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UNIT-IV Curves

Curves are defined as arcs with some finite radius, provided between intersecting straights to gradually
negotiate a change in direction.

Classification of curves

Horizontal curves Vertical curves

(in horizontal plane) (in vertical plane)

Parabolic curve

Simple circular curve Combined curve Broken back curve

Compound curve Reverse curve Transition curve

Summit curve Sag curve

Simple circular curve

A curve connecting two
straights having constant radius
throughout is known as simple
circular curve.

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UNIT-IV Curves

Compound curve A
When two or more simple
circular curves of different
radii, turning in same direction R1
join two intersecting straights,
the resultant curve is known as
a compound curve.


Compound Curve



Reverse Curve
When two simple circular R1
curves of equal or different
radii, having opposite direction
of curvature joined together,
the resultant curve is known as
a reverse curve. V1

Reverse Curve

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UNIT-IV Curves

Transition curve
It is a curve usually introduced
between a simple circular curve
and straights, or between two
Simple Circular Curve
simple circular curves. It is also
Transition Curve Transition Curve
known as easement curve. A
transition curve has a radius
gradually changing from C C’

infinite value to a finite value

or vice versa. It is widely used T3 T4
in railways and highways since T1

its curvature gradually

increases or decreases.
Transition Curve

Combined curve
Combined curves are combination of simple circular curves and transition curves and are preferred in railways
and highways.

Broken back curve

In the past sometimes, two
circular curves having their
centres on same side and R1 R2
connected with a short tangent
length were used in railroad R2
R1 O2
traffic. Since these are not
suitable for high speeds, they Broken Back Curve
are not in use nowadays. O1

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UNIT-IV Curves


Vertical sag curve

Vertical summit curve

-g% +g%


Vertical curves
These are curves, in a vertical plane, used to join two intersecting grade lines. The reduced level of these curves
change from point to point in a gradual and systematic manner. A vertical summit curve is provided when a
rising grade (T1V1) joins a falling grade (T2V1). A vertical sag curve is provided when a falling grade (T2V2)
joins a rising grade (T3V2).

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UNIT-IV Curves

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UNIT-IV Curves

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UNIT-IV Curves

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UNIT-IV Curves

Elements of simple circular curve

Point of Intersection (P.I.)

∆ = Deflection Angle
Angle of Intersection (θ)
Apex Distance

Point of Curve (P.C.) Mid Ordinate

Point of Tangency (P.T.)

Length of Long Chord (L)
C1 C2

∆/2 ∆/2

∆ = Central Angle
Elements of Simple Circular Curve

C1V and C2V are two straights joined by a simple circular curve T1CT2 of radius, R as shown in above figure.
C = The midpoint of curve called as apex or summit of Curve
CD = Mid Ordinate
O = Centre of circular curve
R = Radius of Curve
T1 = Point of Curve (P.C.)
T1CT2 = Length of Curve
T1T2 = Long Chord
T2 = Point of Tangency (P.T.)
V = Point of Intersection (P.I.)
VC = Apex Distance
VT1 = Backward Tangent
VT2 = Forward Tangent
< C1VC2, θ = Angle of intersection
< T1OT2 = Central Angle
∆ = Deflection angle, the external angle between the two intersecting straights
# The deflection angle and central angle are equal to each other.
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UNIT-IV Curves

Mid Ordinate
It is the ordinate from the apex of curve to the midpoint of long chord.
Normal Chord
A chord of the curve between two consecutive regular stations is called normal chord or full chord. Usually
normal chords are drawn at equal intervals.
Any chord shorter than in length than the normal chord is called subchord. Usually the first and last chords of a
curve are subchords.
Apex Distance
The distance between the point of intersection and the apex of curve is known as apex distance.
Point of Curve
It is the point from where the curve begins.
Point of Tangency
It is that point at which the curve ends.
Degree of Curve
(a) by arc definition It is the central angle subtended by an arc of 30 m length.
(b) by chord definition It the central angle subtended by a chord of 30 m in length.
# In India, the arc definition is used in highways and chord definition is used in railways.

