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Founded in 1965 by the Oblates of Mary Immaculate (OMI)

Owned by the Archdiocese of Cotabato
Administered by the Diocesan Clergy of Cotabato (DCC)
Lebak, Sultan Kudarat
“Service for the Love of God through Mary”



Radiowealth Finance Company

Poblacion 2, Lebak, Sultan Kudarat

In Partial Fulfillment of the requirements for

Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (BSBA)

Major in Financial Management at

Notre Dame of Salaman College

Lebak, Sultan Kudarat

Submitted by:


Submitted to:


June 30, 2022


I. Cover Page
II. Table of Contents
III. Company Logo
IV. Narrative Report
a. Introduction
b. Company Profile

i. Mission
ii. Vision
iii. Organizational Chart
iv. Product/Services Description
v. Company/Institution/Organizational History
c. Classroom learnings/theories used during the OJT in host company.
d. Issues and concerns about the company as noted during the OJT
e. Recommendations to improve as noted during the OJT

V. One Page Learning Experience

VI. Journal
VII. Daily Time Record
VIII. Application Form
IX. Resume
X. Letter of Endorsement to OJT
XI. Waiver
XII. Personal Profile
XIII. Evaluation Form
XIV. Certificate of Completion
XV. Documentations

The internship is an integral platform for anyone to gain experience in an
actual workplace. Internship is a good opportunity for students to learn, to gain
experience and also to make preparation. 0n-the-job training is valuable where realism
is essential. Students are required to complete such hours of training. It also aids the
student to achieve relevant knowledge and skills through the actual experience in
working in the field on their profession. After the training, the trainee will be able to
handle situation properly and she will be able to know how to socialize well with his

An internship is a learning situation where the student has opportunity to gain

practical experience. It also helps the students to acquire relevant knowledge and
skills by performing in actual work setting. It also allows those with no experience to
work and to learn at the same time. Internship training helps the trainee to learn more
about his/her chosen field and practice what she has learned from the school.
Internship is very important not only to teach students regarding their chosen career
but also to show students the reality about working. The student will be exposed to the
actual work related to the course that they taking. Internship training is one method by
which student are exposed with different work situation designed to give students an
opportunity to experience and a chance to apply the theories and computation that
they have learned from the school. It also enhances the critical thinking abilities and
discipline of the student conducting her training in a company.

Having proper internship training helps me in the preparation of future

professionals for the future jobs. What the students learned in their internships
training, even the little things can be applied when they are already working. In can
possibly be a source of recommendation when they take that big lift from being
students to career professionals someday. It is responsibility of supervisors and
managers to utilize available resources to train, quality, and develop their employees.
On-the-job training (OJT) is one of the best training methods because it is planned,
organized, and conducted at the employee’s worksite. OJT will generally be the
primary method used for broadening employee skills and increasing productivity.

i. Mission

We are the seasoned non-bank financial providing financial services

primarily to the undeserved credit market.

We strive to grow our business and maximize shareholder value by providing

innovative products, managing risks, and achieving operational efficiencies.

We pursue the interests of our stakeholders, treating them as partners by

mutual benefits, strengthening our organizational capabilities by engaging and
developing our people.

ii. Vision

We are a significant player in yhe financial services industry in the ASEAN

region serving filipinos wherever they are.
We are recognized for transparency and fairness in the way we deal with
our stakeholders.
We provide affordable credit to the underserved guided by best-in-class
management systems and leading practices. we lead a motivated,
competent and professional workforce.
iii. Organizational Chart


Branch Manager


Customer Service Supervisor



Credit Collection Investigation



Customer Service Representative



 Application Loan
 Appliance Loan-OFW
 Motorcycle Loan
 Personal Vehicle Loan
 PUV Loan-Motor/Tricycle
 PUV Loan-Taxi
 PUV Loan-Jeepney
 PUV Loan-Van/Shuttle/Uv
 PUV Loan-Bus
 PUV Loan-Commercial Boat
 Farming Machineries/Eqpt.
 Truck Loan
 Medical Equipment Loan
 Specialized Equipment
 Real Estate/ housing Loan


