Activity 2

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Activity No.


1. Calculate the value of R1 and R2 for thee given circuit and describe the type of control
this circuit represents.
For minimum constants (R2=0)
t=RC =¿ 0.001=( R❑1 + R2 ) C 1=¿ ( R 1+0 ) ( 0.47 uF )=0.001
R 1=2127.6596 Ohms
For maximum time constant (R2=max)
t=RC =¿ 0.03=( R 1+ R 2 ) C 1=¿ ( 2127.6596+ R 2 )( 0.47uF )=0.03
R 2=61,702.1276 ohms
The value of R1 is 2,127.6596 ohms while R2 has a value of 61,702.1276.

This is a resistor-capacitor triggering circuit. Resistor 1 is a fixed value while R2 varies

because it is a potentiometer, C1 also regulates the firing angle, the maximum making it
greater then 90 degrees while minimum is equal to 90 degrees. Regarding the RC time
constant in this circuit it must be in the range of 0.001s to 0.03s and t is directly proportional
to R.

2. Draw the voltage waveform across the SCR and across the load for a firing angle of 60
degrees for the given circuit.
3. Calculate the firing angle of the given circuit with R1 = 2.2k, R2 set at 30k, and an AC
input of 115 Vrms. The SCRs maximum gate trigger current is 200 uA, and the
maximum gate-trigger voltage is 700mV.
I R =10∗I ¿ =10∗200 uA=2 mA

I =I ¿ (max ) + I R 3 =200uA +2 mA=2.2 mA

V ¿ =I ( R 1+ R 2 )+ V D +V ¿ (max )=2.2 mA ( 2.2 k +30 k ) +0.7+ 700 mV =72.24 V

V p= √ 2 ( V rms )= √2 ( 115 )=162.6346 V

θ=sin−1 ( V ¿ /V P )=sin−1 (72.24 /162.6346 )=26.37 degrees

The firing angle of the given circuit is 26.3713 degrees.

Research Tasks
4. Draw the schematic symbol of Shockley diode and explain how it is triggered.
Shockley diodes are not turned on through gate structures like the SCR and only conducts
when the forward voltage exceeds the breakover voltage.
5. What is the purpose of a shunt resistor in a resistive trigger circuit for an SCR?
A shunt resistor is used to negate the effect of the gate currents widely varying values.
6. If a resistive gate-triggering method is used for an SCR, what is the maximum firing
angle that can be obtained?
The maximum firing angle of the resistive gate-triggering method, when used for an SCR, is
90 degrees.

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