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Hindu Editorial Vocabulary PDF- June 2022 1 9319314079

Hindu Editorial Vocabulary PDF- June 2022

The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary– Jun 30, 2022

Difficult Word/
Phrase Contextual Sense

Absurd Inconsistent with reason, logic or common sense

Vile extremely unpleasant or bad

Embarrassment feeling ashamed or shy

Incite Provoke or stir up

Enmity A state of deep-seated ill-will

Pseudonymous using a name that is not their real name

Vengeance The act of taking revenge

Resentment A feeling of deep and bitter anger and ill-will

Antipathy A feeling of intense dislike

the state of feeling, or the act of expressing, strong, unreasonable beliefs or

Bigotry opinions

Conjure up Summon into action or bring into existence

that shocks you because it is done in a very obvious way and shows no respect
Flagrant for people, laws, etc.

Rant Pompous or pretentious talk or writing

Slur A disparaging remark

Breath-taking Very surprising or shocking

Insinuation An indirect (and usually malicious) implication 2 9319314079

Hindu Editorial Vocabulary PDF- June 2022

Deity a god or goddess

Unwittingly Without knowledge or intention

Odium Hate coupled with disgust

Hounding Pursue or chase relentlessly

Travesty A comedy characterized by broad satire and improbable situations

Spiteful Showing malicious ill will and a desire to hurt

Read the complete editorial along with difficult words & their contextual meanings of The Hindu Editorial
Vocabulary – Jun 30, 2022

The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary– Jun 29, 2022

Difficult Word/ Phrase Contextual Sense

Essence importance

Manoeuvre A plan for attaining a particular goal

Dissident Disagreeing, especially with a majority

Vote out to defeat (an incumbent) in an election

Defection the desertion of one’s political party in favor of an opposing one

Unhindered Not slowed, blocked or interfered with

Actualise Make real

Adjudication The final judgment in a legal proceeding

Albeit Even though 3 9319314079

Hindu Editorial Vocabulary PDF- June 2022

Occasion cause

Compliance Acting according to certain accepted standards

Ploy A tactic or manoeuvre intended to gain an advantage

Countenance give permission

Render announce

Nugatory Of no real value

Menace Something that is a source of danger

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Vocabulary – Jun 29, 2022

The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary– Jun 27, 2022

Difficult Word/
Phrase Contextual Sense

Keep up Maintain a required pace or level

The surrender of an accused or convicted person by one state or country to

Extradition another (usually under the provisions of a statute or treaty)

Mastermind a very clever person who has planned or organized something

Give up Stop trying or participating

Wanted One who is tried to be located

Reconnaissance The act of scouting or exploring

Deposition a pretrial interrogation of a witness; usually conducted in a lawyer’s office 4 9319314079

Hindu Editorial Vocabulary PDF- June 2022

Conspiracy A secret agreement between two or more people to perform an unlawful act

Blasphemous showing a lack of respect for God or religion

Mandated Assign authority to

Pursue Go in search of

Convict find or declare guilty

Rectify Correct

Concerted Involving the joint activity of two or more

Turn the spotlight on to attract attention to something, usually to give information about
something something bad:

Predilection a strong liking or preference

Reprieve a temporary relief or escape, as from trouble

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Vocabulary – Jun 27, 2022

The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary– Jun 24, 2022

Difficult Word/
Phrase Contextual Sense

a complete and important change in the usual or accepted way of doing or

Paradigm shift thinking about somebody/something

A member of an irregular armed force that fights a stronger force by sabotage

Guerrilla and harassment

Sweep across to spread or pass rapidly across, through, or along (a region, area, etc.) 5 9319314079

Hindu Editorial Vocabulary PDF- June 2022

Overhaul to look at something carefully and change or repair it if necessary

Break into manage to have some success

Script Write

Devastating damaging

Psyche human mind or soul

Lay down stop fighting a battle or war and make peace

Vow Make a solemn pledge or promise

Inimical Not friendly

Strike a chord Create an emotional response

an association of similar businesses that have grouped together in order to

Cartel prevent competition and to control prices

Outsize Larger than normal for its kind

Bloc A group of voters or politicians who have common objectives

Idly Not in action or at work

Brace Prepare (oneself) for something unpleasant or difficult

Emanate to come out from a source

Pulverize Destroy completely

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Vocabulary – Jun 24, 2022 6 9319314079

