Tugas Jurnal Internasional Suniyyahh

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Mereview Jurnal internasional

Untuk Memenuhi Tugas Psikologi keperawatan

Disusun oleh:

Suniyyah anggraini


Dosen pengampu

Riva Nadia Putri,. S.Psi, M.Psi Psikolog

Program studi keperawatan

stikes syedza saintka padang


 PENULIS : Yuliastri Ambar Pambudhi1)*, Citra Marhan1) , Linda Fajriah1) ,

Muhammad Abas2

 TAHUN : 2022

 JUDUL : Strategi Coping Stress Mahasiswa Dalam Menyelesaikan Skripsi Pada Masa
Pandemi Covid-19

(Strategi Coping Stress Mahasiswa Dalam Menyelesaikan Skripsi Pada Masa Pandemi

 VOLUME : 3


 TUJUAN PENELITIAN: The purpose of this study is to explore the problems of

students who are in the process of completing their thesis during the Covid-19 pandemic
and describe the stress coping strategies used. The research method used is a qualitative
method. The data collection technique uses the perceived stress scale, individual
interviews and Focus Group Discussion (FGD)

(Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menggali masalah para mahasiswa yang sedang
proses menyelesaikan skripsi pada masa pandemic Covid-19 serta menggambarkan
strategi coping stress yang digunakan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode
kualitatif. Teknik pengambilan data menggunakan skala perceived stress scale,
wawancara individual dan Focus Group Discussion (FGD))

 TINJUAN PUSTAKA : all respondents felt stress in completing their thesis during the
Covid-19 pandemic. The level of stress felt by the respondents was in the low to high
category. The source of their stress (stressor) comes from psychological, social, economic
and physical aspects. Respondents have efforts to cope with their respective stress
(coping stress), including problem focused coping (planful problem solving and seeking
social support), emotional focused coping (distancing, self control, accepting
responsibility, escape avoidance and positive reappraisal) or both. The form of stress
coping strategies is in the form of confrontative coping did not appear in all respondents

(semua responden merasakan stres dalam menyelesaikan skripsi pada masa pandemi
Covid-19. Tingkat stres yang dirasakan para responden berada pada kategori rendah
sampai tinggi. Sumber stres (stressor) mereka berasal dari segi psikologis, sosial,
ekonomi dan fisik. Responden memiliki upaya untuk menanggulangi stres (coping stres)
mereka masing-masing, diantaranya problem focused coping (planful problem solving
dan seeking social support), emotional focused coping (distancing, self control, accepting
responsibility, escape avoidance dan positive reappraisal) atau keduanya. Bentuk strategi
coping stres berupa confrontative coping tidak nampak pada semua responden yang

 SUBJEK DAN POPULASI : of human behavior, so that through this approach we can
understand how the description of stress coping strategies for students who are
completing their thesis during the Covid-19 pandemic. This research was conducted at
the Laboratory of the Department of Psychology, Faculty of Teacher Training and
Education, Halu Oleo University. in this study were students, Department of Psychology
who were in the process of completing a thesis during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Respondents were selected by distributing flyers in the WhatsApp group using purposive
sampling. According to (Sugiyono, 2016), purposive sampling is a sampling technique by
determining certain criteria or considerations. The characteristics of the respondents in
this study were active students of the Psychology Department who were in the process of
completing their thesis during the covid-19 pandemic; class of 2017, 2016 and 2015;
domiciled in Kendari; willing to participate in the research process. Based on the
predetermined characteristics, 19 people were found as respondents

(perilaku manusia, sehingga melalui pendekatan ini dapat memahami bagaimana

gambaran strategi coping stress mahasiswa yang sedang menyelesaikan skripsi pada masa
pandemi Covid-19. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Jurusan Psikologi,
Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Halu Oleo. pada penelitian ini
merupakan mahasiswa, Jurusan Psikologi yang sedang proses menyelesaikan skripsi pada
masa pandemi Covid-19. Penjaringan responden dilakukan dengan menyebarkan flyers di
grup Whattsapp dengan menggunakan purposive sampling. Menurut (Sugiyono, 2016),
purposive sampling adalah teknik pengambilan sampel dengan menentukan kriteria-
kriteria atau pertimbangan tertentu. Karakteristik responden dalam penelitian ini adalah
mahasiswa aktif Jurusan Psikologi yang sedang proses menyelesaikan skripsi ketika
berada pada masa pandemi covid-19; angkatan tahun 2017, 2016 dan 2015; berdomisili
di Kendari; bersedia untuk ikut serta dalam proses penelitian. Berdasarkan karakterisrik
yang telah ditetapkan maka didapatkan 19 orang sebagai responden)

