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Mylene V.

Magnetico AB-Psychology

June 27,2011 Ms. Maricar B . Macalam

Biotechnology - applied science that is concerned with biological systems, living organisms, or derivatives thereof, to make or modify products or processes for specific use. Cryobiology - the study of the effects of low temperatures on living organisms. Conservation Biology - concerned with the studies and schemes of habitat preservation and species protection for the purpose of alleviating extinction crisis and conserving biodiversity. Marine Biology - study of ocean plants and animals and their ecological relationships. Molecular Biology - the branch of biology that deals with the formation, structure, and function of macromolecules essential to life, such as nucleic acids and proteins, and especially with their role in cell replication and the transmission of genetic information. Neurobiology - the branch of biology that deals with the anatomy and physiology and pathology of the nervous system. Pharmacology - the study of preparation and use of drugs and synthetic medicines. Virology - study of viruses .

                    - the branch of science that deals with the physical, chemical and biological components of the environment and their effects on organisms.
Epidemiology - the study of the distribution and determinants of health-related states and events in populations and the control of health problems, the study of epidemic disease. Oceanography - the study of the oceans and their phenomena, such as waves, currents, and tides. .

 Paleozoology - the paleobiology of fauna, both vertebrates and invertebrates. Anthrozoology is the study of human-animal interaction ("animal" referring to all non-human animals), also described as the science focusing on all aspects of the human-animal bond and a bridge between the natural and social sciences.


Neuroethology - is the evolutionary and comparative approach to the study of animal behavior and its underlying mechanistic control by the nervous system.
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Mylene V. Magnetico AB-Psychology

June 27,2011 Ms. Maricar B. Macalam

Friedrich Miescher

I .Personal And Educational Information Johannes Friedrich Miescher (13 August 1844, Basel 26 August 1895, Davos) was a Swiss physician and biologist. He isolated various phosphate-rich chemicals, which he called nuclein (now nucleic acids), from the nuclei of white blood cells in 1869 at Felix Hoppe-Seyler's laboratory at the University of Tbingen, Germany, paving the way for the identification of DNA as the carrier of inheritance. The significance of the discovery, first published in 1871, was not at first apparent, and it was Albrecht Kossel who made the initial inquiries into its chemical structure. Miescher came from a scientific family: his father and his uncle held the chair of anatomy at the University of Basel. As a boy he was shy but intelligent. He had a partial hearing impairment due to a severe attack of typhus. But this did not stop him from having an interest in music and his father performed publicly. Miescher himself studied medicine at Basel. In the summer of 1865 Friedrich worked for the organic chemist Adolf Stecker in Gttingen. His studies were interrupted for the year when he became ill with typhoid fever; however, he still received his M.D. in 1868. Miescher felt that his partial deafness would be a disadvantage as a doctor so he turned to physiological chemistry. Miescher originally wanted to study lymphocytes but

was encouraged by Felix Hoppe-Seyler to study leucocytes. Miescher was interested in studying the chemistry of the nucleus. Lymphocytes were difficult to obtain in sufficient enough numbers to study while leucocytes were known to be the one of the main components in pus and could be obtained from bandages at the nearby hospital. The problem was, however, washing the cells off the bandages without damaging them.


It was while working on pus cells at Tbingen in 1869 that Miescher made his fundamental discovery. It was thought that such cells were made largely of protein, but Miescher noted the presence of something that cannot belong among any of the protein substances known hitherto. In fact he was able to show that it was not protein at all, being unaffected by the protein-digesting enzyme pepsin. He also showed that the new substance was derived from the nucleus of the cell alone and consequently named it nuclein. Miescher was soon able to show that nuclein could be obtained from many other cells and was unusual in containing phosphorus in addition to the usual ingredients of organic molecules carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, and hydrogen. It was not until 1871 that Miescher's paper, delayed by Hoppe-Seyler (who wanted to confirm the results), was published. In it he announced the presence of a non protein phosphoruscontaining molecule in the nuclei of a large number of cells. Just what precise role the molecule played in the cell was not revealed until the structure of nucleic acid, as it was renamed by Richard Altmann in 1889, was announced by James Watson and Francis Crick in 1953. Miescher continued to work on the nuclein extracted from the sperm of the Rhine salmon for the rest of his short life. He spent much time puzzling on the chemistry of fertilization, even speculating in 1874 that if one wants to assume that a single substanceis the specific cause of fertilization then one should undoubtedly first of all think of nuclein. Unfortunately Miescher failed to follow up his suggestion, preferring to explore physical models of fertilization. However, his work on nuclein was eagerly taken up by other organic chemists, and by 1893 Albrecht Kossel had succeeded in recognizing four nucleic acid bases.

