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CMB statistical isotropy confirmation at all scales using multipole vectors

Renan A. Oliveiraa,b,c , Thiago S. Pereirac , Miguel Quartind,e

Center for Computational Astrophysics, Flatiron Institute, 10010-5902, New York, NY, USA
PPGCosmo, CCE, Universidade Federal do Espı́rito Santo, 29075-910, Vitória, ES, Brazil
Departamento de Fı́sica, Universidade Estadual de Londrina, 86051-990, Londrina, PR, Brazil
Instituto de Fı́sica, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, 21941-972, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil
Observatório do Valongo, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, 20080-090, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil

arXiv:1812.02654v4 [astro-ph.CO] 1 Jun 2020

We present an efficient numerical code and conduct, for the first time, a null and model-independent CMB
test of statistical isotropy using Multipole Vectors (MVs) at all scales. Because MVs are insensitive to the
angular power spectrum C` , our results are independent from the assumed cosmological model. We avoid a
posteriori choices and use pre-defined ranges of scales ` ∈ [2, 30], ` ∈ [2, 600] and ` ∈ [2, 1500] in our analyses.
We find that all four masked Planck maps, from both 2015 and 2018 releases, are in agreement with statistical
isotropy for ` ∈ [2, 30], ` ∈ [2, 600]. For ` ∈ [2, 1500] we detect anisotropies but this is indicative of simply the
anisotropy in the noise: there is no anisotropy for ` < 1300 and an increasing level of anisotropy at higher
multipoles. Our findings of no large-scale anisotropies seem to be a consequence of avoiding a posteriori
statistics. We also find that the degree of anisotropy in the full sky (i.e. unmasked) maps vary enormously
(between less than 5 and over 1000 standard deviations) among the different mapmaking procedures and data
Keywords: observational cosmology, cosmic microwave background, statistical isotropy, multipole vectors

1. Introduction In the standard framework, the C` s are, at each `,

the variance of the distribution from which the pri-
Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) maps have
mordial perturbations were drawn, and at first order
been the best window to probe the hypotheses that
in perturbation theory constitute both the only non-
the primordial perturbations were Gaussian and sta-
trivial statistical moment of a CMB map and the only
tistically homogeneous and isotropic. When these hy-
quantity predicted by theory. Since each multipole
potheses are met, the multipolar coefficients of the
has only 2` + 1 independent components, this im-
CMB temperature map can be treated as random
poses a fundamental lower-bound to the uncertainty
variables satisfying
in measuring the C` s, known as cosmic variance. This
ha`m a∗`0 m0 i = C` δ``0 δmm0 . (1) means that in a typical Planck map, the over 3 mil-
lion modes (a`m s) measured in the cosmic variance
where C` is the angular power spectrum and δij is the limit (apart from the masked regions) are reduced to
Kronecker delta. CMB experiments have spent the only 1800 numbers (C` s): a data reduction of a factor
last decades in pursuit of a precise measurement of of almost 2000.
the C` s. The WMAP mission successfully measured Most fundamental extensions of the standard cos-
this quantity to the cosmic variance limit in the range mological model will modify equation (1), either by
2 ≤ ` ≤ 600, showing a remarkable accuracy between including extra off-diagonal terms and/or by intro-
theory and observations (Hinshaw et al., 2013; Ben- ducing higher order correlations between the a`m s.1
nett et al., 2013). The Planck team then extended The challenge is that most statistical estimators built
this task to the multipole range 2 ≤ ` ≤ 1800,
confirming the predictions of the standard model 1
Some models will also change the C` s while keeping the
with unprecedented precision (Planck Collaboration matrix (1) diagonal. But as we will see, MVs are insensitive to
I, 2018; Planck Collaboration VI, 2018). such models.

Preprint submitted to Elsevier June 2, 2020

to extract such extensions will compress the a`m s in 2. Multipole Vectors and Fréchet Vectors
a model (Planck Collaboration XXVII, 2014; Amen-
dola et al., 2011; Prunet et al., 2005) or geometri- MVs are an alternative representation to the
cal (Pullen and Kamionkowski, 2007; Froes et al., multipole moments of functions on the sphere.
2015; Hajian et al., 2004) dependent way, and thus For any P function X(n̂), its multipole moments
meaningful information could still remain undetected. X` (n̂) = m X`m Y`m (n̂) can be specified in terms of
a real constant λ` and ` unit and headless (multipole)
At the same time, there have been claims of possi- vectors v ` as
ble anomalies in the CMB data (see Planck Collab-
oration XVI, 2016; Schwarz et al., 2016; Muir et al., 1
X` (n̂) = λ` ∇v1 · · · ∇v` , (2)
2018, for a review). These claims are hard to verify r r=1
because they are mostly related to large-scales which p
have already been measured at the cosmic variance where r = x2 + y 2 + z 2 and ∇v` = v ` · ∇. In the
limit since WMAP. Thus one cannot settle the is- case of CMB, X could be either the temperature (T )
sue with just more observations of the same quan- or polarization (E or B-modes) fluctuations. Being
tities.2 For instance, for the quadrupole–octupole vectors, MVs do not depend on external frames of
alignment (Tegmark et al., 2003; Bielewicz et al., reference, but instead rotate rigidly with the data.
2005; Copi et al., 2006; Abramo et al., 2006) most Moreover, all the information on C` is contained in
recent papers focused either on the study of possi- λ` (see below), so the vectors do not depend on cos-
ble systematics (Francis and Peacock, 2010; Rassat mology in the standard, Gaussian FLRW case. It is
et al., 2014; Notari and Quartin, 2015), or on the thus natural to think about the a`m s as represented
signatures of alignments using galaxy catalogs (Ti- by the 2`+1 numbers of the set {C` , v 1 , · · · , v ` } (Copi
wari and Aluri, 2019). Another issue with the study et al., 2004).
of anomalies is how to deal with the so-called look Previous CMB analysis using MVs have focused
elsewhere effect: a posteriori selection of a small sub- mostly on the low range of scales, 2 ≤ ` . 50, and
set of the current 3 million modes of the CMB can were mostly interested in their power to detect large
artificially lead to low-probability statistics (Bennett angle statistical anomalies (Copi et al., 2004; Schwarz
et al., 2011). et al., 2004; Land and Magueijo, 2005; Bielewicz
et al., 2005; Abramo et al., 2006; Bielewicz and Ri-
In this work we circumvent these issues is by mak- azuelo, 2009; Pinkwart and Schwarz, 2018). Here
ing use of Multipole Vectors (MVs) (Copi et al., 2004; we will use these vectors to conduct, for the first
Katz and Weeks, 2004). MVs are a well-known alter- time, a null test of statistical isotropy in the range
native decomposition for multipole fields (Maxwell, 2 ≤ ` ≤ 1500. Multipoles ` & 1500 are affected by
1873; Torres del Castillo and Méndez-Garrido, 2004), the anisotropic instrumental noise (Planck Collabo-
and are particularly suited to the analysis of CMB ration IX, 2016), so their inclusion is postponed to a
maps, since they allow for model-independent tests future analysis.
of isotropy. We also introduce a novel set of vectors, Algorithms for extracting MVs from the a`m s
dubbed as Fréchet Vectors (FVs), which are defined were given in Copi et al. (2004); Weeks (2004) (see
as the mean position of a set of MVs on the sphere. Pinkwart and Schwarz, 2018, for a recent review on
Not only the tools that we use are motivated a priori, the existing algorithms). A much more elegant and
but we also choose to work on three well motivated faster algorithm was given in (Helling et al., 2006;
range of scales. Dennis, 2004, 2005), and is based in the fact that
MVs can be identified with the roots of a random
The advantage of the FVs is that, besides sharing
polynomial Q` having the a`m s as coefficients:
most of the nice properties of the MVs, they capture
the correlation of the latter in a model-independent
X 2`
way. Q` (z) = a`m z `+m . (3)

