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Let me start by saying a few words

Assalamualaikum wr wb good morn
  So, everyone this is constellation picture

And today I'll tell you story about a large constellation located in the northern sky it’s called
Cassiopeia. It was one of the 17 constellations that represents a Greek mythological character
Why it called cassiopeia?

So, once upon a time there is queen that name Cassiopeia. She was the wife of King Cepheus of
Ethiopia, mother of Princess Andromeda and daughter of Coronus and Zeuxo.  

We start the story with Cassiopeia boasted that she was more beautiful than the Nereids. They were
enraged by Cassiopeia’s comments and appealed to Poseidon to punish Cassiopeia for her

The sea god obliged and sent Cetus, a sea monster represented by the cetus, located in the same
region of the sky, to ravage the coast of Cepheus’ kingdom. Cepheus turned to an oracle for help and
the oracle told him that, in order to appease Poseidon, he and Cassiopeia had to sacrifice their
daughter Andromeda to the sea monster. Reluctantly, they did so, leaving Andromeda chained to a
rock for the monster to find. 

By coincidence, legend has it, Perseus passes by stop his winged horse Pegasus while returning from
slaying the gorgon Medusa. He swoops down and makes a deal that he will save Andromeda in
return for her hand in marriage. Cassiopeia and Cepheus agree, and Perseus uses the head of
Medusa to turn Cetus to stone and the sea monster sinks to the bottom of the ocean. Perseus and
Andromeda were later married. But at the wedding, one of her former suitors, named Phineus,
appeared and claimed that he was the only one who had the right to marry Andromeda.
There was a fight and Perseus, desperately outnumbered, used the head of Medusa to defeat his
opponents. One look at Medusa’s head turned them all into stone. In the process, however, the king
and queen also met their end because they did not look away from the monster’s head in time.

Because of that the god placed Cassiopeia and Cepheus in the sky. Cassiopeia, the myth goes, was
condemned to circle the celestial pole forever, and spends half the year upside down in the sky as
punishment for her vanity. She is usually depicted on her throne, still combing her hair.

This is how the constellation took its name.

To end this presentation, let me just run over the key points again briefly Bragging
is risky. Past research shows that braggarts can be perceived as
narcissistic and less moral.

So that’s all from meThank you very much for your great attention
Have a nice day
wassalamualaikum wr wb

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