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 
      
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 
 
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        
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      
 
S.No Topics Pages
1. Telugu Alphabets 1
2. English alphabet 9
3. Contractions 14
4. Verb – 1 20
5. One, Two, Three word Sentences 22
6. Words & Sentences 30
7. Modal Words 47
8. Advebs 77
9. Adjectives 80
10. Prepositions 84
11. A V & P V (Sentences ) 102
12. A V & P V (Grammar ) 123
13. Present, Past, Future tenses 132
14. Sentences with helping verbs 135
15. Sentences with adverbs 137
16. Sentences with adjectives 139
17. Sentences with prepositions 142
18. AV & PV Sentences 148
19. Some important sentences 150
20. A few verbs 159
21. Tables 171
 

Telugu Alphabets
Vowels (16)

   
a aa e ee

   
u oo ru roo

   
e                  ea               i                  o

   
vo ow am aha

 

    
Ka Kha ga gha nga

    
Cha Cha Ja Jha nja

    

ta tha da dha ana

    
ta tha da dha na

 

    
pa pha ba bha ma

    
ya ra la Va sa

   
sha sa ha hala

 
Ksha ra

 

    
ka ga cha ja ta
    
kaa gaa chaa jaa taa
    
Ki gi chi ji ti
    
kee gee chee jee tee
    
ku gu chu ju tu
    
koo goo choo joo too
    
ke ge che je te
     
kai gai chai jai tai
    
ko go cho jo to
    
kow gow chow jow tow
    
kam gam cham jam tam
    
kah gah chah jah tah

 

    
da na pa ba ma
    
daa naa paa baa maa
    
di ni pi bi mi
    
dee nee pee bee mee
    
du nu pu bu mu
    
doo noo poo boo moo
    
de ne pe be me
    
dai nai pai bai mai
    
do no po bo mo
    
dow now pow bow mow
    
dam nam pam bam mam
    
dah nah pah bah mah

 

    
ya ra la va sha
    
yaa raa laa vaa shaa
    
yi ri li vi shi
    
yee ree lee vee shee
    
yu ru lu vu shu
    
yoo roo loo voo sho
    
ye re le ve she
    
yai rai lai vai shai
    
yo ro lo vo sho
    
yow row low vow show
    
yam ram lam vam sham
    
yah rah lah vah shah

 

  
sa Ha Ksha
  
saa Haa Kshaa
  
si Hi Kshi
  
see Hee Kshee
  
su Hu Kshu
  
soo Hoo Kshoo
  
se He Kshe
   
sai Hai Kshai
  
so Ho Ksho
  
sow How Kshow
  
sam Ham Ksham
  
sah Hah Kshah

 
    
A mma Ki ti ki
      
A swa ni Sa ri ga ma
      
A da vi pa da ni sa
    
A la ka Raa gam
     
A ra ti vi ja ya wa da
     
A la ma ra Vi sa kha pa tna m
     
A la ja di Naa nna
    
A ru dra Cha kram
     
A rju nu du Cho kka
    
A lla Ka rta vyam
      
A yo dhya Bha ska ru du
      
Ga na pa thi Hru da yam

 


CAPITAL LETTERS -  

        
        
       

a b c d e f g h i j

k l m n o p q r s t

u v w x y z

 

Vowels - a, e, i, o, u
Consonants  - 21
B, C, D, F, G, H, J, K, L, M, N, P, Q, R, S, T, V, W, X, Y, Z.
Pronunciation of letters - 
B ba =  be =  bi = 
C ca =  ce =  ci = 
D da =  de = di = 
F fa =  fe =  fi = 
G ga =  ge =  gi = 
H ha =  he = hi = 
J ja =  je =  ji = 
K ka =  ke =  ki = 
L la =  le =  li = 
M ma =  me =  mi = 
N na =  ne =  ni = 
P pa =  pe =  pi = 
R ra =  re =  ri = 
S sa =  se =  si = 
T ta =  te =  ti = 
V va =  ve =  vi = 
W wa =  we =  wi = 
Y ya =  ye =  yi = 
Z za =  ze =  zi = 
 

B bo =  boo =  bu = 
C co =  coo =  cu =
D do = doo =  du = 
F fo = foo =  fu = 
G go = goo =  gu = 
H ho = hoo =  hu =
J jo = joo =  ju = 
K ko =  koo =  ku = 
M mo =  moo =  mu=
L lo = loo =  lu = 
N no =  noo =  nu = 
P po =  poo =  pu = 
R ro = roo =  ru = 
S so = soo =  su = 
T to = too =  tu = 
V vo = voo =  vu = 
W wo =  woo =  wu = 
Y yo =  yoo =  yu = 
Z zo = zoo =  zu = 

bha =  bhe =  bhi =  bho =  bhoo =  bhu = 
dha =  dhe =  dhi =  dho =  dhoo =  dhu = 
pha =  phe =  phi =  pho =  phoo =  phu = 
gha =  ghe =  ghi =  gho =  ghoo =  ghu = 
kha =  khe =  khi =  kho =  khoo =  khu = 
cha =  che =  chi =  cho =  choo =   chu = 

jha =  jhe =  jhi =  jho =  jhoo =  jhu = 
 

sha =  she =  shi =  sho =  shoo =  shu = 

tha =  the =  thi =  tho =  thoo =  thu = 
bba =  bbe =  bbi =  bbo =  bboo =  bbu = 
dda =  dde =  ddi =  ddo =  ddoo =  ddu = 
ppa =  ppe =  ppi =  ppo =  ppoo =  ppu = 
gga =  gge =  ggi =  ggo =  ggoo =  ggu = 
jja =  jje =  jji =  jjo =  jjoo =  jju = 
kka =  kke =  kki =  kko =  kkoo =  kku = 
lla =  lle =  lli =  llo =  lloo =  llu = 
mma =  mme =  mmi =  mmo =  mmoo =  mmu = 
nna =  nne =  nni =  nno =  nnoo =  nnu = 
rra =  rre =  rri =  rro =  rroo =  rru = 
ssa =  sse =  ssi =  sso =  ssoo =  ssu = 

tta =  tte =  tti =  tto =  ttoo =  ttu = 
 

  

gna =  tsa =  pra =  kri =  mna =  glo = 
blu =  bro =  gra =  vya =  gree =  free = 
tri =  tre =  prer =  tra =  dra =  nya = 
tya =  pya =  rya =  jya =  jra = 
 

CONTRACTIONS  

I 
1. I am I’m 
2. I am not I’m not  
3. I was not I wasn’t  
4. I will I’ll 
5. I’ll not I won’t 
6. I shall not I shan’t 
7. I do not I don’t 
8. I have I’ve 
9. I’ve not I haven’t 
10. I cannot I can’t 
11. I had I’d 
12. I’d not I hadn’t 
13. I would I’d 
14. I’d not I wouldn’t 
15. I could not I couldn’t 
16. I did not I didn’t 
17. I should not I shouldn’t 
18. I must not I mustn’t 
 

CONTRACTIONS  

We 
1. We are We’re 
2. We are not We aren’t 
3. We will We’ll 
4. We’ll not We won’t 
5. We shall not We shan’t 
6. We do not We don’t 
7. We have We ‘ve 
8. We’ve not We havn’t 
9. We cannot We can’t 
10. We had We’d 
11. We’d not We hadn’t 
12. We would We’d 
13. We’d not We wouldn’t 
14. We could not We couldn’t 
15. We did not We didn’t 
16. We should not We shouldn’t 
17. We must not We mustn’t 
 

CONTRACTIONS ( 

1. You are You’re 

2. You’re not You aren’t 
3. You were not You weren’t 
4. You will You’ll 
5. You’ll not You won’t 
6. You do not You don’t 
7. You have You’ve 
8. You’ve not You haven’t 
9. You cannot You can’t 
10. You had You’d 
11. You’d not You hadn’t 
12. You would You’d 
13. You’d not You wouldn’t 
14. You could not You couldn’t 
15. You did not You didn’t 
16. You should not You shouldn’t 
17. You must not You mustn’t 
 
CONTRACTIONS   
1.They are They’re 
2.They’re not They aren’t 
3.They were not They weren’t 
4.They will They’ll  
5.They’ll not They won’t 
6.They do not They don’t 
7.They have They’ve 
8.They’ve not They haven’t 
9.They cannot They can’t 
10.They had They’d 
11.They’d not They hadn’t 
12.They would They’d 
13.They’d not They wouldn’t 
14.They could not They could’t 
15.They did not They didn’t 
16.They should not They shouldn’t 
17.They must not They mustn’t 
 

CONTRACTIONS  

HE 
1. He is He’s 
2. He’s not He isn’t 
3. He was not He wasn’t 
4. He will He’ll 
5. He’ll not He won’t 
6. He does not He doesn’t 
7. He has He’s 
8. He’s not He hasn’t 
9. He cannot He can’t 
10. He had He’d 
11. He’d not He’d 
12. He would he’d 
13. He’d not He wouldn’t 
14. He could not He couldn’t 
15. He did not He didn’t 
16. He should not He shouldn’t 
17. He must not He mustn’t 
 

CONTRACTIONS  

SHE 
1. She is She’s  
2. She’s not She isn’t 
3. She was not She wasn’t 
4. She will She’ll 
5. She’ll not She won’t 
6. She does not She doesn’t 
7. She has She’s 
8. She’s not She hasn’t 
9. She cannot She can’t 
10. She had She’d 
11. She’d not She hadn’t 
12. She would She’d 
13. She’d not She wouldn’t 
14. She could not She couldn’t 
15. She did not She didn’t 
16. She should not She shouldn’t 

 


1. Add  27. Fill 
2. Advise  28. Fly 
3. Agree  29. Forget 
4. Accept  30. Fear 
5. Absent  31. Go 
6. Attend  32. Give 
7. Bathe  33. Guess 
8. Bury  34. Gain 
9. Bring  35. Greet 
10. Beat  36. Hang 
11. Bite  37. Hold 
12. Believe  38. Invite 
13. Come  39. Irritate 
14. Call  40. Imitate 
15. Curse  41. Intimate 
16. Crush  42. Jump 
17. Congratulate  43. Know 
18. Drink  44. Kick 
19. Dig  45. Kill 
20. Do  46. Look 
21. dream  47. Leave 
22. Doubt  48. Lead 
23. Eat  49. Like 
24. Encourage  50. Laugh 
25. Enjoy  51. Live 
26. Fight  52. Love 

 
53. Marry  78. Seek 
54. Promise  79. Swear 
55. Pay  80. Swim 
56. Prove  81. Study 
57. Pain  82. Show 
58. Prepare  83. Start 
59. Push  84. Starve 
60. Preserve  85. Take 
61. Read  86. Throw 
62. Run  87. Teach 
63. Respect  88. Think 
64. Rend  89. Tell 
65. Sit  90. Train 
66. Stand  91. Try 
67. Speak  92. Understand 
68. Sleep  93. Write 
69. Spend  94. Walk 
70. Sell  95. Wash 
71. Sing  96. Win 
72. Shake  97. Wear 
73. Steal  98. Want 
74. Send  99. Warn 
75. Smell  100. Worry 
76. Sweep 
77. Say 

 


1. Add  27. Fill 
2. Advise  28. Fly 
3. Agree  29. Forget 
4. Accept  30. Fear 
5. Absent  31. Go 
6. Attend  32. Give 
7. Bathe  33. Guess 
8. Bury  34. Gain 
9. Bring  35. Greet 
10. Beat  36. Hang 
11. Bite  37. Hold 
12. Believe  38. Invite 
13. Come  39. Irritate 
14. Call  40. Imitate 
15. Curse  41. Intimate 
16. Crush  42. Jump 
17. Congratulate  43. Know 
18. Drink  44. Kick 
19. Dig  45. Kill 
20. Do  46. Look 
21. dream  47. Leave 
22. Doubt  48. Lead 
23. Eat  49. Like 
24. Encourage  50. Laugh 
25. Enjoy  51. Live 
26. Fight  52. Love 

 
53. Marry  78. Seek 
54. Promise  79. Swear 
55. Pay  80. Swim 
56. Prove  81. Study 
57. Pain  82. Show 
58. Prepare  83. Start 
59. Push  84. Starve 
60. Preserve  85. Take 
61. Read  86. Throw 
62. Run  87. Teach 
63. Respect  88. Think 
64. Rend  89. Tell 
65. Sit  90. Train 
66. Stand  91. Try 
67. Speak  92. Understand 
68. Sleep  93. Write 
69. Spend  94. Walk 
70. Sell  95. Wash 
71. Sing  96. Win 
72. Shake  97. Wear 
73. Steal  98. Want 
74. Send  99. Warn 
75. Smell  100. Worry 
76. Sweep 
77. Say 

 
I can-
1. I can walk. 
2. I can run. 
3. I can swim. 
4. I can eat it. 
5. I can drink it. 
6. I can dream. 
7. I can paly cricket. 
8. I can write my exam. 
9. I can stay here. 
10. I can sleep here. 
Can I 
1. Can I walk? 
2. Can I run? 
3. Can I swim? 
4. Can I beat him? 
5. Can I eat it? 
6. Can I drink it? 
7. Can I dream? 
8. Can I play cricket? 
9. Can I write my exam? 
10. Can I stay here?  
 