For each `, this polynomial has 2` complex roots zi ,

Although one could expect to see similar effects in the po- i = {1, · · · , 2`}. However, only half of these are inde-
larization data. pendent, since the other half can be obtained by the
relation z → −1/z ∗ .3 Given a root zi , one can obtain in general have all N -point correlation functions, with
the pair (θi , φi ) of coordinates of the vector by means 1 ≤ N ≤ ` (Dennis, 2004, 2005). Thus, in order to
of a stereographic projection zi = cot(θi /2)eiφi . scrutinize CMB data against the null statistical hy-
We have built a new Python code dubbed polyMV pothesis, it is interesting to test not only Eq. (5), but
which uses MPSolve (Bini and Robol, 2014) to find also the inner correlations of MVs at a fixed multi-
the roots of Eq. (3) and convert a set of zi s into a set pole. Testing the uniformity of MVs is straightfor-
of (θi , φi ) coordinates. Computational time tests in ward as we shall see in the next section. Testing
obtaining all MVs at a given ` show that our code their inner correlations, on the other hand, is a much
has computational complexity O(`2 ), compared to harder task, given that the number of possible cor-
O(`3.5 ) of the ones in (Copi et al., 2004; Weeks, 2004). relations grows as `2 . This motivates us to look for
See Appendix A for more details. This means that ways of mapping the MV vectors into a smaller set
in a simple 2015 desktop it takes less than 1 sec to of vectors. While there have been similar approaches
extract all MVs at ` = 1000, compared to around 75 in the literature (see e.g. Abramo et al., 2006; Copi
min and 22 h with the routines of Copi et al. (2004) et al., 2004), they were designed to test for specific
and Weeks (2004), respectively. Our code comparison CMB anomalies, which is not our primary goal. That
also served as a cross-check: the absolute difference is to say, we would like to compress the information in
between our MV values and those of Copi et al. (2004) the MVs without introducing biases towards specific
was only ∼ 10−10 . signatures.
The independence of the MVs on the C` can One of the simplest ways is to separate the MVs
be directly
√ seen in (3). By rescaling the a`m s as according to multipole, and analyse separately the `
a`m = C` b`m , with hb`m b∗`0 m0 i = δ``0 δmm0 , one ob- MVs in each multipole `. If we think of MVs as points
tains an equivalent class of polynomials R` (z), all on the unit sphere, one possibility is to look for the
having the same roots as Q` (z). For this reason the point which minimizes the sum of squared distances
addition of Gaussian and isotropic noise to a CMB between itself and all other points. That is, we can
map will not change the statistics of the MVs, since look for the vector umin,` such that
the sum of Gaussian and isotropic variables is still
Gaussian and isotropic and the net effect will be just umin,` = arg min Ψ` , (6)
a change on the effective C` s.
If the a`m s are drawn from a Gaussian, isotropic
and unmasked random sky, the one-point function 2`
of the roots zi (i.e., the expected values hzi i) follow Ψ` (u) = γ 2 (u, v i,` ) , with cos γ = u · v i,` .
a uniform distribution on the Riemann sphere (Bo- i=1
gomolny et al., 1992), so that the normalized4
The function Ψ` is a generalization of the variance for
one-point function of the stereographic angles are
data points living on the sphere, and is known as the
P1` (θ, φ) = (sin θdθ)(dφ/2π). In terms of the variables
Fréchet variance. For this reason we shall dub umin,`
η ≡ 1 − cos θ and ϕ ≡ φ/2π (4) as the Fréchet Vectors (FV).5 Fréchet vectors have
many interesting properties that we shall explore in
this reduces to a future publication. For our present purposes, it suf-
( fices to say that, just like the MVs, they are headless
1 (η, ϕ) ∈ [0, 1] , and their one-point function is uniform under the null
P1` (η, ϕ) = dηdϕ × (5)
0 otherwise . hypothesis; thus, testing for their uniformity is also
straightforward. As we shall see statistics on FVs can
Moreover, MVs at different multipoles are uncorre- be more sensitive than similar statistics on the MVs.
lated whenever the a`m s are. However, vectors com- The presence of masks will change the statistics of
ing from the same multipole are correlated, and will both Multipole and Fréchet vectors, and we resort to
numerical simulations to estimate their distributions.
This reflects the parity invariance of the MVs, which is
ultimately linked to the reality of the CMB field. In the mathematics literature it is known as Fréchet mean,
This normalization uses the fact that MVs are headless, so or sometimes as Riemannian center of mass (Nielsen and Bha-
that we only consider vectors in the upper hemisphere. tia, 2013).

