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Lesson 3

Drug Calculation
• Principles of Algebra are integrated and
united in solving dosage and solution
for nurses. Principles applied in
nursing are in the following:
– Dosage determination
– Administration of drugs
– Preparation of solutions
– Intravenous infusion

The Drug Order

The Drug Label
Tablets, Capsules and Syrups
IV Fluid Contraptions

What is this?
IV Fluid Contraptions

What is this?
IV Fluid Contraptions

What is this?
IV Fluid Contraptions

What is this?
IV Fluid Contraptions

What is this?
IV Fluid Contraptions
What is this?
IV Fluid Contraptions

What is this?
Formulas For Computation of Drug
1. Oral Meds (Solids):
Quantity of Drug = Desired Dose
Stock Dose
2. Oral or Parenteral Meds (Liquids):
Quantity of Drug = Desired Dose x Dilution
Stock Dose
* For uniformity, Dilution of = 5 cc if <500mg
* Dilution of = 10cc if >500 mg

Formulas For Computation of Drug

3. IV Fluid Flow Rates:
Gtts/min = Volume in cc * 15
# Of Hours * 60 minutes
Mcgtts/min = Volume in cc * 60
# Of Hours * 60 minutes
cc/HR = volume in cc
# of Hours to run
Duration in Hours = Volume in cc

Cont. for IV Fluids

Shortcut Method:
cc/HR = mcgtts/min gtts/min
% 4 if DF is 15 X
3 if DF is 20
6 if DF is 10

Formulas For Computation of Drug

4. Conversion of Temperatures:
˚C to ˚F = (˚C * 1.8) + 32
˚F to ˚C = (˚F – 32) * .55

Formulas For Computation of Drug

5. Pediatric Doses:
– Clark’s Rule = Weight in lbs. x Usual Adult Dose
– Fried’s Rule = Age in months x Usual Adult Dose
– Young’s Rule = Age in years x Usual Adult Dose
Age in years + 12

Formulas For Computation of Drug

5. Pediatric Doses
– Pediatric Dose by Adult Dosage:
Child’s Dose = BSA of the child (m2) X Usual Adult Dose
1.7 m2

West’s Nomogram for

Estimation of BSA

• BSA is determined by
drawing a straight line
from the patient’s height
in the far left column to
his or her weight in the far
right column. Intersection
of the line with the BSA
column is the estimated
BSA (m2). For infants and
children of normal height
and weight, BSA may be
estimated from the weight
alone by referring to the
enclosed area.
Formulas For Computation of Drug
6. Titration of Solutions:
– Steps:
a. Find out the amount of the drug/cc in a given
Drug in grams : water :: % : 100
G : 1 cc :: % : 100
* Convert the answer into mg/cc to facilitate computation.
b. Find out the amount of the drug in cc to be
D (desired amount of the drug)
S (amount of the drug/cc present in the solution)

Formulas For Computation of Drug

6. Titration of Solutions:
– Steps:
c. Find out the IVF regulation in order to deliver the
desired amount of the drug/minute.
Volume of IVF in gtts = Volume in cc * gtt factor
# Of Hours * 60 minutes
Volume of IVF in gtts:
Volume of IVF in gtts : Desired amount of drug :: gtts/min : desired amount to be
in mg of drug to be (X) delivered in mg/min
incorporated to the IVF

Formulas For Computation of Drug
7. Calculation by Body Weight Method:
Rule – Ratio for recommended dosage per body
weight equals ratio for desired dosage per body
8. Calculation by Body Specific Area (BSA)
Rule – Calculate drug dose using BSA through West
Child’s Dose = mg/m2 * m2 (BSA)

End of the lecture for the


Now, let us start answering the

Next Grading Period!

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