Negatif Signal

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--(N)--: Set operand on negative signal edge (S7-1200, S7-1500)

--(N)--: Set operand on negative signal edge

You can use the "Set operand on negative signal edge" instruction to set a specified oper-
and (<Operand1>) when there is a "1" to "0" change in the result of logic operation (RLO).
The instruction compares the current RLO with the RLO from the previous query, which is
saved in the edge memory bit (<Operand2>). If the instruction detects a change in the RLO
from "1" to "0", there is a negative signal edge.
The negative signal edge is queried each time the instruction executes. When a negative
signal edge is detected, <Operand1> is set to signal state "1" for one program cycle. In all
other cases, the operand has the signal state "0".
You specify the operand (<Operand1>) to be set in the operand placeholder above the in-
struction. Specify the edge memory bit (<Operand2>) in the operand placeholder below the

Modification of the address of the edge memory bit
The address of the edge memory bit must not be used more than once in the program,
otherwise the bit memory is overwritten. This step influences the edge evaluation and
the result is therefore no longer unique. The memory area of the edge memory bit has to
be located in a DB (static area for FB) or in the bit memory area.

The following table shows the parameters of the instruction "Set operand on negative sig-
nal edge":

Parameter Declaration Data type Memory area Description

<Oper- Operand which is set by

Output BOOL I, Q, M, D, L
and1> a negative edge.
InOut BOOL I, Q, M, D, L Edge memory bit

The following example shows how the instruction works:

Operand "TagOut" is set for one program cycle, when the signal state at the input of the
coil switches from "1" to "0" (negative signal edge). In all other cases, the operand "Tag-
Out" has the signal state "0".
For more information and the program code to the above named example, refer to: Sam-
ple Library for Instructions

--(N)--: Set operand on negative signal edge (S7-1200, S7-1500)

See also
Overview of the valid data types
Memory areas (S7-1500)
Basic information on LAD
Memory areas (S7-1200)


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