Commander 2015 NILC 2015 SMICA 2015 SEVEM 2015

45° 45° 45° 45°

135° 90° 45° 0° 315° 270° 225° 135° 90° 45° 0° 315° 270° 225° 135° 90° 45° 0° 315° 270° 225° 135° 90° 45° 0° 315° 270° 225°
0° 0° 0° 0°

-45° -45° -45° -45°

Commander 2015 NILC 2015 SMICA 2015 SEVEM 2015

45° 45° 45° 45°

135° 90° 45° 0° 315° 270° 225° 135° 90° 45° 0° 315° 270° 225° 135° 90° 45° 0° 315° 270° 225° 135° 90° 45° 0° 315° 270° 225°
0° 0° 0° 0°

-45° -45° -45° -45°

Commander 2018 NILC 2018 SMICA 2018 SEVEM 2018

45° 45° 45° 45°

135° 90° 45° 0° 315° 270° 225° 135° 90° 45° 0° 315° 270° 225° 135° 90° 45° 0° 315° 270° 225° 135° 90° 45° 0° 315° 270° 225°
0° 0° 0° 0°

-45° -45° -45° -45°

Commander 2018 NILC 2018 SMICA 2018 SEVEM 2018

45° 45° 45° 45°

135° 90° 45° 0° 315° 270° 225° 135° 90° 45° 0° 315° 270° 225° 135° 90° 45° 0° 315° 270° 225° 135° 90° 45° 0° 315° 270° 225°
0° 0° 0° 0°

-45° -45° -45° -45°

Figure 1: Plot of MVs and FVs in galactic coordinates in the range ` ∈ [2, 1500]. Each pair of (antipodal) red dots represents
one MV or FV. First row: MVs for the unmasked Planck 2015 maps. Second row: corresponding FVs. Third and fourth rows:
same for the unmasked Planck 2018 maps. Note that 3 out of the 8 MV unmasked maps appear clearly anisotropic: SEVEM 2015
and 2018, and Commander 2018. Note also that FVs appear anisotropic even for MV sets which, by eye, look isotropic, such as
Commander 2015 and NILC 2015 and 2018.

In this work we will focus on the Planck tempera- isotropic simulations; this is depicted in Figure 2 for
ture maps in the range 2 ≤ ` ≤ 1500, where each one isotropic simulation and two Planck maps (cho-
mode is measured with a high signal-to-noise (S/N) sen arbitrarily), where we can see that the inclusion
ratio. We will not consider polarization in this first of a mask leads to small anisotropies near the poles
paper as both E and B-modes have (individually) low (see also Figure 3).
S/N and Planck has a highly anisotropic noise profile.
This would lead to strong noise-induced anisotropies Note that the 2018 Commander MVs differs dras-
and we would need to take into account the Planck tically from the 2015 ones. Indeed, as remarked by
noise simulations. The Planck team provided, in each the Planck team, the use of full-frequency maps (as
release, 4 different temperature maps: Commander, opposed to single bolometer maps) leads to a sim-
NILC, SEVEM and SMICA. Each is built using a differ- pler foreground model employed to the Commander
ent pipeline but all use as input the different intensity 2018 map, which includes only four different com-
frequency maps and aim at removing all foregrounds ponents in temperature, instead of the seven compo-
as much as possible. Figure 1 shows all MVs and nents used in the 2015 map (Planck Collaboration IV,
corresponding FVs for these four full sky (unmasked) 2018). Figure 3 shows the effect of foreground masks
2015 and 2018 Planck maps.6 on the distribution of the multipole and Fréchet vec-
The inclusion of the (apodized) Planck 2018 Com- tors. Because the relation between the a`m s and the
mon Temperature Mask (henceforth Common Mask, MVs is non-linear, the effect of a mask on the latter
Planck Collaboration IV, 2018) makes the MVs all is hard to predict, as confirmed by the top panel in
indistinguishable among themselves and from the this figure, which shows a tendency of the MVs to ac-
cumulate on the North-Pole. The FVs, on the other
hand, concentrate around the equator, as can be seen
The polyMV code is available at https://oliveirara., and the tables of the MVs and FVs for
in Figure 2. The FV in all scales exhibit small dif-
all the Planck maps considered in this work are available ferences between data and the isotropic simulations,
at which we will discuss in Section 4. Notice that the az-
Isotropic Simulation + Common Mask Commander 2018 + Common Mask SMICA 2018 + Common Mask

45° 45° 45°

135° 90° 45° 0° 315° 270° 225° 135° 90° 45° 0° 315° 270° 225° 135° 90° 45° 0° 315° 270° 225°
0° 0° 0°

-45° -45° -45°

Isotropic Simulation + Common Mask Commander 2018 + Common Mask SMICA 2018 + Common Mask

45° 45° 45°

135° 90° 45° 0° 315° 270° 225° 135° 90° 45° 0° 315° 270° 225° 135° 90° 45° 0° 315° 270° 225°
0° 0° 0°

-45° -45° -45°

Figure 2: Similar to Figure 1 for the Planck 2018 maps after applying the Common Mask, together with a masked Gaussian and
Isotropic map simulation. The inclusion of a mask leads to a small clustering of MVs on the poles (see also Figure 3). The FVs
will then concentrate around the equator, since this is the position which minimizes their distance to the MVs.

P (η) P (ϕ)

1.6 1.6

1.2 1.2

0.8 0.8

0.4 0.4

0.0 0.0
0.0 0.2 0.5 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.5 0.8 1.0

1.6 1.6

1.2 1.2

0.8 0.8

0.4 0.4

0.0 0.0
0.0 0.2 0.5 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.5 0.8 1.0
η ϕ

Figure 3: Top: distribution of MV coordinates for ` ∈ [2, 100] from 100 simulations with the 2018 Common Mask. Vectors
concentrate on the north-pole (η = 0) and are surrounded by a depression ring of ∼ 15◦ radius. Bottom: distribution of the FVs
coordinates from the corresponding MVs of the upper panel.