I can’t 
1. I can’t go there. 
2. I can’t walk there. 
3. I can’t run there. 
4. I can’t stay here. 
5. I can’t sleep here. 
6. I can’t swim  
7. I can’t pay. 
8. I can’t come there. 
9. I can’t beet you  
10. I can’t swallow it. 

Can’t I 
1. Can’t I come there? 
2. Can’t I sit there? 
3. Can’t I help you  
4. Can’t I beat you? 
5. Can’t I walk there? 
6. Can’t I marry you? 
7. Can’t I swallow it? 
8. Can’t I swim? 
9. Can’t I earn money? 
10. Can’t I write my exam? 
 
 I could
1. I could Walk. 
2. I could Run. 
3. I could swim. 
4. I could play cricket. 
5. I could write my exam. 
6. I could swallow it. 
7. I could beat you. 
8. I could stop it. 
9. I could drink it. 
10. I could eat it. 

I Could Not 

1. I could not walk. 
2. I could not run. 
3. I could not swim. 
4. I could not write. 
5. I Could not read. 
6. I could not sit. 
7. I could not stand. 
8. I Could not earn money.     
9. I Could not fight. 
10. I Could not beat. 
 
Couldn’t I 
1.Couldn’t I say? 
2. Couldn’t I swim? 
3. Couldn’t I run ? 
4. Couldn’t I walk? 
5. Couldn’t I sleep? 
6. Couldn’t I write? 
7. Couldn’t I read 
8. Couldn’t I sing? 
9. Couldn’t I dance?   
10. Couldn’t I earn money?      

I am able - 
1. I am able to walk. 
2. I am able to run. 
3. I am able to swim. 
4. I am able to write. 
5. I am able to help.     
6. I am able to read. 
7. I am able to ask. 
8. I am able to see. 
9. I am able to do 
10. I am able to play. 
 

Am I able? 
1. Am I able to sing?
2. Am I able to say?
3. Am I able to ask?
4. Am I able to play cricket?
5. Am I able to read my lesson?
6. Am I able to swallow that sweet?
7. Am I able to dance?
8. Am I able to sit ?
9. Am I able to advise you?
10. Am I able to think properly?
 

Not able/ Unable - 

1. I am not able to advise / I am unable to advise
2. I am not/unable to allow you.
3. I am not/unable to answer you.
4. I am not/unable to ask you.
5. I am not/unable to bring.
6. I am not/unable to buy it.
7. I am not/unable to tell him.
8. I am not/unable to carry it.
9. I am not/unable to cheat you.
10. I am not/unable to climb the tree.
 

Aren’t  I able to 

1. Aren’t (am not) I able to dig?
2. Aren’t I able to obtain it?
3. Aren’t  I able to inform you?
4. Aren’t  I able to jump over the wall?
5. Aren’t  I able to kick you?
6. Aren’t  I able to kill you?
7. Aren’t  I able to love you ?
8. Aren’t  I able to laugh loudly?
9. Aren’t I able to live properly?
10. Aren’t  I able to look properly?
 
Was able to 
1.I was able to play cricket yesterday.
2. I was able to write exam yesterday.
3. I was able to purchase a vehicle yesterday.
4. I alone was able to beat you yesterday.
5. I alone was able to sleep there.
  
6. I was able to help him yesterday.
7. I was able to eat food yesterday.
8. I was able to take intoxicated drinks yesterday.
9. I was able to finish my home work yesterday
evening by 5 ‘O’ clock.
10. I was able to talk to him yesterday.
 
Wasn’t able to 
1. I Wasn’t able to sing yesterday.
2. I wasn’t able to dance yesterday.
3. I wasn’t able to do it.
4. I wasn’t able to play cricket.
5. I wasn’t able to enswer him yesterday.
6. I wasn’t able to move there yesterday.
7. I wasn’t able to praise him yesterday.
8. I wasn’t able to save him yesterday.
9. I wasn’t able to shout loudly.
10. I wasn’t able to talk to him yesterday.
 
Will be able to 
1. I will be able to sing tomorrow at this time.
2. I will be able to dance tomorrow at this time.
3. I will be able to play cricket tomorrow at this time.
4. I will be able to travel tomorrow at this time.
5. I will be able to watch a movie tomorrow.
6. I will be able to write my exam tomorrow at this time.
7. I will be able to cheat him tomorrow at this time.
8. I will be able to run tomorrow at this time.
9. I will be able to sell my vehicle tomorrow at this time.
10. I will be able to swim across the river tomorrow.
 
Won’t be able to 
1. I won’t be able to help you tomarrow.
2. I won’t be able to play cricket tomorrow.
3. I won’t be able to lead you in future.
4. I won’t be able to speak him tomorrow.
5. I won’t be able to sit here tomorrow.
6. I won’t be able to greet him tomorrow.
7. I won’t be able to sleep here tomorrow.
8. I won’t be able to send it tomorrow.
9. I won’t be able to fly tomorrow.
10. I won’t be able to pay you tomorrow.
 
Have to 
1. I have to go. 
2. I have to sit. 
3. I have to eat. 
4. I have to drink. 
5. I have to pray. 
6. I have to walk. 
7. I have to run. 
8. I have to jump. 
9. I have to try. 
10. I have to pay. 

Do I have to 
1. Do I have to sing? 
2. Do I have to go  
3. Do I have to come? 
4. Do I have to dance? 
5. Do I have to sit 
6. Do I have to stand? 
7. Do I have to eat? 
8. Do I have to drink? 
9. Do I have to read? 
10. Do I have to write? 
 
Don’t Have to 
1. I don’t have to sing? 
2. I don’t have to go? 
3. I don’t have to come? 
4. I don’t have to dance? 
5. I don’t have to sit? 
6. I don’t have to stand? 
7. I don’t have to eat? 
8. I don’t have to drink? 
9. I don’t have to read? 
10. I don’t have to write? 

Don’t I have to 

1. Don’t I have to sing? 
2. Don’t I have to go? 
3. Don’t I have to come? 
4. Don’t I have to dance? 
5. Don’t I have to sit? 
6. Don’t I have to stand? 
7. Don’t I have to eat? 
8. Don’t I have to drink? 
9. Don’t I have to read? 
10. Don’t I have to write? 

 
Had to 
1. I had to eat there.
2. I had to take wine there.
3. I had to sleep there.
 
4. I had to beat him.
5. I had to dance there.
6. I had to help her.
7. I had to marry her.
8. I had to escape from that place.
9. I had to drive the vehicle.
10. I had to answer him.
 
 
Did I have to 
1. Did I have to eat there?
2. Did I have to talk there?
3. Did I have to sleep there?
 
4. Did I have to beat him?
5. Did I have to dance there?
6.Did I have to help her?
7. Did I have to marry her?
8. Did I have to escape from that place?
9. Did I have to drive the vehicle?
10. Did I have to answer him?
 
Didn’t  I have to 

1. I didn’t  have to dance there.

2. I didn’t  have to sleep there.
3. I didn’t  have to help him.
 
4. I didn’t  have to answer to his question.
5. I didn’t  have to go there.
6. I didn’t  have to beat him yesterday.
7. I didn’t  have to move her.
8. I didn’t  have to look her.
9. I didn’t  have to marry her.
10. I didn’t  have to scold him yesterday.
 
Will have to 

1. I will have to go to Hyderabad tomorrow.

2. I will have to sleep there tomorrow.
3. I will have to eat there tomorrow.
4. I will have to marry her in future.
5. I will have to beat you tomorrow.
6. I will have to help you tomorrow.
7. I will have to dance in Vijayawada tomorrow.
8. I will have to publish my book tomorrow.
9. I will have to call him tomorrow.
10. I will have to watch that movie tomorrow.
 
Shall I have to 

1. Shall I have to go to Hyderabad tomarrow?

2. Shall I have to sleep there tomorrow?
3. Shall I have to eat there tomorrow?
4. Shall I have to marry her in future?
5. Shall I have to beat him tomorrow?
6. Shall I have to help you tomorrow?
7. Shall I have to dance in Vijayawada?
8. Shall I have publish my book tomorrow?
9. Shall I have to call him tomorrow?
10. Shall I have to watch that movie tomorrow?
 
Won’t I have to 
1. I won’t have to go there tomorrow.
2. I won’t have to sleep there tomorrow.
3. I won’t have to beat him tomorrow.
4. I won’t have to invite her tomorrow.
5. I won’t have to advise him tomorrow.
 
6. I won’t have to punish him tomorrow.
7. I won’t have to visit that place tomorrow.
8. I won’t have to kill him tomorrow.
9. I won’t have to play cricket tomorrow.
10. I won’t have to purchase a new car tomorrow.
 
Let 
1. Let me say.  
2. Let me sing.  
3. Let me advise.   
4. Let me answer.   
5. Let me bring.   
6. Let me call.   
7. Let me carry.   
8. Let me jump.   
9. Let me look.   
10. Let me love.   

1. I must go there.     
2. I must answer there. -     
3. I must ask there.     
4. I must bring it there.      
5. I must carry it.     
6. I must call him.     
7. I must help her.      
8. I must save him.     
9. I must do it.     
10. I must speak now.     
 
Want to 
1. I want to write. 
2. I want to sell it. 
3. I want to tell. 
4. I want to love her.  
5. I want to save her. 
6. I want to do it. 
7. I want to speak . 
8. I want to inform. 
9. I want to add. 
10. I want to greet you.
Don’t want 
1. I don’t want to write. 
2. I don’t want to advise. 
3. I don’t want to do. 
4. I don’t want to fight. 
5. I don’t want to run. 
6. I don’t want to sing. 
7. I don’t want to help any one.
8. I don’t want to jump. 
9. I don’t want to send. 
10. I don’t want to forget. 
 
Used to - 
1. I used to write.  
2. I used to smoke. 
3. I used to advise. 
4. I used to kill. 
5. I used to drink. 
6. I used to cheat many people.
7. I used to train there. 
8. I used to sleep here. 
9. I used to lead. 
10. I used to sing. 
Wanted 
1. I wanted to write. 
2. I wanted to speak. 
3. I wanted to jump. 
4. I wanted to help. 
5. I wanted to kill . 
6. I wanted to teach. 
7. I wanted to sell . 
8. I wanted to inform. 
9. I wanted to marry. 
10. I wanted to try. 
 
Should not 
1. I should not write. 
2. I should not come there. 
3. I should not drink it. 
4. I should not speak. 
5. I should not jump. 
6. I should not eat it. 
7. I should not sell it. 
8. I should not sit here. 
9. I should not tell. 
10. I should not pay. 

Make 
1. Make me sing. 
2. Make me drink. 
3. Make me move. 
4. Make me play. 
5. Make me shout. 
6. Make me fly. 
7. Make me send. 
8. Make me swim. 
9. Make me talk. 
10. Make me try. 
 
Making 
1. I am making him write. 
2. I am making him answer.
3. I am making him ask. 
4. I am making him bring. 
5. I am making him call. 
6. I am making him dig. 
7. I am making him carry. 
8. I am making him kick. 
9. I am making him play. 
10. I am making him do. 

Able to make 

1. I am able to make him write.
2. I am able to make him do.
3. I am able to make him bring.
4. I am able to make him pull.
5. I am able to make him shout.
 
6. I am able to make him pay.
7. I am able to make him talk.
8. I am able to make him drink.
9. I am able to make him read.
10. I am able to make him write.

have to make 

1. I have to make him read. 
2. I have to make him write. 
3. I have to make him run. 
4. I have to make him tell. 
5. I have to make him carry. 
6. I have to make him dig. 
7. I have to make him fly. 
8. I have to make him climb the tree.
9. I have to make him walk. 
10. I have to make him drink. 
 
I wanted to make 
1. I wanted to make them write.
2. I wanted to make them work.
3. I wanted to make them carry.
4. I wanted to make them answer.
5. I wanted to make them climb the tree.
6. I wanted to make them laugh.
7. I wanted to make them push my car.
8. I wanted to make them do my work.
9. I wanted to make them train my students.
10. I wanted to make them drink wine.
 
Had to make 
1. I had to make him write.
2. I had to make him carry.
3. I had to make him call.
4. I had to make him climb the tree.
5. I had to make him dig.
6. I had to make him jump.
 
7. I had to make him speak.
8. I had to make him sell.
9. I had to make him sing.
10. I had to make him lie.
 
 
I used to make  
1. I used to make him write letters.
2. I used to make him pay my bill.
3. I used to make him train my sudents.
4. I used to make him drink wine.
5. I used to make him sing many songs.
 
6. I used to make him read many novels.
7. I used to make him send many gifts.
8. I used to make him carry many bags.
9. I used to make him climb many trees.
10. I used to make him kill many rowdies.
 
Don’t I have to make 
1. Don’t I have to make him sing?
2. Don’t I have to make him dance?
3. Don’t I have to make him read?
4. Don’t I have to make him write a letter ?
5. Don’t I have to make him say?
6. Don’t I have to make him answer?
7. Don’t I have to make him beat?
8. Don’t I have to make him run?
9. Don’t I have to make him lie?
10. Don’t I have to make him cook?
 

