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3.1 Type of the Research

The writer applied Research and Development design to develop

descriptive text material for students’ writing skills using Running

Dictation Game. It was adopted from Gall et al (2003). It consisted of ten

steps, they are: design and conduct summative evaluation. en steps, they

are: assess needs to identify goals, conduct instructional analysis, analyze

learners and contexts, write performances adjective, develop assessment

instruments, develop instructional strategy, develop and select

instructional materials, revise instruction , design and conduct formative

evaluation. Then the writer adopted them into 5 steps, they were:

analyzing the students’ needs, writing performance objectives, developing

the product, validating the product, and revising the product.

3.2 Subject of the Research

The subject of the research was 7 tenth graders and 3 English teachers.

The students were asked about their lacks, wants, and needs especially in

learning descriptive text, while the teachers were asked about the material

and media that were used in teaching.

It also involved two experts as the validators. The validators were the

lecturers of English Department, Faculty of Education and Teacher

training, Universitas Tidar.


3.3 Setting of the Research

The writer conducted this research on the odd semester in 2020 in

Universitas Tidar.

3.4 Research Procedures

The writer did 5 steps in conducting this research. They were:

3.4.1 Need analysis.

To do need analysis, the writer used a questionnaire that was distributed to

the 7 tenth graders of senior high school and 3 English teachers. It was

aimed to gain what they lack, wants, and needs in learning descriptive text.

The questionnaire for this stage should cover the following things

(Anwar,2000). They were (a) the background and purpose of student

learning, (b) the tasks that should be performed by the students in gaining

an understanding of English and Science at once, (c) to explore the target

skills, (d) identify the specific language of his proficiency, and (e) to

determine the integration of learning activities. Thus, there were two major

things that were target needs (target market needs) and learning needs (the

needs of how to learn) in this needs analysis questionnaire. The

questionnaire was given to the students comprised of eight coverage. It

was: a) the order of materials used b) real-life contexts materials, c) the

use of instructional media, d) the variations in the use of learning

resources, e) the techniques of learning tasks and groups, f) the use of

media images in learning, g) the importance of group learning models.

While for the teachers, it consisted of 6 (six) aspects of the order of

English competence being taught, conformity theme with learning needs,


the selection of learning strategies, diversity of learning activities, the

breadth of the authentic source and contextual learning, and the

optimization of IT media in learning. (Anwar & Arifani, 2016)

3.4.2 Writing performance objective.

In this stage, the writer defined the needs and goals of teaching, planning,

and preparing teaching materials. Teaching materials and activities were

then selected based on their appropriateness with the goal of the course.

3.4.3 Development of the product.

In this stage, the writer completed and developed the product based on the

draft that had been made in the previous stage. Therefore, the activities

that had been described in the models are ready to be used.

3.4.4 Product validation.

The experts who validated the product were the lecturers of English

Department, Faculty of Education and Teacher training, Universitas Tidar.

3.4.5 Final product revision.

After the validation was completed, the writer looked over the material

that had been developed based on the findings and suggestions arising

from the results of product validation. All sorts of inputs and

improvements were needed before the final product is launched.

3.5 Technique of Collecting Data

The writer used questionnaires to collect the data and chose randomly the

respondents to avoid any biases.


First, the writer distributed needs analysis questionnaires to 7 tenth

graders of senior high school to figure out their needs, lacks, and wants. It

was adopted from Anwar & Arifani (2016).

Aspect 5 4 3 2 1
1. Sequence of material from easy to difficult
2. Learning activities about real life
3. The use of audio, visual, or audio-visual learning
4. Use of a variety of learning resources
5. Learning techniques to group tasks
6. The use of pictures in learning
7. Expectations to learn English by using audio, video, and
8. The importance of group learning models using audio and

Table 3.1 Need analysis questionnaire for students

Aspect 1: Sequence of material from easy to difficult

5 4 3 2 1
The material The material is The material The material The material
is arranged arranged from the is sometimes is rarely is arranged
from the easy to the difficult arranged from arranged from randomly
easiest to the one. the easy to the easy to
most difficult difficult one difficult one
Aspect 2: Learning activities about real life
5 4 3 2 1
The activities The activities are The activities The activities The activities
are always usually about real are sometimes are rarely are not about
about real life life about real life about real life real life
Aspect 3: The use of audio, visual, or audio-visual learning
5 4 3 2 1
The teacher The teacher usually The teacher The teacher The teacher
always uses uses audio, visual or sometimes rarely uses never uses
audio, visual audio-visual uses audio, audio, visual audio, visual
or audio- learning visual or or audio- or audio-
visual learning audio-visual visual learning visual learning
Aspect 4: Use of a variety of learning resources
5 4 3 2 1
The teacher The teacher usually The teacher The teacher The teacher
always uses a uses a variety of sometimes rarely uses a never uses a