imuthal distribution of the FVs (bottom-right panel D for more details), which are then masked with the
in Figure 3) captures the asymmetries of the Com- Common Mask. After extracting the a`m s in the
mon Mask which are not obvious in the one-point range ` ∈ [2, 1500], we obtain the MVs and their FVs
distribution of the MVs, but which are nonetheless as described above. We verified that, while the ad-
hidden in their inner correlations. dition of Gaussian and isotropic random noise to the
a`m s might eventually lead to drastic displacements
3. Statistical Tests of a few individual MVs (due to the ill-conditioning of
the polynomials at some particular scales), it has no
Under the null statistical hypothesis (i.e., a Gaus- observable impact on their statistical distributions.
sian, homogeneous and isotropic universe) both MVs This is expected as per the preceding discussion: such
and FVs are uniformly distributed. Thus, in order to noise effectively equates to simple re-scaling of the
conduct a null test of statistical isotropy, we simulate C` s.
3000 CMB maps with Nside = 1024 (see Appendix The null hypothesis can then be verified by means
of a simple chi-square test which, for the multipole most straightforward choice would be to use Nbins = `
vectors, is described as follows: for each simulation as there are ` multipole vectors at a given multipole `,
and at each `, we obtain normalized histograms for but this leads to too much numerical noise for higher
the variables η and ϕ, which give an estimate of their `s. We tested that for the number of simulations we
one-point functions. From these histograms we com- used for the highest ` (1500) a total of around 600
pute the mean number of events at the i-th angu- bins gave the optimal trade-off. We thus settled on
lar bin, and the mean covariance among bins, Cij . the following scheme, which keeps Nbins = ` only until
These quantities allow us to the define the (reduced) `max = 30 (see below on the relevance of this number)
chi-square function: and then increases linearly the number of bins until
reaching 600 at ` = 1500:
1 X−1
χ2` (x) = (xi − x̄i )(C −1 )ij (xj − x̄j ),
Nbins (`) − 1 `, ` ≤ 30
i,j Nbins (`) =  57  (10)
(8) 147 (` − 30) + 30 , ` > 30
where xi stands for the number counts
P in the i-th bin where d·e denotes the ceiling function.
of either η or ϕ. Note that, because N i
xi = `, not In summary, given a range of multipoles, the above
all bins are independent. We thus drop one bin7 in algorithm will produce a list of chi-square values for
the computation of each Cij , and use (Nbins −1) as the the MVs (one value for each `). We then further con-
number of independent degrees of freedom. Finally, vert this list into one number describing the overall
although one can test the isotropy independently for null-hypothesis, as follows: given a list of chi-square
each variable, we here focus on just the global quan- values in a chosen range ∆` = ` − 2, we computed
tity combining both: the overall fit of the chi-square of the data to the chi-
1 2 square of the simulations. This quantity, which we
χ2` ≡ χ` (η) + χ2` (ϕ) .

(9) dub χ2MV , is given by
This can then be applied to test the uniformity of the χ2MV ≡
MVs of any CMB map. `X
max h i h i
We used our 3000 simulations to determine Cij . χ2,data
`1 − χ 2,sim
`1 C −1
MV, `1 `2 χ 2,data
`2 − χ 2,sim
`2 ,
At this point, one would expect Eq. (8) to give `1 ,`2 =2
χ2` ≈ 1 when applied to an independent and identi- (11)
cally generated CMB map. This expectation is only where CMV gives the correlation matrix between the
approximately met, reflecting the fact that the overall χ`2,sim s at different scales. This correlation is only
amplitudes of the elements of Cij have poorly con- non-diagonal if a mask is used, as masks will in gen-
verged after these 3000 simulations. But we con- eral induce correlation among different multipoles.
firmed that χ2` → 1 as the number of simulations We however verified numerically that for the Planck
increased (see Appendix B for more details). Even mask the non-diagonal terms of CMV are negligible.
though the employed algorithm is efficient, running We illustrate this in Appendix C. Thus, when com-
many more simulations at high-` is still very inten- puting Eq. (11), we can treat the multipoles as ap-
sive, so we chose a more feasible solution by gener- proximately independent from each other. Note that
ating control simulations to calibrate Eq. (8). We we include the parameter χ`2,sim in order to account
have thus generated 2000 additional (and indepen- for the fact that χ2,sim
` ≈ 1 but it is not exactly unity,
dent) CMB maps from which we extracted all MVs, as discussed above. Due to the negligible correla-
and to which we applied Eqs. (8) and (9). This gives tions among `s we can combine the p-values for each
us a mean theoretical χ2` at each multipole, as well as ` into a global p-value in a straightforward manner
the measure of the cosmic variance. using Fisher’s method (Fisher, 1992; Brown, 1975).
For the number of angular bins, Nbins , a higher We then tested at different values of ` what was the
value allows one to better capture the fine effects of a probability distribution for our χ2` (x). It is in general
mask (see Figure 3) but can lead to numerical insta- well described by a chi-squared distribution, and in
bilities in the inversion of the covariance matrix. The fact for small scales by a Gaussian distribution.
The uniformity of the Fréchet vectors can be tested
Chosen, for convenience, to be the last bin. in exactly the same manner, except that in this case
Eqs. (8) and (9) are not computed for each `, but simply the number of standard deviations between
instead for a single histogram containing all FVs in the observed result and the simulated one:
the multipolar range of interest. We thus have a a 2,data 2,sim
single chi-square for all the FVs in that range: χFV − χFV
z-score ≡ . (15)
1 X−1
χ2FV (x) = (xi − x̄i )(CFV )ij (xj − x̄j ).
Nbins − 1 4. Results
Aiming to mitigate possible a posteriori effects we
The FVs angular binning is performed similarly, ex-
chose three well-motivated values of `max even be-
cept that in this case we replace the multipole ` in
fore the analysis began. We chose first `max = 1500,
Eq. (10) by a range of multipoles. Thus, for exam-
covering all-scales measured by Planck while still
ple, to test all FVs in the range ` ∈ [2, 600] we use
trying to avoid the effects of the noise anisotropy,
Nbins (600 − 1) = 251.
which becomes more important at high-`. As we
While we could compute our p-values using these
show below, we do not detect any anisotropies with
distributions, some of the unmasked maps exhibit
the MV statistics, but for the FVs we notice an in-
high-levels of anisotropy, and the data points fall far
creasing anisotropy for ` ≥ 1300, a strong hint of
in the tail of the distributions. Due to these extreme
anisotropic noise detection. In fact, for ` = 1350
cases, in order to be very conservative when analysing
in all 4 mapmaking pipelines we have a noise spec-
the statistics of MVs we relied only on the histograms
trum N` ' 0.1C` (Planck Collaboration IV, 2018).
themselves and not on the fitted distributions, and
A 10% contribution in a sufficiently sensitive test
thus put a lower bound of 1/2000 on the resulting
will result in anisotropic results. So for the FVs we
probabilities for each `. Nevertheless, since we have
also quote results up to `max = 1200. We also chose
basically 2000 simulations for ` = [2, 1500], this is still
`max = 600 which represents the range of scales cov-
a very low lower bound. The minimum possible com-
ered by WMAP; WMAP data resulted in most of the
bined p-value can be computed from (using Fisher’s
claimed anomalies still investigated today. Finally
we chose `max = 30 to depict the results on the large-
max scales only. This value is the one used by the Planck
xFisher ≡ −2 log(1/2000) . (13) team in order to separate their low-` and high-` like-
`=2 lihoods (Planck Collaboration XI, 2016).

