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CAE Listening Part 1

You will hear three different extracts. For questions 1-6, choose the answer (A, В or C)
which fits best according to what you hear. There are two questions for each extract.

Extract One

You hear two friends discussing air travel.

1 They disagree about whether the woman’s flight

A offered good value for money.

B managed to arrive on time.

C provided reasonable comfort level.

2 What is the man’s advice for the woman?

A trying a different air company

B choosing a different destination airport

C changing the means of transport

Extract Two

You hear a science teacher talking about their work

3 What is her opinion of pupils using the Internet to find new information?

A It has altered the teacher’s role in the studying process

B It has to be supervised by a teacher

C It can’t substitute a teacher figure in the classroom

4 What is her opinion of her approach to teaching?

A She is ready change it to better suit student’s needs

B She regrets her colleagues not using the same techniques

C She is certain that it has positive results

Extract Three

You hear two presenters talking about a new recording.

5 What impressed the woman most about the new album?

A the way it was recorded

B the style of the recording

C the variety of instruments used

6 According to the man, what makes the band stand out?

A the originality of their sound

B the high quality of tracks

C the organic combination of various music styles

CAE Listening Part 2

You will hear a student called Jon talking about llama, an animal that comes from South
America.. For questions 7-14, complete the sentences.


Jon says that you can tell llamas and alpacas apart by the shape of their 7………. .

Jon discovered that the wild ancestor of the llama was mostly 8………..  in colour.

In ancient times, domesticated llamas could often be found working in 9………  areas.

Jon says that the word 10………..  is most commonly used to describe llamas.

Jon found out that llamas that are trained properly would only kick and spit when they
feel 11………. . .

Jon describes the noise llamas use to communicate as a 12……………….. .

Jon says that llama fleece is popular with weavers because it doesn’t contain
any 13………. . .
The most common goods made from llama hair are 14………. . .

CAE Listening Part 3

You will hear an interview with a young film director, Lauren, talking about her life and
work.. For questions 15-20, choose the answer (А, В, C or D) which fits best according
to what you hear.

15 Lauren was prompted by her teachers to to pursue a film-making career because they

A believed that she had potential.

B found her early attempts highly original.

C were impressed by how motivated she was.

D appreciated her ability to work within a budget.

16 What is Lauren’s opinion of criticism towards film schools?

A She believes that such critics would benefit from joining it.

B She defends the record of the one that she attended.

C She agrees that it’s less useful for certain types of work.

D She regrets that it’s the only option for poorer students.

17 Lauren didn’t shoot a full-length film sooner because

A she wanted to be sure of her ability first.

B she was previously unsuccessful with them.

C she didn’t get any offers from studios.

D she couldn’t find financial support for it.

18 What does Lauren say about the characters in her films?

A She tries to surprise her audience with them.

B She likes them to fit into well-defined types.

C She accepts that the men may be more interesting.

D She sets out to make them as complicated as possible.

19 How does Lauren feel now about the film Hidden Valley Dreams?

A She regrets the setting she chose for it.

B She regards it as being far from perfect.

C She’s surprised that it’s proved so popular.

D She wishes she’d spent more time on the plot.

20 How does Lauren feel about giving talks at schools?

A unsure whether to reveal her humble background

B concerned that she might give the kids unrealistic ambitions

C slightly uncomfortable with the idea of being a role model

D worried that she may not command the respect of the students

Listening Part 1

You will hear three different extracts. For questions 1-6, choose the answer
(A, B or C) which fits best according to what you hear. There are two questions for
each extract.

Extract One

You hear two sociologists, Nina Havers and Dan Hernandez, discussing praising

1   Nina compares praising children to rock climbing because in both activities

A   time is needed to get it right.

B   trust plays an important role.

C   mistakes can have unwanted consequences.

2   What advice does Dan give parents about praising children?

A   Focus on praising effort rather than results.

B   Explain the reason for giving praise.

C   Include praising personal qualities.

Extract Two

You hear two friends, Martha and Robert, discussing golf.

3   Robert had been put off talking up golf until now because he believed

A   it was practised only by a privileged few.

B   it provided relatively little exercise.

C   it was perceived as old-fashioned.

4   What do they agree they should do next?

A   take up an opportunity to find out about a venue

B   get more information about golf from a colleague

C   look into the expense involved in playing golf

Extract Three

You hear two friends talking about a summer music festival they have just been to.

5   According to the man, what element do music festival organisers often overlook?

A   having good communication between sound engineers and bands

B   designing the grounds so that the sound is enhanced

C   ensuring all the equipment is of the highest quality

6   How did the woman first find out that a local band was good?

A   Other musicians were recommending them.

B   Everyone was talking about them in one of the cafés.

C   The number of people listening to them was increasing.

