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$d3d33 NHLYV] FHL pye4e4 yyEgeZ1 Young Adult Eli Readers The ELI Readers collection is a complete range of books and plays for readers of all ages, ranging from captivating contemporary stories to timeless classics. ‘There are four series, each catering for a different age group: First ELI Readers, Young ELI Readers, ‘Teen ELI Readers and Young Adult ELI Readers. ‘The books are carefully edited and beautifully illustrated to capture the essence of the stories and plots. The readers are supplemented with ‘Focus on’ texts packed with background cultural information about the writers and their lives and times, B3Se SssSsusasee = gaa Main Characters Before you Read Chapter Activities Chapter? Activities Chapter 3 Activities Chapter4 Activities Chapters Chapter 6 Activities Focus on... Focus on... Test yourself Syllabus ‘The Strange Invitation AStrange Friend “We're Famous!” Where's Arash? ‘Lcould believe anything right now!’ ‘Trouble in Cuzeo Plastic - Rwanda Leads the ‘Vets and Seience - Saving the ‘Water, Wind and Sun ~ Making Clean Power ere ens ‘Cees Bettina 760 radio stations that youcan Chapter One The Strange Invitation 5)2 Hil I'm Clauce. I'm a musician and I'm in Berlin to record my new music. I'm pretty* happy with the songs, in fact one of them was played on a Berlin radio station last week, but that isn’t the reason ‘why 'm tellirgyou this story. This story is about an adventure I never imagined I'd have, an adventure that changed my life. It’s the end of June. I'm early for an appointment at a café off “Alexanderpletz in Berlin. I go in, order a coffee and sit in a corner, ‘The café is ccol, full of fashionable people. I'm waiting for someone. but I don't know who. Last night, the German musicians and I played in a bar in the centre of Berlin. We had a great audience. At the end of the concert, the managercalled me over. He had an envelope in his hand. ‘Someone left this for you, Claude; he said. “Who? | asked. ° He shook his head. He didn't know. opened it. This is what I read. ‘Do you want to travel the world? Meet new people? Become famous? {fyour answer is ys, then go to the Sauers Café on the Rosa Luxemburg ‘Strasse tomorrow at 3 p.m. Did they think I was crazy? Why would I go to a café to meet a prety (hae gute The Earthkeepers stranger? I started to tear the paper up, but then I saw something ‘that made me stop. On the other side was a picture. Ten people were looking out of a rainforest In front of them, at the bottom of « hill, a huge yellow machine was pushing over a tree. Behind the machine was a wide ‘brown path without any plants. It seemed to go on forever. Under the picture was written. The Pachiua Tribe needs you" When I saw these rainforest people, and the damage to their forest, I became interested in my strange invitation. I decided to go to the café and wait and see who'd arrive. If I didnt like the look* of them, I thought, I could just leave. It was three in the afternoon when a girl came into the café, She had long brown hair and light brown skin, and she was quite short, Nore of that was strange, of course, but she had a ‘T-shirt with ‘Eco Warrior® written on it. That seemed important. Ske ordered a drink from the barista", and sat at a table near me, but she kept looking at herwatch. Had she left the envelope for me? It didr't seem likely. She looked shy and quiet. heard the door open again. I turned to see who was here. It was a.guy, about my age, 22 or 23. He was very sure of himself, He walked straight to the bar. ‘Hii, 'm Austin; he said loudly, and in American English. ‘The barista was surprised. Austin didn't even tryto speak German! ‘Has anyone asked for me? I have to meet someone here at three} he said, So this was the person I was here to meet! I got up from my seat, and at the same time I saw the girl in the Eco Warrior T-shirt also get up, but a different girl reached Austin before us! fainforest geen forestnwem couries where rina look afpeerance how a person seems to you eco mario person nh ves to save and protect fe on Exch barista person via makes your cffen na cafe " Elizabeth Ferretti “Hi, I'm Nadia; she said to Austin. ‘I think you're here to meet me’ | took the strange invitation from my pocket and held it up. ‘Hi, T'm Claude. I think you're meeting me, too!’ I laughed. ‘And I'm Jakinda; said the Eco Warrior girl, holding out her invitation. “Hey! Nadia, Claude, Jakinda! Good to meet you all! I'm Austin!” said Austin, with that big smile. So, why are we here?” ‘I think the answer is in here? someone said behind me. I turned round. This guy was wearing a hoodie’, so [couldnt see his face. He was holding another envelope. The barista gave it tome when I arrived? “Who are you? And how did you know the envelope was here?’ I asked him. ‘Ididn’t. asked. I'm Arash, he said, pushing his hoodie back from his face with a smile.‘ think we're all going on en adventure. Shall we open this envelope and see what's inside?” I was surprised by Arash. I had watched everyone in the café, fd seen Nadia, and the other girl but I hadn't seen him. Later, I found out that Arash was good at hiding, especially in public! [ didn't know it then, but this was going to be a big help to us in the future. Arash opened the envelope. Inside was a single piece of paper. “Thank you for agreeing to help the Pachiua tribe’ Arash read. He gave us a look that said, ‘I'm not sure we've agreed yet? He was right, but this was fun, "Go on!’ I said, ‘What else does it say?” Arash stopped. ‘Come on Nadia, Austin, he said, ‘at least come and read what it says. Then you can leave if you want’ Iwas excited, but Nadia and Austin didn't look happy. Arash gave the paper to Nadia. hoodia nar top that you wer ith part youson put over your heed 2 Elizabeth Ferretti “There’s nothing on it? said Nadia. Her voice wld ime she was English, She gave the paper to Austin, “There are two words at the bottom. Look! Mekku and Qasapi; he said. "I wonder what they mean?” He was becoming interested. “They're names from Greenland; Jakinda said, reading from her phone, ‘Mekku is a girl's name and Qasapi is a boy's name? Iwas amazed. How do you know that?” ‘I googled it” she said, ‘'m an Earth scientist; she added, ‘t's my Job to find things out’ She spoke good English but she didn’t sound English. Maybe Spanish or Portuguese, I thought. ‘And I'm a hacker*} said Arash, it’s my job to find things out too!” ‘I think we need to know more about each other before we do anything else; I said. ‘'m a musician and I'm from Rwanda. Jakinda you're a scientist. ‘from Brazil ‘Iwork with computers, and I'm from Berlin; said Arash. ‘Tm a designer, from London; Nadia said. Iwork with magazines? We all looked at Austin. He looked good. He had smart, expensive clothes and his hair was perfect. ‘I'm a fashion vlogger*, | make short films about fashion for the internet, he said, ‘Tm famous in the US, but noone knows me here!” ‘That seemed cool to me. I put my hand out, and we shook hands. ‘OK, OK; said Arash, ‘Let's not waste any more time!’ He took a small computer out of his pocket. “My guess is we need to speak to these guys in Greenland? He wrote something with the computer. hacker (hes) someone who wore lat on logger 2 pec wo fs hiyhersl computes ands goed at fing hidden taling bout sbject and shares the fins information vn theeret ‘The Earthkeepers ‘Greenland is four hours behind us here in Berlin; said Jakinda, looking at her phone. ‘It's three thirty here, which means it’s eleven thirty there? Jakinda was amazing. She laughed when she saw my face, and waved her phone at me, ‘Istill don’t understand why we're here; said Austin. ‘L agree! said Nadia, ‘Who are the Pachiua? Why should we help them?” ‘Arash looked cross. I could see he wasn't a patient person. "Look? I said, quickly, ‘why don't we speak to these two people in Greenland? Maybe they can tell us something? Nadia and Austin looked at each other. “OK, why not? they said. A table became free. We went over and ordered coffees and water from the waiter. Then we watched Arash. He worked fast. He wrote something on hi something else. ‘What are you doing?’ I asked. ‘Shh; Arash said, He sounded cross. We waited in silence.’Then Arash began to smile. He had a strange smile. It started at the corners of his mouth, but soon his whole face ‘was smiling, [decided [liked him, even though he wasn'tatall patient. He turned the computer screen round so that we could see it. Again, I was amazed. Two people wearing thick winter clothes were waving at us. They were standing on land, but behind them was the sea, and behind that was a huge wall of ice. ‘Hi, 'm Mekku} said the girl, ‘and this is Qasapi. Welcome to Greenland! We don’t have much time, so listen carefully? ‘OK; I said, ‘we're listening? computer, then stopped, waited, then wrote ‘While Qasapi and Mablu ate online from Greenland, J ‘an enormous pace oe als imto these Mekku started to speak, but I didn't hear what she said because at that moment there was a terrible noise. Mekku and Qasapi looked scared. They turned the camera to show us the wall of ice. A dark line appeared in it, and then another. Then, with a noise like thunder, an enormous piece of ice dropped into the sea. Mekku and Qasapi shouted and ran. At least, they disappeared from the screen. All I could see was some grass and a pair of feet moving fast. Their breathing got louder and louder. It was difficult to understand what was happening. After a couple of minutes, Mekku and Qasapi stopped. Then we saw why they were running. They turned their camera to show us. They were now on a hill. Below them, the sea was covering the land where they had stood only two minutes ago, and the piece of ice was getting closer. “When the ice fell into the sea it made a huge wave? explained Jakinda. We were lucky to get away!” Mekku turned the camera away from the ice and we saw their faces again. “That's why we don’t have much time} Qasapi said. He looked terrible, ‘and that’s why we want your help! ‘Are you the Pachiua tribe? Nadia asked Mekku shook her head. ‘No, but when the Pachiua asked for our help, we said yes. They're the Earthkeepers’ “The what? asked Austin, “The Earthkeepers; Mekku repeated, ‘They told us the Earth is in danger, and we have to do something now before it’s too late! Will you joinus? Back in Berlin my new friends and I looked at each other. How could we say no? “Yes’ I said, ‘we'll do what we can’ © Yesterday 1 was a mus Many tourists sist Ronda India to Chapter Two: A Strange Friend ian from Rwanda, making a new record in Berlin, Now, I was sitting in a café with four people I'd met for the first time this afternoon, talking to two people in Greenland. In fact, Jakinda was talking to Mekku and Qasapi, the rest of us were listening, Jakinda was asking them scientific questions about the ice. looked at the others. Arash was sitting next to Jakinda listening to the conversation, but Nadia and Austin seemed bored again. It was obvious why Arash and Jakinda were here, Arash was clever with computers and Jakinda was an Earth scientist, they could easily help the Pachiua, but I didn’t know why Iwas here. | think Nadia and ‘Austin were thinking the same as me. “So, what do we have to do?’ I interrupted. I didn't see how talking about ice was going to help the Pachiua. ‘And why us? asked Austin. ‘Why did we get invited here today?” twas the same question that I'd wanted to ask. Mekku and Qasapi looked at each other. They seemed a little embarrassed. ‘Well; said Qasapi. ‘we found you online. That was quite easy, actually. The difficult part was getting the invitations to you. You were the easiest Claude! ‘They knew my name, even though I hedn’t told them. Maybe Iwas more famous than I thought! ‘Go on} I said. 20 ‘The Eerthkeepers “We saw from your website that you were playing at that bar last night? Qasapi continued, ‘so we asked someone to deliver* your envelope there. Then, we went on Instagram and looked for a designer who was also in Berlin. That's how we found you, Nadia. We sent a friend to the places you posted photos from. He found you at the Hokey Pokey café - you posted a photo of the ice cream you were ating. The waiter is a friend and was happy to help! Nadia’s face was white. It was frightening to think a stranger could find her so easily. Qasapi turned to Austin next. You were so loud on the Internet it wasn't hard to find yout” Austin laughed. ‘Jakinda writes a blog about the Barth and we knew she was studying at Berlin University... ‘And Arash?’ I asked, ‘How did you find him?” ‘Mekku smiled, ‘He was difficult to find, it's true, but we have a friend in Greenland who's a hacker. He found Arash in the end!” Arash looked so cross, I had to laugh, but I saw their plan. Nadia would make us look cool on social media’, Jakinda had the scientific knowledge we needed, Austin was great at getting people to follow him online, and Arash, well, a computer guy is always useful. “So, you and the Pachiua..., what did you call them?” “The Earthkeepers; Mekku said. “You and the Pachiua want us to tell people the Barth is in danger, and that we don't have a lot of time? “Yes!” Mekku and Qasapi said together. “But why am I here? I said. ‘Isn't that obvious?’ said Arash, ‘From the beginning, you got us to ‘work together. You laugh a lot and make friends easily. You'll help us become a team; he said. deliver (tee) bring and gh alter to sodal media Focabook, Instagram Snpchat, Totter scl medi a Jsknds nrming underwater sere there lot of plate I smiled. I had to admit Arash was right. I work with musicians! ‘They can be difficult but I usually find a way to keep the peace. looked at the time, It was half five. I had to get to the other side ‘of Berlin to practise my musie with my musician friends. We said ‘goodbye to Mekku and Qasapi, and I agreed to meet my new friends at the same time in the same café the next day. My band anc I played another concert. We didn't earn much money, but it paid for the room I was renting from one of the other musicians, and it was fun. I got to bed very late, around half three in } ‘the morning. It was late when I woke up. I had to hurry to get to the Sauers Café on Rose Luxemburg Strasse. 1 got to the door and stopped. What if none of the others were there? What if they'd decided not to join this strange adventure? ; ‘What if I never sew them again? I pushed through the door. Of course they were there! All four of them. ‘Ah, Claude; said Arash, ‘good to see you! 1 sat down with them. Nadia had her laptop. She was showing K them some designs to use on Snapchat, Instagram and Facebook. 2 ‘Til make us a website and get the Earthkeepers on Twitter later? she said.'This was great, _ Austin had some ideas on how to attract a big audience. He knew some famous people in the US and Canada who had a lot of followers on social media, ‘Til message them, see if they can help; he said, and he got straight on to his phone. ‘know how to get us to the top of searches on Google’ said Arash. “Tcan work with Nadia on that, and then help Austin! ‘They were all working on their phones and computers. looked at Jakinda, 22 Theses snany lands inthis pare cf the world Including The Elizabeth Ferretti ‘So, we have a way to talk to people? I said, ‘but we don't know ‘what to say to them! ‘T've got some ideas; Jakinda said, ‘shall we work together, Claude?” Jakinda and I went to sit at a table away from the others so that we could talk. ‘Look at this, she said. She gave me her phone. ‘There was a photo of Jakinda swimming under water. The water was clear and blue. There were fish and a turtle* near her, but in front were plastic bags and plastic cups. There was clear plastic, blue, red and orange plastic, and lots of small, dirty bits of plastic. It was horrible. “This was in the Caribbean last summer} she said. ‘It’s such a ‘beautiful place, but there’s plastic rubbish everywhere in the sea, and that all over the world; she added. ‘Well, why don’t you write about that? I suggested to Jakinda, “That could be our first blog, and I'll find out what's happening in other parts of the world? I was happy to help Jakinda with her blog, I write songs and play them to an audience, but I didn’t want to write a blog, I was really bad ‘at writing when I was at school. For the next hour the five of us worked hurd. gave Jakinda lots of information about the problems of plastic in the sea. I found pictures of dead dolphins and whales with their stomachs full of plastic, a turtle with plastic wrapped round its body, dead sea birds with plastic filling their stomachs. It was so sad. ‘Then Austin said, ‘Man! | need a break! Anyone want a tea ora coffee?” We ordered our drinks from the barista. He recognised us from ‘the day before. ‘You look busy; he said. What are you doing” ‘tural an animal with hard body thet lives in the sat ie Fr thousands of comets ‘The Earthkeeper "We're working with the Barthkeepers to save the world!’ I said, and everyone laughed. It sounded* so crazy! ‘What I mean is, we're trying to talk to people about the problems of the Earth! “That's good; said the barista. ‘This café has a lot of followers on ‘Twitter. Let us know if we can hel Nadia immediately added their Twitter account to our Earthkeeper's one. Earthkeepers. We liked that word. We decided to use it because, well, we're all Earthkeepers, aren't we? 'So, how did the Pachiua in the rainforest find Mekku and Qasapi in Greenland?’ T asked, while we drank our coffees. ‘Til find out’ said Arash. He opened up his laptop and started writing, He got an answer almost immediately. ‘Mekku says they were contacted by a person called Ana Condor’, but they've never met her. ‘They've only exchanged messages over the internet? ‘Ana Condor?’ said Nadia, ‘Is that a joke?” I thought about it. ‘Oh I said, and laughed, ‘Like that big snake, the anaconda?” Nadia looked at me, ‘You know, Claude, for someone who's so clever, you can be slow sometimes!’ “Wait a minute!’ said Arash.’ What's this?” He showed us the screen, ‘There was a message. It was from a person called Ana Condor! This ‘was strange. It was like Ana was waiting for us. ‘Shall I open the message?’ Arash asked. “What do we have to lose? Austin said. ‘Hurry upt'T said. Arash clicked on the message and read it out to us. ‘Hi, I'm Ana Condor. Congratulations on your work so far. It looks great! sound ge the ide that condor large bird from the moxie of [Noth and South Arena; ets dead anal (ea. hoop) and small anal eg mice) Elizabeth Fe Arash looked at us. We had only just opened the social media accounts. How had Ana found them so quickly? ‘Are you ready for the next part of your adventure? Arash continued to read the message, ‘then find 2,000 US dollars by Monday B.July. Goodbye! twas Saturday. Monday was three days away. How could we get 2,000 dollars in three days? And why did we need that money? It seemed crazy. “That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard!” said Nadia, T don't have money to waste on thi Austin smiled, ‘No! he said, ‘neither do I* but I have an idea how we ccan get it. We can ask some companies to give us the money. They can advertise with us. We can help them sell things, but we need to show them we have a big audience. That's the real problem here; he added. “But they'll have to be good things to sell; I said, ‘things that don't damage the Earth’ ‘The others agreed. We spent the next hour discussing this idea. ‘We thought of companies we could contact. ‘Austin and I will ry to increase* the number of followers we have? said Nadia, You three, find a way to contact those companies? Nadia and Austin started work immediately. They were tweeting and retweeting, posting messages to important people, working their ‘magic on social media. Jakinda and I sent Nadia our blog. She used our words for posts and tweets. Jakinda sent them photos from her trip to the Caribbean. They posted those on Snapchat and Instagram, ‘Arash was thinking hard. This is all good; he said, ‘but we need to do something more interesting. We have to get the world’s media to notice us’ nether dot (per) tke youl dent have money to waste Increase make tigger the Barthkeepers ‘and how will we do that?’ I asked. ‘Ihave an idea} said Nadia, ‘In advertising you have to do things that are new and exciting’ She wrote something with her computer, then showed us what she'd found. They were photos of famous buildings. We could put a message on them about the Earthkeepers? ‘How?’ Lasked. “You can shine a picture onto them, with lights’ Nadia said. ‘Follow the Earthkeepers!” said Austin. ‘We could shine that message everywher “Yes; said Nadia, ‘and then we can get people to share the images* online? ‘Let's work on that and meet tomorrow, Arash said. T've got to go now! ‘Me too, I said. I've got music practi Arash pulled his hoodie over his head and left. I followed him out, but when I got into the street, I couldn't see him, He really knew how to disappear. As I turned right, to go the other way, I noticed a man on the opposite side of the street. Everyone else around him was walking, but he wasn’t doing anything, He was standing stilt, watching the café, Jakinda, Austin and Nadia came out and turned left. They were talking about where to go and get pizza, so they didn't see the man start to walk behind them, but I did. For a short time, I kept walking, as if I was going home, then I went into a shop. When I came out, I ‘turned back and walked behind the man who was following Jekinda, Nadia and Austin. And this, my friends, was where our adventure started to get much bigger than we could imagine! ® mage pcre stil not moving a Chapter Three ‘Were Famous!’ »)4 My phone started ringing loudly in my pocket. Not now! I thought. Don't call me now! Not when I'm walking down a Berlin street, following a man who's following my friends. I got my phone out and pressed answer to make it stop, but I didn’t take my eyes off the man, ‘Claude! Where are you?” said a voice on my phone. It was my German musician friend. I remembered he and the other musicians ‘were waiting for me. We had to practise for my last concert in Berlin tomorrow, and then... crashed straight into the man I was following. Held stopped because my friends were going into a pizzeria while I ‘was looking at my phone. It was such a stupid mistake! The man looked at me, ‘You need to be more careful, Claude; he said, but before I could say anything to him, he walked on and disappeared into the crowd.. Thave to admit that I was shaking as I went into the pizzeria, “He knew my name?’I told my friends, as I explained to them why Iwas suddenly standing in front of them in the pizzeria, “That's a bit scary; said Nadia. ‘Horrible? agreed Austin, ‘What did he look like? Is he easy to recognise?” “He was about forty, wearing a T-shirt and jeans; I said, ..he spoke English well, but I don’t think he was American or British? “Yes, but what did he look like?’ Austin repeated. 30 ‘The Earthkeepers Itried to remember. Every detail could be important. [remembered looking straight into his eyes. ‘He was the seme height as me, with short brown hair, he was ‘white, no beard or moustache, and his eyes were green’ “Well that doesn't help us much!’ said Nadia. ‘Was there any else?” But there was nothing I could think of. He looked like an ordinary ‘white guy, like you would see thousands of in any city in the north ‘of Europe. The pizzas arrived. I said goodbye and went to the underground station. I called my friend to tell him Iwas on my way’ I got on the train and thought about the man in the T-shirt. It was worrying, He knew my name, but I couldn't decide if he was a friend or an enemy. Then I forgot about him. [had a concert to get ready for ~ Nadia, Arash, Jakinda and Austin were coming, which 1 was really happy about. But the best news was that the DJ* from the Berlin radio station, who was playing my songs, was also coming to ‘the concert. This could be my big chance. It hadn't been easy for me to get to Berlin, the plane ticket from Rwanda had been really expensive, but my music was doing well in my home country so I had enough to pay for it. There are some great musicians in Berlin who I really wanted to work with and Thoped that Europeans would like my music ~ pop songs, with a strong African, ‘eel that you can really dance to. Next day, my musician friends and I arrived at the place where we ‘were going to play. It was by the river in the centre of Berlin and was 's0 cool. It was a big bar, with a stage on one side. There was even a ‘boat on the river with tables for people to sit at with their friends. We iB fonmyway (here) coming DJ (dsc jockey) a person who plays ecerds a with 5,000 lakes and more than $0,000, rnof ves Berlin andthe res sound ealed Brandenburg have the rmostinland Germany Kigali har been the capltal and larger ty of vanda since “62, when secountry Recame Independent ‘Pom Belgian cle Elizabeth Ferretti did our sound checks. The place was getting busy. | felt half nervous, half excited. All these people were here to listen to my musi also felt sad, and worried. My return flight to Kigali was tomorrow. Tonight was my last concert before going home. | wanted to tell my friends I had to leave the Earthkeepers, but I still hadn't found the right moment, I'd have to tell them tonight that I was leaving and would never see them again. The time came to start playing. I played the guitar and sang. The song was a quiet one in Kinyarwanda, the main language of Rwanda, though lots of us speak French, English and Swahili too. Everyone clapped at the end. “Murakoze} I said, which means thank you. I looked at the other musicians and we smiled at each other. ‘The next song was much faster and I sang in English. The audience loved it and everyone got up to dance. Near the end of the song, I saw Jakinda, Nadia and Austin. They were all dancing, having a great time. When the song ended, I saw Arash. He was sitting by himself at a table on the boat. He waved at me and gave the thumbs up to tell me he was happy. ‘The rest of the evening I played and sang better than I'd ever done in my life. Some of the songs were in English, others in Kinyarwanda. ‘The night was warm, Wewere in agreat place by the river inthe centre of Berlin, and it was full of happy people. At the end of the concert, the DJ from the radio station came up to me to shake my hand. “That was great; he said, ‘ll keep playing your music. It’s perfect dance music for the summer. I'll email you when you get back to Rwanda; he said, ‘Life doesn’t get better than this; I thought, after he left. But I was wrong. It does get better... only it had to get worse first. ‘The Farthkeepers I packed up and went over to the boat to talk to my friends. They ‘were all sitting at the table with Arash. They smiled when they saw me and told me how much they loved my music, but I could see something wasn't right, They looked tired. “What's the matter?’ I asked. “We've got something to tell you’ said Austin. ‘So have I; I said. ‘Ihave to leave the Earthkeepers. I'm going back to Rwanda tomorrow! Jakinda looked surprised. ‘Why didn't you tell us?’ she asked. ‘Tcouldn't find the right moment I admitted. We were all so excited by this idea, all working so hard to find new ways to talk to people about the Earth. I didn't want to stop the magic’ ‘Well, you didn't need to worry about that! said Arash, ‘the magic has already stopped. Do you remember Ana Condor asked us to find 2,000 US dollars by tomorrow to help the Pachuia?" "Yes; I said, trying not to laugh at that name, Ana Condor. I often find it hard to take things too seriously. Arash looked at me crossly. ‘This isnt a joke, Claude!” ‘Well, we haven't got it} said Jakinda, ‘not a single dollar of it? Iwas surprised. ‘Didn't you write to those companies?’ I asked, ‘Of course we did; said Arash, still looking cross. ‘While you were off playing your music, the rest of us were working hard to get the money. Ana Condor sentus a message saying there's a big bill arriving ‘on Monday, and without the money, our Earthkeepers adventure will probably end? ‘don't think I like Ana Condor I said. ‘We haven't even met her, bbut she's telling us all what to do. She invites uson an adventure and then tells us it’s going to end before it's even started’ “That's what I thought; said Arash, so I messaged her. I wanted to Elizabeth know more about the Pachiua, and why they wanted us five to help. She said they thought we were the perfect team to get a big audience all around the world? ‘Did you get the photos onto those buildings?" I asked N “Yes, I designed the image; Nadia said, ‘then Arash got some of his hacker network to help! “That was fun} said Arash, smiling for the first time, ‘They used some cinema projectors, you know, the machines for showing films; he explained. ‘We did one in Manchester in England, two in Budapest, another in Paris and three here in Berlin. The pictures looked great, but only about three thousand people shared them. It was a waste of time? Austin was silent, working on his phone, I guessed he was sending ‘messages. Then he stood up and yelled in excitement. “What is it?” we all asked at the same time, “Those pictures with ‘Follow the Earthkeepers’ were only seen by three thousand people, but one of those three thousand was Damian, Smart!’ ‘Damian Smart!?’ I said. I couldn't believe it, Damian Smart was one of the most famous people in the world. A Hollywood actor who had put a lot of his money into solar* and wind power. ‘Damian messaged me to find out more? Austin said, ‘so Itold him ‘what we wanted to do. He loves the idea of the Earthkeepers, and he’s just told me, he'll give us the 2,000 dollars? ‘We're famous''I said. We all started laughing and shouting, ‘Wait! said Austin in his loud voice. It’s not that simple. There’s a but. ‘Follow The Earthkeepers’ shining oll shout solar power way to male elect using ‘hesun The Earthkeep We went quiet. ; “He wants us to travel round the world telling positive* stories. He wants us to go to places where people are finding answers to problems, He wants us to encourage people to change! ‘We could start off with plastic; I said, smiling. 'In my country, we know a lot about plastic? “How can a story about plastic be positive?’ Nadia asked ‘Basy!’ I answered. ‘Rwanda was the first country in the world to use less plastic. The government* decided no one could use plastic bags. That was more than ten years ago. Now they're looking at stopping all types of plastic. I's been amazing. People tell me that Kigali is the cleanest capital city in the world? ‘How much...2" Nadia started to say. ‘Plights are about 500 dollars each; Jakinda said, looking up from her phone. I laughed. ‘But there are five of us, and that makes 2,500 dollars’ said Arash, “We still need 500 dollars? ‘No, we don't I said, with a smile. I have my ticket, remember? So are there four seats on my plane tomorrow?’ asked Jakinda who was busy on her phone. “There are!’ said Jakinda, ‘Shall Ibook them?" “Wait a minute! Is everyone free to come to Kigeli tomorrow’ Nadia had a new job starting, but not until September. Jakinéa had finished her work at Berlin University for the summer. Austin ‘was travelling around the world for six months. ‘And I can do my work anywhere in the world; said Arash, ‘And that, my friends, was how we five ended up in Rwanda. ‘goreramantstoup of people wth power. postive wl heb pt et ae ‘who make decisions for a country 298 geen nok youu pee en ‘puBiu au Buxanp speuutue ano axe 07 Buruto9 predoay ay quem 3Upip oq ‘ave atp anys pue aBleyiA aup apIsUT yoEq IUD aA, nok 789 07 uv 07 [Ry 003 894g -UBINeD S>yS yeUN Foy YAH [ELUTE UB 108 says HOOT uayRa snf's.ays, epUPfer paywadaa ‘noqe A130% 07 FUN -feave und 04 partrem ay 31 se payoo] oy ‘uNsny pres ginoge A110M 01 SUTTON, jou ayfits mnoqe As10m 07 SuIIpoU says, ‘pres 1 /predoa] ueoIAyY UY, Supuyod ois ays aayAA 99N2 BY CTU! payoo| YsBIy PUB epUPYEr ‘uNSNY “UpEN pres jczeu SaeUM, “yy 998 01 sputay Aw yoo J [Bau sno saxyy woHRTy Jo a2ed StI IO. eteordh say woeoe we 9axy aytanoney Au s} aT¥A ax W103] 30] ION “oftreur yo s}0] pure ‘,u109 yim oyBIOd JoIMs PEY OM, “Apwas jwaur 8 sem aay woos ‘sroUsta Burany sano] Aturey Ay “UROLITY 30 Ajawapp 21am oyan ‘spuatiy ino} pue au 99s 07 azam Kay pastadans ‘Noy auiBeur nok ues os auoyd ® axBy 2uop siuaredpuess AW ap a0y9q snoy Ue Inoge padlsze puR snqUNU e YALA JaaLyp B Puno} 21 “TeBNY aprsino sqqy ayp Wt “epuremy ouo!pen axoUL‘Yapjo ays ads 07 Warp parte 130g ‘Kao yeaa v Sy YORE TEBE UI papue| am Lays UOOUIOATE SEA IT aay epee aut predoajesasoy, Iyaqiag yreqezy ‘Chapter Four Where's Arash? ®s Being in Rwanda with my new friends was so unexpected. I loved plastic ones. ‘showing them where I had grown up, but we were here for a reason ~ ‘we had to tell the world about the great things my country was doing ‘tose less plastic, If Rwanda could do it, then so could other countries. ‘There are signs everywhere when you arrive at Kigali airport. They ‘tel you not to use plastic bags. Nadia took photos of the signs, then she posted them on Twitter and Snapchat. Austin and Jakinda also ‘took photos and used them for Instagram and Facebook posts. Arash made sure the right words were put into the world’s search engines so that our Earthkeeper message would get seen by more people. Austin was in contact with Damian Smart. “When you're ready to go? Damian wrote to us, ‘let me know and Til tweet about what you're doing, Eight million people follow me on ‘Twitter, so that should help yout” In the meantime’, I found the Rwandan people we needed to speak to. went with Austin to help him make his first vlog We drove into Kigali to meet a young clothes designer, David Nkurunziza, who ‘uses Rwandan styles and designs in cool new ways. My dream is that ‘one day he'll design the clothes for my world tour! ‘Austin and David talked, while I did the filming, Inthe meantime dusing the ire before something happens logs short vdeo oc Fim made forthe inverat which usualy includes epinins and ideas fhe person making the fen ‘The Eerthkeepers ‘What happened when the government told everyone to stop using plastic bags?’ Austin asked David. ‘twas difficult to stop using them at first; David replied, ‘but it’s easier now. Other countries are following Rwanda, and we're proud of what we've done? David told us his newest clothes collection was made with cotton. “Many clothes today inclucle at least some plestic; David explained. ‘When you wash these clothes in your washing machine, bits of that. plastic come off. These are so tiny you can't even see them. They leave your home with the water from the weshing machine*, and eventually* go into the ocean, and into the fish we eat. Cotton is natural, and it doesn't damage fish and other wildlife’? ‘When we got back from seeing David, I tolé Eco Warrior Jakinda about plastic in clothes. She went off to find out more about how our clothes are made. Austin sent our first vlog to Damian Smart. He loved it. He tweeted about it and our audience started to get bigger. That night, Damian was on an American talk show, talking about a new film he was in. ‘The interviewer* asked him about other things he was doing in his life, and he talked about us! Now The Earthkeepers were famous. Every day fora week we posted a new blog and a new vlog, and lots of tweets about Rwanda and their fight against plastic. We took new photos to post on Instagram and Snapchat. Then one day, I got a call that I didn’t expect. ‘Hello, Claude, My name is Hlina and I work for the Rwandan government. We want to talk to you about your plastic project*, We have some news we think you'll want to hear? ashing machine what youusetowash your Interviewer the parton whoasks aquest other ‘uestone on ata show ‘vantualy inthe end Project something tht aly panned to villf rma fh od beds thet ve aay reach goa! Fromhumans (not pet) a Elizabeth Ferretti ‘And that was how we found