Want to Make 

1. I want to make you write a letter.

2. I want to make you bring a gift.

3. I want to make you teach a lesson.

4. I want to make you bend.

5. I want to make you call.

6. I want to make you climb the tree.
7. I want to make you beat.

8. I want to make you kill.

9. I want to make you laugh.

 
ADVERBS - 
Already   Conveniently  
Again   Clearly  
Any where   Closely  
Also   Calmly  
Always   Cheerfully  
Abundantly   Doubtlessly  
Almost   Dangerously  
Accurately   Duly  
Angrily   Directly  
Anxiously   Dearly  
Alone   Ever  
Artificially   Elsewhere  
Amazingly   Enough  
Awfully   Evenly  
Before   Eagerly  
By and by   Entirely  
Backward   Forward  
Barely   Foolishly  
Badly   Faithfully  
Beautifully   Fairly  
Brightly   Fast  
Bitterly   Gratefully  
Boldly   Gladly  
Bravely   Greatly  
Certainly   Here after  
Completely   Hence forth  
Carefully   Hence forward  

 
Here   No  
Here in   Not  
Hither   Not at all 
Hardly   Naturally  
Hence   Nearly  
Herewith   Near  
Hereby  Often  
Here about   Often times 
Here of   Openly  
Here on   Presently  
Here to   Plainly  
How   Properly  
Happily   Pleasantly  
Hard   Politely  
Hopefully   Perfectly  
Instantly   Poorly  
Indeed   Proudly  
Indirectly   Personally  
Just   Publicly  
Justly   Quickly  
Jointly   Quite  
Late   Quietly  
Loud   Really  
Legally   Richly  
Largely   Straightly  
Miserably   Somewhere  
Now   Slowly  
Not yet   So  
Nay   Scarcely  
 
Surely   Thereupon   
Strangely   Truthfully  
Swiftly   Thickly  
Sadly   Together  
Sincerely   Upward  
Soon   Undoubtedly
Skilfully   Unjustly  
Specially   Very  
Secretly   Verily  
Steadily   Weekly  
Today   When  
Tomorrow   Where  
Twice   Whither  
There   Whereabouts  
Thence   Whence  
Thrice   Wherein  
Thither   Whereat  
Too   Whereby  
Truly   Wherefore  
Then   Why  
Therefore   Whether  
Thereby    
Thereof   Widely  
Thereto   Wonderfully  
Therein   Wavily  
Thereon   Yesterday  
Therein   Yearly 
 

ADJECTIVES 
Fruitful  Whose 
Purposeful  Lucky 
Luckless  Cheap 
Senseless  Costly 
Womanly  Strong 
Manly  Weak 
Golden  Tall 
Silken  New 
Good  Old 
Bad  Clever 
Long  Foolish 
Short  Great 
Wide  Small 
Thick  Brave 
Thin  Timid 
That  Beautiful 
This  Ugly 
Much  Fine 
Little  Heavy  
Many  Light 
Which  Difficult 
What  Easy 
Happy  Hot 
Sad  Cold 
Round  Faithful 
curved  Famous 
 
Straight  Foolish  
Upper  Flowery  
Lower  Glorious 
Inner   Virtuous 
Outer    Vicious  
Superior  Vainglorious 
Inferior  Valuable  
Senior   Worthy 
Junior  Zealous 
Boyish   Ceaseless 
Careful  Decisive 
Cheerful   Eatable 
Courageous  Indicative 
Colonial   Lovable 
Dangerous  Movable 
Dirty  Relative 
Eearthly   Talkative  
Envious  Wakeful 
Courageous  Wavy 
Loaded  Lengthy 
Gifted  Changeable 
Villainous  Manageable 
Laughable  Biggish 
Movable  smallish 
Cheerless  twofold 
tireless  Fivefold  
 
Positive Comparative Superlative
Degree Degree Degree
Short  Shorter Shortest
Long  Longer Longest
Strong   Stronger Strongest
Quick  Quicker Quickest
Hot  Hotter Hottest
Tall  Taller Tallest
Young  Younger Youngest
Old  Older Oldest
Thick   Thicker Thickest
New  Newer Newest
Great  Greater Greatest
Noble  Nobler Noblest
Brave  Braver Bravest
Able  Abler Ablest
Wise   Wiser Wisest
Large  Larger Largest
Fine  Finer Finest
Pale  Paler Palest
Heavy  Heavier Heaviest
Merry  Marrier Marriest
Bulky   Bulkier Bulkiest
Easy  Easier Easiest
Happy  Happier Happiest
Witty  Wittier Wittiest
 
Biggish  Bigger Biggest
Sad  Sadder Saddest
Red  Redder Reddest
Good  Better Best
Bad  Worse Worst
Well  Better Best
Many  More Most
Much  More Most
Old  Elder Eldest
Out  Utter Utmost
Out  Outer utmost
Late  Later Latest
Late  Latter Lost
Little  Less Least
ill  Worse worst
far  Farther Farthest
Fore  Former First or Fore most
Beautiful  More beautiful Most beautiful
Learned  More learned Most learned
Gifted  More gifted Most gifted
Benefited  More benefited Most benefited
Courageous  More courageous Most courageous
Difficult  More difficult Most difficult
Proper  More proper Most proper
Near  Nearer Nearest
Clear  Clearer Clearest

 
PREPOSITIONS -
Prepositions 
At = 
After = 
About = 
Along = 
Above = 
Across = 
Around = 
Among = 
Amongst = 
Amidst = 
Between = 
Betwixt = 
Beneath = 
Beside = 
Besides = 
Beyond = 
By = 
Before = 
Down = 
Despite = 
In = 
Into = 
In case of = 
 
Near = 
Over = 
Out = 
Off = 
On = 
Of = 
Towards = 
Till = 
Untill = 
Upon = 
Under = 
Underneath = 
with = 
within = 
without = 

Verbal Prepositions
Associate with = 
Angry with / at = 
Bear with = 
Clash with = 
Condole with = 
Comply with = 
correspond with = 
Credit with = 
Agree with/to = 
 
Dispense with = 
Fill in = 
Grapple on/with = 
Meddle with = 
Part from/with = 
Quarrel with = 
Side by = 
Sympathise with = 
Entrust with = 
Familiar with/among =
Alight from = 
Debar from = 
Derive from = 
Distinguish from = 
Differ from = 
Deviate from = 
Elicit from = 
Emerge from = 
Escape from = 
Exclude from = 
Preserve from = 
Protect from = 
Prohibit from = 
Recover from = 
Adapt to = 
Adhere to = 
Allot to = 
Apologise to/for = 

 
Adhere to =
Allot to = 
Apologise to/for = 
Appoint to = 
Aspire to = 
Assent to =
Contribute to = 
Attain to = 
Attend to/on =
Attempt to =
Attribute to = 
Belong to =
Conduce to = 
Conform to =
Compare to/with =
Consent to =
Lead to = 
Listen to = 
Object to =
Occur to =
Prefer to =
Pretend to =
Revert to =
Refer to =
Stoop to = 
Submit to/with =
Succumb to =
Testify to =

 
Yield to =
Canvass for =
Atone for = 
Care for =
Clamour for = 
Feel for =
Hope for = 
Mourn for = 
Pine for =
Start for/with = 
Sue for = 
Wish for = 
Yearn for = 
Approve of =
Acquit of/from = 
Beware of =
Boast of = 
Complain of = 
Despair of = 
Die of /for = 
Dispose off =
Divert of/from = 
Dream of = 
Repent of / from = 
Taste of =
Dabble in/with = 
Delight in = 

 
Employ in = 
Enlist in = 
Excel in/From = 
Fail in = 
Glory in = 
Indulge in = 
Involve in = 
Persist on = 
Comment on = 
Deliberate on = 
Depend on = 
Determine on = 
Encroach on = 
Enlarge on = 
Impose on = 
Insist on = 
Subsist on = 
Smile at = 
Stay at/in = 
Look at/into/upon down = 
Noun Preposition
Affection for = 
Appetite for = 
Ambition for = 
Anxiety for = 
Apology for = 
Aptitude for = 
Blame for = 
 
Candidate for = 
Capacity for = 
Compassion for = 
Compensation for = 
Contempt for = 
Craving for = 
Desire for = 
Fitness for = 
Fondness for = 
Leisure for = 
Liking for = 
Match for = 
Motive for = 
Need for = 
Opportunity for = 
Passion for = 
Partiality for = 
Pity for = 
Relish for = 
Reputation for = 
Surety for = 
Assurance of = 
Charge of/with = 
Distrust of = 
Doubt of = 
Experience of = 
Failure of = 
Observance of = 
 
Proof of = 
Result of = 
Want of = 
Access to = 
Allegiance to = 
Alternative to = 
Antidote to = 
Approach to = 
Assent to = 
Attachment to = 
Attention to = 
Concession to = 
Disgrace to = 
Dislike to = 
Encouragement to = 
Exception to = 
Incentive to = 
Indifference to = 
Invitation to = 
Key to = 
Limit to = 
Obedience to = 
Objection to = 
Opposition to = 
Preface to =
Reference to =
Submission to =
Supplement to = 
Acceptable to =
 
Accustomed to =
Addicted to =
Adequate to =
Adjacent to =
Affectionate to =
Akin to =
Alien to = 
Preface to =
Reference to =
Submission to =
Supplement to = 
Acceptable to =
Accustomed to =
Addicted to =
Adequate to =
Adjacent to =
Affectionate to =
Akin to =
Alien to = 
Erosion of = 
Applicable to =
Amenable to =
Temptation to =
Acquaintance with = 
Alliance with =
Bargain with =
Intercourse with =
Deliverance from = 
Escape from =
 
Exemption from = 
Inference from = 
Concern about = 
Impression on =
Authority on =
Exposure of = 
Erosion of = 
Applicable to =
Appropriate to =
Beneficial to =
Common to =
Comparable to =
Condemmed to = 
Conducive to =
Congenial to =
Contrary to =
Creditable to =
Deaf to = 
Detrimental to = 
Devoted to =
Entitled to =
Equal to =
Essential to =
Faithful to =
Exposed to =
Fatal to =
Hostile to =
Impertinent to =
Incidental to =
 
Incined to = 
Indebted to =
Indifferent to = 
Indispensable to =
Indulgent to = 
Inensible to = 
Irrelevant to =
Favourable to =
Immaterial to =
Impervious to = 
Able to =
Limited to = 
Lost to =
Loyal to = 
Natural to =
Necessary to =
Obedient to = 
Obliged to = 
Offensive to = 
Opposite to =
Painful to =
Partial to = 
Peculiar to = 
Prejudicial to =
Profitable to =
Prone to = 
Reduced to =
Related to =
Responsible to =
Restricted to = 
Sensitive to =
 
Suited to =
True to =
Absorbed in = 
Accomplished in =
Accurate in =
Backward in =
Defective in = 
Deficient in =
Experienced in =
Deligent in = 
Enveloped in = 
Honest in = 
Interested in = 
Involved in = 
Proficient in =
Afficted with =
Beset with = 
Busy with =
Contented with =
Conversant with =
Disgusted with = 
Endowed with = 
Gifted with = 
Infatuated with =
Infected with =
Infested with = 
Inspired with =
Intimated with =
Popular with/among =
Satisfied with =
Accused of =
 
Acquitted of = 
Afraid of =
Assured of =
Confident of =
Conscious of =
Convinced of =
Deprived of/from =
Desirous of = 
Devoid of =
Diffident of =
Envious of/to =
Found of =
Guilty of = 
Ignorant of =
Informed of =
Negligent of = 
Proud of = 
Sick of =
Sure of = 
Suspicious of =
Tolerant of =
Anxious for = 
Conspicuous for/of =
Destined for = 
Eager for =
Eligible for =
Grateful for = 
Prepared for/to =
Proper for =
Qualified for =
Sorry for = 
 
Definition: NounPronoun
(placed before)
Preposition 
objects 
e.g.: The mail track runs over hill and plain
preposition object 
 
e.g : Here is the book you asked for.
Relative pronoun object 
preposition 
e.g : That is the girl whom I spoke of
Interrogative pronoun object 
preposition 
e.g: What are you looking at?
object 
e.g. He is known all the world over.
6. For, from in, on preposition Nouns of
place or time 
e.g.: We did it (in) last week
Wait (for) a minute
There are 4 kinds of prepositions
1. Simple prepositions: 
e.g.: at, for, with, under, near, through.
by, to, in, up, out, down, of, over, from, off, till
 
2. Compound prepositions 
noun Adjective Adverb
(a-as, or be-by) bcompound
preposition 
e.g: About, among, above, amongst below, beneath
across, along amidst,
below, beside, beyond, outside, beyond, within.
3. Phrase Prepositions: 
Preposition 
Phrase preposition 
e.g: According to, because of, by virtue of, In accor-
dance with, by dint of, by way of,
in addition to,
4. Participle prepositions: Verbs present parti-
ciple prepositions 
e.g: Baring, during, notwith standing, concerning,
pendin g, respecting, considering, regarding, touching.


e.g: Within the house
tour round the world
learn against a wall
left for Bombay
e.g.: towards evening
since yesterday

 
3. Agency, Instrumentality 
e.g: sell goods at auction
cut it with a knife
4. Manner: 
e.g: Fought with courage
worked with care
falling by inches
5. Cause, Reason, Purpose = 
e.g: Worked for the good of all
good place for a picnic
died of cancer
suffers from pain
6. Possession: 
e.g: the temple of Srinathji
the girl with black eyes.
7. Measure, standard, Rate, Value 
e.g: Interest at twelve percent
House by the tower clock
cloth is sold by the metre
he lost the race by a metre
8. Contrast, concession: 
e.g: After every effort, he faild
For one vacancy a thousand applications
9. Inference, notice, source or origin: 
e.g: He came here with gratitude.
 