 ALAT PENGUMPULAN DATA. : scale, interview

(skala, wawancara)

 HASIL PENELITIAN : . The results obtained are 5 respondents who feel high stress, 13
respondents feel moderate stress levels and 1 respondent feels low stress levels. The
stressors experienced are psychological, social, economic and physical. The forms of
coping with stress that the respondents used included problem focused coping (planful
problem solving and seeking social support), emotional focused coping (distancing, self
control, accepting responsibility, escape avoidance and positive reappraisal). The form of
coping strategies in the form of confrontative coping did not appear in all respondents

( Hasil yang didapat dari penelitian bahwa terdapat 5 responden yang merasakan stres
tinggi, 13 responden merasakan tingkat stres sedang dan 1 responden merasakan tingkat
stres rendah. Stressor yang dialami baik dari psikologis, sosial, ekonomi dan fisik. Bentuk
coping stress yang dilakukan responden antara lain problem focused coping (planful
problem solving dan seeking social support), emotional focused coping (distancing, self
control, accepting responsibility, escape avoidance dan positive reappraisal).

 KEKURANGAN / KETERBATASAN PENELITIAN: The weakness in this research is

that it is not written in this journal what the hypothesis in this study is.

( Kekurangan dalam penelitian ini yaitu tidak dituliskan didalam jurnal ini apa hipotesis
dalam penelitian ini)

 SARAN DARI PENULIS: Suggestions that can be given to students, are expected for
final year students who is finishing the thesis not to delay (immediately) working on the
thesis remember that changes can occur at any time. In addition, it is expected that level
students eventually begin to recognize the ability to cope with stress so that when in a
state of stress is able to try to deal with stress as soon as possible then get up and get back
into the routine. Suggestions for department managers, it is hoped that the management
majors are able to carry out monitoring and evaluation of supervisors on a regular basis in
order to examine the process of mentoring and the progress of thesis work from students
guidance. Department managers can also facilitate special meetings for supervisors for
sharing related to student guidance and reporting on each other's progress guidance
students. Suggestions for further researchers, it is hoped that further researchers can
consider other factors when researching stress coping, especially in college students who
is in the process of completing the thesis. There are many other unexplored factors that
can influence the formation of stress coping such as individual conditions, personality
characteristics, relationship with the environment, etc

(Saran yang dapat diberikan bagi mahasiswa, diharapkan bagi mahasiswa tingkat akhir
yang sedang menyelesaikan skripsi untuk tidak menunda (segera) mengerjakan skripsi
mengingat perubahan bisa terjadi sewaktu-waktu. Selain itu diharapkan mahasiswa
tingkat akhir mulai mengenali kemampuan untuk coping stres sehingga ketika berada
pada kondisi stres mampu berupaya menanggulangi stres sesegera mungkin kemudian
bangkit dan melakukan rutinitas kembali. Saran bagi pengelola jurusan, diharapkan pihak
pengelola jurusan mampu melakukan monitoring dan evaluasi pada dosen pembimbing
secara berkala guna mengkaji proses pembimbingan dan progress pengerjaan skripsi dari
mahasiswa bimbingan. Pengelola jurusan juga bisa memfasilitasi pertemuan khusus
dosen pembimbing untuk sharing terkait mahasiswa bimbingan serta melaporkan
kemajuan masing-masing mahasiswa bimbingan. Saran bagi peneliti selanjutnya,
diharapkan peneliti selanjutnya bisa mempertimbangkan faktor lain ketika akan meneliti
coping stres khususnya pada mahasiswa yang sedang proses menyelesaikan skripsi.
Banyak faktor lain yang tidak diteliti yang bisa mempengaruhi pembentukan coping stres
seperti kondisi individu, karakteristik kepribadian, hubungan dengan lingkungan, dsb)

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