Hindu Editorial Vocabulary PDF- June 2022
The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary– Jun 23, 2022

Difficult Word/ Phrase Contextual Sense

Steal a march Gain an advantage over unexpectedly

Poised about to do something

Elevation the highest stage of development

Testimony Something that serves as evidence

Mobilisation Organized for a purpose

Subaltern Inferior in status

Incorporate Include

Relentless Not stopping

Tilt to direct something so as to favor a particular opinion or side

Counter in a way that opposes something

Radical Markedly new or introducing fundamental change

Starkly In sharp outline or contrast

Adrift Without a clear purpose or direction

Ensconce Fix firmly

Cocoon Protective cover

Consensus Full agreement between a number of people

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Vocabulary – Jun 23, 2022 7 9319314079

Hindu Editorial Vocabulary PDF- June 2022

The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary– Jun 22, 2022

Difficult Word/
Phrase Contextual Sense

prepare for an event or course of action by dealing with anything that might hinder
clear the decks progress

Cater Give what is desired or needed

Vanguard the leading position in any movement or field

Underscore Give extra weight to (a communication)

Laudable Worthy of high praise

Perceptible Easily seen or detected

Staggered arranged so that they do not all happen at the same time

Shrink Reduce in size

Duopoly State of market dominance by two companies

Viability Capable of being done in a practical and useful way

Bank Have faith or confidence in

Roll out officially launch or introduce a new product or service

Confines Limits

Roil to move or proceed turbulently

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Vocabulary – Jun 2, 2022 8 9319314079

Hindu Editorial Vocabulary PDF- June 2022 9 9319314079

Hindu Editorial Vocabulary PDF- June 2022
The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary– Jun 21, 2022

Difficult Word/
Phrase Contextual Sense

Relentless not stopping

cruel and unfair treatment of a person or group, especially because of their

Persecution political beliefs

Fillip Anything that makes one feel encouraged

Go-ahead A signal to proceed

Extradite Hand over to the authorities of another country

Collaborate Work together on a common enterprise of project

Tenure The term during which some position is held

Predecessor One who precedes you in time (as in holding a position or office)

Grave Causing fear or anxiety by threatening great harm

Severe Intensely or extremely bad or unpleasant in degree or quality

Autocracy A political system governed by a single individual

Redaction an edited work

something giving strong support or encouragement in time of need, danger,

Bulwark or doubt

Repertoire A list or supply of something

Perpetrator a person who carries out a harmful, illegal, or immoral act

Dog Go after with the intent to catch

Forefront the leading position in any movement or field 10 9319314079

Hindu Editorial Vocabulary PDF- June 2022

preserve (a right, tradition, or idea) in a form that ensures it will be protected

Enshrine and respected

Pivotal Being of crucial importance

Onus something that is one’s duty or responsibility

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Vocabulary – Jun 21, 2022

The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary– Jun 20, 2022

Difficult Word/
Phrase Contextual Sense

Fora A public meeting or assembly for open discussion

Déjà vu The experience of thinking that a new situation had occurred before

Pile a lot of something

Conduct a prosecution (conduct of legal proceedings against a defendant for

Prosecute criminal behaviour) in a court of law

Overturn Cancel officially

Convict declare guilty

Overwhelming Very strong

Acrimony A rough and bitter manner

Bilateral Affecting two parties 11 9319314079

Hindu Editorial Vocabulary PDF- June 2022

Grey listing means FATF has placed a country under increased monitoring to
check its progress on measures against money laundering and terrorism
Grey list financing

Loophole an ambiguity that makes it possible to evade a difficulty or obligation

Charge a statement that says that somebody has done something illegal or bad

Pursuance the action of trying to achieve something

to cause to fail or become deflected from a purpose; reduce or delay the chances
Derail for success or development of

Read the complete editorial along with difficult words & their contextual meanings of The Hindu Editorial
Vocabulary – Jun 20, 2022

The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary– Jun 17, 2022

Difficult Word/
Phrase Contextual Sense

Nod A sign of assent, salutation or command

to become or cause to become bitter, irritated, etc, esp over a long period of
Festering time; rankle