The corresponding p-valuemin is computed as the 4.1. Multipole Vectors

probability of having a value of at least xFisher for
a χ2 distribution with 2`max − 2 degrees of freedom. Figure 4 summarizes the result of our analysis ap-
The result is p-valuemin ∼ 10−2980 . Since such tiny plied to the four 2018 masked Planck maps. We
numbers are not very intuitive, we write all of our p- stress that these results are totally independent of
values in terms of the corresponding Gaussian stan- existing measurements of the C` s, and thus of any
dard deviations σ: of its claimed anomalies, as well as of the addition
of isotropic instrumental noise, regardless of the am-

σ-value ≡ 2 Erf −1 1 − p-value . plitude of its spectrum. Table 1 gives the global

goodness-of-fit of the data points in the Figure 4
This means that our p-valuemin corresponds to a max- with respect to the theoretical curve. Under this test,
imum σ-value of around 117σ. Of course if one does all four masked Planck pipelines are consistent with
rely on the fitted distributions on their tails there is isotropy. In particular, no deviation of isotropy was
no limit. detected at large scales (` ∈ [2, 30]), where most of
For the Fréchet Vectors, since each is already a CMB anomalies were reported.
mean among all MV in a given `, their p-valuemin The Planck collaboration provides a Common
is simply 1/2000, which corresponds to a σ-value of Mask for the community to allow the use of their
3.5σ. Some of our results however show a much higher data safe from foreground contamination and advises
discrepancy than this, so for the FV we also quote the one not to use their maps without this mask. How-
z-score (also referred to as standard score), which is ever, here testing the isotropy of the full sky Planck
2.0 2.0

2.0 2.0

1.5 1.5

1.5 1.5

1.0 1.0

1.0 1.0

Simulations + Common Mask Simulations

0.5 0.5

Commander 2018 + Common Mask 0.5 0.5

Commander 2015
NILC 2018 + Common Mask NILC 2015
SEVEM 2018 + Common Mask SEVEM 2015
SMICA 2018 + Common Mask SMICA 2015
0.0 0.0

0.0 0.0

2 10 30 500 1000 1500 2 10 30 500 1000 1500

ℓ ℓ

Figure 4: Test of isotropy as a function of ` for the 4 masked Figure 5: Same as Figure 4 but for the unmasked, full sky
Planck 2018 maps. The solid (green) curve gives χ2` averaged Planck 2015 maps. The full sky SEVEM map is in disagreement
over 2000 control simulations, and the green bands show 2σ with the isotropy hypothesis at over 47σ. See Table 2.
cosmic variance. For clarity, data points are gathered in 49
bins of ∆` = 30 in the interval ` ∈ [31, 1500]. Full sky MVs (PR2) Commander NILC SEVEM SMICA

Masked MVs (PR3) Commander NILC SEVEM SMICA χ2MV /dof 0.933 0.807 1.83 0.808
Large scales
σ-value 0.58 0.25 2.6 0.20
χ2MV /dof 0.811 0.765 0.579 1.12
Large scales χ2MV /dof 1.01 0.907 1.60 0.956
σ-value 0.20 0.14 0.02 0.86 WMAP scales
σ-value 0.63 0.10 8.4 0.25
χ2MV /dof 1.06 0.904 1.04 1.04
WMAP scales χ2MV /dof 0.983 1.00 4.26 1.08
σ-value 1.2 0.05 1.1 1.3 All scales
σ-value 0.36 0.74 >47 2.2
χ2MV /dof 0.998 0.977 1.03 0.968
All scales
σ-value 0.54 0.24 1.1 0.27 Table 2: Same as Table 1 but for the unmasked Planck 2015
data. Only the SEVEM map shows deviations from isotropy (al-
Table 1: Goodness-of-fit of the data points of Figure 4 and ready at WMAP scales) in this test. See the text for more
their associated σ-values (d.o.f. = `max − 1). The analysis was details.
divided in three ranges of interest: Large scales (` ∈ [2, 30]),
WMAP scales (` ∈ [2, 600]) and “All” scales (` ∈ [2, 1500]). All
4 pipelines appear isotropic under this test.
between the two releases of Commander can be at-
tributed to the simpler foreground model employed
maps is interesting because it provides a good test of by the Planck team in the 2018 release (Planck Col-
the power of the method to detect these foregrounds. laboration IV, 2018). Regarding SEVEM, both full
After all, these regions have allegedly high levels of sky releases show strong traces of residual contam-
foreground contamination. inations, although the 2018 release shows a slight
We thus present the results of the same analysis improvement (χ2MV /d.o.f ≈ 3.6) in comparison to
constructed with full sky simulations and applied to the 2015 release (χ2MV /d.o.f ≈ 4.3). These findings
the four full sky Planck pipelines. In Figure 5 and are in agreement with the recent results of Pinkwart
Table 2 we show the results for the full sky 2015 and Schwarz (2018); Minkov et al. (2019), where
maps, and in Figure 6 and Table 3 the same for Commander (2018) and SEVEM (2015 and 2018) maps
2018. Interestingly, all full sky maps (except SEVEM were also found to contain anisotropic residuals.
2015, which shows a moderate deviation) are con- Overall, our analysis with full sky maps, which
sistent with the isotropy hypothesis at large scales are known to contain anisotropic residuals, show no
(` ∈ [2, 30]), where most of known CMB anomalies deviations of isotropy in both releases of NILC and
were reported. This is not a counter-proof of exist- SMICA, and the 2015 release of Commander. This
ing C` anomalies since, again, our results are inde- should not be seen as a weakness of the MVs to de-
pendent of this quantity. We find that 2015 SEVEM tect anisotropies on these maps, but rather as a lim-
and 2018 SEVEM and Commander maps are in flagrant itation of the simple chi-square test when applied to
disagreement with the isotropy hypothesis, becom- the one-point distribution of these vectors, which ig-
ing highly anisotropic at ` & 300. The differences nores the correlations between the MVs at a given
Simulations + Common Mask
2.0 2.0

Commander 2018 + Common Mask
NILC 2018 + Common Mask
SEVEM 2018 + Common Mask
1.75 SMICA 2018 + Common Mask
1.5 1.5


1.0 1.0

0.5 0.5

Commander 2018
NILC 2018
SEVEM 2018
SMICA 2018
0.0 0.0
2 10 30 500 1000 1500 100 300 500 700 900 1100 1300 1500
ℓ ℓmax

Figure 6: Same as Figure 4 but for unmasked Planck 2018 Figure 7: Test of isotropy for the Fréchet vectors of masked
maps. The full sky SEVEM and Commander maps are in disagree- Planck maps as a function of `max . Green bands stand for 1,
ment with the isotropy hypothesis already at the WMAP scales. 2 and 3σ cosmic variance regions. For ` > 1200 anisotropies
At All scales, the discrepancy is over 99σ and 40σ, respectively. start to significantly increase, likely due to the anisotropy in
See Table 3. the noise which become more important at higher `.

