Tutorial-Sums Diffusion

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Tutorial 1

28-7-20 Mass Transfer

1. Estimate the Diffusivities of the following gas mixtures (like 13)

i. Hydrogen chloride-air, 200KN/m2 (Pressure)
ii. Benzene-air, 1std atm, 30C (P and Temperature)
2. Diffusion Flux and Effect of Temperature and Pressure. Equimolar counter diffusion is
occurring at steady state in a tube 0.11 m long containing N2 and CO gases at a total pressure of
1.0 atm abs. The partial pressure of N 2 is 80 mm Hg at one end and 10 mm at the other end. Predict
the DAB by the empirical method (wilke lee or filler like 13). Calculate the flux (Na) in kg mol/s m 2
at 298 K for N2.Repeat at 473 K. Does the flux increase (explain why)? The partial pressure of N 2
remains at 80 and 10 mm Hg, as in part (a

19a and sum 7

3. Equimolar Counter diffusion of NH3 and N2 at steady state. Ammonia gas (A) and nitrogen
gas (B) are diffusing in counter diffusion through a straight glass tube 0.610 m long with an inside
diameter of 24.4 mm at 298 K and 101.32 k Pa. Both ends of the tube are connected to large mixed
chambers at 101.32 k Pa. The partial pressure of NH3 in one chamber is constant at 20.0 k Pa and
6.666 K Pa in the other chamber. The diffusivity at 298 K and 101.32 kPa is 2.30 x 10-5 m2/s.
Calculate the diffusion of NH3 in kgmol/s. (baby n. assume area 1m2 and finish it. )
Calculate the diffusion of N2.
Calculate the partial pressure at a point (0.305 m) in the tube

4. Diffusion of Ammonia in an Aqueous Solution. An ammonia (A) –water (B) solution at 278 K
and 4.0 mm thick is in contact at one surface with an organic liquid constant and is such that the
equilibrium concentration of ammonia in the water at this surface is 2.0 wt % ammonia (density of
aqueous solution is 991.7 kg/m3), and the concentration of ammonia in water at the other end of the
film 4.0 mm away is 10 wt % (density of 961.7 kg/m 3 ). Water and the organic are insoluble in
each other. The diffusion coefficient of NH3 in water is 1.24 X 10-9 m2 /s.
At steady state, calculate the flux N A in kg mol/s m2 Like 8
Calculate the flux N B Explain. (Nb= 0, since insoluble,)
5. A well located in the desert is 10m deep to the water level and 1.0 m in diameter. The
stagnant air and water in the well are at 30°C and normal atmospheric pressure. A slight
breeze of dry air is blowing across the top of well. Calculate the rate of steady state diffusion
of water vapor in the well.(Assume partial pressure of water vapour in the air=vapor pressure
of water at 30°C). Diffusivity of water vapor in air at 30°C is D AB=2.6x10-5 m2/s. Vapour
pressure of water at 30°C=4.112 kN/m2
A=4x10-9kmol/m2.s &56.54x10-9kg/s
6. Through the accidental opening of a valve, water has been spilled on the floor of an
industrial plant in a remote, difficult to reach area. It is desired to estimate the time required
to evaporate the water into the surrounding quiescent air. The water layer is 1.5mm thick and
may be assumed to remain at a constant temperature of 24ºC. The air is also at 24ºC and 1
atm pressure with an absolute humidity of 0.002 Kg of water/Kg of dry air. The evaporation
is assumed to take place by molecular diffusion through a gas film 0.6cm thick. Diffusion
coefficient for water vapour in air is 0.259 cm2/s.
Given in whatspap
7. A flat plug 30mm thick having an area of 4.0x10 -4m2 and made of vulcanized rubber is used
for closing an opening in a container. The gas CO2 at 25°C and 2 atm pressure is inside the
container. Calculate the total leakage of CO2 through the plug to the outside in kgmol CO2/s at
steady state. Assume the partial pressure of CO2 outside the container is zero.
For CO2 in vulcanized rubber S=0.90 m2/m3.atm and DCO2=0.11x10-9m2/s

8. An O2-N2 gas mixtures at 1 std atm and 25ºC, The concentration of oxygen at two planes are
0.002 cm apart are 10% and 20% by volume respectively. Calculate the rate of diffusion of
O2 in kgmol O2 / m2.s for the case. Same as 7th sum in notes
(1) N2 is non diffusing

(2) Equimolal counter diffusion


9. Predict the diffusivity of bovine serum albumin at 298K in water as a dilute solution and
compare with the experimental value 6.81x10-11m2/s Use wilke chang
10. For a mixture of ethanol vapour and methane , predict the diffusivity using the method of
Fuller et al
At 1.0132x10 5 Pa and 298 K

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