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PEOPLE V. BERIALES of the reinvestigation by the fiscal.

April 7, 1976 | Concepcion Jr., J | G.R. No. L-39962

Section 4, Rule 110 of the Rules of Court requires that all criminal actions
Physical presence of fiscal or proceedings are void either commenced by complaint or by Information shall be prosecuted
under the direction and control of the fiscal. In the trial of criminal cases, it
PETITIONERS: PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES is the duty of the public prosecutor to appear for the government. Once a
RESPONDENTS: RICARDO BERIALES, BENEDICTO CUSTODIO and public prosecutor has been entrusted with the investigation of a case and
PABLITO CUSTODIO has acted thereon by filing the necessary information in court he is by law
duty bound to take charge until its final termination, for under the law he
SUMMARY: assumes full responsibility for his failure or success since he is the one
Before trial, the accused moved for reinvestigation which was granted for more adequately prepared to pursue it to its termination.
their alleged offenses of murder . Before its completion, however, the trial
court relying on the constitutional right of the accused for speedy trial, Although the private prosecutor had previously been authorized by the
finally set the case for hearing, notwithstanding vigorous objections thereto Special Counsel to present evidence for the prosecution, if the City Fiscal
on the part of the accused, on the ground that the City Fiscal had not yet was absent at the hearing, it cannot be said that the prosecution of the
completed the reinvestigation. The City Fiscal through Special Counsel, case was under the control of the City Fiscal. The evidence presented by
then manifested that the private prosecutor be authorized to conduct the the private prosecutor at said hearing may not be considered as evidence
trial in behalf of the prosecution. When the case was called, counsel for for the plaintiff, the People of the Philippines.
the accused reiterated his objection to the trial and requested the court to
wait for the Fiscal who might be able to submit his report on the DOCTRINE:
reinvestigation but the same was turned down. Subsequently, the court Rule 110 Section 5(formerly section 4). - All criminal actions either
ordered for the arraignment of the accused. The latter refused to plead, commenced by complaint or by information shall be prosecuted under the
thus the court on its interpreted it as a plea of not guilty for them and direction and control of a public prosecutor. In case of heavy work
ordered the private prosecutor to commence the presentation of evidence schedule of the public prosecutor or in the event of lack of public
for the prosecution. However, counsel for accused refused to prosecutors, the private prosecutor may be authorized in writing by the
crossexamine the witnesses which refusal was considered as waiver. Chief of the Prosecution Office or the Regional State Prosecutor to
Thereafter, the private prosecutor rested the case, which was then, prosecute the case subject to the approval of the court. Once so
declared submitted for decision. On the date set for the promulgation of authorized to prosecute the criminal action, the private prosecutor shall
the judgment, the accused manifested their disagreement to the continue to prosecute the case up to end of the trial even in the absence of
promulgation of the sentence on the ground that the trial was irregular. a public prosecutor, unless the authority is revoked or otherwise
The court nevertheless proceeded with said promulgation and convicted withdrawn.
the accused of the crime of murder. Appellants appealed invoking due

Is the presence of the City Fiscal needed in a hearing despite having a
1. Is the presence of the City Fiscal needed in a hearing despite having
private prosecutor already present? (Yes)
a private prosecutor aleady present? (Yes)