Length of curve Length of curve

T1 T1


Dº Dº
(b) by chord definition
(a) by arc definition

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UNIT-IV Curves

Relation between degree and radius of curve

(a) by arc definition (b) by chord definition
Let, R = Radius of curve (m) Let, R = Radius of curve (m)
D = Degree of curve (degree) D = Degree of curve (degree)
a = length of arc = 30 m L = length of chord = 30 m

( )

( ⁄ )
( )

( )

Formulae for elements of simple circular curve

1. Length of Curve, l 2. Tangent Length, T
In ∆T1OV, tan(∆/2) = T/R
T = T1V = T2V = R x tan(∆/2)

where ∆ is in degrees
3. Length of Long Chord, L 4. Apex Distance
L = T1T2 = 2 × T1D Apex distance = VC = VO – CO

( ) ( ) ( ( ) )

5. Mid Ordinate, O0
( )
Mid Ordinate = O0 = CD = CO – DO
( )
( )

( ( ))

Mid Ordinate is also known as versed sine of the


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UNIT-IV Curves

Setting out a simple circular curve

Setting out a simple circular curve means, locating various points at equal interval and at convenient distances
along the length of the curve. The distance between any two successive points is called peg interval. Since it is
impractical to measure the peg interval along the arc, it is measured along the chord. Also, if the chord length is
less than 1/20 of the radius of curve, the length along the chord is very nearly equal to the length of the arc.
Usual peg interval is of 20 m or 30 m, but for sharp curves it may be reduced.
The methods of setting out a simple circular curve are classified as:

Offset from long chord

Let it be required to set uout a curve T1CT2 between the two intersecting straights T1I and T2I. R is the radius of
the curve, O0 is the mid ordinate and Ox is the offset at a point P at a distance x from the midpoint M of the long
from ∆OMT1,

√[( ) ( ) ] √* ( ) +

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UNIT-IV Curves

√* ( ) +
I ∆
from ∆OQG,
√[ ]
The required offset, PQ = OG – OM
√[ ] ( )

√[ ] ( )
( ) ⁄

( ) Ox G O0

( ) P x M

( ) R

Offset from Long Chord

( ) O

By assuming different values of x, the corresponding values of offsets Ox can be determined. The calculated
offsets can be laid from the long chord and points can be established in the field which when joined produce the
required curve.
Perpendicular offsets form tangents
This method is suitable for the small values of radius, length of curve and deflection angle. Let Ox is the offset
perpendicular to the tangent at a distance x from the point of curve T1.
In ∆OEQ,

√[( ) ( ) ] √[ ]

√[ ]

√[ ] ( )

( ) ⁄

( )

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UNIT-IV Curves

( )

( )

Assigning different values to x, the corresponding values of offsets Ox can be calculated. These calculated
offsets can be laid from the tangent at known distances x and the points can be established in the field which
joined produce the required curve.
Radial offsets from tangent
Ox is the radial offset PQ at any distance x aling
the tangent from T1.
In ∆OT1P,
√[( ) ( ) ] √[ ]

√[ ]

√[ ] ( )

( ) ⁄

( )

( )

( )

Offsets form the chord produced

This is the best method for setting out a long curve by linear method and is usually employed for highway
curves when a theodolite is not available.

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UNIT-IV Curves

T1 is the P.C. along the tangent T1I. T1a is the first

subchord of length, C1. From the P.C., a length equal
to first subchord (i.e. C1 = T1a’) is taken. The
perpendicular offset O1 (aa’) is set out, thereby
getting point a. T1a is joined and produced by
distance C2 (full chord length).The second offset O2
(bb’) is set out to get point b. Points a and b are
joined and produced further by distance C3 (full
chord length). The third offset O3 (cc’) is set out to
get point c. The procedure is repeated till the curve is

( )

Normally, normal chords are taken equal in length,

i.e. C2 = C3 = C4 = … = Cn-1 = C

( )

where, Cn is last subchord and On is last or nth offset.

Successive bisection of arcs
Let T1 and T2 be the tangent points. The long chord
T1T2 is bisected at M and ∆ be the deflection angle.
If the radius of curve is R, then the mid-ordinate is
given by R [1-Cos (∆/2)]. Establish a point C such
that CM is equal to mid-ordinate and perpendicular
to the long chord T1T2. Now, T1C and T2C are
joined. Chords T1C and T2C are bisected at M1 and
M2 respectively. Perpendicular offsets M1C1 and
M2C2 each equal to R [1 – Cos (∆/4)] are set out,
thus giving points C1 and C2. Similarly by
successive bisection of chords T1C, C1C, CC2 and
C2T2, more points can be obtained which when
joined produced the required curve.

