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Quarter 1: Week 4

I. Discussion
Making Connections
DIRECTIONS: Complete each following sentences by supplying the correct
word. Choose from the word pool below and answer the questions that after
with your parents or guardians.
welcomed used
1. They __________ different ways to achieve freedom.
2. The Filipino _________ how to be brave to fight for learned
3. They __________ the foreign people with a warm smile. came knew
4. The Japanese __________ to our country. worked
5. The Filipinos __________ hard to survive.

Process questions:
a. What form of the verb is used in the sentences above?
b. When did the actions happen?
c. What tense of the verb is used?

Alright! From the previous activity, you have been reminded of the verbs
you can use to show the past. But before moving forward to the discussion,
have a short review on the different forms of verbs through this short activity.

Verb Forms
A. DIRECTIONS: Complete the table with the appropriate forms of the verbs.
Base form Present form Past form
survive survive/s
work work/s
live live/s
study study/ies
answer answer/s

Very easy! The additional “s” or “es” in the present form column shows that
the verb is in singular form. These verbs are regular verbs so you just need to
add “d” or “ed” in the end of the words to change them in their past form.
However, there are also called irregular verbs which completely change in
their past forms. Try the following activity.

B. DIRECTIONS: Complete the table with the appropriate forms of the verbs.
Base form Present form Past form
fight fight/s
read read/s
teach teach/es
sing sing/s
build build/s
Now, it is time to study more on the notes about simple past form of the verb.
Simple Past Tense
We can use the Simple Past Tense to talk about actions that happened at a
specific time in the past. There can be few actions happening one after

These can be in terms of:

 events in the past that are now finished
 situation in the past
 a series of actions in the past

The uses of simple past tense can be seen in the following examples.

Use 1. Past actions that are now finished

This shows the events/actions that have happened at a specific time in the
1. The Filipinos survived difficulties during the Spanish regime.
2. The Filipinos worked hard for the last century to achieve our freedom.
3. My classmate studied about the culture of the Filipinos yesterday in the

So, from the examples above, you can see when did the actions specifically
happen in the past like, during the Spanish regime (example no. 1); a century
ago (example no. 2); and yesterday in example no. 3.

Use 2. Situation in the past

This talks about situations in the past.
1. I lived in Cebu for 10 years.
2. We spent summer vacation in our province.
3. Ms. Reyes taught for a year in a private school in the city.
For the 3 examples above, all of them imply that they didn’t live, spend, teach
in certain places mentioned anymore.

Use 3. A series of actions in the past

Simple past tense can also be used to show few actions in the past
happening one after another.

The Filipinos fought for their freedom, built their country, and stood on their
We read a book on Philippine Literature, answered questions from our
teacher, and passed our reaction papers.

It’s clearly seen in the examples how the series of actions in the past are
illustrated. There are 3 actions happened one after the other.
The simple past tense is indeed very simple. It has simple uses and easy to
understand purpose—to show actions/events/situations in the past. Now,
you’re going to review on the form of the verb which is being used in the next
lesson, Past Perfect Tense, which is the past participle form of the verb.

Verb Forms
DIRECTIONS: Complete the table with the appropriate forms of the verbs.
Base form Present form Past form Past Participle form
survive survive/s survived
work work/s worked
live live/s lived
study study/ies studied
answer answer/s answered
fight fight/s fought
read read/s read
teach teach/es taught
sing sing/s sang
build build/s built

Yes! Past participle forms are used in the Past perfect tenses. If you were able
to answer the previous activity then it would really be easy for you to use
past perfect tenses in sentences.

Past Perfect Tense

It is the tense used when you are talking about a completed action before
something happen in the past. It means there are two different actions
happened consecutively which the first action is related to how the second
action is done.
Past perfect tense is formed by using the word “had” + (past participle
form of the verb).
Examples: had survived, had studied, had taught, had built, had fought
1. The Filipinos had survived difficulties during the Spanish regime before
they achieved their freedom.
2. When we got home, we had studied about the culture of the Filipinos the
3. After Ms. Reyes had taught in a private school in the city, she applied in a
public high school in the province.

Remember, since there were two actions showed in past perfect tenses, you
could see two verbs in different forms, past and past participle. The action
which had the “had” happened first and the one without was the second. It
was called past perfect tense because there were two actions which have
been consecutively happened in the past.