ourselves in the government offices in Kigali talking to important people about plastic. “We aren't only stopping plastic bags’ Tlina told us. ‘We have big plans. We want to become the world’s first plastic-free country? ‘This was such great news, ‘If Rwanda can do this; I said, ‘then so can everyone!” We came out of the offices into the centre of Kigali. It was a beautiful day, warm and sunny. We were happy. People all over the world were reading our stories about Rwanda, Damian Smart was a big name. Journalists phoned us to find out about The Earthkeepers. ‘We were in the newspapers in seven countries, “We're doing brilliantly; said Arash. “Yes, we are} said Nadia. ‘I have to admit, I didn’t expect us to do so well? Nadia was great, she worked hard and had good ideas, but she was never completely happy with anything we did! But I heard worry in Arash’s voice. ‘There's a problem, right? I said. “Yes, we're in Kigali and have no way of getting out unless we ask Damian Smart for more mopey. We only had enough money for four one-way flights, and some spending money while we were here? Arash said. laughed when I heard that. It was such an obvious problem. “Why didn’t we think of that?" I asked. “We were excited about helping The Earthkeepers’ said Jakinda, ‘and busy on social media, writing blogs, filming vlogs. We didn't give ourselves time to think? ‘And we want to get your grandparents a small present to say thank you; said Nadia with a smile. She seemed more relaxed after a ‘week in Rwanda. ‘The Earthkeepers “What do you think, Austin?’I said, turning to my American friend, but he wasn't listening, He was looking at something on the other side of the road. “Quick, let's go in here; Austin said, quietly. He opened the door to the Storyteller’s Café we were walking past, ‘Look relaxed... not too obvious, he added. ‘OK: I said. My heart was beating fast. I remembered that strange man I'd walked into in Berlin, We went into the café, which was filled with books, and through to the yard at the back. ‘What's the problem, Austin?" said Arash after we sat at a table by a palm tree, It was good to be in the shade, and I was happy to get something to eat, I was hungry! Arash tried to sound relaxed but it was clear he was worried. ‘Isaw someone; Austin said, ‘on the other side of the street. He was watching us’ Austin turned to me,'T think he might be that man who followed us in Berlin, Claude. Remind me what he looked like? “He was the same height as me, a white man in his forties, wearing a T-shirt and jeans, and he had green eyes, ended. ‘I didn't see his eyes, he was too far away, but a white man in his forties was definitely watching us? What did this mean? What did he want with us? ‘So, now we have two problems! We're stuc in Rwanda and we've got someone following us; I said, trying not to smile. I admit, I was feeling excited. We were back in the middle of an adventure. ‘Which one do we try to solve first?’ T asked But that decision was taken outof ourhands.Loud voices suddenly came from inside the café, A woman's voice, then a man, followed by another man. I wanted to go into the café to take a look, but Arash put hishand on my arm to stop me. Elizabeth Ferretti ‘Then Arash smiled, pulled his hoodie over his head, stood up and went quickly and silently out of the yard, and... disappeared. Just as Arash left, the café owner came into the yard looking upset. ‘She came straight over to us.‘Are you guys in trouble?’ she asked usin English, seeing that my friends were not Rwandans. ‘No!’ we all said at the same time. ‘Simbiyumva; I said to her in Kinyarwanda, our native language. It means I don't understand. ‘Ikibazo ni ikihe? What's the problem?” ‘A foreign man came in after you' she said. ‘He asked for the bathroom in English but he was looking around at all the tables. I didn't trust him so I called my husband. My husband asked him if there was a problem. The man said he was looking for a young Rwandan with four friends? ‘What?'I said. My friends looked at me. They wanted to know whet was happening, so I told them whet the lady had said in English. "My husband told the man you bought an orange juice and left! the café owner said, in English this time. “Thank you; I said to her, to you and your husband? My heart was beating with excitement, but then I saw Nadia’s face. She looked so worried, and Austin and Jakinda were quiet. Arash was gone and this was my country. I had to take control of the situation. ‘OK; Isaid, follow me. We can leave the back way, and try not to get seen, Arash will find us, Tadded, as we left the yard. But the truth was, Twasn’t sure Arash would find us. Twas worried he was in danger! ‘That evening was one of the longest of my life. We walked quietly through the streets checking no one was following us, but we only saw people shopping or going home for dinner. We took a taxi to my grandparents’ house. I half expected to find ‘The Rarthkeepers Arashi there, but of course he wasn't, We ate without talking much. I told Grandma we were tired. ‘The problem was we didn't know how to find the money we needed, and most of all, we were worried about Arash. When we were alone by the fire under a sky full of stars, Nadia said, ‘Why didn't ‘Arash say where he was going” ‘Hasn't he answered our messages?’ I asked. Jakinda shook her head. In the morning, I went to Arash’s room. He hadn't slept in his bed. Iwent to make coffee. At that moment, there was a loud shout. It was Austin, ‘What's happened?’ I asked, as I ran into his room. ‘Pack your bags” Austin said. “Where are we going?’ asked Jakinda, who was at the door, with Nadia close behind. ‘We're going to South Africa to save rhinoceros“! said Austin. “There are five tickets for us at the airport. We leave this afternoon!” ‘The next minutes were crazy as we got ready to leave, while Aus told us about Sarah, the wildlife vet we were going to meet near Cape ‘Town. I went into Arash's room and packed his things. At the last minute, I got my guitar. Music would help us, I thought, whatever happened. On the way to the airport, Nadia, Jakinda and Austin chatted excitedly, but I just stared out of the window. I was sure I'd never see Arash again. ‘We got on the plane, Where was Arash? Then, I saw him running onto the plane and towards me. ‘Arash’ I said, I thought you were lost forever!" shinoceros se ctr page? theres 2 thnoceros with br baby rico Cape Town ie the oldest and second ingest yin South aca, Elizabeth Ferretti ‘Sarah, the wllife vt, shows Claude and his frends "thinacers atthe Amgknle Reserv in South Afi. Arash laughed and sat next to me. He pulled his hoodie over his face, and went to sleep. We landed in Cape Townin the dark. Sarah Steyn, the vet who had paid for our tickets to South Africa, picked us up in a big truck. We drove through the night. Itwas getting light when we got to Amakhala, Sarah's wildlife reserve®, “We need to check on a baby rhino. She was only born two days ‘ago; Sarah said. ‘I'l take you up to the house later. Is that OK?” ‘We were tired, but seeing such a young rhino would be exciting. ‘Of course; said Jakinda, She was sitting in the front seat and had ‘her Eco Warrior T-shirt on again. ‘I've never seen rhino outside a 200, ‘and a baby rhino will be extra special’ Sarah looked at Jakinda’ T-shirt and smiled. ‘Can you help me find the baby rhino?” So we drove through the Amakhala Reserve, ‘There!’ said Jakinda, after a few minutes, ‘Over there!” Walking slowly out of the trees was a rhinoceros and her baby. Sarah stopped the truck and we watched them. It was amazing, We looked at them as visitors, but Sarah was watching them as a vet. “The baby looks healthy; Sarah told us, ‘really well! ‘The mother and baby walked away, then a new rhinoceros arrived. She looked terrible. Her face looked so wrong! “Where's her horn?’ asked Austin. “That; said Sarah, ‘is why you're here? @ reserve large prewher wild animale can thorn hs grows on the ron of arin hesd lie safely tourists ten go toreservestosee (oe picture page. 7) lone slephants et ‘Chapter Five ‘T could believe anything right now!’ 5)6 We artived in South Africa not sure what to expect. All we knew was ‘that Sarah Steyn, a vet who worked with wild animals, wanted to talk ‘to us about rhinoceros. ‘We took pictures and filmed the mother and baby rhino, and the sthino without a horn. Then Sarah drove us to her house. It was on a hill looking over the whole Amakhala Reserve. I was happy to get out of the truck after hours on a plane and in the car. ‘Sarah took us to a small holiday house she used for tourists. “You can stay here for a couple of days; said Sarah. The next group of tourists won'tbe here until the weekend, Have a rest, then come to the house, and we'll talk? found the nearest bed, lay down and went straight to sleep. When I woke up, the place was quiet. I thought I was alone until I found ‘Arash on a sofa in the main room. He was working at his computer. “Ah Claude! You're awake at last!” he said. ‘'ve never met anyone who can sleeo like you. The others were so noisy when they went off with Sarah, but you didn't even move? laughed. “Where heve they gone?’ I asked, ‘And... «..where did I go yesterday? Arash shut his computer and looked upatme. “Yes! Where were you? I was worried you were in danger! The Earthkeepers Tsounded cross. ‘Vm notin danger, the rhino are’ said Arash ‘Their horns are worth 2 lot of money because people believe the hon is a medicine. People ccut them off and sell them, It makes them rich’ ‘I know all about that, I said. ‘What's that got to do with The Barthkeepers?” ‘Do you know how many people are following us now?" didn't. ‘Millions! And they come from every country in the world. Sarah has asked us here ty (ell them what's happening to the rhino, and above all, to show them we can win the battle to save them? “That's great of course; I said, and I meantit.'d never forget seeing that baby rhino on the reserve. But where did you go?” Arash looked serious. We're the Earthkeepers, right? We're telling. the world about all the great things people are doing to protect the Earth, and the animals and plants we share it with? “Yes, and what's wrong with that?’ I asked. couldn't see what he was trying to say. ‘Sometimes Claude, I think you're too good for this world! said ‘Arash. I thought he'd laugh at me as he usually did, but he didn't. He looked so serious. ‘Ineed to tell you something, but I don't want to tell the others; he said. 'I don’t want them to stop the great work they're doing on social ‘media. That's what makes our work so important, but, and he put his hand on the sofa telling me to sit next to him, it’s also making us some enemies! he said, more quietly “What do you mean?" I asked. 'm not as silly as Arash thinks, I know there are bad people in the world but back then, I just didn’t understand what they had to do with us, Some people Say eat theres nother a7 year we (re trae rmuc se wedonom Rhinohore ismesty sald between ‘Akio and ‘asin Apart frombeing swsedte mace tradtions! imedenes, theres now hnewmare for eodkless| andornedets re from ‘iow hor, Elizabeth Ferretti “We're trying to get people to use less plastic. Plastic is made from ol got from under the ground or the sea, right? If we do that, the ‘world won't need so much oil. Some oil companies don't want that ‘because it'll hit their business! “| understand? I said. ‘They don’t want us to talk about plastic ‘or how to use less of it. And we're also annoying the people making money out of rhino horn?" “Yes, and they're well organised, and can be unpleasant? “Oh, Isee*? I sald. I satin silence. I didn’t know what to say. ‘Are we really in danger, then?” I said at last. ‘Not yet; said Arash, “What about that man who followed us in Berlin and found us in Rwanda? L asked. “Arash smiled. Now, this is where it gets interesting’ he said. That's Patrick. He was sent by Ana Condor to keep an eye on us! ‘Ana Condor! But I thought he was one of the bad guys!’I said. ‘He came into the Storyteller’s café in Kigali to let us know he was neat. After I left you, | followed him. He told me later that's what he hoped I'd do. | met him in a secret place, a flat owned by a woman called Nana, she’s someone Ana knows. Patrick told me everything Pve just said toyou! “And you stayed a: Nana’ flat until we saw you on the plane} I said. “Yes} Arash answered. ‘I messaged my hacker friends to see what 1 could find out. The good news is I think we're safe for now, but we have to be careful. I dont like keeping secrets from Nadia, Jakinda and ‘Austin, but {don't want the bad guys to know that we know about them! “OK; I said. ‘So what's next?” ‘Austin is going ta come in here in about 30 seconds with some awe (pre) wnerstand The Earthkeepers news’ Arash said with that smile that started at the sides of his mouth. He's going to tell us we're going to Costa Rica!” ‘At that moment, the front door opened, and in walked Austin, Nadia and Jakinda, ‘Claude! You're awake!" Austin said, giving me a friendly smile. “Guess what?” ‘We're going somewhere?’ said, looking at Arash. “Yeah! We're invited to Costa Rica. Costa Rica is amazing’ Austin said, “They make their electricity from solar and wind power, but mostly from water power! ‘Tm s0 excited; said Jakinda, ‘we're going to my continent next? ‘And... said Nadia, with a big smile, ‘people all over the world are watching our films about the rhinos, Jakinda and Austin have spoken to about ten journalists already today!” ‘That night Sarah invited us to her house to have a meal with her farnily. ‘Tdon't know how to thank you guys; said Sarah. ‘I'm giving 2 talk about saving rhinos at the UN* next week in Washington. The whole ‘world is listening now, thanks to you. I'm going to start my talk with the film you and Jakinda made this morning? “Wow! said Austin. ‘Our film's going to the UN! Can you believe th “think I could believe anything right now; I said. Everyone was so excited that evening, even Arash was talking fast and loud. He was good at hiding his real thoughts. I wasn't. decided to get my music to help. After dinner, I got my guitar and started to play some songs we all knew. Everyone was singing, and that was great, Only I knew that I was hiding behind my music. In truth, | thought we were going straight into danger. LUN (United Nation) intemationa organisation ofa cours on Each The UN helps counts to work together On top af he dom in Costa Ries Next morning, we had to get up at 5 a.m. Sarah drove us to Cape ‘Town and we got our next flight. The flight was nearly 18 hours, the longest I've ever done. I watched about three movies, read « magazine and then I slept. When we got to the airport, two people were waiting for us. The first was Carlos Manuel, from the Costa Rican government. The second was a German engineer, called Maria Forche, who worked for a big power company that used water to make electricity. This company paid for our trip to Costa Rica. When we thanked her, Maria said, ‘It really is our pleasure. Well show you the work we're doing, You can tell the world and we'll get more business. We help you and you help us; she said. From San Jose airport we got into helicopter and flew for another hour to a big lake with a huge wall that was holding the water in the lake. It looked amazing from the air. “That huge wall is called a dam*? Maria Forche explained. ‘We let the water out of the lake, it turns machines inside the dam, and that makes the electricity? "The helicopter landed. Then Carlos and Maria took us on a tour inside the dam, Jakinda, Austin and I made another film, This time I even talked in front of the camera. I watched Arash, but he seemed relaxed. ‘The best part was when we went outon to the top of the dam. It was ‘ou could feel the power of the water pushing through from the lake behind, We included all of that on our film. It was s0 cool. ‘{d like to use some of your music in the film, Claude; said Nadia. ‘I think itd be perfect!” “That way the world will hear my music!'I said, and I laughed, dam wall but atone end of lake to hold roe nde teak ‘Claudeandhis rind ace running away from ‘ove strange mer in Cusco siprt, Pra ‘It's good to hear you laugh again; said Jakinda. ‘You were getting too serious!” ‘That evening, back in San Jose, we got a message from Damian ‘Smart. ‘austin told me about Ana Condor and the Pachiua tribe; he wrote. ‘Uthinic you need to meet them, don't you? You're going ta Peru! Pick up your tickets at the airport? ‘We had two more days in Costa Rica, meetinggreat people, hearing. about government plans to get all of their power from solar, wind and water.,They even wanted to make all the cars on their roads eleetric. The radio DJ from Berlin emailed me. A famous Austrian DJ wanted to use one of my songs in some music he was writing. He wanted to pay me, was thet OK? Was that OK!? I was so happy I started to dance Arash and I didn't speak again about the bad guys, or about Patrick. I thought maybe the danger had passed. We were going to Peru to meet the Pachiua and Ana Condor. I wes excited. We had no problems in Costa Rica, I didn't think we'd have problems in Peru. How could I have known what would happen next? ‘That night we flew from San Jose to Cuzco in Peru, but when we came out of the arrivals gate the next day, we saw two men with dark glasses watching us. As we walked through the airport, they started to follow us.They didn't even try to hide! ‘Let's find a policeman} said Arash, ‘Tl tell him I've lost my passport. We'll goto the police station and well be safe, Now runt I'll explain later’ ‘We didn't wait, we just ran... straight into the nearest policeman. (@ 56 Chaptor Six Trouble in Cuzco ©7 Arash had a plan. There were two men in dark glasses waiting for us at Cuzco airport. We could escape them by going to the nearest police station, We'd tell the police Arash had lost his passport. T wasn't happy. I thought we might be in more trouble if we did this, but I said nothing, Arash