Heat emanates from the sea.
This is a quotation from Ramayana.
skill comes from practice.
1. But: Preposition except
e.g: None but the brave deserves victory.
2. ‘a’ ‘on’ preposition 
e.g: Harvesting cooly at two rupees per day.
3. ‘In’ 
e.g: He is in Europe
Rama is living in Hyderabad
4. ‘at’ 
e.g: Krishna lives at Devarapalli
5. ‘in’ ‘at’ on 
e.g: He is in bed
Rama is at the top of the class
Rama sat in a chair
6. ‘to’ ‘into’ upon, 
e.g: He ran to the playground
The dog sprang upon the gate
He jumped into the sea
The dog sprang upon the gate
7. till 
e.g: I waited till seven O clock.
8. ‘to’ 
e.g: I walked to the park
 
9. ‘with’ by 
e.g: Two birds with one shot killed by a soldier
10. ‘since’ Noun Noun phrase 
 verb 
present perfect tense 
e.g: I have taken nothing since morning
He has been in the hospital since 1st March.
11. ‘From’ 
Tenses verbs 
e.g: I worked at it from 1st February to 10th March.
My son will be at the University from tomorrow
12. ‘Noun’ ‘in’ 
‘at the end of’ 
‘within’ 
e.g: 1. I will come back in an hour. 2.Complete it within an hour.
13. ‘Between’ 
e.g: The two brothers shared the patrimony between themselves
14. ‘Among’ 
e.g: Yadavas quarrelled among themselves
15. ‘Beside’ at(or by) the side of 
e.g:Beside the road stones he lay

 
1. Simple Present Tense - 14
2. Simple Past Tense - 14
3. Simple Future Tense - 14
4. Present Continuous Tense - 14
5. Past Continuous Tense - 14
6. Future Continuous Tense - 14
7. Present Perfect Tense - 14
8. Past Perfect Tense - 14
9. Future Perfect Tense - 14
10. Present Perfect Continuous Tense - 14
11. Past Perfect Continuous Tense - 14
12. Future Perfect Continuous Tense - 14
Total Sentences - 168
13. Simple Present Tense - 14
14. Simple Past Tense - 14
15. Simple Future Tense - 14
16. Present Perfect Tense - 14
17. Past Perfect Tense - 14
18. Future Perfect Tense - 14
19. Present Continous Tense - 14
20. Past Continuous Tense - 14
Total - 112

 
STEP - I (Present Simple Tense)
1. I talk ?
2. Do I talk?
3. What do I talk?
4. Why do I talk?
5. Where do I talk?
6. When do I talk?
7. How do I talk?
8. I dont talk ?
9. Don’t I talk? 
10. What don’t I talk?
11. Why don’t I talk?
12. Where don’t I talk?
13. When dont I talk?
14. How don’t I talk?
 
STEP - 2 (Simple Past Tense)
1. I talked (V2) yesterday I did talk Yesterday
2. Did I talk yesterday?
3. What did I talk yesterday?
4. Why did I talk yesterday?
5. Where did I talk yesterday?
6. When did I talk yesterday?
7. How did I talk yesterday?
8. I didn’t talk yesterday?
9. Didn’t I talk yesterday?
10. What didn’t I talk yesterday?
11. Why didn’t I talk yesterday?
12. Where didn’t I talk yesterday?
13. When didn’t I talk yesterday?
14. How didn’t I talk yesterday?
 

STEP -3 (Simple Future Tense)

1. I will talk tomorrow ?
2. Shall I talk tomorrow ?
3. What shall I talk tomorrow ?
4. Why shall I talk tomorrow ?
5. Where shall I talk tomorrow ?
6. When shall I talk tomorrow ?
7. How shall I talk tomorrow ?
8. I won’t talk tomorrow ?
9. Wont I talk tomorrow?
10. What won’t I talk tomorrow?
11. Why won’t I talk tomorrow?
12. Where won’t I talk tomorrow?
13. When won’t I talk tomorrow?
14. How won’t I talk tomorrow?
 

STEP - 4 (Present Continuous Tense)

1. I am talking now?
2. Am I talking now?
3. What am I talking now?
4. Why am I talking now?
5. Where am I talking now?
6. When am I talking ?
7. How am I talking now?
8. I am not talking now.
9. Aren’t I talking now.
10. What aren’t I talking ?
11. Why aren’t I talking ?
12. Where aren’t I talking?
13. When aren’t I talking?
14. How aren’t I talking?
 

STEP - 5 (Past Continuous Tense)

1. I was talking yesterday.
  
2. Why was I talking yesterday?
    
3. What was I talking yesterday?
  
4. Why was I talking yesterday?
    
5. Where was I talking yesterday?
    
6. When was I talking yesterday?
    
7. How was I talking yesterday?
  
8. I wasn’t talking yesterday?
  
9. Wasn’t I talking yesterday?
   
10. What wasn’t I talking yesterday?
   
11. Why wasn’t I talking yesterday?
12. Where wasn’t I talking yesterday?
13. When wasn’t I talking yesterday?
14. How wasn’t I talking yesterday?
 

STEP - 6 (Future Continuous Tense)

1. I will be talking tomorrow.
2. Shall I be talking tomorrow?
3. What shall I be talking tomorrow?
4. Why shall I be talking tomorrow?
5. Where shall be talking tomorrow?
6. When shall I be talking tomorrow?
7. How shall I be talking tomorrow?
8. I won’t be talking tomorrow.
9. Wont I be talking tomorrow?
10. What won’t I be talking tomorrow?
11. Why won’t I be talking tomorrow?
12. Where won’t I be talking tomorrow.
13. When won’t I be talking tomorrow.
14. How won’t I be talking tomorrow.
 

STEP - 7 (Present Perfect Continuous Tense)

1. I have been talking?
2. Have I been talking?
3. What have I been talking?
4. Why have I been talking?
5. Where have I been talking?
6. When have I been talking?
7. How have I been talking?
8. I haven’t been talking?
9. Haven’t I been talking?
10. What haven’t I been talking?
11. Why haven’t I been talking?
12. Where haven’t I been talking?
13. When haven’t I been talking?
14. How haven’t I been talking?
 

STEP - 8 (Past Perfect Continuous tense)

1. I had been talking yesterday morning for three hours.
2. Had I been talking yesterday morning for three hours?
3. What had I been talking yesterday morning for three years?
4. Why had I been talking yesterday morning for three years?
5. Where had I been talking yesterday morning for three hours?
6. When had I been talking yesterday for three hours?
7. How had I been talking yesterday morning for three hours?
8. I hadn’t been talking yesterday moning for three hours.
9. Hadn’t I been talking yesterday morning for three hours?
10. What hadn’t I been talking yesterday morning for three years?
11. Why hadn’t I been talking yesterday morning for three hours?
12. Where hadn’t I been talking yesterday morning for three hours?
13. When hadn’t I been talking yesterday for three hours?
14. How hadn’t I been talking yesterday morning for three hours?
 

STEP - 9 (Future Perfect Continuous Tense)

1. I will have been talking tomorrow morning for three hours.
2. Shall I have been talking tomorrow morning for three hours?
3. What shall I have been talking tomorrow morning for three hours?
4. Why shall I have been talking tomorrow morning for three hours?
5. Where shall I have been talking tomorrow morning for three hours?
6. When shall I have been talking tomorrow for three hours?
7. How shall I have been talking tomorrow morning for three hours?
     
8. I won’t have been talking tomorrow morning for three hours.
9. Won’t I have been talking tomorrow morning for three hours?
10. What won’t I have been talking tomorrow morning for three hours?
11. Why won’t I have been talking tomorrow morning for three hours?
12. Where won’t I have been talking tomorrow morning for three hours?
13. When won’t I have been talking tomorrow for three hours?
14. How won’t I have been talking tomorrow morning for three houses?
 

STEP - 10 (Present Perfect Tense)

1. I have talked
2. Have I talked?
3. What have I talked?
4. Why I have talked?
5. Where have I talked?
6. When have I talked?
7. How have I talked?
8. I haven’t talked?
9. Haven’t I talked?
10. What haven’t I talked?
11. Why haven’t I talked?
12. Where haven’t I talked?
13. When haven’t I talked?
14. How haven’t I talked?
 

STEP - 10 (Past Perfect Tense)

1. I had talked yesterday before he come?
2. Had I talked yesterday before he came?
3. What had I talked yesterday before he come?
4. Why had I talked yesterday before he came?
5. Where had I talked yesterday before he came?
6. When had I talked yesterday before he came?
7. How had I talked yesterday before he came?
8. I hadn’t talked yesterday before he come?
9. Hadn’t I talked yesterday before he come?
10. What hadn’t I talked yesterday before he came?
11. Why hadn’t I talked yesterday before he came?
12. Where hadn’t I talked yesterday before he came?
13. When hadn’t I talked before he come?
14. How hadn’t I talked yesterday before he came?
 

STEP - 12 (Future Perfect Tense)

1. I will have talked tomorrow by this time?
2. Shall I have talked tomorrow by this time?
3. What shall I have talked tomorrow by this time?
4. Why shall I have talked tomorrow by this time?
5. Where shall I have talked tomorrow by this time?
6. When shall I have talked tomorrow by this time?
7. How shall I have talked tomorrow by this time?
8. I won’t have talked tomorrow by this time?
9. Won’t I have talked tomorrow by this time?
10. What won’t I have talked tomorrow by this time?
11. Why won’t I have talked tomorrow by this time?
12. Where won’t I have talked tomorrow by this time ?
13. When won’t I have talked tomorrow by this time?
14. How won’t I have talked tomorrow by this time?
 

STEP - 13 (Passive Voice - Simple Present Tense)

1. I am advised today.
2. Am I advised today?
3. What am I advised today?
4. Why am I advised today?
5. Where am I advised today?
6. When am I advised today?
7. How am I advised today?
8. I am not advised today?
9. Aren’t I advised today?
10. What aren’t I advised today?
11. why aren’t I advised today?
12. Where aren’t I advised today?
13. When aren’t I advised today?
14. How aren’t I advised toaday?
 

STEP - 14 (Simple Paste Tense)

1. I was advised yesterday
2. Was I advised yesterday?
3. What was I advised yesterday?
4. Why was I advised yesterday?
5. Where was I advised yesterday?
 
6. When was I advised yesterday?
7. How was I advised yesterday?
8. I wasn’t advised yesterday?
9. Wasn’t I advised yesterday?
10. What wasn’t I advised yesterday?
11. Why wasn’t I advised yesterday?
12. Where wasn’t I advised yesterday?
13. When wasn’t I advised yesterday?
14. How wasn’t I advised yesterday?
 

STEP - 15 (Simple Future Tense)

1. I will be adivsed tomorrow?
2. Shall I be advised tomorrow?
3. What shall I be advised tomorrow?
4. Why shall I be advised tomorrow?
5. Where shall I be advised tomorrow?
6. When shall I be advised tomorrow?
7. How shall I be advised tomorrow?
8. I won’t be advised tomorrow?
9. Won’t I be advised tomorrow?
10. What won’t I be advised tomorrow?
11. Why won’t I be advised tomorrow?
12. Where won’t I be advised tomorrow?
13. When won’t be advised tomorrow?
14. How won’t I be advised tomorrow?
 

STEP - 16 (Present Continuous Tense)

1. I am being advised now?
2. Am I being advised now?
 
3. What am I being advised now?
4. Why am I being advised now?
5. Where am I being advised now?
6. When am I being advised?
7. How am I beinig advised now?
8. I am not being advised now?
9. Aren’t I being advised now?
10. What aren’t I being advised now?
11. Why aren’t I being advised now?
12. Where aren’t I being advised now?
13. When aren’t I being advised?
14. How aren’t being advised?
 

STEP - 17 (Past Continuous Tense)

1. I was being advised yesterday?
 
2. Was I being advised yesterday?
 
3. What was I being advised advised yesterday?
4. Why was I being advised yesterday?
5. Where was I being advised yesterday?
6. When was I being advised yesterday?
7. How was I being advised yesterday?
8. I wasn’t being advised yesterday?
9. Wasn’t I being advised yesterday?
10. What wasn’t I being advised yesterday?
11. Why wasn’t I being advised yesterday?
12. Where wasn’t I being advised yesterday?
13. When wasn’t I being advised yesterday?
14. How wasn’t I being advised yesterday?
 