Full sky MVs (PR3) Commander NILC SEVEM SMICA Masked FVs (PR3) Commander NILC SEVEM SMICA
χ2MV /dof 1.35 0.962 0.985 1.27
Large scales χ2FV /dof 1.15 1.16 1.07 1.22
Large scales
σ-value 1.4 0.49 0.52 1.3 σ-value 1.1 1.1 0.84 1.3
χ2MV /dof 12.6 0.973 1.39 1.01 χ2FV /dof 1.13 1.02 1.10 1.14
WMAP scales WMAP scales
σ-value >42 0.47 5.7 0.66 σ-value 0.90 0.38 0.72 0.93
χ2MV /dof 215 1.02 3.63 1.01 χ2FV /dof 1.24 1.20 1.29 1.26
All scales ` ∈ [2, 1200]
σ-value >99 1.2 >40 0.74 σ-value 0.89 0.69 1.1 0.97

Table 3: Same as Table 1 but for the unmasked Planck 2018 χ2FV /dof 1.79 1.60 1.72 1.72
All scales
data. Compared to 2015, SEVEM shows a slight improvement, σ-value >3.5 2.8 3.5 3.5
but Commander becomes completely anisotropic.
Table 4: Same as Table 1 but for the Fréchet vectors. The FV
are more sensitive to anisotropies, and for scales ` ≥ 1300 it
multipole. As we show below, the same analysis con- starts to detect anisotropies in all maps, likely due to the noise
ducted with the Fréchet vectors clearly pinpoints the anisotropy. At ` ∼ 1350 the noise N` is ∼ 0.1C` , and it grows
presence of anisotropies in all full sky maps at small quickly with increasing `. We therefore include here also the
results for ` ∈ [2, 1200]. All maps are consistent with isotropy
scales. On the other hand, the fact that NILC and (at < 2σ) at scales ` ≤ 1300.
SMICA appear isotropic even without masks suggests
that, for some applications, one may rely on smaller
masks than Planck’s Common Mask. We investigate (instead of one chi-square value per single `, as in
this possibility in more detail in Appendix E, where Figures 4–6).
we apply instead of this Common Mask the much As highlighted in the beginning of this Section, the
smaller inpainting mask, which removes only 2.1% of χ2 analysis on the FVs is more sensitive than the one
the sky, and show that this is sufficient to make all 4 on the bare MVs. The reason for this is that it takes
pipelines in agreement with the isotropic hypothesis into account the inner correlation of the MVs at each
in our MV statistic. given `. Its higher sensitivity picks up an increasing
anisotropic signature for ` > 1200 for all 4 mapmak-
4.2. Fréchet Vectors ing methods. This is illustrated in Figure 7, where
We recall that, since we have only one Fréchet vec- we also show the mean theoretical values together
tor at each ` (as opposed to ` MVs per `), we gather with their 1, 2 and 3σ bands in our 2000 control
all vectors from a multipolar range [`min , `max ] into simulations. At ` ∼ 1500 all maps are inconsistent
a single histogram. When compared to the theoret- with isotropy at around 3σ. A thorough modelling of
ical (i.e., simulated) distribution of Fréchet vectors, anisotropic instrumental noise is needed to confirm
this leads to one chi-square value per multipole range the origin of these anisotropies and to extend our re-
Full sky FVs (PR2) Commander NILC SEVEM SMICA Full sky FVs (PR3) Commander NILC SEVEM SMICA

χ2FV /dof 1.25 1.08 3.07 0.971 χ2FV /dof 1.53 1.10 2.18 1.12
Large scales σ-value 1.4 0.85 >3.5 0.54 Large scales σ-value 2.5 0.91 >3.5 0.97
z-score 1.0 0.3 9.2 -0.2 z-score 2.3 0.3 5.2 0.4
χ2FV /dof 1.13 1.22 26.3 1.14 χ2FV /dof 32.4 1.24 18.3 1.19
WMAP scales σ-value 1.0 2.1 >3.5 1.2 WMAP scales σ-value >3.5 2.4 >3.5 1.8
z-score 0.53 1.8 350 0.71 z-score 440 2.2 240 1.4
χ2FV /dof 1.66 3.15 84.3 1.83 χ2FV /dof 161 3.55 60.7 1.53
All scales σ-value >3.5 >3.5 >3.5 >3.5 All scales σ-value >3.5 >3.5 >3.5 >3.5
z-score 6.9 33 1400 9.9 z-score 2700 39 1000 4.8

