Oral Comm. Act 1&2 Pt. #3

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Directions: Explain why there is communication breakdown in the given situations.

Write the answer on a whole sheet of paper.

1. Jay and Michelle started talking about their plans on Christmas Vacation when their
classmate, Moy, interrupted them.

Because Moy suddenly interrupted the conversation between Jay and Michelle that resulted in
not passing the message to each other.

2. “Mama, I will buy this cake for you. I am very sure that you will like its taste. It’s from our
favorite cake store!”

It was a communication breakdown because her mama did not reply to what she was saying.

3. You spent the night thinking and analyzing why a student from another class talked to you on
your way home.

There's a communication breakdown because you don't know why you did something, and why
they're talking to you.

4. Livy encounters a participant who is very eager to share with others her views and opinions.
She does this without asking permission.

There is a communication barrier because of different views and opinions that the participant
shares without asking permission.

5. In some Asian countries, direct eye contact is considered disrespectful and rude. In others, it
is a must.

There is a communication breakdown because in communicating there should be eye contact

but because of the culture of some Asian countries it is considered disrespectful and rude.

Directions: Explain your understanding of the given questions. Write the answer on a
whole sheet of paper.

1. What is communication breakdown?

- Communication Breakdown happens when the transmitted message is not understood
exactly by the receiver.
2. What are the barriers to communication?
- Physical Barrier, Psychological Barrier, Cultural Barrier, Linguistic Barrier.
3. Why does breakdown of communication occur?
- Communication breakdown occurs if there is wrong perception by the receiver.
Interview some people and ask them about a past communication breakdown they have
experienced and what was its cause. Dramatize the situation. Be sure to be guided by
the following questions:

A. Who were the persons involved?

- Her and her friend
B. What was the situation?
- They had an agreement and one day, one of them decided to break the
agreement. When they met, she told her that she wanted to break the agreement
and from what she remembered, her friend agreed on it. Then one day she
realized that they had not been speaking to each other ever since. Then she
talked to her about it and her friend said that she thought the reason for breaking
the agreement was because she didn’t want to be friends anymore. That's why
she decided to not talk to her ever since, since she also didn’t want to force
herself to be friends with her. “She said se\he just doesn’t want to bother me
anymore”, she said.
C. When did the communication breakdown happen?
- Last year
D. What were the barriers to communication?
- They had the barrier of emotion. Emotional Barrier and Internal noises.
E. What happened due to the communication breakdown?
- They ended up not talking to each other since it is awkward for them both.

Persons Involved Situation Time of Barrier/s to Result

Communication Communication

Pronie and Jocelyn Pronie decided Last year, when Emotional Barriers They ended up
(Friends) to break the they met. Internal noises not talking to
agreement they each other.
both made for
each other.

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