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Cinderella Script

Narrator (LYN) – Once upon a time in a faraway land there was a tiny
kingdom that was peaceful, prosperous, and rich in romance and tradition.
There, in a stately château, lived a widowed gentleman with his ltte daughter,
Cinderella. A kind and devoted father, he gave his beloved child every luxury
and comfort. Still, he felt she needed a mother’s care, and so he married
again. For his second wife he chose a woman of good family with two
daughters just like Cinderella’s age: by name, Anastasia and Drizella.
It was upon untimely death of this goodma, however, that the stepmother’s
true nature was revealed-cold, cruel, and bitterly jealous of Cinderella’s
charm and beauty. She was grimly determined to forward the interests by her
own two awkward daughters.
As time went by, château fell into disrepair. The family fortunes were
squandered upon the vain and selfish stepsisters while Cinderella was forced
to become a servant in her own home.
Yet through it all, Cinderella remained ever gentle and kind. With each and
every dawn she found new hope that someday her dreams of happiness would
come through…..
Ever since the death of her beloved father, Cinderella have been
treated like a slave by her jealous stepmother-Lady Tremaine-and her nasty
stepsisters, Anastasia and Drizella. They order her around, dressed her in
rags, and forced her to do all their household chores.

Anastasia (Avie) – Cinderella!!

- Go get my clothes and do the laundry!

Drizella (Lyn) – Get us some tea too!!

Cinderella (Rogelio) – Coming!!

Narrator (LYN) – Cinderella Prepare the tea and prepare the baket for the
Lady Tremaine (Maylyn) – Cinderella darling get me some tea.

Cinderella (Rogelio) – Coming Mother..

Narrator (LYN) – Cinderella gave the tea to her stepmother and do all the
On the next day, Meanwhile inside of the Castle Grand
Duke talk to the king about the prince wedding.

King (Mark) – It’s the right time for my son to got married and settled down.

Ofcourse your majesty but we must be patient.

King (Mark) – I am patient!

– But im not getting any younger.
– You know I want to see my grandchildren before I go.

Narrator (LYN) – The Kinf Calmed down and continued sadly.

King (Mark) – You don’t know what it means to see your only child grow
older and farther away from you.

Ok, Ok.
– But sire. In matters of love.

King (Mark) – Love?! What is Love?!

– Just a boy meeting a girl under the right conditions.

Narrator (LYN) – Grand duke suggested to the king to arrange th ball open
for all the maidens in the kingdom the king hesitate first but suddenly agree
the king immideatly other the messenger man to give all invitation letters in
all the house all over the kingdom. While Swepping the floor Cinderella
receive the message and tell it to her stepmother and stepsisters.
Lady Tremaine (Maylyn) – Cinderella! I’ve warned you!
– Never Interrupt us!

Cinderella (Rogelio) – But this just arrive from the palace.

Anastasia (Avie) – From the Palace?!!

Narrator (LYN) – Drizella demand, she grab the letter from Cinderella but
Anastasia grab it too they fight for it. Lady Tremain stop them and read the

Anastasia and Drizella (Avie & Lyn) – A Ball?!

Lady Tremaine (Maylyn) – Yes a ball! And the prince will chose a maiden
and marry her.

Cinderella (Rogelio) – Mother can I come?

Anastasia (Avie) – Oh no! Your not!

Cinderella (Rogelio) – But why?

Lady Tremaine (Maylyn) – You can come if all the chores is done.

Cinderella (Rogelio) – Okay Mother!

Narrator (LYN) – A few minutes later Cinderella rummaged through the

trunk at the foot of her bed and pulled out a cloud of pink bright silk

Cinderella (Rogelio) – Isn’t it lovely?

Gus (Lance) – It is beautiful

Blossom (Adrian) – Yes it is! But it is old fashioned

Narrator (LYN) – Blossom grab a book and she look at the designs.

Luke (Jevsson) – Oh! This one! This is beautiful!

