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1. Facultative anaerobes of Oral cavity.

2. Discuss antigen – antibody reaction
3. Role of Probiotics in Periodontal Health
4. Write a note about Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus Aureus.
5. Serological markers for Hep-B virus (HBV) infection
6. Reactive oxygen species and its relevance to the periodontium.
7. Microbiology of wound infection.
8. Facultative anaerobes of oral cavity
9. . Oral Thrush II
10. Salivary antibodies and antibacterial factors
11. Define sterilization and disinfection. Mention methods of
moist heat sterilization. II
12. Antimicrobial combinations and their clinical utility.
13. Microbial tests in periodontal diagnosis.
14. DNA Probes
15. Hepatitis B vaccination.
16. Define sterilization and disinfection. Mention methods of
moist heat sterilization.
17. Microbiology of dental caries.
18. Write about laboratory diagnosis of pulmonary
19. Antibiotic sensitivity test.
20. Viral inclusion bodies.
21. Anaphylaxis.
22. Elisa.
23. Microbiology of wound infection.
24. Anaerobic culture methods.
25. WIDAL test
26. Sterilization by chemical agents.
27. Laboratory diagnosis of streptococcal infection
28. Serologic markers for HBV infection.
29. Mechanism of drug resistance.
30. Toxins of Streptococci.
31. Gaseous Disinfectants.
32. Coagulase test.
33. Pathogenesis of tetanus.
34. Surface active agents.
35. Gram negative bacterial cell wall.
36. Human immuno deficiency virus.
37. Type III hypersensitivity reaction
38. Oral thrush.
39. Prophylaxis for the control of Hepatitis B virus infection.
40. Vincent’s angina.
41. VDRL test.
42. Autoclave.
43. Acute ulcerative gingiritis.
44. Common anaerobic infections.
45. Modes of transmission of Hepatitis B infection.
46. Hepatitis
47. Immunoglobulins.
48. Discuss the role of saliva as a biomarker for
periodontal disease.

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