Imperative Some duty that is essential and urgent

Drastic Forceful and extreme and rigorous

Coincide Happen simultaneously

Pandemic An epidemic that is geographically widespread

Tackle Accept as a challenge 12 9319314079

Hindu Editorial Vocabulary PDF- June 2022

Concomitant Occurring with or following as a consequence

War footing the condition of being prepared to undertake or maintain war

Chunk A considerable portion

Ameliorative Tending to make something better

Squander Spend thoughtlessly

Reap Get or derive

Belated Delayed

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Vocabulary – Jun 17, 2022 13 9319314079

Hindu Editorial Vocabulary PDF- June 2022
The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary– Jun 16, 2022

Difficult Word/
Phrase Contextual Sense

Demolition Complete destruction of a building

Retribution The act of taking revenge

Conspirator a member of a group of people who are planning to do something bad or illegal

Amply Sufficiently; more than adequately

Fig-leaf a thing intended to conceal a difficulty or embarrassment

Brush aside Bar from attention or consideration

Rehabilitation The restoration of someone to a useful place in society

In the wake of following (someone or something), especially as a consequence.

Brook to bear; tolerate

Stringent Demanding strict attention to rules and procedures

Convoluted extremely involved; intricate; complicated

Purported Have the often specious appearance of being, intending, or claiming

on its own motion; the term is usually applied to actions by a judge taken
Suo motu without a prior motion or request from the parties

The principle of proportionality is the idea that an action should not be more
severe than is necessary, especially in a war or when punishing someone for a
Proportionality crime

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Vocabulary – Jun 16, 2022 14 9319314079

Hindu Editorial Vocabulary PDF- June 2022 15 9319314079

Hindu Editorial Vocabulary PDF- June 2022
The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary– Jun 15, 2022

Difficult Word/
Phrase Contextual Sense

Conflict An open clash between two opposing groups

Troop soldiers or armed forces

Blast their way If someone blasts their way somewhere, they get there by shooting at people
somewhere or causing an explosion

Artillery an army unit that uses big guns

Ammunition consisting of a cylindrical metal casing containing an explosive

Shell charge and a projectile; fired from a large gun

Ammunition Projectiles to be fired from a gun

Ramp up Bolster or strengthen

Bleak Offering little or no hope

Retreat Move away or backward

Slap An act or expression of criticism and censure

Biting Very harsh

Sanctions Something someone is made to do to compensate for a wrongdoing

Reap Get or derive

Soaring Ascending to a level markedly higher than the usual

Maximalist Somebody who holds extreme views and is not prepared to compromise

Imperative Requiring attention or action

Batter seriously damaged or affected 16 9319314079

Hindu Editorial Vocabulary PDF- June 2022

Brink The limit beyond which something happens or changes

Devastating Wreaking or capable of wreaking complete destruction

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Vocabulary – Jun 15, 2022

The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary– Jun 14, 2022

Difficult Word/
Phrase Contextual Sense

Intensifying Increasing in strength or intensity

Rivalry The act of competing

Relating to the study of the effects of economic geography on the powers of

Geopolitical the state

Eye-opening Something surprising and revealing

Weaponry Weapons considered collectively

Coercive relating to or using force or threats

Bilateral Having two sides

Prospect The possibility of future success

Imminent Close in time; about to occur

Fortify Make strong or stronger

De-escalation reduction of the intensity of a conflict or potentially violent situation

Band Form a group or unite

Restrain To close within bounds, or otherwise limit or deprive of free movement

Destabilising Become unstable

Nascent Being born or beginning 17 9319314079

Hindu Editorial Vocabulary PDF- June 2022

Tussle Disorderly fighting

Read the complete editorial along with difficult words & their contextual meanings of The Hindu Editorial
Vocabulary – Jun 14, 2022

The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary– Jun 13, 2022

Difficult Word/
Phrase Contextual Sense

Omnibus Providing for many things at once

to officially charge somebody with a crime and try to show that he/she is
Prosecute guilty, in a court of law