 Bridge Financing
 Receivable/Check Discounting
 Inventory Financing
 Dealer’s Loan
 CAPEX Loan
 Working Capital-Secured
 Working Capital-Unsecured
 Working Capital-Franchise
 Working Capital-Wet Market

 Institutional Salary Loan

 Individual Salary Loan
 Barangay (BLP)
 Pensioner
 Professional Loan
 OFW Beneficiary Loan
 Medical Services
 Travel & Vacation
 Special Occasion
 RFC Lessor
 Lessors Loan
 Equity/ DP Loan
 Educ Loan-Secured
 Educ Loan- Secured Informatix
 Educ Loan-Unsecured
 Educ Loan-UnsecuredInformatix
 Vehicle Upgrade
 Home Improvement
 Home Construction
 Take Out Loa
 Card Balance Transfer
 Loan Consolidation
v. Company/Institution/Organizational History

The founder, Domingo M. Guevara, knew what the common folk go through in
life for he himself went through the same hardships, as aspired, and diligently built his
business to make a better life for himself and his family.

RFC started from the founder’s simple and compelling mission to help hard-
working Filipinos enjoy the fruits of their efforts. From a small radio repair shop in
1930, it ventured into appliance assembly, pioneered appliance financing, and now
provides a multitude of financing products, giving Filipinos access to funds and the
chance to make their lives better.

during the time when the philippines also became a Commonwealth

1950s to 60s
REVIVED AFTER THE WAR established DMG industries engaged in the
manufacturing and assembly of Radiowealth appliances and Volkswagen cars.

RFC pioneers Appliance Financing

RFC is the last remaining business of DMG industries

RFC was one of the first companies to be rehabilitated
after the Martial Law era
RFC becomes a full-fledged financing company after gaining its lice

RFC widens its network to reach more Filipinos in th countryside and provide
access to financing

RFC expands its services into Corporate Lending
RFC offers more products and services with various SME Business Loans and
Multi-Purpose Cash Loans that suit specific financing needs of the market.

RFC ventures into on-line Lending expanding its reach to more clients

2018 to 2020
RFC consolidates its branches into Area Offices to provide clients better
financial services.
RFC Strengthens its online platforms to safe and easy financing accessibility
during pandemic

During my On-The-Job training at Radiowealth Financing Company, a

lending institution here in Lebak, it was honor to be assign in this company because it
is easy to knowing the entire process of their daily operations. In my more than a
month stay there, I learned many things at only those things that are related to my
course but the things that molded me into the person I am now. Their company is very
observes office rules, communicate and be team-focused that easy to understanding
the process of their company.

On the consecutive hours, days, weeks and even months we spent at RFC Lebak,
there were actually classroom learning/theories that we’ve applied in ourselves to deal
with the company everyday operations. I learned a lot of things most especially every
time we had business marketing in any places in Lebak and Kalamansig areas I apply
my learning to interview some of customer willing to apply ours product/services
offer. This learning was very helpful to me as an intern it’s because it gives, ideas and
knowledge on what is the job in lined with my course as a financial Management
degree holder. Aside from that I also learned on how to become strategic and a responsible
trainee inside and outside the company.

The classroom learning that I apply in my On-the-Job training at RFC Lebak is

that valuing the time, strategic thinking and balancing on balance sheet. As intern at
RFC I notice that time is so important to finish all the tasks given upon me. And as a
student I apply my time management on the said company. Strategic thinking, you
should think carefully and strategies all action you’ve been putting on to your work.
Don’t work harder work smarter as they say. Lastly, handling balance sheet as
financial management student I used my knowledge on accounting aspect which is
putting account title to the balance sheet and balance all the transaction indicated. I
know I have my learning in school that I apply on my internship at RFC and I’m so
grateful for that because they do not limit my ability to do so.

We could really not deny the fact that in every organization, there exist some
issues and concerns which the company facing. Most especially when the customers
who not pay their loan in time or month pay the employee concerns how they can
manage the customer to pay on time.

My concern about Radiowealth is their office because it’s very small and
crowded. And the comfort room is small and not function that affect to their customer
that they need to use it. And why they need to use a type writer. They also lack of
office equipment especially the computers, chairs and tables. The main concern is the
WIFI connection loss because all documents need to upload and sent to their
hierarchy that’s why they need properly connection to do their works fast. Also the
parking area of the office some of the customer motorcycle had no parking area
because of a small space.