Jaq (Nath) – Yeah it is true with the sash and a ruffle it will looks like brand

Narrator (LYN) – Cinderella! A Angry voice persisted the 3 mice and 2 birds
decide to fix Cinderella’s dress.
- Her Stepmother and Stepsisters gives her more chores.
- You can see how heart breaking she is.
- Meanwhile the animals almost finish her gown.
- And the carriage arrive.
- When her two stepsisters saw her dress the torn it.
- So Cinderella wouldn’t attend the ball.
Blinded by tears Cinderella crying out under the shadow and there is a
woman appeared asking her what happened and she told the lady about it.
And the lady said she can fix it.

Cinderella (Rogelio) – There is no use!

That’s not true believe in me!

Narrator (LYN) – The fairy god mother wave its wand fix her dress and
turned the pumpkin in to a carriage and her little friend turned in to 2 horses
and 1 coachman! The place was filled in magic.

But in all dreams, I’m afraid this one can’t last

forever. You’ll have only until midnight, and then,-
Cinderella (Rogelio) – Midnight! Oh thankyou! But what if my mother
recognize me??

Here im sure they wont recognize you.

- Take care!

Narrator (LYN) – And they go straight in to the ball. Cinderella just got thee
in time. And she was overwhelmed by the beauty and graduer of the palace.
And the prince notice her. He ask her if she wants to dance and she happily
agreed. While the couple is dancing everyone was staring at the two. Lady
Tremaine and her two daughters trying to see the face of Cinderella.

Anastasia (Avie) – Who is she mother?

Drizella (Lyn) – She seems so familiar. I’ve seen her before.

Narrator (LYN) – Lady Tremaine watch the couple with narrow eyes. They
continued dancing towards the garden and they have small talks.

Prince Kit (Blas) – What is your name?

Narrator (LYN) – And the first stroke of clock starts.

Cinderella (Rogelio) – Oh it is almost midnight! I have to go sorry.

Narrator (LYN) – Cinderella run as fast as she could

Prince Kit (Blas) – No! Wait!

Cinderella (Rogelio) – But I must!

Narrator (LYN) – Cinderella rush and leave the palace and accidentally slip
of here glass slipper on the steps of the stairs but she didn’t have time so she
rush to the carriage and immediately. And after going home Cinderella talks
to here friends.

Cinderella (Rogelio) – Oh Bless me! That was the happiest day of my life!

Narrator (LYN) – On the next day Grand Duke told the king about
everything that happen last night and he immediately rushed to get the glass
slipper. He explains to the king that the prince wants to marry the who owns
the glass slipper and the king told the royal guards and footman to search for
the maiden who owns the glass slipper. They already search all the areas
except in the château. But when Lady Tremaine found out that the girl is
Cinderella she locked up Cinderella in the room and show her two daughters
to the grand duke and footman.

Anastasia (Avie) – It’s mine! Me first!

Footman (Jb) – It doesn’t fit my lady

Drizella (Lyn) – Ofcourse if wouldn’t fit because its mine!

Footman (Jb) – It doesn’t fit as well

Are you sure that there are no maidens anymore??

Narrator (LYN) – Grand Duke lost he’s hope but little didn’t they know the
the 3 mice sneak the key out of the table and freed Cinderella . Cinderella
stepdown on the stairs and ask if she can try the slipper and Grand Duke
agreed, the glass slipper almost fell because of Anastasia and Drizella. Grand
Duke catch it and Lady Tremain purposely bumb to Grand Duke so the glass
slipper slipped and break in to many pieces. And Grand Duke Lost he’s hope.
Oh no! No! No! No!!

Footman (Jb) – No! it breaks!

What would we do now?!

Narrator (LYN) – Lady Tremaine Smile Smuggly

Cinderella (Rogelio) – Perhaps I could help

No! Nothing can help now!

Cinderella (Rogelio) – But you see, I have the other pair of the glass slipper

Narrator (LYN) – Cinderella pulled out the glass slipper and Grand Duke
saw it. It really looks like the pair of the Grand duke tries to fit it on
Cinderella and it perfectly fits! They got Cinderella out of the hands of the
cruel Stepmother and stepsisters.

The bells of the palace clock tower ring merrily as Cinderella and Prince Kit
run from the church. And finally as the price leaned ever to kiss his new
bride, Cinderella thought about how she had learnec never, ever give up on
her dreams. And they live happily ever After.

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