Developing Media of Mathematics Learning Based Problems Based Learning

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14 Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika Vol. 6 No.

7 Tahun 2017



Oleh: Rofiah Yusuf1), Murdanu, M.Pd.2)

FMIPA Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

This research was about development research that had purpose to make product and describe
the quality of product that must fulfill aspect of validity, practicality, and effectiveness. The product
consisted of student worksheet and visual aid (frame of line and angel) based on Problem Based
Learning approach to learn mathematics material about line and angle especially in basic competence
3.13 and 4.13 for 7th grade of junior high school.
This development research used Plomp methods with 5 phases such as phase of preliminary
investigation, phase of design, phase of realization or construction, phase of test, evaluation, and
revision, and phase of implementation. Subject of this research was 32 students of 7th grade of junior
high school 1 Mlati with 90,62% of students passed school grade value, it meaned learning objectives
were achieved.
The result of this development research were: (1) product was valid to help students learn
about line and angle, basic competence 3.13 and 4.13; (2) product was practise to help teacher and
students in learning process; (3) product was effective with achieved of learning objectives. This
product was valid, practice, and effective so it could be implemented in learning process.
Key words: line and angle, worksheet and visual aid (frame of line and angle), Problem Based
Learning, Plomp methods.

INTRODUCTION achievement of students's understanding

Education is a conscious and well- of the material taught in the school. Based
planned effort to create an atmosphere of on the curriculum of 2013, there are some
learning and learning process so that materials that must be understood by the
students are actively developing their students according to the level of
potential to have spiritual spiritual power, education, for the VII grade junior high
self-control, personality, intelligence, school (SMP) even semester, there is the
noble character , and skills needed by material about line and angle which is one
them, society, nation and state (UU No. 20 of the basic competences of geometry that
in year 2003 about National Education must be mastered by students. The
System). To create an education that can material is also a prerequisite for
develop self-potential of every student in understanding the next basic geometric
school, it is necessary to hold a fun competence material, such as: identifying
learning activity, innovative, and can triangular properties based on the sides
improve student learning activities. and angles, identifying rectangular
Successful education can be demonstrated properties, determining the angle of
by several indicators, one of which is the planeg anometry and solid geometry,
Developing Media of Learning….(Rofiah Yusuf) 15

determining the same angles of the instructional media such as student

concept of congruence, and determining worksheet with assisted props in teaching
same the angles of the concept of the subject matter to the students. student
similarity. Thus, if students do not worksheet used are student worksheet
understand the material about line and taken from books that have been provided
angle well, students will have difficulty from the government, although student
when studying the basic concept of the worksheet taken from book have been
next material of geometry. adjusted with curriculum 2013, not all
The role of teachers in the learning students are able to understand what is
process is very important, teachers are presented in student worksheet. The
expected to create a conducive material written in the book, explained
atmosphere of learning, innovative and directly followed by examples of
fun for students. Students are expected to problems and alternative solutions.
understand the material given so as to Students are asked to read and understand
apply it in various mathematical problems. the explanation of the material first
Learning materials can be understood by independently, followed by analyzing the
students, if the learning materials are existing problems in the book along with
taught and presented well using media of alternative solutions already listed in it,
learning that can help students to then the students are directed to work on
understand it. But in practice, not all the problem of existing exercises .
learning in the school goes as expected, Nevertheless, students have not been able
there are many things that cause the to capture what is described in the book,
learning does not run properly, one of students need steps where they can
which is teachers use media of learning in explore and analyze the taught material by
the learning process rarely. This is in conducting real experiments that improve
accordance with the statement from their understanding of the material being
Sudjana (2002: 2) that the appropriate studied. This concrete experiment can be
media of learning can attract student's done using various visual aids in
attention so it will improve their classroom, one of which is props which
motivation to learn. will be developed in this research to
Based on the results of understand the material about angular
researcher’s observation when practice of relationship formed from two parallel
teaching (PPL) in SMPN 1 Mlati, lines cut by transversal line.
mathematics teachers still rarely use
16 Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika Vol. 6 No. 7 Tahun 2017