Generally, these few numbers of issues and concern should manage by the
manager to give some action that will provide to improve and list issues.

It would be best if the company could relay the trainees in doing task guiding
them and if possible teaching them the trade of the company and its sad to hear that as
trainee you are seen as the lowest rank in the company, and a trainee could be taken
advantage of.

The RFC would help the students to gain more knowledge and improve skills,
in order to make sure that students in the field will be given and excellent learning
experience and more. This could also help student develop their skills more. And for
the companies I hope they will took the OJT program seriously where they willing to
teach and give a more productive experience to student in their field.

As a trainee at Radiowealth Finance Company, I’m very grateful to be one

of the OJT of their company. That’s why i recommend the company to develop their
relocation of the office to expansion and add some chairs, own table of the employee,
also they need some cabinet for the old documents of the customer because its cause
crowded in the area of the office. Also need another computer and office equipment
especially the Wifi connection, the branch manager need to recommend to add Wifi to
fast recovery of their process of the documents of the customer because all documents
that customers submit is needed to upload and send to the district manager to approval
that’s why the Wifi is very important to their company. Also the parking area I
recommend to find some another space for the customer motorcycle because that is
very important. The manager will find action to provide all the issues and concerns of
their company.

Above all this, giving my opinions or ideas as your recommendation is helps

to the improvement of the success company.

There is no better teaching practice than experience. On-the-job training is the

activity of the students wherein they are trained or prepared to a certain job or career.

As a Business Administration (BA) college student, my first day in intern at

RFC Lebak is very grateful because the employee is very approachable. The learning
that I experience every day is learn some of their strategy how can they manage their
customer and processes of the loans. The document is not easy because you need to
double check if the requirement of the customers is correct and valid. This attitude
will show that you enjoy being part of the team and that you’re keen to help. Having
curiosity and enthusiasm also means that, as an intern, you get a lot of what you’re
doing, which opens lots of opportunities. During my internship, I had a journal and
took notes every day about new things I learned, feedback I was given by my
manager, strengths and weaknesses I noticed, and things I wanted to research and
learn more about. This helped me understand myself more and identify the areas that I
need to improve. Every weeks, we conduct Marketing in Kalamansig, Purikay,
Kumalawit, Pasandalan and Terminal in Lebak together with our branch manager Sir
Alexander A. Otoc we learn a lot of new things about the process of the loans that
acquired to those who wants to loan in any Products/services that customer need, also
who wants to apply loans in RFC that help them to their problem in any business
related to them. Inside the office I learn also identifying and getting some folders of
the customer that has no signature of branch manager, CCI, CSS and to the district
manager. Filing proper documents also experience, I experience also how to use the
typewriter in creating legal contract like MOA agreement between customer and
company. And also I learn to encode the names of the customer and the monthly
collection or the balance of the customer and date of CCI visiting to take a picture to
approve or disapprove. I and Mary Rose Berdin deposit money in Landbank every
day because that is also the rules of the company that they need to deposit money of
the customer who paid monthly. I experience a lot of new things that I can apply in
the future. Interview and entertain customer is very important to me because that is
the one reason of my internship to apply my skills and abilities to manage some
concern of the customer and I can approach them in a nice way.

In my entire weeks or months I have a lot of new experience that always

remember and guide me to develop my skills every day and to be a responsible

The best moment that I experience at RFC Lebak, is the Marketing Strategies
because it reflects me to develop my communication skills to the employee and
employer that I can apply my personal skills to become a professional person. As a
Financial Management student the important thing is your attitude to respect others.
Indeed, I consider these experience as a great opportunity and a stepping stone to
become a professional in the future. On-the-Job training at RFC also help me to be a
better person in assisting customer in a way of asking what they need in the company.
On the other hand, conducting CCI (Credit Collection Investigation) is not easy
because I experience once with Sir Dante Pelobillo in Kalamansig we do billing
collection but we often experience delayed payments because of financial constraint.
With that it gives me I realize something that you need to be patient to the customer
and understand the situation. The unforgettable experience during my On-The-Job
training at RFC handling one customer and gather all data about business loan. I value
professionalism in the future and I believe this experience will help me.

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