Mylene V. Magnetico AB-Psychology

June 27,2011 Ms. Gamayon



El Salvador (Cebuano: Dakbayan sa El Salvador; Filipino (Tagalog): Lungsod ng El Salvador) is a city in the province of Misamis Oriental on the Mindanao island, southern part of the Philippines. According to the 2007 Philippine census, it has a population of about 41,905 people and records 7,290 households in the 2000 Philippine census. The city serves as a pilgrimage site for the Divine Mercy devotees. El Salvador is located in the Province of Misamis Oriental in Northern Mindanao (Region X). It is bordered by the Municipality of Alubijid to the west and Opol to the east and south. On the north, lies Macajalar Bay in the Bohol Sea. The present government officials as of today are : Mayor : Atty. Alfredo Q. Tan Vice Mayor : Emelita B. Almirante

El Salvador was created from the barrios of El Salvador and Molugan with their sitios known as Sala, Sambulawan, Sinaloc, Lagtang, Talaba, Kalabaylabay and Hinigdaan, formerly part of Cagayan, Misamis Oriental, in 1948. Recently, El Salvador lost its cityhood, along with 15 other cities in the Philippines, after the Supreme Court of the Philippines granted a petition filed by the League of Cities of the Philippines, and declared the Cityhood Law RA 9435 which allowed the town to acquire its city status, unconstitutional. The said cities, the court ruled, did not meet the requirements for cityhood. On December 10, 2008, El Salvador and the other 15 cities affected filed a motion for reconsideration with the Supreme Court. More than a year later, on December 22, 2009, acting on said appeal, the court reversed its earlier ruling as it ruled that "at the end of the day, the passage of the amendatory law (regarding the criteria for cityhood as set by Congress) is no different from the enactment of a law, i.e., the cityhood laws specifically exempting a particular political subdivision from the criteria earlier mentioned. Congress, in enacting the exempting laws, effectively decreased the already codified indicators As such, the cityhood status of El Salvador is effectively restored.

But on August 24, 2010, in a 16-page resolution, the Supreme Court reinstated its November 18, 2008 decision striking down the Cityhood laws making El Salvador a municipality again. Voting 7-6, with two justices not taking part, the SC reinstated its Nov. 18, 2008 decision declaring as unconstitutional the Republic Acts (RAs) converting 16 municipalities into cities. On February 15, 2011, the supreme court upheld for the 3rd time the cityhood of El Salvador and 15 other towns in the Philippines.

Divine Mercy Shrine, located in the Divine Mercy Hills overlooking Macajalar Bay. The shrine has a 50-foot statue of the Divine Mercy Christ. It serves as a pilgrimage site for the Divine Mercy devotees. As a pilgrimage and sacred site, visitors are not allowed to wear shorts and other revealing clothing. Those who do so will be forced to cover themselves with a blue cloth provided by the shrine administrators.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     El Salvador hosts also several plants and factories in the west part of Misamis Oriental. These are Asia Brewery, Tanduay Rhum, Virgin Cola Bottling Plant(Visayas and Mindanao region distributor), The Aoso, Zest-O Corporation, WL Foods Corporation, Universal Robina Corporation, Timber Industries of the Philippines, Inc. (TIPI) and Union Plywood Corporation which is usually the main source of income of some citizens residing at El Salvador Misamis Oriental. These are some of the nicest place and spots found here at El Salvador Misamis Oriental which is serve to be proud of.

El Salvador Jesus Shrine. One of the largest Christs Shrine in the world.,_Misamis_Oriental Website

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