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UNIT-IV Curves

Rankine’s method of deflection angle (one theodolite method)

This method is useful for setting out a circular curve of long length and large radius. It yields good results
except when chords are long as compared to the radius, so that the variation between the length of an arc and its
chord becomes considerable. It is quite accurate and is frequently used on highways and railways.
A deflection angle to any point on the curve is the angle at P.C. between the tangent and the chord from P.C. to
that point.

Let T1 is the point of curve; a, b, c, etc. are the points on the curve.
δ1, δ2, δ3, …, δn-1, δn are the deflection angles between the chord and the tangent at that point.
∆1, ∆2, ∆3, etc. are the respective total deflection angles to the point a, b, c, etc.
˂ T1Oa = 2 x ˂ IT1a = 2 δ1
Now, R x 2 δ1 = T1a = C1

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UNIT-IV Curves

For the first chord T1a, the deflection angle ∆1 is half of the angle subtended by the chord at the centre (i.e. ∆1 =
δ1). For the second point b on the curve, the deflection angle ∆2 = δ1 + δ2.
Similarly, ∆3 = δ1 + δ2 + δ3 and ∆n = δ1 + δ2 + δ3 + … + δn-1 + δn
Hence, ∆n = ∆n-1 + δn. Last point of the curve T2 is such that, ∆n = ∆/2.
Check: Sum of all the individual deflection angles is equal to half of the deflection angle of the circular curve.
Field Procedure:
1. Locate P.C. (T1), P.T. (T2) and P.I. (I).
2. Set up the theodolite exactly at T1 and make its temporary adjustments.
3. Set the vernier A to zero and bisect the P.I. Clamp the lower plate.
4. Release the upper plate and set the vernier A to read ∆1. The line of sight is thus directed along T1a.
5. Hold the zero of the tape at T1, take a distance C1 (T1a) and swing the tape with an arrow till it is bisected by
the theodolite. This establishes the first point a on the curve.
6. Set the second deflection angle ∆2 on the scale so that the line of sight is set along T1b.
7. With the zero of the tape held at a and an arrow at the other end (chord distance = ab), swing the tape about
a, till the arrow at b is bisected by the theodolite. This establishes the second point b on the curve.
8. The same steps are repeated till the last point T2 is reached.

Two-theodolite method
This method is most convenient when the ground is undulating, rough and not suitable for linear measurements.
In this method, two theodolites are used and linear measurements are completely eliminated. Hence, this is the
most accurate method. The various points are established independent of each other and thus the error in
establishing a point is not transferred to the subsequent points. It is based on the principle that the angle between
the tangent and the chord is equal to the angle subtended by the chord in the opposite segment.
Hence, ˂ IT1a = δ1 = ˂ aT2T1 and ˂ IT1b = δ2 = ˂ bT2T1.
Field Procedure:
1. Set up one theodolite at P.C. (T1) and the other at P.T. (T2).
2. Set the vernier A of both the theodolites to zero.

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UNIT-IV Curves

3. Unclamp lower screw of both the theodolites and direct the theodolite at T1 towards I, and the theodolite at
T2 towards T1.
4. Set an angle δ1 in both the theodolite so as to direct the line of sights towards T1a and T2a, thus the point of
intersection of the two line of sights (i.e. point a), is established on the curve.
5. Similarly, point b is established by setting δ2 in both the theodolites and bisecting the ranging rod at b.
6. The same procedure is repeated with more deflection angles till all the points on the curve are established.

Tacheometric method
This method is similar to the Rankine’s method of deflection angles. The theodolite at point of curve may be
used as a tacheometer and the tacheometric observations are made. This is less accurate method than the
Rankine’s method but the advantage is that chaining is completely avoided.
A point on the curve is established by feeding the deflection angle in the tacheometer and measuring the
distance of a point on the curve by placing a staff on it.
1. A circular curve has radius of 200 m and deflection angle of 65º. What is the degree of this curve? (i) By arc
definition; (ii) By chord definition.
Calculate: (a) Length of curve, (b) Tangent length, (c) Length of long chord, (d) Apex distance, (e) Mid-

