’s have an added
advantage of huge teams and a proper delegation of tasks.

In conclusion, although pursuing your own business has an advantage of no boss and a
flexible work schedule, I feel that these advantages are outweighed by the advantages of
working in an organized structure company such as lesser stress and a stable financial
Unpaid community service is considered to be extremely beneficial for teenagers as it will
help them gain confidence and prepare them for their future endeavors. With the help of
this essay, I would like present a few arguments in support of this viewpoint.

First and foremost, advantage of unpaid community service is that it helps in developing
people skills. While working in community service pupils have to come across people of
different age groups and understand their needs and finally cater them with full honesty.
For example, if a student who had done community works gets a job of a salesman in a huge
super market, it will be really easy for this student to have conversation with different kinds
of customers and guide them accordingly. He will prove to be a very valuable employee and
a profit generating employee for his employer.

Secondly, skills such as punctuality and responsibility are developed in individuals who do
community work. This is because, students have to reach for their shifts on time as they
have been trusted upon with specific duties. Furthermore, students also have to be really
responsible with their duties and perform them with very little or no errors. These skills are
highly appreciable in a professional working environment and such kind of employees who
are punctual and meet the deadlines regularly with flawless deliverables usually climb the
ladder of success at a very fast pace. As a result, community will get an honest and
hardworking professional.

In conclusion, I think the benefits such as people skills, punctuality and becoming more
responsible which comes from performing unpaid community service is highly beneficial for
a teenager to face the upcoming professional world.
The need of the hour is to is to curb the constantly growing number road accidents. Some
people argue that this can be achieved by increasing the minimum legal age for driving cars
and motorcycles. With the help of this essay, I would like to present a few arguments
against this viewpoint.

I feel that road fatalities are not age specific and it can happen with people of diverse age
groups. This is because carelessness while driving and not obeying the rules is much greater
problem and a major factor behind the same. For example, recently my uncle who is 45
years old was driving his car on the wrong side of the road in order to save some time to
reach to his destination. A motorcycle ran into my uncle’s car as the motorcyclist was not
expecting a car coming in the wrong direction, by the time they both applied brakes it was
too late. As a result, not obeying traffic rules is a major cause for road causalities.

These days technological advancements are taking place in almost all the sectors of
economy as upgraded gadgets aids in more efficient way of working. Governments should
also consider to upgrade their ancient road safety equipment’s and replace them with new
HD cameras and speed sensors. The speed sensors will be able to immediately track the
vehicles which are moving beyond the speed limits and HD cameras can click the picture of
the number plates of the vehicle so that and automated fine receipt can be sent to the
driver’s home address.

In conclusion, I feel reducing the legal age for driving is not the solution, instead
governments should introduce more stricter traffic rules along with install technically
advanced equipment’s on the roads to minimize road accidents.
These days work life balance have become just a theoretical concept and it’s missing in
professional’s everyday life. This essay will discuss problems related to maintaining proper
balance between professional and personal life and provide some solutions for the same.

In the today’s work culture, irrational and impossible expectations are being set by
managers from their employees. Bosses expect their team members to be multi-talented,
hardworking, 100% efficient with their tasks and always adhere to all the deadlines for
submissions. To fulfill all these expectations, people tend to work overtime, skip social
functions and spend minimal quality time with their families. To tackle this, workers should
correct the expectations of their seniors and get project plans with realistic timelines
approved from their bosses beforehand so that they work in a structured manner and in
parallel take-out time for their loved ones and personal life.

Another significant issue with regards to maintaining work life balance is poor labor laws.
Due to unavailability of stringent policies to protect the rights of employees, employers tend
to exploit their workers and force them to work more. To resolve this, government should
provide strict guidelines for labor laws and appoint sufficient officials, whose task will be to
enforce these laws in each and every professional sectors. Workers should also form strong
unions and perform strikes or protest against all these irrational companies who exploit is
workforce and are inhuman towards them.

In conclusion, poor labor laws and unrealistic expectations of the companies from their
employees to deliver perfect work within very small timelines makes it impossible for
people to have work life balance. Workers should stand together and raise voice against
such culture, also government should produce efficient labor laws to address this issue.
It is argued in the past people used to make efficient use of their free time, but nowadays
people spend most of it for non-productive activities. I completely agree with this argument
and through this essay I will provide a few arguments in favor of the same.

These days people across all age groups are on some kind of social media such as Instagram,
Twitter, Facebook etc. These platforms are so addictive that people spend hours on these
apps and almost spend their entire free time scrolling through various posts or small
entertainment videos known as “Reels”. According to latest research, around 40% youth
between the age of 15 to 35, on an average spend 50 mins scrolling through social media
during their free time at night before going to bed. In contrast, earlier people used to spend
the same time either for night walks or spending some quality time with their families.

Nowadays people also spend majority of their free time playing video games or binge-
watching TV series on various OTT platforms. As a result, people get various health issues
such as severe back aches, weekend eye muscles and poor immune system. Conversely,
during the past times people used to play outdoor physical sports such as cricket, football,
etc. or perform yoga which helped them develop strong immune systems, increased
stamina and a good body posture.

In conclusion, earlier generations made an efficient use of their leisure time by doing
physical exercises or by spending time with their loved ones but on the other hand the
current generation is doing the complete opposite.

The bar graph illustrates the amount of expenditure on the seafood imports done by US
during the years 1986, 1996, and 2016 along with predicted value for 2026. Pie chart below
depicts country-wise bifurcation for the year 2016.

Overall, it is clear from the graph that the spend for the seafood import observed an
increasing trend from 1986 to 2016. However, it is predicted that these spends will fall in
2026. In 2016, US’s biggest importer was China.

US seafood import spend surged from 6 billion USD in 1986 to 20 billion USD in 2016. As per
the analytical forecasts, it is believed that this value will plumet to approximately 18 billion
USD by 2026.

For the year 2016, US’s largest importer was China (contributing to 28% of the import)
followed by Thailand (23%), Canada (16%) and Indonesia (11%). Another interesting fact is
that, US imported in equal amounts from Ecuador (8%) and Vietnam (8%). The rest 6% was
imported from other miscellaneous countries.

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