STEP - 18 (Present Prefect Tense)

1. I have been advised?
2. Have I been advised?
3. What have I been advised?
4. Why have I been advised?
5. Where Have I been advised
6. When have I been advised?
7. How Have I been advised?
8. I haven’t been advised?
9. Haven’t I been advised?
10. What haven’t I been advised?
11. Why haven’t I been advised?
12. Where haven’t I been advised?
13. When haven’t I been advised?
14. How haven’t I been advised?
 

STEP - 19 (Past Perfect Tense)

1. I had been advised yesterday before he came?
2. Had I been advised yesterday before he come?
3. What had I been advised yesterday before he came?
4. Why had I been advised yesterday before he come?
5. Where had I been advised yesterday before he come?
6. When had I been advised yesterday before he came?
7. How had I been advised yesterday before he come?
8. I hadn’t been advised yesterday before he come?
9. Hadn’t I been advised yesterday before he come?
10. What hadn’t I been advised yesterday before he come?
11. Why hadn’t I been advised yesterday beofe he come?
12. Where hadn’t I been advised yesterday before he come?
13. When hadn’t I been advised yesterday before he come?
14. How hadn’t I been advised yesterday before he come?
 

STEP - 20 (Future Perfect Tense)

1. I will have been advised tomorrow by this time?
2. Shall I have been advised tomorrow by this time?
3. What shall I have been advised tomorrow by this time?
4. Why shall I have been advised tomorrow by this time?
5. Where shall I have been advised tomorrow by this time?
6. When shall I have been advised tomorrow by this time?
7. How shall I have been advised tomorrow by this time
8. I won’t have been advised tomorrow by this time?
9. Won’t I have been advised tomorrow by this time?
10. What won’t I have been advised tomorrow by this time?
11. Why won’t I have been advised tomorrow by this time?
12. Where won’t I have been advised tomorrow by this time?
13. When won’t I have been advised tomorrow?
14. How won’t I have been advised tomorrow by this time?
 


Active Voice :  (Subject)
(Subject) 
Passive Voice:  (Object)
 Passive Voice
Object 
Object 

Voice : Subject verb form.  Subject

Verb form.
Active Voice  Passive Voice 
1. Active voice Passive Voice 
Verb V3 (Past Participle) form 
 subject 
Passive Voice 
 1. Pakistani ship was wrecked.
2. The temple was built long ago.
Note - Active voice - AV & Passive voice - PV

 
 verb Passive Voice 
Passive Voice 
Rama is gone.
is gone passive voice 'go'past participle
 gone. 'go'  intransitive verb. 'go' object 
passive voice 
   (transitive verbs)   active
voice           passive voice  
 1. Rose smells sweet (is sweet when it is smelt)
2. Mango tastes fine (is fine when tasted)
5. Active Voice subject, passive voice object 
active voice object, passive voice subject 
 subject, object  object, subject 
 Rama killed Ravana (AV)
(Subject) (Object)
Ravana was killed by Rama
6. (be) am, are, is was, were, been, being main
verb 
 He gave me a biscuit (AV)
I was given a biscuit by him.
 Active Voice subject 'by' 
 Arjuna killed Karna (AV)
Karna was killed by Arjuna (P.V.)
 
 Active voice 12 tenses passive voice 
 (1) Future continuous tense, (2) Present Perfect
Continuous Tense (3) Past Perfect Continuous Tense, (4)
Future Perfect Continuous Tense    Passive
 Active Voice  imperative sentence   
passive voice  'Let' 
1. Close the door (AV)
Let the door be closed (PV)
2. Open the window (AV)
Let the window be opened (PV)
 Subject imperative sentence 
ordering (command) request 
 1. Speak the truth (AV)
You are advised to speak the truth (PV)
2. Bring the chair (AV)
You are ordered to bring the chair (PV)
3. Shut the door (AV)
Let the door be shut (PV)
4. Bring coffee (PV)
Let coffee be brought (PV)
5. Sing a song (AV)
Let a song be sung (PV)
6. Come here (AV)
You are ordered to come here (PV)
7. Go there (AV)
You are ordered to go there (PV)
8. Sing please. (AV)
You are requested to sing (PV)
9. Look here, please (AV)
You are requested to look here (PV)
 

 Active voice do, does or did passive

voice  am, is, are 
 1. Do you take tea? (AV)
Is tea taken by you? (PV)
2. Did you write a letter? (AV)
Was the letter written by you?(PV)

 Active voice  when, how  question words 
Passive Voice 
 1. When do you eat food (AV)
When is food eaten by you? (PV)
2. How did you kill her? (AV)
How was she killed by you? (PV)

 Active voice 'who' Passive Voice 

'by whom' 
 1. Who writes this book? (AV)
By whom is this book written? (PV)
2. Who told her? (AV)
By whom was she told? (PV)

 phrases with, to, at 'by' 

 1. Please with 2. Satisfied with
3. Disgusted with 4. Annoyed at
5. Vexed at (with) 6. Known to
7. Crowded with 8. Interested in

 

1. The boy's work pleased the teacher. (AV)

The teacher was pleased with the boy's work (PV)
2. He satisfied his master (AV)
His master was satisfied with him (PV)
3. I know you (AV)
You are known to me (PV)
4. You knew him (AV)
He was known to you (PV)
5. Passengers crowded the bus (AV)
The bus was crowded with the passengers (PV)
6. His behaviour annoys me (AV)
I am annoyed at his behaviour (PV)
7. He vexed Ravi (AV)
Ravi was vexed at him (PV)
8. This interests me (AV)
I am interested in that (PV)
9. People throng the street (AV)
The streets are thronged with the people (PV)

 
 Active voice Passive voice 
   helping verb   
 Was he doing the job (AV)
Was the job being done by him?(PV)

 object 

 He gives me a book
sub verb obj1 obj2

 Active voice Passive voice pronouns 

Nouns 
1) I 1) me
2) We 2) Us
3) You 3) You
4) They 4) Them
5) Boys 5) Boys
6) He 6) Him
7) She 7) Her
8) It 8) It
9) Rama 9) Rama
10) Sita 10) Sita

 
18. 'Be'   'be' form    
Shall Shall be Would Would be
Will Will be Could Could be
May May be Need Need be
Might Might be To To be
Must Must be Let Let be
Can Can be Ought to Ought to be
Dare Dare be Used to Used to be
Should Should be Who By whom
Must Had to
19. been/be 

have have been
has has been
had had been
will have will have been
have to have to be
has to has to be
had to had to be
will have to will have to be
would have to would have to be

 
20. Verb + be form 

Advise (V1) am advised (V3)
are advised (V3)
Advises (V1) is advised (V3)
Advised (V2) was advised (V3)
were advised (V3)
Will advise will be advised (V3)
advising being advised (V3)
have addvised (V3) have been advised (V3)
has advised (V3) has bee advised (V3)
Will have advised (V3) will have been advised (V3)
had advised had been addvised (V3)
21. Passive voice  Sentences.

1. Rama loves Sita (AV)

Sita is loved by Rama (PV)
2. Rama is loving Sita (AV)
Sita is being loved by Rama (PV)
3. Rama will love Sita (AV)
Sita will be loved by Rama (PV)
4. Rama loved Sita (AV)
Sita was loved by Rama (PV)
5. Rama was loving Sita (AV)
Sita was being loved by Rama (PV)

 
6. Rama has loved Sita. (AV)
Sita has been loved by Rama. (PV)
7. Rama had loved Sita. (AV)
Sita had been loved by Rama. (PV)
8. Rama will have loved Sita. (AV)
Sita will have been loved by Rama. (PV)

22. Order of Command 

1. Shut the door. (AV)
Let the door be shut. (PV)
2. Bring Coffee. (AV)
Let coffee be brought. (PV)
3. Sing a song. (AV)
Let a song be sung. (PV)
4. Come here. (AV)
You are ordered to come here. (PV)
5. Go there. (AV)
You are ordered to go there. (PV)
6. Sing please. (AV)
You are requested to sing. (PV)

 
PRESENT TENSE  
1. I speak English.
2. Do I speak English?
3. I don’t speak English.
4. Don’t I speak English?
5. I am selling the fruits.
6. Am I selling the fruits?
7. I am not selling the fruits.
8. Am I not selling the fruits?
9. I have written a letter.
10. Have I written a letter?
11. I haven’t written a letter.
12. Haven’t I written a letter?
13. I have been living here for two years.
14. Have I been living here for two years?
15. I haven’t been living here for two years.
 
16. Haven’t I been living here for two years?
 

PAST TENSE   

17. I killed the dog.
18. Did I kill the dog?
19. I didn’t kill the dog.
20. Didn’t I kill the dog?
21. I was listening to the song.
22. Was I listening to the song?
23. I wasn’t listening to the song.
24. Wasn’t I listening to the song?
25. I had finished the work. (before he came)
26. Had I finished the work? (before he came)
27. I hadn’t the finished the work. (before he came)
28. Hadn’t I finished the work? (before he came)
29. I had been living there for two years.
30. Had I been living there for two years.
31. I hadn’t been living there for two years.
32. Hadn’t I been living there for two years?
 

FUTURE TENSE   

33. I will read the novel.
34. Shall I read the novel?
35. I won’t read the novel.
36. Won’t I read the novel?
37. I will be beating a rogue.
38. Shall I be beating a rogue?
39. I won’t be beating a rogue.
40. Won’t I be beating a rogue?
41. I will have taught the students.
42. Shall I have taught the students?
43. I won’t have taught the students.
44. Won’t I have taught the students?
45. I will have been living there for two years.
46. Shall I have been living there for two years?
47. I won’t have been living there for two years.
48. Won’t I have been living there for two years?
 
Sentences with helping verbs.
There are 23 helping verbs.
1. Am 2. Is 3. Are 4. Was
5. Were 6. Being 7. Been 8. Be
9. Have 10. Has 11. Had 12. Do
13. Does 14. Did 15. Shall 16. Should
17. Will 18. Would 19. May 20. Might
21. Must 22. Can 23. Could

Sentences formed with helping verbs

1. I am walking.
2. He is walking.
 
3. We are walking.
 
4. I was playing cricket in the morning.
5. We were playing foot ball in the evening.
6. I am being advised by Ramesh.
7. I have been scolded by my boss.
8. I will be taking my exam at this time tomorrow .
 
9. I have eaten a mango just now.
10. He has beaten Ravi.
11. I had helped him yesterday before you came.
12. Do you go there everyday?
13. Does he often visit this place?
14. Did you take your exam yesterday?
15. Shall we make a move?
16. You should attend that party tomorrow.
17. He will you meet tomorrow.
18. Would you mind opening the window?
19. He may help you.
20. He might be coming here now.
21. You must go there.
22. I can go there alone.
23. I could sleep there last night.
 
Sentences with Adverbs
1. I am walking fast. 
2. Am I walking fast? 
3. I’m not walking fast. 
4. Aren’t  I walking fast? 
5. We are walking fast. 
6. Are we walking fast? 
7. We aren’t  walking fast. 
8. Aren’t  we walking fast? 
9. You are walking fast. 
10. Are you walking fast? 
11. You aren’t  walking fast. 
12. Aren’t  you walking fast? 
13. They are walking fast. 
14. Are they walking fast? 
15. They aren’t  walking fast. 
16. Aren’t  they walking fast? 
17. Boys are walking fast. 
18. Are boys walking fast? 
19. Boys aren’t  walking fast. 
20. Aren’t  boys walking fast?
 
21. He is walking fast. 
22. Is he walking fast? 
23. He isn’t  walking fast. 
24. Isn’t  he walking fast? 
25. She is walking fast. 
26. Is she walking fast? 
27. She isn’t  walking fast. 
28. Isn’t  she walking fast? 
29. It is walking fast. 
30. Is it walking fast? 
31. It isn’t  walking fast. 
32. Isn’t  it walking fast? 
33. Rama is walking fast. 
34. Is Rama walking fast? 
35. Rama isn’t  walking fast.
36. Isn’t  Rama walking fast?
37. Sita is walking fast.  
38. Is Sita walking fast? 
39. Sita isn’t walking fast. 
40. Isn’t  Sita walking fast? 
 
Sentences with adjectives
1. I am intelligent. 
2. I am an intelligent person. 
3. We are blacks. 
4. We are black people. 
5. You are weak. 
6. You are a weak person. 
7. They are rich. 
8. They are rich people. 
9. Boys are obedient.  
10. Boys are obedient students.
11. He is cunning. 
12. He is a cunning fellow. 
13. She is beautiful. 
14. She is a beautiful girl. 
15. It is cheap. 
16. It is a cheap article. 
17. Rama is righteous. 
18. Rama is a righteous person. 
19. Sita is pious. 
20. Sita is a pious lady. 
21. I am not coward. 
22. Am I not a coward ? 
23. We are not poor. 
24. Aren’t  we poor persons?
25. You are not bold enough.  

