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Zubair Mushrif DGS Electrical Integration

Risk Assessment

RA No:016 Task: Installation of fire alarm system & Fire fighting system
PTW no:000 Issued by: HUSSEIN AL_MANHOOSH Approved by: DATE: 24/03/2022


L Blue

L Blue
control measures required to eliminate or
each step list the potential /

‫ العواقب‬Consequence
‫ العواقب‬Consequence
JOB STEP sequence they are minimize the risk of injury. RESPONSIBILITY
risk hazards that could cause

Probability ‫أرجحية‬
Probability ‫أرجحية‬


No. carried out. ‫المسئولية‬
injury / damage when the task
‫خطوات العمل بصورة متسلسلة‬ ‫تداب ري الرقابة الالزمة للقضاء عىل أو تقليل خطر‬
step is performed.


‫المخاطر المحتملة لكل خطوة‬


1- Planning and Obtain PTW 1.1-Missed step or unknown B 5 H 1.1.1-PTW shall be received prior start of works B 1 L HSE ,
hazard may cause injury, damage Plan the work involving personnel responsible for Construction
or pollution to equipment or preparation. manager,
environment. Also not doing it will Electrical
be violation of safe system of work
2- Hold pre-task safety meeting 2.1-Missed step or unknown B 5 H 2.1.1-Do not start form work erection without a B 1 L HSE ,
with all men involved in the task. hazard may cause injury, damage work permit. The Site Engineer/Supervisor will allow Construction
or pollution to equipment or the work if it is safe. Discuss all hazards/Risks and manager ,
tool box talk" TBT" environment. their control measures in the activity to all persons Electrical
involved in the activity until they have clear vision of

2.2. - COVID 19 Infection 2.2.1- ensure that all staff got COVID19 check-up
C 3 H temperature screening before passing through B 1 L All Staff
Zubair Mushrif DGS Electrical Integration
Risk Assessment

ZMDEI gates.
2.2.2- Ensure that all staff get proper gloves such as
disposal one.
2.2.3- Ensure that all staff wearing mask
2.2.4-Keep safe distance as much as possible to
avoid any touch between staff.
2.2.5- If you notice any symptoms of COVID19 on any
person Immediately inform supervisor to take action
and implement the emergency procedure to call the
ERT 07808951889
3- Loading -Unloading Materials 3.1-Slip, Trip, Falls injury to B 5 H 3.1.1-Keep work area free of excess material and B 2 M HSE, Forman ,
during the work. muscles, nerves, discs and debris. Remove all trip hazards by keeping Workers
ligaments of the low back. materials/objects organized and out of walkways.
Keep work surfaces dry when possible. Wear
appropriate PPE including non-slip rubber boots if
working on wet or slick surfaces.

3.1.2-Install rough work surface covers where

possible. Stay aware of footing and do not run.
Instruction suitable workers lifting loads (use of legs,
weight management). Single Carries not too many
bars at the one-time. Use clear communication when B 2 M
working in teams.

3.2-Cuts, caught between objects, 3.2.1- Same as above and also see Manual Lifting RA
Strains, sprains and fractures. along hazard involved and their control measures.
4- Weather Condition the work. 4.1-Hıgh or low ambient C 2 M 4.1.1-Monitor hot/ Cold Stress. Provide fluids to B 2 M HSE,
temperature and adverse weather workers for preventing Construction
dehydration’s/Humidity/Wind Speed within Safe manager
Zubair Mushrif DGS Electrical Integration
Risk Assessment

5- (Power, Hand) tools usage and 5.1-Entanglement or contact with C 2 M 5.1.1-Management must make available the B 1 L
Manual handling during the very sharp high-speed blades and appropriate tools and machinery.
parts of machinery.
work. 5.1.2-Only competent operative should use
powered equipment. Inexperienced persons should
only use powered carpentry tools under proper
supervision for training purposes. color-
coded(yallow). Proper PPE used.

5.2-High noise levels C 2 M 5.2.1-Where relevant, hearing protection zones B 1 L

should be established and warning and mandatory
hearing protection signs posted. If work is done on
or near electrical apparatus, properly insulated and HSE , Forman ,
non-conductive tools should be used. Workers

5.3-Damaged or worn hand tools 5.3.1-When heavy or awkward items are being
Incorrect use of tools. Manual
C 2 M worked on or moved, mechanical handling
B 1 L
handling of materials equipment or assistance should be provided.