In addition, to help students student-centered approach by using

understand the material, it is also problem-based learning approach (PBL) .
necessary use the learning approach But in practice, teachers in SMPN 1 Mlati
adjusted to the needs of the students. Now rarely use other learning approaches
curriculum 2013 is implemented in because the teacher still uses a purely
schools focuses in student-centered scientific approach with the steps already
learning which the activity of students in stated in the book to teach the material to
the class is very preferred. Although the students in the class so that the teachers do
teacher only acts as a facilitator in not try yet to collaborate the scientific
learning, the teacher still guides and approach with various learning approach
accompanies the students of each activity such as problem based learning (PBL). As
in the classroom. Many teaching mentioned earlier , the curriculum 2013
approaches can be used by teachers in does not restrict teachers from choosing
each lesson to facilitate students to learning approach, the most importan is
actively participate in the classroom . One that the applied learning approach can
of them using problem-based learning improve student's understanding and
approach, where problem-based learning activeness. Therefore, the use of problem
is abbreviated as PBL is a learning based learning (PBL) in learning needs to
approach that begins with the presentation be improved to facilitate students in order
of problems that are designed relevant to to learn more independently and actively
the material being studied. This PBL in the classroom.
approach directs students to active in Based on the information of
learning based on the problems presented. mathematics’s teachers in SMPN1 Mlati,
However, in realization the PBL approach the material about line and angle is one of
is still rarely applied in school that now the difficult materials to be understood by
has implemented the curriculum 2013. students. Many students have difficulties
SMPN 1 Mlati is one of schools to understand the concepts of line and
that has been using the curriculum 2013 angle, such as: determining the
based on scientific approach and began to relationships between angles formed from
be applied in class VII of the academic two parallel lines cut by transverse lines,
year 2016/2017. The scientific approach is determining the angular alignment,
the characteristic of the curriculum 2013 differentiating angle types, and solving the
can be applied in the learning process by mathematical problems associated with
collaborating scientific approach with concepts of line and angle. The difficulties
Developing Media of Learning….(Rofiah Yusuf) 17

of the students in understanding the the angular relationship as a result of two

material of line and angle are also shown parallel lines cut by the transverse line.
on the percentage of mastering Based on the text above, to
mathematics exam subjects of junior high improve the expected learning process and
school academic year 2014/2015 about improve students' understanding of the
solving problems related to the material lines and angles, it is necessary to
relationship of two lines: large angle with develop an interesting learning media and
the following results; At the school level facilitate students in learning. Therefore,
of SMPN 1 Mlati 49,21% students can researchers intend to create a product that
solve the problem of line and angle, at the can serve as a learning medium for
level of Sleman city as much as 43,46% students in learning the material lines and
students can solve the problem of line and angles. This study is limited to conceptual
angle, at provincial level of Yogyakarta and problem-solving materials related to
counted 41,88% can solve the problem of angular relationships as a result of two
lines and angles, and at the national level parallel lines cut by transverse lines. So
as much as 44.55% students can solve the the basic competencies used are 3.13 and
problem of lines and angles. From the 4.13. Products developed in the form of
result of the percentage of the number of student worksheets equipped with props to
students who are able to solve the support the learning process. Student
problems of the lines and angles on the worksheet is expected to help the students
national exam of 2014/2015 in all four to move in order to understand the
levels, the average is 44.77%. concept, by manipulating the props given.
This indicates that more than 50% Given the need to develop
of students in SMP Negeri 1 Mlati, at mathematics learning media on line and
district level of Sleman, province of corner materials, researchers will develop
Yogyakarta, and nationally have not learning media in the form of student
mastered the line and angle materials worksheet and props using problem based
especially in the matter of determining the learning (PBL) approach. Learning media
size of the angle or the straightener developed will be tested in SMPN 1 Mlati
formed from two intersecting lines. The to find out whether the learning media can
concept of determining the angular be applied in school or not. After the test
alignment of the two intersecting lines is a results are done, revision of instructional
part of the line and angle material studied media will be made in accordance with
in basic competence 3.13 and 4.13 about the results of the trial evaluation
18 Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika Vol. 6 No. 7 Tahun 2017