Allegedly According to what has been declared but not proved

Vilify Spread negative information about

Outrage Strike with disgust or revulsion

Ill-will unfriendly feeling; hate; dislike

Defy to elude, esp in a baffling way

Animosity a strong feeling of dislike and anger

Inflammatory Arousing to action or rebellion

Club Unite with a common purpose

Emanate Proceed or issue forth, as from a source

Tit-for-tat An equivalent given in return

Transgression the violation of a law or a duty or moral principle

Tactic A plan for attaining a particular goal

Spin A distinctive interpretation

Transmorgify Change completely the nature or appearance of

Purport Have as a plan or objective 18 9319314079

Hindu Editorial Vocabulary PDF- June 2022

Foment Try to stir up public opinion

Insurrection Organized opposition to authority

Dissent A difference of opinion

Ambit An area in which something acts or operates or has power or control

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Vocabulary – Jun 13, 2022

The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary– Jun 10, 2022

Difficult Word/ Phrase Contextual Sense

Tug of war Any hard struggle between equally matched groups

Turf Range of jurisdiction or influence

Disruptive Characterized by unrest, disorder or insubordination

Meddle to touch something that does not belong to you

Set the cat among the

pigeons say or do something that is likely to cause trouble or controversy

At loggerheads In a dispute or confrontation

Undermine hinder normal operations

Bypass to ignore, fail to consult, etc.

Consuming Very strong; urgently felt

Latter Referring to the second of two things or persons mentioned

Curtail Place restrictions on

Thorn in your side someone or something that continually causes problems for you

Tussle Disorderly fighting

Rein in to limit or control (someone or something) 19 9319314079

Hindu Editorial Vocabulary PDF- June 2022

Propagate Cause to spread

Propellant Something causing you to move forward

Grievance A resentment strong enough to justify retaliation

a situation in which neither of two opposing groups or forces will make a

Stand-off move until the other one does something

In tandem Together

Nosedive To get much worse

Read the complete editorial along with difficult words & their contextual meanings of The Hindu Editorial
Vocabulary – Jun 10, 2022

The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary– Jun 9, 2022

Difficult Word/ Phrase Contextual Sense

Manpower The force of workers available

Enforcement ensuring observance of or obedience to

Lax Lacking in rigour or strictness

Creditable Worthy of often limited commendation

Compliance Acting according to certain accepted standards

Surveillance Close observation of a person or group

Incremental Increasing gradually by regular degrees or additions

Scrutinise To look at critically or searchingly, or in minute detail

Barring The act of excluding someone

Penultimate Second last

Liberal Showing or characterized by broad-mindedness

Hesitant unable to act or decide quickly or firmly 20 9319314079

Hindu Editorial Vocabulary PDF- June 2022
Read the complete editorial along with difficult words & their contextual meanings of The Hindu Editorial
Vocabulary – Jun 9, 2022

The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary– Jun 8, 2022

Difficult Word/
Phrase Contextual Sense

Conundrum A difficult problem

Strained Showing signs of mental and emotional tension

Allege Make an accusation or assertion without any proof

Friction A state of conflict between persons

Assent Agreement with a statement or proposal to do something

Underscore emphasizing the importance of something

the act of giving something (such as a degree, award, title, or right) to

Conferment someone

Regime a form of government or rule; political system

Intent Purpose

Place (authority, property, or rights) in the control of a person or group of

Vest persons

Insulate Separate in order to protect or prevent interaction

Discretion Freedom to act or judge on one’s own

Forthcoming Frank, direct

Cease Put an end to a state or an activity

Presciently With foresight

Perpetuate continue

Autonomy The capacity of a system to make its own decisions about its actions 21 9319314079

Hindu Editorial Vocabulary PDF- June 2022

Undue Beyond normal limits

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Vocabulary – Jun 8, 2022

The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary– Jun 7, 2022

Difficult Word/
Phrase Contextual Sense

Stern Very serious

Assert State categorically

Inflection point a time of significant change in a situation

Communalisation act or process of making related to a small community

Alacrity great willingness, eagerness or enthusiasm

Sensitivity a tendency to have a strong emotional reaction, esp to be offended or upset

Slam Strongly criticize

Offending Responsible for causing difficulty, displeasure, disgust, etc.

