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The new Coronavirus, also known as COVID-19 is believed to be spread by

approaching people with coughs and sneezes. It is said to start with coughing and
having a cold, leads to difficult breathing. You can also become infected with the
virus when you touch your mouth, nose and eyes after touching something with
the virus. There are many ways to protect yourself, your family, and your
community from the virus.
The most effective way is to wash your hands frequently with soap and
water for at least 20 seconds, especially after leaving a public place or after
sneezing, coughing, or sneezing. It is important to avoid people who can infect
and avoid crowded areas to protect yourself and other people. Wear a surgical
mask when rides the public vehicle or stayed in crowded place. Build good
resistance to body and keep healthy lifestyle. It can be achieved through a
balanced diet, regular exercise and enough break. Avoid sharing of personal items
like toothbrush. Keep it good ventilation and frequent cleaning and disinfection,
including kitchen and bathroom. Do not smoke and avoid drinking of alcohol.
Stay home if you are sick, other than getting medical care, cover your cough
and sneeze with a tissue or inside your elbow. Remember to clean and disinfect
things you touch often. Monitor the status of health and seek early medical
attention if the symptoms are formed.
We only have one life so we must take care of it. Above all, let us pray and
trust God for protection from any disease that may come to us.

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