conducted at SMPN 1 Mlati. Learning Subject of Research

media developed, applicable in schools if
The subjects of this research were
they meet valid, practical, and effective
32 students of class VII at SMPN 1 Mlati,
criteria, this is in accordance with the
Sleman, Yogyakarta. The research was
statement Nieveen (1999: 24).
conducted in 2nd semester of academic
The purpose of this research
year 2016/2017 in March-April 2017.
development is to produce learning media
of mathematics in the form of student Procedure of Research

worksheet and props based on problem The development procedure used

based learning (PBL) approach and to in this research is development procedures
know the level of feasibility of media of developed by Plomp (1997 : 5) consisting
mathematics learning that developed. of preliminary investigation phase, design
phase, realization or construction phase,
RESEARCH METHOD test, evaluation, and revision (test ,
Type of Research evaluation , and revision )phase, and
Type of research used is research implementation phase.
development. Based on Van den Akker
In the preliminary investigation
(1999: 3-5) the purpose of development
phase conducted at the beginning of the
research can be seen from various
research, the researcher analyzed and
perspectives that can not be separated. If
searched for information related to school
viewed from the perspective of media and
activities to identify problems that will be
technology, the purpose of this research is
found solution to solve the problem. The
to increase the variation in the learning
results of analysis in this phase are
process so that learning becomes more
intended to analyze the gap between the
dynamic and learning objectives more
desired competence and the competencies
easily achieved. The products are
held now. Analysis of the initial
developed by the researcher as the media
investigation is obtained from
of mathematics learning based on the
observations, literature studies, and
problem based learning approach such as
teacher interviews.
student worksheet with the props shaped
frame of line and angle to learn the In the design phase, the researcher
materials in basic competence 3.13 and determines the problem solving or finds a
4.13 for the seventh grade students of solution to solve the problems that have
junior high school. been raised in the preliminary
Developing Media of Learning….(Rofiah Yusuf) 19

investigation phase. The problem solving testing or validation of the product to

that is chosen by the researcher is to create know the quality of media of learning
mathematics learning media in the form of from validity aspect. The validation of the
student worksheet and props of frame of product is done after the student
line and angle that can support the worksheet and the props are prepared,
learning process. At this stage, researcher have been discussed together with the
designs the content and layout of student supervisor. Validation of this product is
worksheet and the props first that based done by requesting assessment,
on the learning objectives to be achieved. suggestion, or opinion from expert
The purpose of this learning in accordance lecturers and teachers on developed media
with indicators of achievement of of learning. Then, validation results are
competencies that have been designed by evaluated and revised in accordance with
researcher. ratings, suggestions, or opinions of expert
lecturers and teachers before being
In the realization or construction
applied in the class.
phase, the researcher creates a pre-
designed learning media. Developing In the implementation phase is
props of designed materials and materials, done by conducting trial media of learning
creating student worksheet with pre- involving 32 students of class VII B,
designed designs, starting from cover, SMPN 1 Mlati. The purpose of this trial is
layout, and contents. In addition, the to know the results of student learning
researcher also made an instrument using media of learning. After the learning
evaluation that used to determine the is done, empirical testing is done to know
quality of developed media of learning. the quality of the media from the aspect of
Instrument evaluation used in this effectiveness and practicality. Therefore,
research are media assessment sheets, given the test at the end of the learning to
learning result tests, teacher assessment determine the achievement of learning
sheets, and observation sheets. Student objectives (knowing the quality of
worksheet, props structures, and learning media from the aspect of
instrument evaluation are described in the effectiveness). In addition , teachers also
next section in the instrument of research. provide an assessment of the use of media
of learning by filling out the teacher's
In test phase, evaluation, and
assessment sheet to determine the quality
revision (test , evaluation , and revision)
of media of learning from the aspect of
phases, the researcher performs theoretical
20 Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika Vol. 6 No. 7 Tahun 2017

practicality. The practicality of media of media of learning by expert lecturers and