Table 5: Same as Table 4 bur for the unmasked 2015 Planck Table 6: Same as Table 5 but for the unmasked 2018 Planck
maps. We also include the z-scores for WMAP scales and maps. Notice that at WMAP scales both SEVEM and Com-
All Scales, which show the huge significance of the detected mander exhibit strong anisotropies. Including all scales all
anisotropies in some cases. SEVEM is the only method which maps become anisotropic, but SMICA considerably less so than
exhibits strong anisotropies also in Large scales and WMAP the others.
scales. For all scales all maps become anisotropic, but Com-
mander and SMICA much less so.
Therefore it is possible that MV analysis can be ex-
sults to higher `s. This is left for a future publication. plored to help determine which regions to mask. In
Table 4 shows the corresponding significance levels in order to achieve this one should ideally find a method
the 3 ranges of scales considered here. Our analy- to correlate the positions of the MVs to positions of
sis confirms the concordance of masked Planck maps anisotropic sources in configuration space. The novel
with the null hypothesis at all scales ` . 1300. Fréchet vectors introduced here partially accomplish
The higher sensitivity of the Fréchet vector statis- this task. Indeed, Figures 2 show that the Fréchet
tic can also be seen in the unmasked, full sky maps. vectors of masked maps fall precisely on the equato-
In Table 5 and 6 we show the results for the 2015 and rial line where most of the mask is found.
2018 Planck releases, respectively. For Planck 2015, In any case, a simpler method would be just to
all maps are highly anisotropic when considering all use MV and FV isotropy to validate and calibrate
scales, but the amount of anisotropy differ signifi- other methods of mask determination. The full sky
cantly among the different mapmaking procedures. map analyses we performed allow a quick glimpse on
Commander performs the best, with a z-score of 6.9, whether the Common Mask is too conservative. The
followed by SMICA and then NILC. SEVEM has a huge results indicate SMICA is the less sensitive procedure
z-score of more than a 1000, and in particular shows to foregrounds at low latitudes as even in the full un-
anisotropies in all multipole ranges considered. For masked sky their FV had a comparatively low amount
the 2018 release, some pipelines perform better, oth- of anisotropy.
ers worse. As in the MV statistic, Commander shows Overall, we confirm the consistency between
huge levels of anisotropies at WMAP scales and all Planck data and the fundamental hypothesis of the
scales. SEVEM performs only slightly better than in standard cosmological model. Our results using the
2015 and NILC slightly worse. SMICA improves sig- bare MV in all masked Planck maps are in agree-
nificantly and on all scales shows a relatively small ment with a isotropic and Gaussian CMB in all range
z-score of 4.8, half the amount than in 2015. of scales considered. The results using the FVs also
show no anisotropy on large or WMAP scales. The
absence of large-scale anisotropies is likely a conse-
5. Conclusions
quence of our explicit avoidance of a posteriori statis-
Our findings illustrate the usefulness of MV analy- tics. For ` ∈ [2, 1500] the FV instead show an increas-
ses. They constitute a great blind tool in the detec- ing anisotropy for ` ≥ 1300, but this behavior is in-
tion of residual anisotropic contaminations in CMB dicative that our statistic is detecting the well-known
maps, which are an indication of residual foregrounds. anisotropy in the noise. For ` ≤ 1300 even the more
sensitive FV statistic is consistent with the isotropic Roldan and Dominik Schwarz for useful correspon-
and Gaussian hypothesis. In future work we plan to dence, and Marcello Oliveira da Costa for the shar-
extend our analysis to higher ` by carefully taking ing of computational resources. RAO thanks Co-
into account the anisotropy in the noise in each one ordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nı́vel
of the 4 mapmaking pipelines. Superior (CAPES). TSP thanks Brazilian Funding
We stress that the main novelty of our results agencies CNPq and Fundação Araucária. MQ is sup-
are not the detection of anisotropy in full sky maps ported by the Brazilian research agencies CNPq and
(which are known to contain residual anisotropies) FAPERJ. This work made use of the CHE cluster,
but the power of the formalism to detect such managed and funded by the COSMO/CBPF/MCTI,
anisotropies at high statistical levels. Moreover, since with financial support from FINEP and FAPERJ,
they can also be directly applied to polarization and operating at Javier Magnin Computing Cen-
maps, all the applications discussed here can be ex- ter/CBPF. The results of this work have been de-
tended directly to all primordial CMB maps. Further rived using HEALPix (Gorski et al., 2005) and Healpy
research is needed to investigate this possibility in de- packages.
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2.0 2.0

t ∝ `3 t ∝ `3.5

1.5 1.5
t [s]

1.00 1.0 1.0

0.10 t ∝ `2 0.5 0.5

1000 Simulations + Common Mask

3000 Simulations + Common Mask
0.01 0.0 0.0

50 100 500 1000 2 10 30 500 1000 1500

` ℓ

Figure A.8: Computational complexity comparison. Compu- Figure B.9: Comparison of the simulated Gaussian and
tational time of MVs extraction using polyMV (red) and the isotropic χ2` using either 1000 and 3000 masked simulations
algorithms (Copi et al., 2004) (blue) and (Weeks, 2004) (pur- to compute the covariance matrix Cij of Eq. (8).
ple). polyMV has computational complexity O(`2 ) as compared
to O(`3.5 ) of both the other available codes. The scatter seen
at ` & 400 is a consequence of numerical ill-conditioning of the 1000 Simulations + Common Mask
3000 Simulations + Common Mask
polynomials at high multipoles, which demands more CPU time
of MPSolve. 0.8 0.8

0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4

Appendix A. Computational complexity

0.2 0.2


As discussed in the main text, in this work we de- 2 10 30 500 1000 1500

veloped a new code polyMV to efficiently compute all
the MVs of a given map. This code is order of mag- Figure B.10: The standard-deviation of the cases of Fig. B.9.
Note that the values start to increase for ` > 500 when we have
nitudes faster than both existing public algorithms only 1000 simulations, which indicate that numerical noise in
at high multipoles. In fact, it has computational the inversion of Cij starts to dominate. For 3000 simulations
complexity O(`2 ) as compared to O(`3.5 ) of both the numerical noise is much suppressed.
other available codes. Figure A.8 depicts the com-
putation time of polyMV as a function of ` for our
code as well as the other two public codes. Starting simulations. Clearly, a higher number of independent
at ` ∼ 400 some of the polynomial of equation (3) maps is required to achieve χ2` → 1 for all `s. As we
become ill-conditioned due to their very high-order. have discussed in the main text, this is not a problem
This is reflected on an order of magnitude longer com- since the theoretical χ2` can be calibrated with the
putational time in order to evaluate their roots with use of independent control simulations. However, the
the same numerical accuracy. But even in these cases number of maps used to estimate Cij requires a more
the evaluation at, say, ` = 1000 takes less than 1% of careful investigation since it will also have an impact
the time than the best competing code. on the variance of χ2` , and consequently on the evalua-
tion of the inverse correlation (C −1 )`1 `2 . This is illus-
Appendix B. Discussion on the total number trated explicitly in Figure B.10, but can also be noted
of simulations in the thickness of the variance bands on the high-`
tail of Figure B.9. Note that the blue curve in Fig-
The mean covariance matrix Cij appearing in ure B.10 has a minimum at ` & 500, which does not
Eq. (8) is estimated numerically. In practice, we correspond to the expectation that cosmic variance
would expect Cij to have converged to its theoreti- should decrease with increasing `. With 3000 simu-
cal value if χ2` approaches unity when applied to an lations this issue does not appear inside the range of
independent masked sky. Figure B.9 shows χ2` as a scales we are probing, which indicates that the nu-
function of ` for Cij evaluated with 1000 and 3000 merical noise is negligible in this case.
0.06 10−1
25 25
20 20
15 15