5.3.2-Damaged tools should be disposed of Hand-

tools should be inspected before use. The correct
type of tool should be selected for the job. Tools
should be returned to the tool-box when not in use.
Zubair Mushrif DGS Electrical Integration
Risk Assessment

5.4-Flying pieces of debris, C 3 H 5.4.1-Only competent operative should use powered B 1 L

protruding objects, Struck equipment. Inexperienced persons should only use
powered carpentry tools under proper supervision
by/Against Equipment.
for training purposes. color-coded (yallow). Proper
PPE used,

5.4.2-Wear appropriate eye protection e.g. Welding

face shield with mask/safety glass. grinder secured
by safety guard

6- Moving vehicles and security 6.1- Moving fast vehicle can hit C 3 H 6.1.1- Proper ITTS (Information, training, B 2 M
issues while working alone in moving Crew and Vehicle in open Supervision) required and competent person for AC
field area. and fire extinguishers .Be careful while crossing
open plan area during the work. roads or water passages.
HSE , Forman ,
6.2-Miscommunication and 6.2.1-Needs security all time for working alone in
kidnapping working alone may C 3 H open field. Suspend the work if observe some kind of B 2 M
cause Injury and Damage to threat. Keep First aid box with them.
Zubair Mushrif DGS Electrical Integration
Risk Assessment

7- Emergency Procedure 7.1-Fire , spill, injury B 4 H 7.1.1-Muster point, Muster checker, ABG HSE B 2 M Construction
site supervisor, respond to the Alarm and report manager &
to the designated Assembly Area, conduct a HSE Manager
head count and identity check of all persons at
the Assembly Area, provide first aid assistance
to any injured, request medical assistance, do
not move unless indirect danger, Give an initial
brief to the site response team (SRT) members
on the incident upon arrival (if required).
Provide updates of incident and response
developments to the "ABG" management. Call
in contractor emergency response and / or
external resources to assist the emergency
response as necessary.
8- Working at Height 8.1-Fall of person, Fall of B 4 H 8.1.1-Use of scaffolds as working platform B 2 M HSE & foreman
material, Lack of proper/ where possible, Use of safety harness shall be &Workers &
made mandatory for 1.8 m and above level Electrical
certified Plat form for the
including on scaffolds, 100% tie off with double Supervisor
personnel to work on, Lack of lanyard during the work, Proper anchoring
arrangements for securing the point, Tie off small tools while working at
tools/ items while working at heights, Scraps and other loose materials shall
height, The Platform is not be, removed every day, Trained personnel to
designed for the purpose. The work at height, Safe Mobile Elevated Work
Platform is not adequately Platforms operation Procedure & Working at
height, Inspection & approval of the Work
supported/ braced for the
Platforms/ Scaffolding & fall protection
intended activity, Personnel arrangements, Ensure TBT before start work, At
are not medically fit & aware of least two persons allow for working at height,
Zubair Mushrif DGS Electrical Integration
Risk Assessment

the hazards of working at Isolate the overhead power lines, Stop the
height, Personnel are not activity if wind is more than 35 kt/mph
provided with adequate fall
protection arrangements,
Overhead power lines,
Severe/adverse weather

9- Clean the work area and put 9.1-Trip hazards, lost tools. C 2 M 9.1.1-Housekeeping must be done B 1 L HSE ,
away all tools and equipment i.e. Construction
9.2-Missed step or unknown C 2 M 9.2.1-Complete the work permit so the Site B 1 L manager ,
Housekeeping and organization Engineer/Supervisor knows the task is complete.
hazard may cause injury, damage Forman ,
and close the work permit
or pollution. workers

Risk assessment Risk assessment trained person = HUSSEIN AL_MANHOOSH
prepared by: Date: 23/03/2022
Other participant names = Emad -Alsadi , Hussam waleed ,
Consultation conducted with: SWP to be developed? Yes / No

Risk Assessment Matrix



Zubair Mushrif DGS Electrical Integration
Risk Assessment

Never heard of in Heard of in Incident has Happens Happens
People Assets Environment Reputation construction construction occurred in several times several times
industry industry our per year in our per year in
Corporates Corporates CTSD