learning is also supported by the results of class teachers, observation sheets of
teacher and student interviews on media instructional implementation, test of
of learning that had been applied in the learning outcomes, teacher assessment
class. sheets after learning media used, and
interview guidelines for teacher and
Types of Data
There are 3 types of data from this
Technic of Data Analysis
research, namely: (1) product
effectiveness data, this data in terms of the Data of research obtained, then
feasibility of content and conformity with analyzed to determine the quality or level
the problem based learning approach of eligibility of learning media developed
obtained from the assessment sheet filled according to Nieveen (1999 : 24), where
by expert lecturers and class teachers; (2) the media of learning can be used well in
product practicality data, this data is the class if it meets the valid, practical,
obtained from the teacher's assessment and effective criteria. Media of learning
sheet and supported by the result of declared valid, if the results of the
student and teacher interview about the assessment of expert lecturers and
product in the form of instructional media teachers stated that the media is worth a
that have been use . Product is considered trial in school. Media of learning is
practical if the product can help and considered practical, if it allows teachers
facilitate teachers and students in the and students to do easily in learning
learning process; (3) product effectiveness process. Media of learning declared
data, this data is obtained by analyzing effective, if the learning objectives are
student learning result obtained from achieved that is indicated by the
written test result conducted at the end of percentage mastery of learning
research. The product is considered achievement of at least 70%. Percentage
effective if the percentage of of learning of learning achievement (P) can be
achievement obtained at least 70%. searched using the following formula:

Instruments of Research = 100

The instruments of research used

Students are said to be completed when
are student worksheet, frame of line and
obtaining a score that already meets the
angle as props, assessment sheets of
applicable KKM at school that is 70.
Developing Media of Learning….(Rofiah Yusuf) 21

Mlati, there are 29 completed students. So

RESULT AND DISCUSSION that the percentage of learning
The results of this research are : achievement (P) can be searched by the
(1) Student worksheet and the props as formula:
frame of line and angle based on problem
= 100
based learning approach; (2) The result of
learning media validation obtained from
= 100% = 90,62%
the assessment sheet of the learning media
Media of learning is effective if the
by the expert lecturer and the class teacher
percentage of learning achievement
stated that the learning media is worthy to
obtained at least 70%. From the
be tested in the class with some revisions.
calculation above to find the value of P,
So it can be said that the learning media is
obtained percentage of learning
valid, for the results of revision that has
achievement (P) to 90.62% . Thus, the
been done presented in the attachment F2;
media of mathematics learning is effective
(3) Result of learning achievement test is
and can be applied in SMPN 1 Mlati; (4)
29 completed students from 32 students
The result of the teacher's assessment after
who takethe test. Here are the results of of
the learning media is used is the teacher
learning achievement test:
feel that it helps in teaching the material
Descriotion Result of line and angle, then after doing
Mean 90,38 interview with teacher and student,
Median 98 reasearch get result that teacher and
Modus 100 student can use use the media of learning
Deviation 14,10 easily, so the results of interview can be
Standard said that the learning media is practical
Highest Score 100 KKM=70 because it helps teachers and students in
Lowest Score 46 learning.
Incompleted 3 Based on the results of validation,
Students students the results of application of media in
Completed 29 schools, the results of learning
Students students achievement, the results of the assessment
by teachers, and the results of interviews
with teacher and students can be seen that
Based on the table, it can be seen that
from 32 students of class VII B, SMPN 1
22 Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika Vol. 6 No. 7 Tahun 2017

the media of learning has valid, practical, Suggestion

and effective criteria. Based on research that has been
done, suggestions that can be submitted to
CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION researchers and the other researchers who
Conclusion are interested in this research is that
Based on this research researchers should be more in-depth study
development which media of mathematics of problem-based learning approach and
learning in the form as student worksheet its application in real learning. As
and the props frame line and angle based researcher also do that for self-
on problem based learning approach to development. Due to the experiment of
learn the materials in basic competence media in this research only done in one
3.13 and 4.13 for students of grade VII in class at SMPN 1 Mlati. Researcher also
SMPN 1 Mlati, obtained the following suggested to researchers who will develop
conclusion: the media of learning can conduct trials in
1. The media of mathematics learning is the field with a wider scale .
valid or feasible to be used as a learning
tool for students of grade VII junior high
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