II. Activities
Activity 1: Go Get the Verbs!
DIRECTIONS: Kindly read the excerpts carefully. Locate the simple past and
past perfect forms of the verbs. List down at least 10 verbs.
Pliant like the Bamboo by I.V. Mallari
There is a story in Philippine folklore about a mango tree and a bamboo
tree. Not being able to agree as to which was the stronger of the two, they
called upon the wind to make the decision.
The wind blew hardest. The mango tree stood fast. It would not yield. It
knew it was strong and sturdy. It would not sway. It was too proud. It was
too sure of itself. But finally its root gave way, and it tumbled down.
The bamboo tree was wiser. It knew it was not as robust as the mango
tree. And so every time the wind blew, it bent its head gracefully. It made
loud protestations, but let the wind have its way. When finally the wind got
tired of blowing, the bamboo tree still stood in all its beauty and grace.

The Happiest Boy in the World by N.V.M. Gonzalez

One warm July night, Julio was writing a letter to – of all people – his
landlord, Ka Ponso. It was about his son Jose who wanted to go to school in
Mansalay, the town where Ka Ponso lived.
They had moved here to the island of Mindoro about a year ago
because Julio had been unable to find any land of his own to farm. As it was,
he thought of himself lucky when Ka Ponso agreed to take him on as a tenant.
“Dear Compadre,” he started writing. A while before, his wife had given
birth to a baby. Ka Ponso had happened to be in the neighborhood and
offered to be the baby’s godfather. After that, they had begun to call each
other compadre. Julio was writing in Tagalog, bending earnestly over a piece
of paper torn out of his son’s school notebook.
It was many months since he had had a writing implement in his hand.
That was when he had gone to the municipal office in Mansalay to file a
homestead application…
1. 6.
2. 7.
3. 8.
4. 9.
5. 10.

Activity 2: Simple Past or Past Perfect?

DIRECTIONS: From your list in the previous task, identify the verbs whether
they are in the simple past or past perfect tense.
Simple Past Past Perfect

Activity 3: Past it On!

A. DIRECTIONS: Give the past form of the verb in parentheses. Write your
answers on your paper.
1. Last year I (go) _______ to Davao on a holiday.
2. It (be) _______ fantastic.
3. I (visit) _______ lots of interesting places. I (be) _______ with my two
4. In the morning, we (walk) _______ in the streets of Vigan.
5. In the evening, we (go) _______ to pubs.

B. DIRECTIONS: Complete the following sentences using was or were.

1. The teacher _______ nice.
2. The students _______ very clever.
3. However, one student _______ in trouble.
4. We _______ sorry for him.
5. He _______ nice though.

Activity 4: Scenic Language

DIRECTIONS: Study the following pictures with their corresponding
sentences. With the help of your parents or older siblings identify the two
actions/scenes happened in the pictures. List down
which is the first or second action/scene.

1. Julio had written a letter before he went home.

First action: __________________________________________

Second action:


2. Julio went home after his wife had cooked dinner.

First action: __________________________________________
Second action: ________________________________________
3. When Julio went home, his son had played outside.
First action: __________________________________________
Second action: ________________________________________

VIII. References:
Estoque, J.M. Benavidez. “Pliant Like the Bamboo”. Blog on Peotika at
Literatura. 2011. Accessed on August 26, 2020.
Grade 7 English Learner’s Material First Edition. pp. 90-92. 2017
Grade 7 English Teachers Guide First Edition. pp. 68-69. 2017

Images sources:

Prepared by


Teacher III-English Teacher I-English
IV. Key to Corrections
Making Connections Verb Forms
1. used A. survived B. fought
2. learned worked read
3. welcomed lived taught
4. came studied sang
5. worked answered built

Verb Forms
survived fought
worked read
lived taught
studied sung
answered built

Activity 1 Possible answers

called blew stood
knew was bent
made got had moved
had been had given had happened
had begun had had had gone

Activity 2 Possible answers

Simple Past Past Perfect
called blew had moved had been
stood knew had given had happened
was bent had begun had had
made got had gone

Activity 3
A. 1. went B. 1. was
2. was 2. were
3. visited, was 3. was
4. walked 4. were
5. went 5. was

Activity 4
1. 1st action: Julio had written a letter.
2nd action: He went home.
2. 1st action: His wife had cooked dinner.
2nd action: Julio went home.
3. 1st action: His son had played outside.
2nd action: Julio went home.

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