Listening Part 2

You will hear a woman, called Estelle Tinios, giving a talk to students about her job as a
pharmacist. For questions 7-14, complete the sentences with a word or short phrase.


Estelle chose to study (7) ………………………………… for her undergraduate degree.

She recommends working part time as a (8) ………………………………… in order to

make contacts.

She explains that she learnt a great deal from the (9) ………………………………… she
did during her postgraduate studies.

She was surprised to find out how important (10) ………………………………… skills
are for a pharmacist.
She suggests that pharmacists who have some (11) ………………………………… in
their schedule are more likely to find a job.

She worked in research and development, where she was involved in the (12)
………………………………… of medications.

She describes how making sure (13) ………………………………… are accurate is an

important part of a pharmacist’s job.

She explains that there is a growing demand for pharmacists because the (14)
………………………………… is increasing.

Listening Part 3

You will hear an interview in which two entrepreneurs, called Charles and Betty, are
talking about their experience of setting up a business when they were young. For
questions 15-20, choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which fits best according to what you

15   What does Charles say about the failure of his first company?

A   He learnt some valuable lessons from the experience.

B   He was glad this happened when he was young.

C   It could have been avoided if he had acted earlier.

D   It resulted from taking poor advice.

16   Betty and Charles both say that the key to being a successful young
entrepreneur is

A   to be a creative thinker.

B   to have clear long-term aims.

C   to have a positive attitude to risk.

D   to be willing to dedicate enough time to business.

17   In the first year of her business, what did Betty find most difficult?

A   raising money

B   hiring employees

C   getting enough sales

D   dealing with the paperwork

18   It surprised Charles that his competitors were willing to

A   recommend professional specialists.

B   discuss their company structure.

C   share industry-related data.

D   refer customers to him

19   How did Betty feel after she won a Young Businessperson of the Year award?

A   curious to find out why her business had been selected

B   determined to live up to the standard of the other contenders

C   uncertain about the attention her winning attracted

D   inspired to expand her business

20   According to Charles, technology has made it easier to become an entrepreneur


A   websites can reach potential customers.

B   networking can be done on the internet.

C   video conferencing makes meetings effective.

D   online training is outstanding


Listening Part 1

You will hear three different extracts. For questions 1-6, choose the answer (A, B or C)
which fits best according to what you hear. There are two questions for each extract.

Extract One

You hear two neighbours, Adam and Juliet, talking about living in Montreal, Canada.

1   What attracted Adam to living in Montreal?      

A   the change in weather from winter to summer      

B   the feeling of close community evident there      

C   the value inhabitants place on tradition

2   What do they both say about accommodation in Montreal?      

A   The frequency with which people move house is above average.      

B   Central apartments are rarely available for purchase.      

C   Renting is a comparatively inexpensive option.

Extract Two

You hear two students, a girl called Soraya and a boy called Halim, talking about an
essay they have to write on the topic of plastic.

3   What is Soraya doing?      

A   acknowledging the benefits of plastic as a material      

B   assessing the accuracy of information written about plastic      

C   clarifying reasons for a change in people’s attitudes to plastic

4   What does Halim say about the documentary he saw?      

A   It failed to offer a balanced argument.      

B   It exaggerated the conclusions it drew.      

C   It omitted some significant points.

Extract Three

You hear a psychologist, Dr Jane Blake, and a journalist, Ed Regas, discussing the
teenage years.

5   According to Dr Blake, what mistake do some parents make?

A   They misinterpret their teenagers’ behaviour.

B   They want to project their children for too long.

C   They fail to recognise that their children’s needs have changed.

6   Which aspect of adolescence particularly interests Ed Regas?

A   the role played by gaming in teenagers’ lives

B   teenagers’ abnormal sleep patterns

C   the influence of peers on teenagers

Listening Part 2

You will hear a citrus fruit grower, called Ben Tyrell, giving a presentation to students.
For questions 7-14, complete the sentences with a word or short phrase.


Ben has an organic farm, so he relies primarily on (7) …………………………… to

assess the health of his trees.

If the (8) …………………………… of a tree are the wrong colour, the tree usually
requires fertiliser.

When to give trees fertiliser is determined principally by the (9)

…………………………… .

To control fungi on the fruit, Ben uses (10) …………………………… as an organic

Ben only worries about weeds if they are growing near his (11)
…………………………… system.

The (12) …………………………… of the fruit is the last criterion to check before
picking begins.

The only tool fruit pickers use is (13) ……………………………, otherwise fruit may be

Ben uses the phrase ‘(14) ……………………………’ to describe what he aims to teach
school children.

Listening Part 3

You will hear an interview with two trainee teachers, called Amy and John, about
students using smartphones in school. For questions 15-20, choose the answer
(A, B, C or D) which fits best according to what you hear.