 


1. Ravi is a good boy. 
2. Is Ravi a good boy? 
3. Ravi isn’t a good boy. 

4. Isn’t Ravi a good boy? 

5. Gita is a good girl. 

6. Is Gita a good girl? 
7. Gita isn’t a good girl. 

8. Isn’t Gita a good girl? 

9. I am a good teacher. 

10. Am I a good teacher? 

11. I am not a good teacher.

12. Am I not a good teacher?

13. We are good friends. 

14. Are we good friends? 

15. We aren’t good friends.

16. Aren’t we good friends?

17. You are a farmer. 

18. Are you a farmer? 
19. You aren’t a farmer. 

 
20. Aren’t you a farmer? 
21. He is intelligent. 
22. Is he intelligent? 
23. He isn’t intelligent. 
24. Isn’t he intelligent? 
25. She is dullard. 
26. Is she dullard? 
27. She isn’t dullard. 
28. Isn’t she dullard? 
29. It is cheap. 
30. Is it cheap? 
31. It isn’t cheap. 
32. Isn’t it cheap? 
33. They are soldiers. 
34. Are they soldiers? 
35. They aren’t soldiers. 

36. Aren’t they soldiers? 

37. Boys are obedient.  

38. Are boys obedient? 
39. Boys aren’t obedient. 

40. Aren’t boys obedient? 

 

Sentences with prepositions

1. I saw Ravi in the library.
2. Rama married Sita on this day.
3. Your book is on the table.
4. Trains will not arrive on time.
5. We will come on Saturday.
6. He acted on my advice.
7. Sita is on the committee.
8. She died of cancer.
9. Sita is daughter of Janaka.
10. The ring is made of gold.
11. Rama is a man of word.
12. She went to buy vegetables.
13. He has come to teach me.
14. I walk to the garden early in the morning.
 
15. He went to the railway station.
16. There is a house by the temple.
17. Come and Sit by me.
18. Ravana was killed by Rama
19. I can pass I.A.S.exam through hard work.
20. All that was done, was through envy.
21. He is with you, why do you worry?
22. He beats the dog with a stick.
23. Ravi went out with a heavy bag.
24. He is at the office.
25. She comes at 6’O clock.
26. We are at Birla Temple in Hyderabad.
27. Hyderabad is in Telangana State
28. She was in great distress.
29. I read it in ‘Eenadu’.
 

30. I am going to the market for vegetables.

31. Passengers for Vijayawada are waiting for the bus.
32. We vote for him.
33. She is about to marry.
34. The broom is behind the door.
35. She will come to rescue me without fail.
36. The fan is above my head.
37. Ravi parked his car across the road.
38. Besides being a teacher, he is a poet.
39. Vijayawada is between Guntur and Gudivada.
40. My father is inside the home.
41. He left his shoes outside.
42. The train had left before I reached the railway station.
43. The teacher complained against the student.
 

44. Step into our institute to learn English.

45. I got good knowledge out of this book.
46. Out of my experience. I am teaching these morals.
47. I did not achieve anything throughout my life.
48. He has been facing difficulties throughout his life.
49. Without sir’s permission she left the class.
50. The hero will come here within a few minutes.
51. The show will begin within five minutes.
52. He welcomed us with his whole heart.
53. The train will arrive within five minutes.
54. Keep your expenses within your income.
55. He lives at Deverapalli.
56. She lives in Delhi.
57. There is a war between India and Pakistan.

 
58. Ravi is the laziest boy among the three brothers.
 
59. I have been teaching English since 1980.
60. I have been teaching English for 8 years.
 
61. My sister sat beside me.
62. Besides working as a teacher, he also acts in films.
63. He was killed with a knife.
64. He was killed by Rama.
 
65. Veena sat on the bench.
66. The cat jumped upon the rat.
67. An egg is in the box.
68. A frog jumped into the river.
69. She was kept waiting till 3’O clock.
70. I will return home by 3’O Clock.
71. Ravi left work at 4’O clock.
72. It is about four now.
 
73. Seshu will return in a week.
74. Ravi will return within a week.
75. Ravi will meet you at the station.
76. The police rushed at the naxals.
77. She will come at 9’O Clock.
78. You must come to college in time.
79. She found me at play.
 
80. She is good at singing.
81. The audience were overwhelmed at Chiru’s performance.
82. She is with her husband.
83. Fill the petrol tank with 5 litres.
84. I didn’t write with such a costly pen.
85. He lives with his grandmother.

 

PRESENT TENSE   

ACTIVE VOICE   
1. I am walking.
2. I have been walking.
3. I have walked.
4. I walk.
PASSIVE VOICE   
5. I am advised.
6. I have been advised.
7. I am being advised.
 
PAST TENSE   
ACTIVE VOICE   
1. I was walking.
2. I had been walking.
     
3. I had walked (yesterday before he came)
4. I walked. (V2)
 

PASSIVE VOICE  

5. I was advised (Yesterday).
6. I had been advised (Yesterday before he came)
7. I was being advised (yesterday).

FUTURE TENSE   

ACTIVE VOICE   
1. I will be walking tomorrow.
2. I will have been walking tomorrow.
  
3. I will have walked tomorrow at this time.
4. I will walk tomorrow.

PASSIVE VOICE   

5. I will be advised tomorrow.
6. I will have been advised tomorrow at this time.

 
1. I am present. 
2. Am I present? 
3. I am not present. 
4. Am I not present? 
5. I was present. 
6. Was I present? 
7. I wasn’t present. 
8. Wasn’t I present? 
9. I will be present. 
10. Shall I be present? 
11. I won’t be present. 
12. Won’t I be present? 
13. I am here. 
14. Am I here? 
15. I am not here. 
16. Am I not here? 
17. I was here. 
18. Was I here? 
19. I wasn’t here. 
20. Wasn’t I here? 
21. I will be here. 
22. Shall I be here? 
23. I won’t be here. 
24. Won’t I be here? 
25. I can help. 
26. Can I help? 
27. I can’t help. 
28. Can’t I help? 
29. I could help. 
 
30. Could I help?
31. I couldn’t help.
32. Couldn’t I help?
33. I am able to help.
34. Am I able to help?
35. I am not able to help.
36. Am I not able to help?
37. I was able to help.
38. Was I able to help?
39. I wasn’t able to help.
40. Wasn’t I able to help?
41. I will be able to help.
42. Shall I be able to help?
43. I won’t be able to help.
44. Won’t I be able to help?
45. I may help.
 
46. May I help? 
47. I may not help. 
48. I might help. 
49. Might I help? 
50. I might not help. 
51. I must help. 
52. Must I help? 
53. I musn’t help. 
54. Musn’t I help? 
55. I should help. 
56. Should I help? 
57. I shouldn’t help. 
58. Shouldn’t I help? 
59. I am going to help. 
60. Am I going to help? 
61. I am not going to help. 
62. Am I not going to help? 
63. I am about to help. 
64. Am I about to help? 
65. I am not about to help. 
66. Am I not about to help? 
67. I dare to help. 
68. Do I dare to help? 
69. I don’t dare to help. 
70. Don’t I dare to help? 
 
71. I have money.
72. Do I have money?
73. I don’t have money.
74. Don’t I have money?
75. I have to go.
76. Do I have to go?
77. I don’t have to go.
78. Don’t I have to go.
79. I had to go there yesterday.
78. Did I have to go there yesterday?
79. I didn’t have to go there yesterday.
80. Didn’t I have to go there yesterday?
81. I will have to go there tomorrow.
82. Shall I have to go there tomorrow?
 
83. I won’t have to go there tomorrow.
84. Won’t I have to go there tomorrow?
85. Let me say.
86. Let me not say.
87. I saw him go there.
88. Did I see him go there?
89. I didn’t see him go there.
90. Didn’t I see him go there?
91. I saw him going there.
92. Did I see him going there?
93. I didn’t see him going there.
94. Didn’t I see him going there?
95. If I read, you will read.
96. If I don’t read, you will read.
97. If I read, you won’t read.
 
98. If I don’t read, you won’t read.
99. If I had worked hard, I would have passed.
100. If I hadn’t worked hard, I wouldn’t have passed.
101. If I asked him, he would help me.
102. If I didn’t ask him, he wouldn’t help me.
103. If I were a bird, I would fly home.
    
104. I used to help.
105. Did I use to help?
106. I didn’t use to help.
107. Didn’t I use to help?
108. I would have helped him.
109. I wouldn’t have helped him.
110. I might have helped him.
111. I might not have helped him.
112. I should have helped him.
 
113. I shouldn’t have helped him.
114. I must have helped him.
115. I mustn’t have helped him.
116. I could have helped him.
117. I like you. 
118. Do I like you? 
119. I don’t like you. 
120. Don’t I like you. 
121. I love you. 
122. Do I love you? 
123. I don’t love you. 
124. Don’t I love you. 
125. I want you. 
126. Do I want you? 
127. I don’t want you. 
128. Don’t I want you? 
129. I need you. 
130. Do I need you? 
132. I don’t need you. 
133. Don’t I need you? 
134. I want your help. 
135. Do I want your help? 
136. I don’t want your help. 
137. Don’t I want your help? 
138. I prefer to go there.
 
139. Do I prefer to go there?
140. I don’t prefer to go there.
141. Don’t I prefer to go there?
142. What are you?
143. I am walking fast.
144. Am I walking fast?
145. I am not walking fast.
146. Am I not walking fast?
147. I have no money to spend.
148. I am thirty five years old.
149. I know nothing/I don’t no anything.
150. I go nowhere.
151. I go anywhere.
152. I went nowhere.
153. I told nothing/I didn’t tell anything.
 
154. He is too weak to walk.
 
155. None of the girls is coming here.
156. One of the fruits is a mango.
 
157. One of the members of that committee is intelligent.
158. He and I are twins.
159. Both his sons are doctors.
160. Each of you should have a book.
161. Either side of this case is guilty.
162. He is brilliant.
163. He is a brilliant person.
164. He is brilliant neither at language nor at science.
165. Ramesh is cleverer than any other boy in the class.(C.D)
166. No other boy in the class is as clever as Ramesh. (P.D)
  
167. Very few boys in the class are as clever as Ramesh.
168. The dancing girl is my sister.
 
Blow  Blew  Blown
Bear  Bore  Born/Borne
Buy  Bought  Bought
Bring  Brought  Brought
Begin  Began  Begun
Burn  Burnt  Burnt
Build  Built  Built
Dig  Dug  Dug
Do  Did  Done
Drink  Drank  Drunk
Draw  Drew  Drawn
Drive  Drove  Driven
Fight  Fought  Fought
Find  Found  Found
Feel  Felt  Felt
Feed  Fed  Fed
Fly  Flew  Flown
Fall  Fell  Fallen
Lose  Lost  Lost
Leave  Left  Left
Run  Ran  Run
Ride  Rode  Ridden
Ring  Rang  Rung
Read  Read  Read
Keep  Kept  Kept
Know  Knew  Known
 
Eat  Ate  Eaten
Creep  Crept  Crept
Bind  Bound  Bound
Bleed  Bled  Bled
Bid  Bade  Bidden
Beat  Beat  Beaten
Bite  Bit  Bitten
Bread  Bred  Bred
Dream  Dreamt  Dreamt
Dwell  Dwelt  Dwelt
See  Saw  Seen
Speak  Spoke  Spoken
Spend  Spent  Spent
Sell  Sold  Sold
sit  Sat  Sat
Sink  Sank  Sunk
Sing  Sang  Sung
Shake  Shook  shaken
Spring  Sprang  sprung
Steal  Stole  Stolen
Sting  Stung  Stung
Strike  Struck  Struck
Send  Sent  Sent
Sleep  Slept  Slept
Smell  Smelt  Smelt
Spell  Spelt  Spelt
Sweep  Swept  Swept
 
Take  Took  Taken
Tear  Tore  Torn
Throw  Threw  thrown
Teach  Taught  Taught
Think  Thought  Thought
Win  Won  Won
Weave  Wove  Woven
Wear  Wore  worn
Write  Wrote  Written
Tell  Told  told
Say  Said  Said
Seek  Sought  Sought
Shrink  Shrank  Shrunk
Slay  Slew  Slain
Spin  Spun  Spun
Sling  Slung  Slung
Smite  Smote  Smitten
Stick  Stuck  Stuck
Swear  Swore  Sworn
Stride Strode Stridden
 
Swim  Swam  Swum
Strive Strove/Strived Striven/Strived
 
Swing  Swung  Swung
Sew  Sewed  Sewn
Become  Became  Become
 
Beseech  Besought  Besought
Beget  Begot  Begotten
Behold  Beheld  Beheld
Deal  Dealt  Dealt
Fling  Flung  Flung
Forbid  forbode  Forbidden
Forbear  Forbore  Forborne
Forsake  Forsoke  Forsaken
Forget  Forgot  forgotten
Hang  Hung/hanged  Hung/Hanged
Hold  Held  Held
Hide  Hid  Hidden
Kneel  Knelt  Knelt
Overcome  Overcame  Overcome
Rend  Rent  Rent
Undeerstand Understood Understood
 
Mean  Meant  Meant
Lead  Led  Led
Stand  Stood  Stood
Love  Loved  Loved
Like  Liked  Liked
Laugh  Laughed  Laughed
Live  Lived  Lived
Link  Linked  Linked
Load  Loaded  Loaded
Fill  Filled  Filled
 
