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Whats it like being 16 today?

CLUB met two teens from two very different cultures, both living in New York. Anna and Nikita tell us what its like when East meets West.


Where do you see yourself in five or ten years time? Hopefully a famous pop singer back in Japan. As a multi-cultural musician I believe I could attract a wider audience than most Japanese singers. At the moment my singing teacher and I are working on songs from Broadway shows and opera pieces.

MONEY How much money do you have to live on? Where do you get it from? Is it enough? All my money comes from babysitting. At 16 I think you should be able to take care of yourself.

Whats your biggest fear? I was brought up to believe in ghosts because my father is highly sensitive to spirits*. I get really scared when Im home alone, so I usually sleep with all the lights on. What are you most proud of? Whats your biggest regret? I mastered* English after moving here five years ago because I am naturally good at languages. But I should have worked harder when I was younger towards my dream of becoming a pop star. Whats the riskiest thing you have ever done? I auditioned for American Idol1 . I queued for 20 hours with thousands of strangers to make happen my dream of becoming a pop star. Even though I wasnt successful, I loved every moment. Whats the best thing about being 16? Being 16 sounds older and more mature than being 15!

Do you get on with your parents? What do you argue about? Generally! Though my parents dont agree with some of my decisions, they let me learn from my mistakes. For example, they didnt stop me going out all night with some Japanese friends, even though I had school in the morning. But I was so tired the next day!


Whats your biggest fear? Im very scared of rats! What are you most proud of? Whats your biggest regret? Im most proud of my cultural heritage. My biggest regret is that I can only spend two weeks a year with my grandparents because they live in India. They have both lived through war and led interesting lives. I learn a lot from them. Whats the riskiest thing you have ever done? I surprised my relatives by turning up in jeans and a halter top* at my cousins wedding in New Delhi! Luckily, they understood because I am American. But if I had been brought up in India, I wouldve been given hell*! Whats the best thing about being 16? The best thing about being 16 is that I have no responsibilities.

What do you like best/least about your country? Some things I can only share with my Japanese friends, because we were all raised in Japan. We talk about Japanese TV shows and celebrities, as well as the differences between our two countries. For example, in Japan boys and girls do not show affection* so openly, nor is homosexuality openly accepted. There is also a lot more pressure on girls to be skinny in Japan. In your opinion, do national and/or international politics directly affect you? No, because I dont know a lot about politics, but Id love to learn more.

Are you addicted to anything? Starbucks!2 I have to go at least once a day (even though its fattening* and expensive!).

Idol is a reality TV show where people try to become popstars. 2Starbucks Popular American coffee shop.

Activity book: page 19

> Multi-word verbs with up

Outside of New York I often get called a paki*.

Some things I can only share with my Japanese friends.

Are you addicted to anything? Yes, caffeine*!

What do you like best/least about your country? The U.S. is very culturally diverse* so you can meet many different people. But I hate how ignorant* Americans are about the outside world. In your opinion, do national and/or international politics directly affect you?

Yes, very much so, because I have a lot of family back in India.

How much money do you have to live on? Where do you get it from? Is it enough? I make about $1000 [750] in the summer. My parents top it up so I have about $20 [15] a week, and its enough for me.

Where do you see yourself in five or ten years time? Im interested in being an editor of a fashion magazine.

Do you get on with your parents? What do you argue about? Yes, I do but they are not amused by my career choice. They want me to be a writer or a lawyer. Have you ever been discriminated against? Yes, I often get called paki*, but only when Im outside of New York City.


Here are three multi-word verbs. Match the multi-word verb to its correct definition.
1. top up 2. bring up 3. turn up
The answers are on page 15

a. care for a child until its grown up b. arrive unexpectedly c. add more money to get the amount needed

Glossary Spirit (n.) a you but not To *perfect Fattening (adj.) presence offatdead person (n.) can feel of liking seeloving master (v.) makes you Affection feeling or Halter
top (n.) womans top with a strap around the neck To give s.o hell (informal phrase) really tell s.o off Caffeine (n.) drug commonly found in tea and coffee Paki (negative / slang) negative name for a Pakistani Diverse (adj.) varied/different Ignorant (adj.) not having enough knowledge, understanding or information about something

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