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UNIT-IV Curves

2. Two straight lines T1I and T2I intersect at chainage (375 + 12), the angle of deflection being 110º. Calculate
the chainage of the tangent points of a right handed simple circular curve of 400 m radius, if 20 m chain was
used. Also calculate the number of chords, assuming suitable peg interval.
3. Calculate the ordinates at 10 m distance for a circular curve having a long chord of 80 m and a versed sine
of 4 m. [Ans. O1 = 3.75 m, O2 = 3.01 m. O3 = 1.76 m]
4. Two tangents PQ and QR to a railway curve meet at an angle of 140º. Find the radius of the curve which
will pass through point M, 24 m away from the intersection point Q, the angle PQM being 100º.
5. Two straights AI and BI intersect at a chainage of 4242.0 m. The angle of intersection is 140º. It is required
to set out a 5º simple circular curve to connect the straights. Set out a simple circular curve by the method of
offsets from the chord produced.
6. Two straights AI and BI intersect at a chainage of 3450 m. A right handed simple circular curve of 250 m
radius joins them. The deflection angle between the two straights is 50º. Set out the required curve by
Rankine’s method of deflection angle. Take the peg interval as 20 m.
7. It is required to set out a curve of radius 100 m with pegs at approx.. 10 m centres. The deflection angle is
60º. Set out the required curve by: (i) Offsets from long chord, (ii) Chord bisection, (iii) Perpendicular
offsets from tangent.
8. Set out a simple 8º curve by linear methods, for the following given data:
Deflection angle = 52º30’; Chainage of P.I. = 7820 m.
9. Two tangents meet at chainage of 1022 m, the deflection angle being 36º. A circular curve of radius 300 m
is to be introduced in between them. Calculate.
(a) Tangent lengthl; (b) Length of circular curve; (c) Chainage of the tangent points; (d) deflection angle for
setting out the curve by Rankine’s method. (take peg interval of 20 m)
10. In setting out a circular railway curve, it is found that the curve must pass through a point 15 m away from
the intersection point and equidistant from the tangents. The chainage of the intersection point is 2880.00 m
and the deflection angle is 28º. Calculate the radius of the curve and the degree of the curve for a 20 m
chord. [Ans. 490 m, 2757.83 m, 2997.17 m, 2.34º]

Compound curve
A compound curve is a combination of two or more simple circular curves with different radii. The two centred
compound curve has two circular arcs of different radii that deviate in the same direction and joined at a
common tangent point also known as point of compound curvature. Since, the tangents of a compound curve
are unequal in length therefore it fits the location of topography with much greater extent than the simple
circular curve. However, a simple circular curve should be preferred over a compound curve wherever

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UNIT-IV Curves

Elements of a compound curve

AI and BI are two straights intersecting at I (P.I.) and making a deflection angle ∆ at I. T 1CT2 is the compound
curve consisting of two arcs of radii R1 and R2 and C is the point of compound curvature. MN is the common
tangent making deflection angles ∆1 and ∆2 at M and N respectively, such that ∆ = ∆1 + ∆2.
Common tangent MN

( )

( )

Now, MN = MC + CN

( ) ( )

From ∆IMN,

( ) ( ) [ ( )]
( )
( )
( )
( )
Length of main tangents IT1 and IT2
IT1 = T1M + IM (T1M = MC)
( )
( )
( )
IT2 = T2N + IN (T2N = CN)
( )
( )
( )

Setting out a compound curve

A compound curve is normally set out by the method of deflection angles, using a theodolite.
Office work
1. Calculate all the seven elements of the curve.
2. Locate P.I. (I), P.C. (T1) and P.T. (T2).
3. Calculate the chainage of T1 (i.e. chainage of I – tangent length IT1)
4. Calculate chainage of the point of compound curvature, C.