hγi` [00]
10 10

5 5 −0.04 10−3
0 0
0 10 20 0 10 20

Figure C.11: Matrix plot of the residual correlation matrix –

2 500 1000 1500
Eq. (C.1) – between χ2,sim
`1 and χ2,sim
`2 . [Left] : full sky maps; `
[Right]: masked maps.
Figure D.12: Mean angular displacement among MVs by
changing resolution from Nside = 1024 to Nside = 2048 as
Appendix C. Correlation among different a function of `. Both set of MVs were generated from CMB
multipoles maps with the same random seed. The displacement of the
MVs induced by a higher Nside is of order of 10−3 arcsec, and
thus negligible.
The results of Tables 1–3 are based on the approx-
imation M`1 `2 ∝ δ`1 `2 , where M`1 `2 is the covariance
matrix whose inverse appears in Eq. (11) due to the of systematic noise, which will in turn affect the
presence of a mask (and possibly due to primordial position of the MVs, it is important to estimate the
non-Gaussianity). While this should be an excellent impact of choosing a higher Nside in our simulations.
approximation at large multipoles, it was not guaran- Given a set of vectors at a fixed resolution, {v N
teed to hold at small `s. Figure C.11 shows a matrix we can estimate this effect by evaluating the angle
plot of the “residual” correlation matrix, defined as
the correlation matrix minus the identity, γj,` = arccos(v 2048 1024
j,` · v j,` ) , (D.1)

M`1 `2 with {v 1024 } and {v 2048 } sharing the same random

ρ`1 `2 = − δ`1 `2 , (C.1) ` `
σχ2 σχ2 seed — and averaging it over all values of j. The
`1 `2
mean angle hγi` is shown in Figure D.12 as a function
for the multipoles in the range ` ∈ [2, 30]. As we can of `. The impact induced by a choice of a higher Nside
see, different multipoles are weakly correlated even in is below 10−3 arcsec ∼ 10−9 rad for the vast majority
these large scales, where the mask effect is strong. As of scales we probed. This corresponds to a multi-
a final test we computed the χ2MV both with and with- pole ` = π/hγi` ∼ 108 , which is five orders of mag-
out the non-diagonal correlations, and the results had nitude above the maximum scale we are considering
negligible differences. We also computed the correla- in this work. Even the highest observed difference of
tion matrix for the full range os scales here consid- 0.1 arcsec corresponds to a multipole ` ∼ 106 , which
ered, and indeed the correlations seem to be negligible is safely above our maximum range. Thus, the resolu-
at all scales. This shows that the different multipoles tion Nside = 1024 is completely safe for our purposes.
can be treated as independent even in the presence Moreover, notice that the number of scales with a
of Planck’s Common Mask. mean displacement & 10−3 arcsec increase linearly at
` & 400 — roughly the same scale and shape above
which ill-conditioning of the polynomials is observed,
Appendix D. Choosing Nside
as confirmed by Figure A.8. Thus, such behavior in
All MVs in this work were extracted hγi` seen in Figure D.12 is most-likely due to numer-
from CMB maps constructed at resolution ical ill-conditioning of the polynomials, and not our
Nside = 1024. Such resolution should enough choice of Nside .
to reconstruct maps at a maximum multipole
`max = 3Nside − 1 & 3000 (Gorski et al., 2005) — Appendix E. Inpainted maps
twice the maximum range used in this paper.
Nonetheless, because numerical approximations in Our analysis has shown that the 2018 Commander
the reconstruction of the a`m s is a potential source and SEVEM full-sky maps are clearly anisotropic in
Inpainted Commander 2018 Inpainted SEVEM 2018

45° 45°

135° 90° 45° 0° 315° 270° 225° 135° 90° 45° 0° 315° 270° 225°
0° 0°

-45° -45°

Figure E.13: Similar to Figure 1 for the MVs of the 2018 Commander and SEVEM maps inpainted inside the small 2.1% mask. MVs
for the inpainted NILC and SMICA maps are visually identical to the ones above, and thus not shown.

the range ` ∈ [2, 1500]. Since these maps contain 2.0 2.0

anisotropic residuals which are visible by eye, mostly

very near the galactic plane. We wanted to test if 1.5 1.5

these visible residuals alone could account for the

large σ-values reported in Table 3. For this task

1.0 1.0

we apply a simple inpainting method, which con-

sists of masking these maps with the common in- Simulations
0.5 0.5

Inpainted Commander 2018

painting mask made available by the Planck team Inpainted NILC 2018
Inpainted SEVEM 2018
(with fsky = 0.979), and then filling the masked re- Inpainted SMICA 2018
0.0 0.0

gions with a realization of a Gaussian and statistically 2 10 30 500 1000 1500

isotropic random sky. We used the same realization
to inpaint all 4 maps. As we can see in Figure E.13, Figure E.14: Same as Figure 4 for the four inpainted Planck
2018 maps – see the text for details. This small inpainting is
MVs for these inpainted maps are visually indistin- enough to remove all anisotropies in our statistic.
guishable from full-sky Gaussian and isotropy ran-
dom maps. Full sky (PR3) Commander NILC SEVEM SMICA
Figure E.14 and Table E.7 show the result of the χ2MV /dof 1.28 1.07 1.51 0.72
statistics (9) applied to these maps, and Table sum- Large scales
σ-value 1.5 0.79 1.8 0.14
marizes the global fit of these maps when compare
to full-sky Gaussian and isotropic simulations. This χ2MV /dof 1.07 1.07 0.93 1.01
WMAP scales
analysis shows that all anisotropies found in full-sky σ-value 1.6 1.7 0.17 0.79
Commander and SEVEM maps are coming from this χ2MV /dof 1.02 1.06 0.94 1.00
All scales
small 2.1% fraction of the sky. Nevertheless, the fact σ-value 1.0 1.9 0.08 0.70
is that the remaining 97.9% of the sky is compatible
with Gaussianity and isotropy, and this is an inter- Table E.7: Same as Table 1 for the data points of Figure E.14.
esting and non-trivial result which confirms the pre-
dictions of the standard model to a great extent.


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