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Before determining the role of communication in human development, the term
human development must be defined first. According to Rome Consensus from the
World Congress on Communication for Development (2006),

“Human development is a social process based on dialogue using a broad range of

tools and methods.”

Human development is the process of enlarging choices for the people and
empowering them to acquire more capabilities and enjoying more opportunities.

Without effective communication, effective human development cannot take place.

This is because communication represents the essential thread that binds humankind
together. Communication processes are central to broader empowerment practices
through which people are able to consider, form and discuss their own opinions on
local and global issues. Moreover, people are also able to negotiate and engage in
public debates at community and national levels.

It must also be acknowledged that communication facilitates dialogue and debate

which in turn facilitates social change and thus freedom of expression. At an
international level, intricate development strategies are formulated that aid the
steering of global society, ushering it into a new era through social change. These
communication development strategies can reveal underlying attitudes and traditional
perceptions prevailing in specific societies. These strategies help people get
integrated into society by adapting their views according to latest trends.
Furthermore, these strategies assist people in acquiring new knowledge and skills
and help in spreading new social messages to large audiences. In addition to that
they aim to seek change at different levels in society including building trust,
constructing policies, spreading awareness, developing skills and introducing
learning programmes for substantial and sustainable change.

Successful use of communication skills, events and media gives people powerful
tools not only to experience change but to guide it as well. Intensified exchange of
ideas among all sectors of society can lead to greater involvement of people for a
collective cause. This is an essential requirement of appropriate and sustainable

It may also be argued that the domain of the impact of communication extends to
human development planning and programme formulation as well. It ensures
increased public participation and community mobilization. Perhaps the most
profound impact it has on the lives of the public is that it changes peoples’ lifestyles
by raising their living standards thus raising the overall standard of living in society.
(Enviornment and Resource Development , 2013)

The communication system of the industrialised societies is based on mass media,
mainly television, radio and the print press. Such technologies sanction the mass
distribution of one-way messages from one source to many sources. The extensive
diffusion of the digital media, mobile communication, internet, and a variety of social
software tools throughout the world has transformed the communication system into
interactive networks that connect the local to the global. New forms of social media,
such as podcasts, social networking sites, blogs, SMS, and wikis, cater to the flow of
messages from various sources to numerous sources. These have provided
alternative mediums for citizen communication and participatory journalism which
support development outcomes like protection of human rights, access to markets,
accountability and transparency etc. This practice has facilitated rapid social change.
The prime example of change brought about by the social media is the Arab Spring.
Complete revolutions were brought about in Egypt, Tunisia and Libya with the
assistance of social media.

Two prominent examples of human development works being undertaken in Pakistan

will be discussed below. The vital role of communication in such projects is
undeniably evident.

An instance where communication has played a central role is the collaboration of

UNDP and HEC in helping young Pakistani students realise their educational
dreams. UNDP is in the process of making arrangements for the formulation of a
nationwide public education programme in Pakistan. The series of seminars on
public education provides youth, women, religious representatives, political parties,
civil society and the media with a forum in which to discuss what public education
means to them. This helps them in finding ways to magnify the scope of public
education programmes. Certain seminars also address the role of political parties
and the media in the sphere of public education. (United Nations Development
Programme, 2011)

Another recent example of human development where communication is the hero is

the South Asian Regional Exchange Meeting held in July 2014 which was hosted by
Pakistan Women’s Parliamentary Assembly, the Pakistan National Commission on
the Status of Women and the Nepal National Women’s Commission with support
from UN Women and UNDP. The meeting included more than 100 participants from
Nepal and 45 delegates from Afghanistan, Bhutan, India, the Maldives, Nepal,
Pakistan and Sri Lanka. Participants shared good practices and lessons learned in
their respective countries, agreed on recommendations and a common South Asian
regional approach to improving women’s political participation and leadership.
(Human Development Reports, 2014)

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