5. Calculate chainage of T2 = chainage of C + length of arc CT2

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UNIT-IV Curves

6. Calculate the deflection angles for both the arcs from their tangents.
Field work
1. Set up the theodolite at T1 and set out the first arc T1C by Rankine’s method of deflection angles.
2. Shift the theodolite and set it up at C.
3. Set the vernier A to read (360º - ∆1/2), take a backsight on T1 and transit the telescope. Swing the telescope
by ∆1/2, so that the telescope is directed along CN and vernier A to reads zero.
4. Now set out the second arc T2C in the same manner till T2 is reached.
5. Check the observation by measuring the angle T1CT2 which should be equal to (180º - ∆/2).
11. A compound curve consisting of two simple circular curves of radii 350 m and 500 m, is to be laid out
between two straights. The angles of intersection between the common tangent and the two straights are 25º
and 55º. Calculate various elements of the compound curve.
12. A compound curve is made up of two arcs of radii 320 m and 510 m. The deflection angle of the compound
curve is 100º and that of the first arc of radius 320 m is 54º. The chainage of the first tangent point is 920 m.
Find the chainages of the point of intersection, common tangent point and forward tangent point.
13. A compound curve is to consist of an arc of 900 m radius followed by one of 1200 m radius and is to
connect two straights intersecting at an angle of 93º28’. At the intersection point, the chainage, if continued
along the first tangent, would be 2329.20 m and the starting point of the curve is at a chainage of 1354.20 m.
Calculate the chainage at the junction point of the two branches and at the end of the curve.

Transition curve
A curve of varying radius and varying curvature, introduced between the tangent length and a circular curve or
between two branches of a compound curve, or a reverse curve to provide a gradual transition between the
uniform operating condition on tangents and the different operating conditions on the circular curve, is known
as transition curve or easement curve.
When a transition curve is not provided on a road/railway and a vehicle passes from a straight into a circular
curve, the passengers and the vehicle experiences shock or a jerk at the junction point. This is because, at this
point the radius of curvature changes abruptly from infinity to a definite quantity and vice versa. Thus the
motion of body changes from linear to non-linear motion (i.e. circular motion). Due to circular motion a
centrifugal force is exerted on the moving body. If this centrifugal force exceeds certain limit the vehicle may
even overturn or derail. In the case of railways, the side thrust will be taken by the outer rail and will cause wear
of the rails at the tangent point. In order to check these effects of sudden change in motion conditions, a length
of transition curve is provided between the straights and the circular curve at both the ends.
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UNIT-IV Curves

Advantages of transition curve

1. Transition curve allows a gradual transition of curvature from the tangent to the circular curve or from the
circular curve to the tangent.
2. At the junction of two circular curves (compound or reverse curve), the transition curve allows gradual
increase or decrease in the radius of curvature.
3. Transition curve is provided for the gradual change in superelevation in a convenient manner.
4. Transition curve eliminates the danger of derailment, overturning or side-slipping of vehicles, and
discomfort to passengers.
Requirements of a transition curve
1. It should originate tangentially from
the straight (i.e. T1 and T2).
I ∆
2. It should meet tangentially with the
circular curve (i.e. at C and D)
3. Its radius should be infinite at the
Simple circular curve
origin (i.e. at T1 and T2) on the
Transition curve
straight. Transition curve
4. Its radius at the junction with the Shift

circular curve (i.e. at C and D) should C D

be the same as that of the circular

curve. T1 R R T2

5. Its length should be such that

superelevation (or cant) is attained at O
the point C and D. Elements of transition curve

6. Rate of change of curvature along the

transition should be same as that of
increase of cant.
Superelevation on curves may be defined as the raising of the outer end of a road (or the outer rail) over the
inner one. In other words, if M and N are the outer and inner edges respectively, then the difference in elevation
between M and N is called superelevation or cant at point M.
When a vehicle moves on a curved path, there are two forces acting on it, i.e. weight of the vehicle (W) and the
centrifugal force (P). Let V be the resultant of these two forces.
B = width of pavement (m)
g = acceleration due to gravity (m/s2)
G = gauge length (m)
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UNIT-IV Curves

h = superelevation (m)
P = centrifugal force (N)
R = radius of the curve (m)
v = speed of the vehicle (m/s)
W = weight of the vehicle (N)
θ = angle of superelevation





( )

In railways, the width of the track is taken as distance between the two rails, represented by gauge.

( )

Equilibrium cant
In case of railways, if the superlevation is provided as given by the equation, the load distributed on the two
rails will be equal, then it will be said to be in a state of equilibrium. Such a value of superelevation or cant is
called equilibrium cant.
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UNIT-IV Curves

Cant deficiency
If the speed of the train is more (or lesser) than the design speed, then the value of cant will be more (or lesser)
than the equilibrium cant. This excess or shortage of cant over equilibrium cant (at design speed) is called cant
deficiency of the track.
Centrifugal ratio
The ratio of the centrifugal force to the weight of the vehicle is called the centrifugal force.

