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-by Abheer Sharma

Class- 12th
Roll. No. - 3

This is to clarify that Abheer Sharma of class 12th has

successfully completed the project work on physics
OF EMI”, for class XII practical examination of the
Central Board of Secondary Education in the year
It is further certi1ed that this project is the individual
work of the candidate.

Principal Teacher Guide

Ms. Dhriti Malhotra Ms.Poonam Soni

Our sincere thanks to Ms.Dhriti Malhotra, Principal of

MRIS-Sec-46 who took out time to address us and
guide us.

Our heartfelt gratitude to our teacher Ms. Poonam

Soni, for her patience. His exemplary investment inthe
complete process, constant encouragement and
insightful feedback helped achieve our objective.

I would also like to thank the principal and the faculty

of Manav Rachna International Public School, Sector-46
Gurgaon for allowing usto conduct our research
amidst them.

Lastly we would like to thank our family members

whose support helped us to complete the project within
the deadline.

Michael Faraday is generally credited with the discovery of
induction in 1831 though it may have been anticipated by the
work of Francesco Zantedeschi in 1829. Around 1830 to 1832,
Joseph Henry made a similar discovery, but did not publish his
1ndings until later.
Induced E.M.F.s:
If magnetic Rux through a coil is altered then an E.M.F. will be
generated in the coil. This eIect was 1rst observed and explained
by Ampere and Faraday between 1825 and 1831. Faraday
discovered that an E.M.F. could be generated either by :
(a) moving the coil or the source of Rux relative to each other or
(b) changing the magnitude of the source of magnetic Rux in
some way.
Note that the e.m.f. is only produced while the Rux is changing.
Lenz's Law: -
When an emf is generated by a change in magnetic Rux according
to Faraday's Law, the polarity of the induced emf is such that it
produces a current whose magnetic 1eld opposes the change
which produces it. The induced magnetic 1eld inside any loop of
wire always acts to keep the magnetic Rux in the loop constant. In
the examples below, if the B 1eld is increasing, the induced 1eld
acts in opposition to it.

Electromagnetic induction is a process where a

conductor placed in a changing magnetic 1eld (or
a conductor moving through a stationary
magnetic 1eld) causes the production of a voltage
across the conductor. This process of
electromagnetic induction, in turn, causes an
electrical current --
it is said to induce the current.

● Magnetic Bar

● A Galvanometer

● Coil

● Connecting Wires

1. Take a coil of wire having a large number of turns.

2. Connect the end of the coil to a galvanometer.

3. Take a strong bar magnet and move its north pole into the
coil and observe the changes in the galvanometer needle.

4. Repeat earlier step with the south pole of the bar magnet.

5. Now repeat the procedure with the coil having a diIerent

number of turns and the variation in the deRection of the
galvanometer needle.

1. When we move the magnet in or out of the coil, the needle

of the galvanometer gets deRected in diIerent directions.

2. When we insert the north pole (N) of bar magnet into the
coil, the deRection is towards right.

3. When we insert the south pole (S) of the bar magnet into
the coil, the deRection is towards left.

4. When we move the bar magnet in or out of the coil with

varying speed, the speed of deRection changes accordingly.

I. The deRection of galvanometer needle indicates the presence of

current in the coil.

2. The direction of deRection gives the direction of Row of

current. 3. The speed of deRection gives the rate at which the
current is


4. The deRection in galvanometer changes with the change in

number of turns in the coil - more the number of turns in the coil
greater is the deRection.

From this experiment, Faraday concluded that whenever there is
relative motion between a conductor and a magnetic 1eld, the Rux
linkage with a coil changes and this change in Rux induces a
voltage across a coil.

● Physics NCERT textbook


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