seemed sure it was right, and, to be honest, I didn't know what else we could do. All five of us ran towards the first policeman we saw in the airport. Before I could ask the question, ‘which of us speaks Spanish?” “Hola said Austin, and he started speaking to the policeman in perfect Spanish! ‘The policeman listened. Then when Austin stopped he looked at Arash. “You must come with me? the policeman said in English. ‘We'll ‘write a report®, Then we'll call the German government office in Cuzco? He spoke into his radio and then asked usto follow him. I looked for the two men in dark glasses, but I couldr’t see them anywhere. And that, my friends, was how we found ourselves in a smi police office at Cuzco airport, in the south-east of Peru, with two policemen. ‘I'm cold; said Nadia quietly, while we waited. report wing in deta about something that has hoppered The Earthkeepers ‘We're quite high up in the Andes? said Jakinda, reading from her phone, ‘About 3,400 metres. After Costa Rica it feels cold!" twas great to be away from those scary men, but these policemen weren't friendly. The phone rangand the first policeman picked it up. He didn’t say much, just listened and at the end said ‘OK. Adios’ and put the phone down, “Yout’ he said to Arash. ‘Come with me. We need to take your fingerprints*, We have to check you aren't 2 criminal’ He came over and took Arash’s arm. Arash looked at me with wide eyes. This wasn't part of his plan. He wanted me to do something. The first policeman took Arash out of the room. The second one watched us carefully. | tried to look relaxed. 1 looked at my watch, Then I said to the others: ‘'m excited about our trip to see the condors this afternoon, but I want to tell our guide, Ana, that we'll be late! Jakinda end Austin looked surprised, but Nadia understood. ‘Austin, can you ask this nice man if we ean call our guide? Claude wants to tell Ana we'll be late! Austin smiled. Now, he understood. He spoke to the policeman. ‘Si, the man said at the end. know enough Spanish to understand that means yes"! Austin gave me his phone. I called the only person who could help us ~ Ana Condor. “Hi Ana; I said, trying to sound calm, ‘It’s Claude. We're going to be late for the tour this afternoon’ ‘Oh...’ said Ana quietly. L..see... Where are you..." ‘We're at Cuzco airport police station. Arash can't find his passport. ‘They've taken him to get his fingerprints done? Fingerprints e@ From earth trout, The Anos Mountains sgetheough evan Seuth ‘American Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Per, Batwa, Chilo nd Argentina Elizabeth Ferretti “Oh; Ana said again. It was funny to hear Ane's voice for the first time, but now wasn't a good time for me to laugh. ‘Listen; she said. "Stay where you are. We'll come and get you!” Thad to think fast. The policeman was looking at me. OK; I said. ‘We'll see you tomorrow. Thanks. Bye!" I gave the phone back to Austin. ‘Don't worry’ I said. ‘Ana says everything wil be fine. We can go to see the condors tomorrow? "Good work, Claude! said Austin. You're brilliant! I smiled. At that ‘moment, we heard Arash talking loudly in English from another room. ‘I remember where I put my passport! he shouted. ‘I gave it to Nadia to look after when I got a coffee at the airport!” Nadia thought fast. ‘Oh yes! How stupid of me to forget!” She took her bag and opened it. At the top was a passport. She picked it up. (On the front was written ‘Reisepass, the German for passport. Arash must have put it in there before we got to the police station ‘Austin told the other policeman we had Arash's passport. He went, to get Arash. The first policeman looked cross because now we were wasting his time. “Im very sorry; said Arash. At that moment, the door into the airport opened. A Peruvian man in his thirties came in and spoke to the two policemen in Spanish. 1 couldn't understand. I looked at Austin, but before Austin could tell me anything, the man turned tous. ‘Hello, Earthkeepers? he said, in English, with a friendly smile. T've come to take you to meet the condor: My friends and I looked at each other. Did he mean Ana? We didn't know who to trust anymore! The man saw that. ‘Of course, how stupid of me!” he said. ‘Your friend Patrick is waiting for you. He says it’s been a long time since he saw you at ‘Nana's flat. He wants to come and see the condor with you’ The Rarthkeepers Only Arash, Patrick and knew they'd met at Nanals flat “Who's Patrick?" asked Jakinda. 1 knew Nadia, Jakinda and Austin trusted me. ‘He's friend I said, ‘Come on! ‘OK: said Austin. ‘We'll come, but only because we trust you, Claude’ He didn't look happy. Arash said sorry to the policemen again about five times, and we left the airport b Avan with black windows was parked outside. The Peruvian man ‘opened the door for us and we got in, then he went to the front and got into the driver's seat. There were two people inside ~ a man and ‘young woman. I knew who the man was! He was the one I'd walked into in Berlin, the one who'd followed us to Rwanda, but I didn't know who the woman was, ‘Hi guys’ he said. ‘I'm Patrick. I'm a friend of Ana's. ‘And 1! said the woman, ‘am Ana Condor’ Ana Condor! We looked at Patrick and Ano, and for at least minute no one spoke. Then the van started, and suddenly we had a hundred questions. Ana and Patrick told us about the bad guys. ‘That was why they'd sent Patrick to look after us. Nadia, Jakinda and Austin were angry we hadn't told them about Patrick. ‘Arash and [ thought it was the right thing to do at the time I said. ‘We didn’t want you to worry? ‘OK; said Jakinda, ‘but no more secrets!" ‘Ym a hacker} said Arash, ‘and hackers live in a world of secrets, Maybe I need to relax more? ‘That was the funniest thing I'd heard all day. I started to laugh. ‘I look forward to that!'I said, Arash looked embarrassed, but he smiled. ‘I guess this journey is changing us all in surprising ways’ he said, He was right. I looked at Nadia. She was so different from the | orate aceasta teeta eieteoee meatal Blizabeth Ferretti person wed met in Berlin, who only saw the bad in everything, Jakinda and Austin didn’t need to be the best or the fastest or the cleverest now. And me? I thought back to when I'd arrived in Berlin. Arash had said I didn't know the real world. 'd certainly seen a lot of the real world since then! ‘So, Ana, I still couldn't believe it was really her, ‘where are we going now?’ though I already knew the answer. “We're going to the rainforest on the other side of the mountains. To the Manu National Park, the home of the Pachuia. They're the people who sent you on this journey; she said. “They've asked if you can do one more thing for them! “Tell us more’ I said. “The Peruvian government wants to build a road through the rainforest. If] look at this through their eyes, l understand. They want to link two big towns that are on each side of the forest, But if you Took through the eyes of the Pachuia, this road will change the forest forever. It's their home, and the home of so many animals, birds and plants,’They want it to bea special place, where people, and their ears and lorries can't go’ ‘Ana had a strange way of talking about looking through people's eyes. “What can we do to help? asked Jakinda, “The government members are going to make their decision soon. We want the eyes of the world to be on them so they make the right decision for the future of the rainforest. You can help us do that! “We've got a long journey, so we have time to work on a plan; said Patrick. But we're also going up into the Andes. We're hoping to show you the condor for real!” ‘The Earthkeepers ‘See, I told you we were going to see condor’ Isaid witha big smile. ‘The others laughed. We drove across the Andes and talked about the best way to tell tthe story of the Pachuia and the rainforest. “The problem is how to send the story out! said Nadia. ‘We've got nno internet! “We have a special truck in the village with a powerful link to the ‘internet. It can send your films around the world? said Ana, ‘The Andes were incredible I'd never seen such beautiful mountains. Once, we stopped to watch the condor flying over a valley. ‘Then we came down the mountains and arrived at a village on the ‘edge of the Manu National Park. ‘Are the Pachuia here?’ I asked. ‘No. They don't come out of the rainforest; said Ana. ‘So, will we meet them? asked Nadia. “Maybe? Ana said. She wouldn't say any more about the Pachuia, ‘even though we asked her. These people were still a mystery. ‘We slept in a hostel, and in the morning, a truck took us to the start ‘of the government's road. It didn't look too bad, there were still trees ‘around it, but I saw why the Pachuia were worried. If « road was built, then more people would come and maybe they'd build new towns and villages. Austin and I madea film, andJakinda talked abouttthe incredible ‘wildlife in this part of the rainforest. There were colourful birds, called. parrots, and we sew noisy monkeys jumping through the trees. “There are big cats called jaguars hiding in the forest} said Ana. “We might see one, but they're shy? Abit like the Pachuia, { thought. Incredible exrordnary. wonder hostel atowcost place to seep where you ‘eet a bed ard share abigroom ath other rople 6 Thishuge pork goes From 180 te 420m above fcalevel ods ome te many sdiferrt types ‘fplants ds nd animal, Elizabeth Ferretti ‘We worked hard all that day learning about the rainforest. We talked to Ana and Patrick about how to be positive about telling this story. We wanted the government to change its mind, we didn't want them to become our enemies. Arash spent a lot of time on his computer, He wanted to find out more about the men whowere following us. When Austin and I finished our vlog, J nda filmed the parrots flying above our heads. Then we went back to the village, Nadia sent everything out, and we waited. Austin and Nadia checked how many people were watching our vlogs and posts. “We're getting about 6 to 7 million views; said Austin. ‘People love the parrots and monk ‘T'm waiting for Damien Smart to pick up our story; said Nedia, “Then, we'll have millions of people following the story on Twitter too! ‘Tm so tired; said Jakinda, We've travelled for days, and we've not stopped working!” ‘Tknow; Nadia said, ‘but itl be worth it? Next day Jakinda, Nadia, Austin and I made more films, Journalists called us from all around the world, Arash worked on his computer, and wouldn't tell us what he was doing, Atthe end of the day, he came over with that strange smile of his. ‘I've had an idea’ he ssid. ‘I've spent the day seeing if i's possible todoit? ‘Goon.,1s “Those two towns can te linked, but without a road! ‘Then he told us his plan. “The government can use the path they made through the forest to put ina powerful internet line between the two towns. Then everyone in these towns can work together, and with the rest of the world? 66 Elizabeth Ferretti With the internet, the people in the towns would meke money in new ways, and because there'd be no road, the forest would be safe. Arash was brilliant, Austin sent a message to Damian Smart telling him Arash’s idea. ‘Thatnight, there was shout from Austin. We ran tohis room,even ‘Ana and Patrick, He was jumping around the room and shouting. We couldn't understand what he was saying. ‘Arash took the phone from him and read Damian's message out loud to us. ‘They've invited me to a meeting with the Peruvian government. ‘Pve found some businesses that'll pay for your new internet link, With millions of people following this story around the world, it's good advertising for everyone. Well done! I think you've done it! 1 couldn't believe it. We all started shouting and singing and jumping. ‘We spent the restof the night talking, we were too excited to sleep. ‘Iwonder where The Earthkeepers will go next?" said Nadia, as it ‘was getting light. We didn’t have long to wait to find out. After breakfast, Ana was called away from the hostel. When she came back she had news. The Pachuia have invited us to meet them; she said. ‘I've found us two boats that'll take us up the river to their home. We leave in an hour! don’t think I'd ever fett happier in my life. «a Fo Plastic - Rwanda Leads the Way Randa was the ist country inthe word to ban plastic bags in 2008. This includes stopping plastic bags for shopping. Mary other countries in the world are row following Rwende, bt nt many of them are doing as much as Rwanda about the problem of plastic In fact, Rwanda wants to stop al single J) se plastics - plastics that you only use once aay and throw away ~ in the next few years! Coe {in Rvanda, shopping comes home in paper bags, Vegetables and fruit are sold without plastic - you take them home in those paper bags. OF course, shopping without plastic isnt abvays easy. Plastic bags are bigger and stronger than paper bag, so without them you cant cary as much, Meat and fish ae wet, and can stickto paper. The solution? You can wash the meat or fish when you get home, then putitin glass to store in the Fidge ~ In Rwanda, you can use plastic in hospitals to keep medicines and equipment clean and safe to use, and in hotels where food can be wrapped in plastic film, Food companies can use plastic { to put food in to sall to people, but only if they collec ll the plastic, and Find ways to recycle. retary Plastic has been a big part of ourlives ance the late 505. Now, around the world, we make 300 milion tonnes of plastic every year -half ofthat s for single use. Eight milion tonnes of those 300 milfon tonnes end up in our seas and oceans every year. This plastics eaten by whales and seo birds, for ‘example. It stays in their stomachs and over time it fils them up so they donit have room for Food. So much plasticis used only once. For exarole, paper cups ‘are used in many counties to take hot drinks away from coffee shops ~ but these have plastic in ther, What can we do ta help? We can buy a'keep cup’ ~a cup that you can keep land use again and again. In the UK, if you take your keep cup toa café for take-away coffee your coffees cheaper. Get 3 Keep cup and use less plastic and save money] Plastic is big problem, but lots of people are working hard to find ways to help. Many poople are changing the way they live and that can be exiting too. New. ideas come from big problems! Task ‘Write down three ways you can use less plastic. Decency Pca En Pore mers: oe peene erect ee ree Life Without Plastic Its hard to imagine our world withour plastic. ts sucha useful thing. It keeps medicines and food clean and ‘safe for us to use. Is in computers, ‘mobile phones, cars and buses. IF ‘you look around the room where you ‘are, therel be plastic somewhere, or thy to think about what you've done today, and howmany times youve used plastic. De we naed to stop tsng plastic completely, ois there 2 different way 0 stop the plastic problem? right now, but there’ good news, We Ee eC a ee eet eee ed plastic in the cts to ty and stop New Types of Plastic As usual, when a problem is discovered, someone, somewhere will Find a way to help stop the problem. People have developed new types of plastic. These ae often made from plants sich as potatoes, and not from fl, This means that they can return to the earth safely, We can also choose to use more paper and cardboard instead of plastic. For naw, these tes of plastic ae more expensive, but ne day, perhaps, no plastic will be mace from ol Saving the Rhino Africa is famous for its wildlife. In fact. for many countries in Arica, wildlife tourism is an important way For people to eaen money. In South ‘Africa, tourists love visting wildife reserves to see lions, eephants and thins, as wells other arimals, The problems that in South Africa, ike almost every country in the word human beings are taking the land that these animals need. We've using the land for farming and to live cn. but some aninals ae in danger for other reasons too. Rhino Vets Rhino Horn In some parts of the world. people believe that rhino hom ean help stop swious diseases, Fyou use it as ‘a medicine. This means that rhino thom can be sold for alot of money. In fect,thino horns one ofthe most ‘expansive things on the planet. 3ut thine hor is’ special. t's made of keratin =the same thing that ourhair and fingernails are made of. Thi is bad forthe people wha think the hom is helping them, because they spend their money and don't get better, but its wore for rhino Rhinos ae disappearing fst. They often die when their hors are cut off, but there’s good news too, There are some special ‘eis in South Africa wiv help thinos, These vets ke Sarah Steymin this story find ways to keep the rhinos alive, and also Tock at riew ways to seve them. Scientists have found a way to make rhino hom pink which doesn’t hurt the rhino. A rhino with a pink hom might look strange but the important thing is pink thino horn can't be sold as medicine. Water, Wind and Sun - Making Clean Power Why is this problem? Anocuckera Less ice in countries like Iceland Clean Electricity and Greenland, or our mountains, means more water in the sea Many cities on our planet are built close to the sea or on rivers that go into the sea. IF there's more water in the sea, itl be difficult, and perhaps even dangerous, 19 lve in there cities in the future and people will have to find new places to live. Task Over to you... 1. Does your country use solar, wind, water or geothermal energy? 2. Are electric cars popular where you ive? Why? / Wy noy? 5 Doyou thinkwell be > ae vot? 2 able to stop the warming ofthe planet? Why? | Why Being an Earthkeeper Here's list of 14 things you can do to live on the Earth in a batter way. ‘Which are the easiest for you to do? Number these from 1 (easy) to 14 (rnost difficult), G1 Leave the carat hore ~ use public transport, walk or cycle. Avoid taking a plane. if possible use the train for longer distances. C1 Ifyou need to use a

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