Accord to grant; bestow

Introspection The contemplation of your own thoughts and desires and conduct

to put a limit on what you will do or allow to happen, esp. because you feel
Draw the line something is wrong

Adhere Be compatible or in accordance with

Prime time The hours between 7 and 11 p.m. when the largest tv audience is available

Radical (used of opinions and actions) far beyond the norm

Spar Fight verbally

Blatantly very obvious and intentional, when this is a bad thing

Snowball Increase or accumulate at a rapidly accelerating rate 22 9319314079

Hindu Editorial Vocabulary PDF- June 2022
Read the complete editorial along with difficult words & their contextual meanings of The Hindu Editorial
Vocabulary – Jun 7, 2022

The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary– Jun 6, 2022

Difficult Word/
Phrase Contextual Sense

an election held in a single political constituency to fill a vacancy arising during

Bypoll a government’s term of office

Do-or-die Desperately determined

High-stake involving serious risks if there is no success

Slumber Dormant state

Chaos A state of extreme confusion and disorder

an area in which there is a lot of support for a particular belief or group of

Stronghold people especially a political party

Demise death

Align Adjust

Referendum A popular vote by the electorate whether to approve a specific legislative act

Championing to support or fight for a particular group or idea

Reinforce Make stronger

Humility a lack of false pride

Recalibrate Make fine adjustments

Necessitate to make something necessary

Revamp to change or arrange something again, in order to improve it

Nurture Help grow

speak or behave in a way which tells people that you admit you were wrong
Eat humble pie about something 23 9319314079

Hindu Editorial Vocabulary PDF- June 2022

Churn frequent replacement of employees with new employees

Read the complete editorial along with difficult words & their contextual meanings of The Hindu Editorial
Vocabulary – Jun 6, 2022

The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary– Jun 3, 2022

Difficult Word/
Phrase Contextual Sense

Grim Shockingly offensive

Trigger Put in motion, initiate

On the verge of at the point when (something) is about to happen or is very likely to happen

Contemplate Consider as a possibility

Exodus A journey by a large group to escape from a hostile environment

Abominable Exceptionally bad or displeasing

A situation from which extrication is difficult especially an unpleasant or

Predicament trying one

Reconciliation The reestablishing of cordial relations

Subtle Difficult to detect or grasp by the mind or analyse

Surge A sudden or abrupt strong increase

Outreach the extent or length of reaching out

Spectrum A broad range of related objects, values, qualities, ideas or activities

Conducive helpful 24 9319314079

Hindu Editorial Vocabulary PDF- June 2022

Dole out Give or provide in small portions

Alter Make different

Termination The act of ending something

Disadvantageous Involving or creating circumstances detrimental to success or effectiveness

Alienation Separation resulting from hostility

Exploit Use or manipulate to one’s advantage

Afresh Again but in a new or different way

Dilution Weakening

Triumphalism Gloating or excessive celebration over the defeat of an opponent

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Vocabulary – Jun 3, 2022

The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary– Jun 2, 2022

Difficult Word/
Phrase Contextual Sense

Choppy Jerky

Spur Incite or stimulate

Reckon Expect to be true; believe

Woe Great sorrow

A declaration that is made emphatically (as if no supporting evidence were

Assertion necessary)

Meagre Deficient in amount, quality or extent

Evoke Make appear 25 9319314079

Hindu Editorial Vocabulary PDF- June 2022

Flashback An unexpected but vivid recurrence of a past experience

Trajectory the way in which a process or event develops over a period of time

Reluctant Offering resistance

Uptick A small increase

a comforting or hopeful aspect of an otherwise desperate or unhappy

Silver lining situation

Lingering to persist or continue, esp in the mind

Aloof apart

Flare up Erupt or intensify suddenly

Squeeze to oppress with exacting demands

Dampen Suppress or constrain so as to lessen in intensity

Rising tide an increase in the amount or strength of something

Strand Drive (a vessel) ashore

Detritus The remains of something that has been destroyed or broken up

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Vocabulary – Jun 2, 2022

The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary– Jun 1, 2022

Difficult Word/
Phrase Contextual Sense

Advisory giving advice only

Downplay Represent as less significant or important

Bizarre very strange or unusual

Sensible Showing reason or sound judgment

Exponentially (with reference to an increase) more and more rapidly 26 9319314079

Hindu Editorial Vocabulary PDF- June 2022

Fraudster A person who cheats someone

Scam A fraudulent business scheme

The use of physical characteristics (face shape, finger prints, etc.) of an

Biometrics individual for personal identification

Rife Excessively abundant

Ambivalent Uncertain or unable to decide about what course to follow

Indiscriminate random

Flip-flop A decision to reverse an earlier decision

Discretion Freedom to act or judge on one’s own

Universalise Make common to all

Missionary zeal great enthusiasm

Scrutiny The act of examining something closely (as for mistakes)

Crack down on take severe measures against someone or something.

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Vocabulary – Jun 1, 2022

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