variety of learning resources uses a variety variety of variety of

learning of learning learning learning
resources resources resources resources

Aspect 5: Learning techniques to group tasks

5 4 3 2 1
The teacher The teacher usually The teacher The teacher The teacher
always uses uses learning sometimes rarely uses never uses
learning techniques to group uses learning learning learning
techniques to tasks techniques to techniques to techniques to
group tasks group tasks group tasks group tasks
Aspect 6: The use of pictures in learning
5 4 3 2 1
The teacher The teacher usually The teacher The teacher The teacher
always uses uses pictures in sometimes rarely uses never uses
pictures in learning uses pictures pictures in pictures in
learning in learning learning learning
Aspect 7: Expectations to learn English by using audio, video, and computer
5 4 3 2 1
The students The students usually The students The students The students
always expect expect to learn rarely expect rarely expect never expect
to learn English by using to learn to learn to learn
English by audio, video, and English by English by English by
using audio, computer using audio, using audio, using audio,
video, and video, and video, and video, and
computer computer computer computer
Aspect 8: The importance of group learning models using audio and video.
5 4 3 2 1
The learning The learning models The learning The learning The learning
models using using audio and models using models using models using
audio and video is 80% audio and audio and audio and
video is 100% important video is 60% video is 20% video is <20%
important important important important

Table 3.2 Criteria of the scale for students’ questionnaire

The second questionnaire was for English teachers of tenth graders senior high
school. It was adopted from Anwar & Arifani (2016).

No Aspect 5 4 3 2 1
1 English competence sequence being taught
2 Conformity with the theme study needs
3 The selection of learning strategies
4 The diversity of learning activities
5 The breadth of the authentic and contextual learning
6 Supporting Learning environment
Additional Comments (about point 1-6)

Table 3.3 Need analysis questionnaire for teachers

Aspect 1: English competence sequence being taught
5 4 3 2 1
The English The English The English The English The English
competence is competence is competence is competence is competence is
always taught usually taught sometimes rarely taught never taught
sequentially sequentially taught sequentially sequentially
Aspect 2: Conformity with the theme study needs
5 4 3 2 1
the theme fits the theme fits with the theme fits the theme the theme
perfectly with the theme of study enough with doesn’t really doesn’t fit
the theme of needs well the theme of fit with the with the theme
study needs study needs theme of study of study needs
Aspect 3: The selection of learning strategies
5 4 3 2 1
The learning The learning The learning The learning The learning
strategies are strategies are strategies are strategies strategies
very suitable suitable with the suitable aren’t really aren’t suitable
with the material enough with suitable with with the
material the material the material material
Aspect 4: The diversity of learning activities
5 4 3 2 1
The teacher The teacher usually The teacher The teacher The teacher
always uses uses diversity of sometimes rarely uses never uses
diversity of learning activities uses diversity diversity of diversity of
learning of learning learning learning
activities activities activities activities
Aspect 5: The breadth of the authentic and contextual learning resources
5 4 3 2 1
The breadth of The breadth of the The breadth of The breadth of It lacks

the authentic authentic and the authentic the authentic breadth of the
and contextual contextual learning and contextual and contextual authentic and
learning resources are good learning learning contextual
resources are resources are resources are learning
very good fair less resources
Aspect 6: Supporting Learning environment
5 4 3 2 1
The The environment The The The
environment supports the environment environment environment
supports the learning activity supports the doesn’t really doesn’t
learning well learning support the support the
activity very activity very learning learning
well fairly activity activity

Table 3.4 criteria of the scales of teachers’ questionnaire

The product was validated by the experts who were English Department lecturers.
This draft was adopted from Karimah et al. (2018).

No Categories Comments
5 4 3 2 1
1 Goals
2 Topic
3 Approach
4 Activities
5 Media
6 Content
7 Testing strategy

Table 3.5 Assessment Table for the Experts

Categories Meaning of the score
5 4 3 2 1
Activities Very good
Media fair less poor
Table 3.6 Criteria for experts’ assessment
3.6 Technique of Analysing Data

The data was analyzed by using qualitative and quantitative method.

For the quantitative method, the writer used this formula:

The respondents who strongly agree x 5 = n1

The respondents who agree x 4 = n2
The respondents who are unsure x 3 = n3
The respondents who disagree x 4 = n4
The respondents strongly disagree x 1 = n5
Total score = ∑n
The maximum score = the number of respondents x 5 (the highest score of Likert)

To find the index (%):

𝑥𝑥 100%
max 𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠
Interval Assessment :

Index 0% – 19.99% : strongly disagree (the statement is never done)

Index 20% – 39.99% : disagree (the statement is rarely done)
Index 40% – 59.99% : unsure (the statement is sometimes done)
Index 60% – 79.99% : agree (the statement is usually done)
Index 80% – 100% : strongly agree (the statement is always done)

The result of the need analysis questionnaire was used to identify the learners’

needs, lacks, and wants. The results of this step became the basic guidelines and

objectives for developing Running Dictation Game. The information from the

teachers were analyzed qualitatively and used as the consideration to develop the

Running Dictation Game.

The result of the questionnaire from the experts contained close-ended and

open-ended questions. The result of the questionnaire was in the form of ratings and

comments, or suggestions that validated if the product was applicable or not. The
open-ended questions were analyzed quantitatively by using the formula above and

the close-ended questions were analyzed qualitatively.

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