Fail  Failed  Failed
Fear  Feared  Feared
Fire  Fired  Fired
Free  Fred  Fred
Found  Founded  Founded
Guess  Guessed  Guessed
gift  Giftd  Gifted
Gain  Gained  Gained
Jump  Jumped  Jumped
Judge  Judged  Judged
Move  Moved  Moved
Merge  Merged  Merged
Miss  Missed  Missed
Melt  Melted  Melted
Mow  Mowed  Mowed
Manage  Managed  Managed
Mend  Mended  Mended
Mind  Minded  Minded
Mint Minted Minted
 
Call  Called  Called
Care  Cared  Cared
Curse  Cursed  Cursed
Consult  Consulted  Consulted
Cane  Caned  Caned
Crush  Crushed  Crushed
Chide  Chided  Chided
 
Clothe  Clothed  Clothed
Cease  Ceased  Ceased
Content   Contented  Contented
Contribute  Contributed  Contributed
Convince  Convinced  Convinced
Crown Crowned Crowned
Credit  Credited  Credited
Converse  Conversed  Conversed
Converge Converged Converged
Consecrate  ConsecratedConsecreted
Consist  Consisted  consisted
Congragulate  congratulated congratulated
Connive Connived Connived
Comprise  comprised  Comprised
Compromise  Compromised  Compromised
Deliver  Delivered  Delivered
Delay  Delayed  Delayed
Decide  Decided  Decided
Discuss  Discussed  Discussed
Dress  Dressed  Dressed
Doubt  Doubted  Doubted
Design  Designed  Designed
Desert  Deserted  Deserted
Deprive  Deprived  Deprived
Devote  Devoted  Devoted
Derive  Derived  Derived
Determine Determined  Determined
 
Describe  Describe  Described
Disappoint  Disappointed Disappointed
Differ  Differed  Differed
Drench  Drenched  Drenched
Deviate  Deviated Deviated
Disgrace  Disgraced  Disagraced
Foil  Foiled  Foiled
Inform  Informed  Informed
Invite  Invited  Invited
Invent  Invented  Invented
Interfere  Interfered  Interfered
Injure  Injured  Injured
Inhabit  Inhabited  Inhabited
Ignore  Ignored  Ignored
Inherit   InheritedInherited
Irritate   Irritated   Irritated
Imitate  Imitated  Imitated
Intimate  Intimated  Intimated
Inquire  Inquired  Inquired
Induce  Induced  Induced
Inspire  Inspired  Inspired
Implicate  Implicated  Implicated
Impose  Imposed  Imposed
Incline  Inclined  Inclined
Indulge  Indulged  Indulged
Intrude  Intruded  Intruded
Involve  Involved  Involved
 
Invade  Invaded  Invaded
Intend  Intended  Intended
Instruct  Instructed  Instructed
Insure  Insured  Insured
Interrupt  Interrupted  Interrupted
Issue  Issued  Issued
Promise Promised  Promised
Pay  Paid  Paid
Prove  Proved  Proved
Pain  Pained  Pained
Perish  Perished  Perished
Prepare  Prepared  Prepared
Pretend  Pretended  Pretended
Prevent  Prevented  Prevented
Promote  Promoted  Promoted
Pawn  Pawned  Pawned
Pledge  Pledged  Pledged
Produce  Produced  Produced
Push  Pushed  Pushed
Prohibit  Prohibited  Prohibited
Preserve  Preserved  Preserved
Reduce  Reduced  Reduced
Regret  Regretted  Regretted
Respect  Respected  Respected
Reverse Reversed Reversed
Revert  Reverted  Reverted
Review  Reviewed  Reviewed
 
Resolve  Resolved  Resolved
Repose  Reposed  Reposed
Restrict Restricted Restricted
Restrain  Restrained  Restrained
Refer Referred Referred
 
Regard  Regarded  Regarded
Relate  Related  Related
Believe  Believed  Believed
Kill  Killed  Killed
Kick  Kicked  Kicked
Need  Needed  Needed
Note Noted  Noted
Erode  Eroded  Eroded
boycot  Boycotted  Boycotted
Add  Added  Added
Advise  Advised  Advised
Accuse Accused  Accused
Agree  Agreed  Agreed
Accept  Accepted  Accepted
Absent  Absented Absented
Adopt  Adopted  Adopted
Adjust  Adjusted  Adjusted
Apply  Applied  Applied
Appoint  Appointed  Appointed
Attain  Attained  Attained
Attend  Attended  Attended
 
Attach  Attached  Attached
Allow  Allowed  Allowed
Amuse Amused Amused
Accomplish  Accomplished  Accomplished
Bury  Buried  Buried
Base  Based  Based
Encouraged Encouraged Encouraged
Envelop  Enveloped  Enveloped
Escape  Escaped  Escaped
Exclude Excluded Excluded
Exempt ExemptedExempted
Experience ExperiencedExperienced
Enlarge  Enlarged  Enlarged
Engage  Engaged  Engaged
Embrace Embraced  Embraced
Encroach Encroached Encroached
 
Employ  Employed  Employed
Enjoy  Enjoyed  Enjoyed
Express  Expressed  Expressed
Expose  Exposed  Exposed
Emerge  Emerged  Emerged
Exhaust  Exhausted  Exhausted
Heap  Heaped  Heaped
Hint  Hinted  Hinted

 
Hurry  Hurried  Hurried
Heal  Healed  Healed
Lick  Licked  Licked
Lash  Lashed  Lashed
Marry  Married  Married
Occupy  Occupied  Occupied
Occur  Occurred  Occurred
Obey  Obeyed  Obeyed
Obstruct  Obstructed  Obstructed
Offend  Offended  Offended
Object  Objected  Objected
Oblige  Obliged  Obliged
Prolong  Prolonged  Prolonged
Prompt  Prompted  Prompted
Queue  Queued  Queued
Quicken Quickened Quickened
 
Renounce  Renounced  Renounced
Rent  Rented  Rented
Study  Studied  Studied
Show  Showed  Showed
Swell  Swelled  Swelled
Satisfy  Satisfied  Satisfied
Seal  Sealed  Sealed
Seize Seized Seized
 
 
Secure Secured Secured
 
Supply  Supplied  Supplied
Start  Started  Started
Starve  Starved  Starved
Slow  Slowed  Slowed
Sum  Summed  Summed
Sip  Sipped  Sipped
Surrender  Surrendered  Surrendered
Supervise Supervised Supervised
Specify Specified Specified
 
Supplement Supplemented Supplemented
 
Train  Trained  Trained
Try  Tried  Tried
Testify  Testified  Testified
Unite  United  United
Want  Wanted  Wanted
Warn  Warned  Warned
Worry  Worried  Worried
Wish  Wished  Wished
Greet  Greeted  Greeted

Be Table
Present -  Future -  Past - 
Yes No Yes No Yes No
I am I am not I will (I’ll)be I won’t be I was I wasn’t
(I’m )
We are We aren’t  We will be We won’t be We were We weren’t
(We’re )
You are You aren’t  You will be You won’t be You were You weren’t
(You’re 

They are They aren’t  They will be They won’t be They were They weren’t
 

(They’re )
He is He isn’t  He will be He won’t be He was He wasn’t
(He’s  )
She is She isn’t  She will be She won’t be She was She wasn’t
(She’s )
It is It isn’t  It will be It won’t be It was It wasn’t
(It’s )
Table of Personal Pronouns
No Subject Object   
1. I  Me  my - mine - myself
2. We  Us  our - ours -  ourselves
 
3. You  You  your -  yours -  yourself
4. You  You  your -  yours -  yourselves

5. They  Them  their- theirs- themselves
 

   

6. He  Him  his- his -  himself
 
7. She  Her  her -  hers -  herself
  
8. It  It  its -  its -  itself-
  
Have Table
Present  Future  Past 
Yes No Yes No Yes No
I have (I’ve ) I don’t have I will have (i’ll ) I won’t have I had (I’d ) I didn’t have
We have (we’ve ) We don’t have We will have We won’t have We had (we’d ) We didn’thave
You have (You’ve) Yoou don’t have You will have You won’t have You had (you’d ) You didn’t have
(you’ll )
They have They don’t have They will have They won’t have They had (They’d ) They didn’t have
(They’ve ) (They’ll )
Boys have Boys don’t have Boys will have Boys won’t have Boys had Boys didn’t have

He has (He’s ) He doesn’t have He will have He won’t have He had (He’d ) He didn’t have
 

(He’ll )
She has (She’s ) She doesn’t have She will have She won’t have She had (She’d ) She didn’t have
(She’ll )
It has (It’s ) It doesn’t have It will have It won’t have It had (It’d ) It didn’t have
(It’ll 
Rama has Rama doesn’t have Rama will have Rama won’t have Rama had Rama didn’t have
Sita has Sita doesn’t have Sita will have Sita won’t have Sita had Sita didn’t have
Simple Present Tense Simple Past Tense Simple Future Tense
  
1. I eat a mango. 1 I ate a mango 1. I shall eat a mango.
  
2. We eat a mango. 2. We ate a mango. 2. We shall eat a mango.
  
3. You eat a mango. 3. You ate a mango. 3. You will eat a mango.

  
 

4. He eats a mango. 4. He ate a mango 4. He will eat a mango tomorrow.

  
5. She eats a mango. 5. She ate a mango. 5. She will eat a mango tomorrow.
  
6. They eat a mango. 6. They ate a mango yesterday 6. They will eat a mango tomorrow.
  
Present Continuous Tense Past Continuous Tense Future Continuous Tense
  
  
1. I am eating a mango. 1. I was eating a mango yesterday. 1. I shall be eating a mango tomorrow.
  
2. We are eating a mango. 2. We were eating a mango yesterday. 2. We shall be eating a mango tomorrow.

 
3. You are eating a mango. 3. You were eating a mango yesterday.
 

3. You will be eating a mango tomorrow.

  
4. He is eating a mango. 4. He was eating a mango yesterday. 4. He will be eating a mango tomorrow.
  
5. She is eating a mango. 5. She was eating a mango yesterday. 5. She will be eating a mango tomorrow.
  
Present Perfect Tense Past Perfect Tense Future Perfect Tense
1. I have eaten a mango. 1. I had eaten a mango. 1. I shall have eaten a mango.
2. We have eaten a mango. 2. We had eaten a mango. 2. We shall have eaten a mango.
3. You have eaten a mango. 3. You had eaten a mango. 3. You will have eaten a mango.
4. He has eaten a mango. 4. He had eaten a mango. 4. He will have eaten a mango.
5. She has eaten a mango. 5. She had eaten a mango. 5. She will have eaten a mango.

6. They have eaten a mango. 6. They had eaten a mango. 6. They will have eaten a mango.
 

7. I have written a letter. 7. I had written a letter. 7. I shall have written a letter.
8. We have written a letter. 8. We had written a letter. 8. We shall have written a letter.
9. You have written a letter. 9. You had written a letter. 9. You will have written a letter.
10. He has written a letter. 10. He had written a letter. 10. He will have written a letter.
11. She has written a letter. 11. She had written a letter. 11. She will have written a letter.
12. They have written a letter. 12. They had written a letter. 12. They will have written a letter.
 
Positive Comparative Superlative
Degree Degree Degree
High higher highest
Tall taller tallest
Bold bolder boldest
Kind kinder kindest
Hard harder hardest
Sweet sweeter sweetest
Small smaller smallest
Clever cleverer cleverest
Young younger youngest
Great greater greatest
Thick thicker thickest
Brave braver bravest
Sure surer surest
Able abler ablest
Fine finer finest
Wise wiser wisest
White whiter whitest
Large larger largest
Hot hotter hottest
Fat fatter fattest
Big bigger biggest
Sad sadder saddest
Easy easier easiest
Beautiful more beautiful most beautiful
Difficult more difficult most difficult
Good better best
Bad worse worst

Superlative Degree Comparative Degree Positive Degree
1. Ramesh is one of the cleverest boys in 1. Ramesh is clever than most other boys 1. Very few boys in the class are as clever
the class. in the class. as Ramesh.
2. Bombay is one of the biggest cities 2. Bombay is bigger than most other cities 2. Very few cities of India are as big as
of India. of India. Bombay.
3. Akbar was one of the greatest Kings. 3. Akbar was bigger than most other 3. Very few kings were as great asAkbar.
Kings. 4. Very few countries are as hot as India.
4. India is one of the hottest countries.
4. India is hotter than most other 5. Very few Indian writers are as great
5. Tagore is one of the greatest countries.
Indian writers. as Tagore.

5. Tagore is greater than most other 6. Very few Prime Ministers are as great
6. Nehru is one of the greatest Prime Indian writers. as Nehru.
 

6. Nehru is greater than most other 7. Very few News Papers are as good as
7. The Hindu is of the best News Prime Ministers. The Hindu.
7. The Hindu is better than most other 8. Very few Islands in the world are as
8. Sri Lanka is one of the Islands in the News Papers. big as Sri Lanka.
world. 8. Sri Lanka is bigger than most other 9. Very few boys in the class are as short
9. Suresh is one of the shortest boys in the Islands in the world. as Suresh.
class. 9. Suresh is shorter than most other boys
in the class.
 