The maximum value of centrifugal ratio is taken as equal to 1/4 for highways and 1/8 for railways.
Hands off velocity

If a vehicle moves with a velocity, v on a curve of radius, R with angle of superelevation, θ, the vehicle steers
itself along the curve without the driver using the steering wheel. Such a velocity is known as hands off
Length of transition curve
The length of transition curve should be such that full superlevation is attained at the end of the transition curve
and applied at a suitable rate. Following are the methods for calculating the length of transition curve.

1. By rate of superelevation 2. By time rate

If the rate of application of superelevation is 1 in n of If the time rate of application of superlevation be X
the length of the curve and h is the superelevation, the cm/s, superlelevation be h cm and speed of vehicle be
length of transition curve, L is given by v m/s
X cm cant is applied in time 1 seconds
1 cm cant → 1/X seconds
The value of n may vary between 300 and 1200. h cm cant → h/X seconds

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UNIT-IV Curves

3. By rate of change of radial acceleration 4. If the centrifugal ratio is given and comfort
For comfort of passengers, the rate of change of radial condition holds good
acceleration, a should be 0.3 m/s2

( ⁄ )

( )

If Length of the curve is L and speed of the vehicle is
v then time taken, t = L/v √

( )

Elements of transition curve
Equation of transition curve in Cartesian coordinate

Deflection angle

Shift of the curve When the transition curve is introduced between the tangent and the circukar curve, it has to
be shifted inwards by a some distance (say S), this distance is known as Shift of the transition curve. It should
be noted that the transition curve bisects the shift.

( ) ( ) ( )

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UNIT-IV Curves


Circular curve

Transition curve

L/2 B

α S φ
T1 I
Elements of Transition Curve

Setting out a transition curve

A transition curve can be set out by any of the following methods.

I ∆



Setting out transition curve

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UNIT-IV Curves

1. Offset method
Knowing total deflection angle and the tangent length IT1 = IT2 = (R+S) tan (∆/2) + (L/2), the point of
intersection I and the two tangent points T1 and T2 are fixed accurately, using the tape or chain and
Now, the perpendicular offsets to the transition curve at different points are computed from the equation of
transition curve, y = x2/(6LR) till the point C is fixed. Distance, x is measured along the tangent from the
point T1 and the corresponding perpendicular offset y is set out. The similar process is repeated from the
other end T2 till point D is fixed.
2. Method of deflection angles
a. Place the theodolite at I, mark the direction of the two tangent lines IT1 and IT2. Locate the tangent
points T1 and T2 by measuring the tangent lengths from I.
b. Set the theodolite at T1 and direct the line of sight to I, and keep the vernier at zero.
c. Set the vernier to the first deflection angle α1, thus directing the line of sight to the first point on the
transition curve.

d. With the zero of the tape at T1, measure a length x1 till an arrow held at that distance along the tape
is bisected by the line of sight. The first point is thus fixed.
e. Set the angle α2, so that the line of sight is directed to the second point. Now measure a distance, x 2
from the point T1 and fix the second point by bisecting it along the line of sight.
f. The similar procedure is repeated till the last point C is set out. The other transition curve from T2 is
set by following the above steps till point D is fixed.

14. A road 8 m wide is to deflect through an angle of 60º with the centre line radius of 300 m, the chainage of
the intersection point being 3605.5 m. the transition curve is to be used at each end of the circular curve of
such a length that the rate of gain of radial acceleration is 0.5 m/s2, when the speed is 50 km/h. Calculate.
(i) Length of transition curve
(ii) Superelevation
(iii)Chainage of all junction points
(iv) Lay out the transition curve by offset method at x = L/4, L/2, 3L/4 and L.
(v) Lay out the transition curve by the method of deflection angles, taking peg interval as 5 m.
15. A road 10 m wide deflects through an angle 49º38’, the forward chainage of the intersection point being
5441.20 m and a circular arc of radius 175 m is to be designed for a speed of 15 m/s with a rate of gain of
radial acceleration of 0.50 m/s2/m. Set out the first transition at 10 m peg interval by offset method.
NOTE: For classroom teaching only. Not to be published.

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