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Transferable Skills

Transferable skills are skills you have acquired through any number of activities - such as courses, clubs, volunteering, and working full or part-time that can be used in any new activity. Major categories for marketable transferable skills are: Communication, Research and Planning, Human Relations, Organization, Management and Leadership, and General Work Behaviors. Talents, traits and practical knowledge are all part of the skills spectrum. Some of these skills have more transfer value than others for employment opportunities. So it is important to think about your skills and their value to what you want to do or are applying for. Skills are not stagnant so it is always possible to build the ones that you are good at, and to strengthen or develop the ones you are not so good at in your work, volunteering or education. Skills can be divided into: Core Skills (Foundation) Sociability

Transferable (Marketable) Creative thinking

Reading, writing & numeracy

Analysis & logical thinking

Computer literacy


Job-specific (Specialized) Analyzing specific biological species or law cases related to murder, or human resource policies regarding harassment, or ... Use of proprietary software for data analysis, or product design, or research results, or Specialized training or education in a field, such as engineering, law You must have credentials related to the specialization requirement

Self-management Teamwork aptitude Cognition (thinking)

Organizing (things, people) Communication written & verbal Interpersonal rapport

Work requires different combinations of skills, so it is important to understand your core, transferable, and job-specific skills. You will find that some of your core skills overlap with your transferable skills, and that many are integrated into your job-specific skills. Lets look at how this is possible and how you can integrate these into your writing for various job opportunities. Your goal is to match what you offer to what the employer needs.

The job you are seeking is for a Computer Technologist position. You have a Computer Science Degree, with course work using specific programming software and hardware repair techniques/tools; also you have experience working at a computer store as a Customer Care Representative for the past 2 years. Here is an example of how to write, in your cover letter, about your skills that will transfer to the Computer Technician position. Working at XXX store for the past 2 years, as a Customer Care Representative, I frequently answer customer questions regarding product recommendations for specific client interface needs, and provide guidance and direction for troubleshooting various computer set-up issues. I am competent in building and maintaining client relationships through courteous, knowledge based service provision, which would all be strengths in the Computer Technician position. My degree in computer science from the University of New Brunswick (UNB) provided specific training in (name the programming software and hardware repair techniques/tools used), which as indicated by my GPA of 4.0 I excel in and enjoy. In my studies I repeatedly was adept at coming up with creative solutions to difficult problems, specifically in my final computer program design project involving firewall integrity. My education and work related experience provide me with over two years solid experience working with customers, problem-solving, and using computer technology tools relevant to your industry. In these two paragraphs emphasis is placed on core skills, such as social, cognitive, and computer literacy. Also, you should be able to detect use of transferable skills, such as interpersonal relations, problem-solving, analysis and logical thinking, and creative thinking. Job-specific skills are found in the listed specific programs known, the degree in related field, and the direct troubleshooting skill reference. Following are some other examples for you to review to ensure that you understand how to approach your own writing of transferable skills, remember you have many skills the trick is to be able to state what those are and match your skills and abilities to the work role you are applying for. Example 1: You are interested in working as a Customer Service Representative for a bank. Your past work as a Kitchen Supervisor with McDonalds needs to be used to help support your skills and abilities for providing customer service and relationship management, as the job advertisement wants to hire people with these skills and abilities. Here is how one might approach stating transferable skills using the McDonalds experience:

As a Kitchen Supervisor with McDonalds I managed five night shift staff, was responsible for scheduling, and ensured morale was positive and productive by actively listening and problem solving. My ability to build positive work relationships and mange employee needs demonstrates my caring service management orientation, which I would maintain when dealing with your banking customers. Using courses that are relevant to the work to be done is also a great way to demonstrate transferable skills. Example 2: You have completed a Biology Lab course that required that you deal with fungus samples, lab equipment, work in a group of two, analyze, record, and report on findings. You see a job for a pharmaceutical lab worker that says they want someone with some experience dealing with lab protocols, analysis, and recording results. Here is how one might demonstrate transferable skills: During my forth year Biology lab work, I had the opportunity to perform research work on fungus which required following sampling and lab protocols; for example, equipment sterilization, regular scheduled climate control maintenance and sample analysis, recording of findings, and producing a comprehensive six month report on activity. I am competent in analysis, following protocols, and accurately recording findings. Many times students do not assess what they can do; they simply state the duties they have performed in a particular job. Think about what you have the ability to do. (Core, Marketable, Job-Specific skills) When you think of a job activity (duty) ask yourself how you did that duty for example, ask yourself the following kinds of questions.

Did I use: 1. Human Relations or Interpersonal Skills, such as teach/assist, provide service to people, negotiate with people, unite a team with differences, motivate, make decisions, problem-solve, use diplomacy, engage others, delegate tasks/supervise, train or mentor, build cooperation/support, ...

2. Communication and/or Critical Thinking Skills, such as active-listening, presenting, facilitating, convey messages effectively, express opinions or ideas tactfully, identify quickly and accurately critical issues when making decisions or solving problems, use general principles in interrelated

experiences or based on facts, adapt concepts and behaviours as needed, create innovative solutions to complex problems, utilize several perspectives to analyze interrelations between events, ...

3. Information Management or Administration Skills, such as analyzing tasks, prioritizing, determining resources needed (human and materials) for projects or tasks, sort, compile, synthesize, evaluate, use protocols/procedures, apply information creatively, delegate, motivate and lead, organize, implement, coordinate tasks...

4. Research, Investigation, Design, and Planning Skills, such as identify alternative courses of action, assess needs, use varied sources of information, identify problems and needs, design, draft, formulate, clarify problems, apply various methods/techniques to test validity, set priorities, set goals/objectives, manage time (schedules, timelines, deadlines), predict future trends or patterns, multi-task, accommodate competing demands, allocate resources (time, energy, and resources), For more assistance in developing your knowledge of your transferable skills through your various experiences (courses, training, work, and volunteering) visit the National Occupation Codes website at This location provides information on all labour performed in Canada. The job descriptions can help you learn what skills and abilities a job requires, and some language that you should try to incorporate in your documents to help match you to your chosen profession.

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