Active Voice (Shortcuts)

was / wasn’t
am / am not
shall be / won’t be
} walking.

had / hadn’t
have / haven’t
shall have / won’t have
} walked.

had been / hadn’t been
have been / haven’t been
shall have been / won’t have been
} walking

walked / didn’t walk
walk / don’t walk
shall walk / won’t walk
Passive Voice

was / wasn’t
am / am not
shall be / won’t be } scolded.

was / wasn’t
am / am not } being scolded.

had been / hadn’t been
have been / haven’t been
shall have been / won’t have been
} scolded.
kÕ<Ûës¡D yêø±´\T Á|üXÊïs¡úø£ yêø±´\T e´‹πsø±s¡úø£ yêø±´\T e´‹πsø£ Á|üXÊïs¡úø£ yêø±´\T
I laugh. Do I laugh? I don’t laugh. Don’t I laugh?
H˚qT qe⁄«‘êqT. H˚qT qe⁄«‘êHê? H˚qT qe«qT. H˚qT qe«Hê?
I laughed. Did I laugh? I didn’t laugh. Didn’t I laugh?
H˚qT q$«‹ì. H˚qT q$«‹Hê? H˚qT qe«˝Ò<äT. H˚qT qe«˝Ò<ë?
I shall laugh. Shall I laugh? I won’t laugh. Won’t I laugh?
H˚qT qe⁄«‘êqT. H˚qT qe⁄«‘êHê? H˚qT qe«qT. H˚qT qe«Hê?
I am laughing. Am I laughing? I’m not laughing. Aren’t I laughing?
H˚qT qe⁄«‘·÷ ñHêïqT. H˚qT qe⁄«‘·÷ ñHêïHê? H˚qT qe⁄«‘·÷ ˝ÒqT. H˚qT qe⁄«‘·÷ ˝ÒHê?
I was laughing. Was I laughing? I wasn’t laughing. Wasn’t I laughing?

n+<ä]ø° Ä+>∑¢+. . . Ä Ä ˝≤¢>± ‘˚*>±Z .186

H˚qT qe⁄«‘·÷ ñ+{Ïì. H˚qT qe⁄«‘·÷ ñ+{ÏHê? H˚qT qe⁄«‘·÷ ñ+&É˝Ò<äT. H˚qT qe⁄«‘·÷ ñ+&É˝Ò<ë?

Will I be laughing? Won’t I be laughing?

. .1180
I will be laughing.

I won’t be laughing.
H˚qT qe⁄«‘·÷ ñ+{≤qT. H˚qT qe⁄«‘·÷ ñ+{≤Hê? H˚qT qe⁄«‘·÷ ñ+&ÉqT. H˚qT qe⁄«‘·÷ ñ+&ÉHê?
I have laughed. Have I laughed? I haven’t laughed. Haven’t I laughed?
H˚qT (Ç|ü&˚) qyê«qT. H˚qT (Ç|ü&˚) qyê«Hê? H˚qT (Ç|ü&ÉT) qe«˝Ò<äT. H˚qT (Ç|ü&˚) qe«˝Ò<ë?
I had laughed. Had I laughed? I hadn’t laughed. Hadn’t I laughed?
H˚qT (n|ü&˚) q$«‹ì. H˚qT (n|ü&˚) q$«‹Hê? H˚qT(n|ü&˚) qe«˝Ò<äT. H˚qT (n|ü&˚) qe«˝Ò<ë?
I will have laughed. Shall I have laughed? I won’t have laughed. Won’t I have laughed?
` ø£s¡Ô] Á|üjÓ÷>∑eTT

H˚qT (n|ü&ÉT) q$« ñ+{≤qT H˚qT (n|ü&ÉT)q$« ñ+{≤Hê? H˚qT (n|ü&ÉT) q$« ñ+{≤qT. H˚qT (n|ü&ÉT) q$« ñ+{≤Hê?
I have been laughing. Have I been laughing? I have’t been laughing. Haven’t I been laughing?
H˚qT #ê˝≤ùd|ü{Ï>± qe⁄«‘·÷ H˚qT #ê˝≤ùd|ü{Ï>± qe⁄«‘·÷ H˚qT #ê˝≤ùd|ü{Ï>± qe⁄«≥ H˚qT #ê˝≤ ùd|ü{Ï>± qe⁄«≥
ñHêïqT. ñHêïHê? ˝Ò<Tä . ˝Ò<ë?
I had been laughing. Had I been laughing? I hadn’t been laughing. Hadn’t I been laughing?
H˚qT #ê˝≤ùd|ü{Ï>± qe⁄«‘·÷ H˚qT #ê˝≤ ùd|ü{Ï>± qe⁄«‘·÷ H˚qT #ê˝≤ù d |ü{Ï> ± qe⁄«‘·÷ H˚qT #ê˝≤ ùd|ü{Ï>± qe⁄«‘·÷

ñ+{Ïì. ñ+{ÏHê? ñ+&É ˝ Ò
< ä
T . ñ+&É˝Ò<ë?
kÕ<Ûës¡D yêø±´\T Á|üXÊïs¡úø£ yêø±´\T e´‹πsø±s¡úø£ yêø±´\T e´‹πsø£ Á|üXÊïs¡úø£ yêø±´\T
I am told. Am I told? I am not told. Am I not told?
Hê≈£î (ás√E) #ÓbÕŒs¡T Hê≈£î (ás√E) #ÓbÕŒsê? Hê≈£î (á s√E) #Ó|üŒ˝Ò<äT. Hê≈£î á s√E #Ó|üŒ˝Ò<ë?
I was told. Was I told? I was not told. Was not I told?
Hê≈£î (ìqï) #ÓbÕŒs¡T. Hê≈£î (ìqï) #ÓbÕŒsê? Hê≈£î (ìqï) #Ó|üŒ˝Ò<äT. Hê≈£î (ìqï) #Ó|üŒ˝Ò<ë.
I shall be told. Shall I be told? I shall not be told. Shall I not be told?

n+<ä]ø° Ä+>∑¢+. . . Ä Ä ˝≤¢>± ‘˚*>±Z . . .

Hê≈£î (πs|ü⁄) #ÓãT‘ês¡T. Hê≈£î (πs|ü⁄) #ÓãT‘êsê? Hê≈£î (πs|ü⁄) #Ó|üŒs¡T. Hê≈£î (πs|ü⁄) #Ó|üŒsê?

I am not being told. Am I not being told?

I am being told. Am I being told?
Hê≈£î#ÓãT‘·÷ ñHêïs¡T. Hê≈£î #ÓãT‘·÷ ñHêïsê? Hê≈£î #ÓãT‘·÷ ñ+&É˝Ò<äT Hê≈£î #ÓãT‘·÷ ñ+&É˝Ò<ë?
I was being told. Was I being told? I was not being told. Was I not being told?
Hê≈£î #Ó|ü#·÷ ñ+{Ï]. Hê≈£î #Ó|ü#·÷ ñ+{Ïsê? Hê≈£î #Ó|ü#·÷ ñ+&É˝Ò<äT Hê≈£î #Ó|ü#·÷ ñ+&É˝Ò<ë?
I have been told. Have I been told? I have not been told. Haven’t I been told?
Hê≈£î (Ç|ü&˚ ) #ÓbÕŒs¡T Hê≈£î (Ç|ü&˚) #ÓbÕŒsê? Hê≈£î (Ç|ü&˚) #Ó|üŒ˝Ò<äT. Hê≈£î(Ç|ü&˚) #Ó|üŒ˝Ò<ë?
had been told. Had I been told? I had not been told. Hadn’t I been told?
Hê≈£î (n|ü&˚) #ÓbÕŒs¡T. Hê≈£î (n|ü&˚) #ÓbÕŒsê? Hê≈£î (n|ü&˚) #Ó|üŒ˝Ò<äT Hê≈£î (n|ü&˚) #Ó|üŒ˝Ò<ë?
I shall have been told. Shall I have been told? I shall not have been told. Shall I not have been told?
Hê≈£î (n|üŒ{ÏøÏ) #Óù|Œdæ Hê≈£î (n|üŒ{ÏøÏ) #Óù|Œdæ Hê≈£î (n|üŒ{ÏøÏ) #Óù|Œdæ Hê≈£î (n|üŒ{ÏøÏ) #Óù|Œdæ
ñ+&És¡T. ñ+&És¡T.

ñ+{≤s¡T. ñ+{≤sê?
Affirmative Interrogative Negative Negative Interrogative
Sentences Sentences Sentences Sentences
I talk. Do I talk? I don't talk. Don't I talk?
Present I am talking. Am I talking? I am not talking. Am I not talking?
I have talked. Have I talked? I haven't talked. Haven't I talked?
I have been talking. Have I been talking? I haven't been talking. Haven't I been talking?
I talked. Did I talk? I didn't talk. Didn't I talk?
Past I was talking. Was I talking? I wasn't talking. Wasn't I talking?
I had talked. Had I talked? I hadn't talked. Hadn't I talked?
I had been talking. Had I been talking? I hadn't been talking. Hadn't I been talking?
I will talk. Shall I talk? I won't talk. Won't I talk?
Future I will be talking. Shall I be talking? I won't be talking. Won't I be talking?
I will have talked. Shall I have talked? I won't have talked. Won't I have talked?

I will have been Shall I have been I won't have been Won't I have been talking?
talking. talking? talking.
Present Tense Past Tense Future Tense
Do I talk? Did I talk? Shall I talk?
Don’t I talk? Didn't I talk? Won't I talk?
What Why Am I talking? Was I talking? Shall I be talking?
Where When Aren't I talking? Wasn't I talking? Won't I be talking?
How Have I talked? Had I talked? Shall I have talked?
Haven't I talked? Hadn't I talked? Won't I have talked?
Have I been talking? Had I been talking? Shall I have been talking?
Haven't I been Hadn't I been talking? Won't I have been talking?
Affirmative Sentences Interrogative Sentences Negative Sentences Negative Interrogative Sentences

I am advised. Am I advised? I am not advised. Am I not advised?

I am being advised. Am I being advised? I am not being advised. Am I not being advised?
I have been advised. Have I been advised? I haven't been advised. Haven't I been advised?

I was advised. Was I advised? I wasn't advised? Wasn't I advised?

I was being advised. Was I being advised? I wasn't being advised? Wasn't I being advised?
I had been advised. Had I been advised? I hadn't been advised? Hadn't I been advised?

Future I will be advised. Shall I be advised? I won't be advised. Won't I be advised?

Tense I will have been advised. Shall I have been advised? I won't have been advised. Won't I have been advised?

Present Tense Past Tense Future Tense
Am I advised? Was I advised? Shall I be advised?

What Aren't I advised? Wasn't I advised? Won't I be advised?

Why Am I being advised? Was I being advised? -
When Aren't I being advised? Wasn't I being advised? -
How Have I been advised? Had I been advised? Shall I have been advised?

Haven't I been advised? Hadn't I been advised? Won't I have been advised?

Note: Practise with "We, You, They, Boys, He, She, It, Rama, Sita"
S.No Tense No. Sub Verb Object
01. Simple Present Singular Sita Sings a song.
Plural They Sell Radios.
02. Present Cont. Singular Anil is driving a car.
Plural We are staging plays.
03. Present Perfect Singular She has known the fact.
Plural many students have helped them.
04. Simple past Singular Keats wrote this poem.
Plural They built many houses.
05. Past Cont. Singular Kiran was drawing a new Picture.
Plural Some girls Were practising dance.

n+<ä]ø° Ä+>∑¢+. . . Ä Ä ˝≤¢>± ‘˚*>±Z . . .

06. Past Perfect Singular Raman had won The title.
Plural They had defeated the English.
07. Simple Future Singular She will note the points.

Plural We will(shall) arrange a seminar.
08. Future Perfect Singular She will have her project
completed report.
Plural They will have fulfilled the conditions.
09. Can/May * we can do it.
* They may win the Match.
10. Imperative * Do it immediately.
* Please remove the Shoes.
11. Wh, Q’s Singular Who wrote this poem?
Plural Where did you keep my glasses?
12. Yes/No Q’s Singular Do you know her?
Plural Have you returned the books?

Sub Agent Be Form Verb (PP) Preposition Obj Agent
A song is Sung by Sita
Radios are Sold by them
A car is being driven by Anil
Plays are being Staged by us.
The fact has been known to her.
They have been helped by many students.
The Poem Was Written by Keats.
Many houses Were built by them.
A New picture Was being drawn by Kiran.

n+<ä]ø° Ä+>∑¢+. . . Ä Ä ˝≤¢>± ‘˚*>±Z . . .

DanceWas being Practised - -
The title had been won by Ramana.
The english had been defeated by them.
The Points Will be noted by her.

A Seminar will be arranged by us.
Her Project report Will have been Complted by her.
The Conditions will have been fulfilled by them.
It Can be done by us.
The match may be Won by them.
Let it be done immediately.
You are requested to remove the shoes.
By whom was this Poem written?
Where Were my glasses kept (by you)?
Is she Known to you?
Have the books been returned (by you)?

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