15   Amy would like schools to teach students

A   to be aware of advertising on smartphones.

B   about the effects of overuse of smartphones.

C   how to avoid being distracted by smartphones.

D   to decide for themselves when to use smartphones.

16   Amy and John both say that some parents

A   aren’t consistent in applying rules about using smartphones.

B   buy smartphones for quite young children.

C   fail to set a good example of smartphone use.

D   don’t know which sites their children use on their smartphones.

17   John approves of students using smartphones in class in order to

A   take photos of their work.

B   look up information.

C   record a conversation.

D   use the calculator.

18   What happened when smartphones were banned in one school?

A   The police spent less time on smartphone thefts.

B   Teachers spent more time on the content of lessons.

C   Students soon accepted the situation.

D   Most parents welcomed the decision.

19   John mentions workplaces to point out that company rules regarding
smartphone use

A   vary according to the type of work done.

B   should be reviewed regularly.

C   are difficult to enforce.

D   acknowledge that phones are valuable tools.

20   What does Amy conclude about the debate on the topic of using smart-phones in

A   It shows parents and teachers hold very different views from each other.

B   It is being used to hide more serious matters.

C   It reflects significant changes in society.

D   It will soon seem outdated.


CAE Listening Part 1

You will hear three different extracts. For questions 1-6, choose the answer (A, В or C)
which fits best according to what you hear. There are two questions for each extract.

Extract One

You hear two artists discussing their work.

1 What do they agree about inspiration?

A An artist has to find their own source of it.

B Non-artists won’t be able to understand it.

C It can be difficult to talk about it.

2 The man’s latest project aims to discover if

A holiday brochures are actually works of art.

B the visual component of holiday brochures is effective.

C the image made by holiday brochures is misleadingExtract Two

Extract Two

You hear two club DJs talking about their work.

3 What did the man dislike about his last job as a radio DJ?

A He lacked the knowledge of the industry.

B He didn’t have one of the necessary skills.

C He would often have arguments with the management.

4 What do they agree about being a club DJ?

A It’s not easy to have it as the only job.

B You shouldn’t play music you don’t like personally.

C You have to be receptive to what the audience wants.

Extract Three

You hear part of an interview with a cake shop owner.

5 What does she say about cake making?

A It’s always been her dream to do it for a living.

B She found it interesting as it required different skills.

C It was a skill she picked up at her first job.

6 How does she feel about her new business?

A confident in her own judgement.

B relieved that she listened to an expert advice.

C concerned that the early success might not last.

CAE Listening Part 2

You will hear a man called Paul Osborne sharing his his work experience as a videogame
designer.. For questions 7-14, complete the sentences

Videogame Designer

Paul says that people tend to think he’s a game 7…………………..  rather than a


As a part of his education Paul did a course in 8…………………..   which significantly

helped his career.

In his first job, Paul was mostly designing 9…………………..  .

Paul worked with what is known as 10…………………..   in his first job.

Paul mentions a videogame titled 11…………………..   as the one he found most

enjoyable to work on.
Paul uses the word 12…………………..   to describe what multiplayers in a game can
create for themselves.

Paul says that getting the 13…………………..   right is one of the most challenging

aspects of game design.

Paul names 14…………………..   as the most crucial quality any game designer should

CAE Listening Part 3

You will hear an interview with an archaeologist called Julian Radwinter. For
questions 15-20, choose the answer (А, В, C or D) which fits best according to what you

15 Julian links his teenage archaeology interest to

A a desire to please his father.

B his natural sense of curiosity.

C a need to make some spare money.

D his unhappiness with farm life.

16 What aspect of archaeology still excites Julian today?

A the methodical nature of much of the work

B the pleasure of solving ancient mysteries

C the chance to accurately assess the age of objects with precise tools

D the process of theorising with little information available

17 Julian believes that the way people see archaeology

A fails to acknowledge its scientific value.

B has been given a negative image by popular media.

C doesn’t  show the gradual nature of the research process.

D has tended to concentrate on the physical hardships involved.

18 How does Julian feel about his current research post?

A He regrets having relatively few opportunities to travel.

B He wishes his colleagues would take it more seriously.

C He admits that the problems can get him down.

D He suggests that it is relatively cost effective.

19 What does Julian hope to show as a result of his current research

A population levels in England in different periods

B the length of time certain villages have existed

C how wider trends affected local communities

D the range of ancient agricultural methods

20 Julian’s project on humour in archaeology aims to

A celebrate an otherwise unrecorded aspect of archaeologists’ lives.

B compare archaeological findings with anecdotal evidence.

C compile a list of jokes about archaeology.

D make archaeological reports more accessible to non-specialists.

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