No health A0
0 No damage No effect No impact
B0 C0 D0 E0
Slight health
Slight Blue /Medium
1 effect/injury Slight effect Slight impact
(FA, MT) A1 B1 C1 D1 E1
health Minor Limited
2 Minor effect
effect/injury damage impact
(RW, DAFW) A2 B2 C2 YelDlo2 w/ High E2
Localised Localised Considerable
3 effect/injury
damage effect impact
DAFW) A3 B3 C3 D3 E3

PTD or 1 to Major National

4 Major effect
3 fatalies damage impact
A4 B4 C4 D4 E4

Multiple Extensive
Massive effect
International Red/Seriou
fatalities damage impact
A5 B5 C5 D5 E5
PPD=Permanent Partial Disability FA=First Aid RW=Restricted Work
PTD=Permanent Total Disability MT=Medical Treatment DAFW=Days Away From Work (Lost workday)
Zubair Mushrif DGS Electrical Integration
Risk Assessment

Risk Assessment Matrix Consequence - Category Definition

Harm to People
0 No injury or damage to health.

1 Slight injury or health effects (including First Aid case and Medical Treatment case and Occupational illness)
- Not affecting work performance or causing disability.
2 Minor injury or health effects (Lost Time Injury)
-Affecting work performance, such as restriction to activities (Restricted work Case or Occupational Illness) or a need to take a few days to fully recover (Lost
Workday Case). Minor health effects, which are reversible, e.g. skin irritation, food poisoning.

3 Major injury or health effects (including Permanent Partial Disability and Occupational Illness)
-Affecting work performance in the longer term, such as a prolonged absence from work.
Irreversible health damage without loss of life, e.g. noise induced hearing loss, chronic back injuries, sensitisation, hand/arm vibration syndrome, repetitive
strain injury.

4 Permanent Total Disability or one to three fatalities

- from an accident or occupational illness.
Irreversible health damage with serious disability or death, e.g. corrosive burns, heat stroke, cancer (small exposed population)

5 Multiple fatalities
- from an accident or occupational illness (e.g. chemical asphyxiation or cancer (large exposed population)

Asset Damage and other Consequential Business Losses (100% cost, USD)
0 Zero damage
1 Slight damage - No disruption to operation (costs less than 10,000)
2 Minor damage - Brief disruption (cost less than 100,000)
3 Local damage - Partial shutdown (can be restarted but costs up to 1,000,000)
4 Major damage - Partial operation loss (2 weeks shutdown costs up to 10,000,000)
Zubair Mushrif DGS Electrical Integration
Risk Assessment

5 Extensive damage - Substantial or total loss of operation (costs in excess of 10,000,000)

Environmental Effect
0 Zero effect - No environmental damage. No financial consequences.

1 Slight effect - Slight environmental damage, within the fence and within systems. Negligible financial consequences.

2 Minor effect - Sufficiently large contamination or discharge to damage to attack the environment, but no lasting effect. Single breach of statutory or
prescribed limit, or single complaint.

3 Localised effect - Limited discharges affecting the neighbourhood and damaging the environment. Repeated breaches of statutory or prescribed limit, or
many complaints.
4 Major effect - Severe environmental damage. The company is required to take extensive measures to restore the damaged environment. Extended breaches
of statutory or prescribed limits, or widespread nuisance.
5 Massive effect - Persistent severe environmental damage or severe nuisance extending over a large area. Loss of commercial, or recreational use or nature
conservancy resulting in major financial consequences for the Company. Ongoing breaches well above statutory or prescribed limits.

Impact on Reputation
0 Zero effect - No public awareness.
Zubair Mushrif DGS Electrical Integration
Risk Assessment

1 Slight impact - Public awareness may exist, but there is no public concern.

2 Limited impact - some local public concern. Some local media and/or local political attention with potentially adverse aspects for company operations.

3 Considerable impact - Regional public concern. Extensive adverse attention in local media.
Slight national media and/or local/regional political attention. Adverse stance of local government and/or action groups.

4 Nationa;l impact - National public concern. Extensive adverse attention in the national media.
Effect on Regional/national policies with potentially restrictive measures and/or impact on grant of licences. Mobilisation of action groups.

5 International impact - International public attention. Extensive adverse attention in international media. National/international policies with potentially
severe impact on access to new areas, grants of licences and/or tax legislation.

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