Yes, the presence of of the City Fiscal needed in a hearing despite having FACTS:
a private prosecutor already present. 1. The case is a appeal from the decision of the Court of First Instance
of Leyte, convicting the accused Ricardo Beriales, Benedicto
The Supreme Court held that since the reinvestigation had not yet been Custodio, and Pablito Custodio of the crime of murder, sentencing
completed there was a possibility for the City Fiscal to change his each one of them to the penalty of reclusion perpetua, and to jointly
conclusion. The trial court thus committed a serious procedural irregularity and severally pay the heirs of Saturnina Gonzales Porcadilla the sum
when it ordered the arraignment and trial of the case before the completion of P12,000.00 and to pay the costs.
2. The co- accused were convicted for the crime of murder for until the City Fiscal shall have submitted the result of the
allegedly, conspiring together, confederating with and mutually reinvestigation to the court, and the court each time ruled that it
helping and aiding one another, with treachery and evident considered such manifestation as a waiver on the part of the
premeditation and with intent to kill, did then and there wilfully, appellants to cross-examine the witnesses.
unlawfully and feloniously attack, assault, strike and stab the person 9. Thereafter, the private prosecutor rested the case for the prosecution
of SATURNINA PORCADILLA, without giving the latter sufficient and the court called for the evidence of the defense. Again,
time to defend herself, thereby inflicting upon the latter mortal appellants' counsel manifested that the appellants were not agreeing
wounds which caused her death. to the trial of the case unless they first received the result of the
3. At the initial hearing, appellants' counsel moved for a reinvestigation reinvestigation conducted by the City Fiscal. Whereupon, the court
of said case, along with two other related cases which the court considered the case submitted for decision and announced the
granted promulgation of the decision on December 17, 1974.
4. At the second hearing, the trial court postponed the hearing of the
case to December 17 and 18, 1974, in view of the City Fiscal's 10. Thus leads to the present Appeal.
motion "for a deferment of the hearing or trial set for December 5 and
6, 1974 until such time the REINVESTIGATION shall have been
terminated for which the result of said reinvestigation will be RULING: WHEREFORE, the decision appealed from is hereby set aside and
submitted to this Honorable Court for its resolution in the premises. the case remanded to the trial court for another arraignment and trial. Costs
5. Upon the third hearing The trial court, however, relying on the de oficio.
mandate of the New Constitution that "All persons shall have the
right to a speedy disposition of their cases before all judicial, quasi- RATIO:
judicial, or administrative bodies" rescheduled the hearing to 1. Yes, the presence of of the City Fiscal needed in a hearing despite
December 13, 1974. Immediately thereafter, Special Counsel having a private prosecutor aleady present
Rosario R. Polines, in representation of the City Fiscal, manifested
that the private prosecutor, Atty. Porcadilla, be authorized to conduct RELEVANT PROVISIONS & CONCEPTS:
the case for the prosecution. 1. Under the Rules of Court, "All criminal actions either commenced by
complaint or by information shall be prosecuted under the direction
6. When the case was called for hearing on December 13, 1974, and control of the fiscal." In the trial of criminal cases, it is the duty of
counsel for the appellant asked the court to wait for the City Fiscal to
the public prosecutor to appear for the government. As stated by this
appear, since the reinvestigation of the case had already been
terminated and the Fiscal, if given a chance, might be able to report Court, "once a public prosecutor has been entrusted with the
on said reinvestigation. The trial court, however, insisted in investigation of a case and has acted thereon by filing the necessary
arraigning the appellants. 15 When arraigned, the three appellants information in court he is by law in duty bound to take charge thereof
declined to plead, saying: "I am not going to answer the question until its final termination, for under the law he assumes full
because the Fiscal is not yet around." Thereupon, the trial court responsibility for his failure or success since he is the one more
entered a plea of "Not Guilty" for each of them. adequately prepared to pursue it to its termination."
7. appellants' counsel again manifested that the City Fiscal was absent
and that they could not go to trial without the fiscal and his report on 2. While there is nothing in the rule of practice and procedure in
the reinvestigation conducted by him. Nonetheless, the trial court, criminal cases which denies the right of the fiscal, in the exercise of a
ordered the presentation of evidence by the private prosecutor since sound discretion, to turn over the active conduct of the trial to a
he had been previously authorized by the City Fiscal to handle the private prosecutor, nevertheless, his duty to direct and control the
case. prosecution of criminal cases requires that he must be present during
8. After the direct examination of the witnesses presented by the private the proceedings. Thus, in the case of People vs. Munar, this Court
prosecutor, the trial court asked the counsel for the defense if he
upheld the right of the private prosecutor therein to conduct the
desired to cross-examine the witnesses. Appellants' counsel,
however, reiterated his manifestation that they would not go to trial examination of the witnesses because the government prosecutors
were present at the hearing; hence, the prosecution of the case
remained under their direct suspension and control.

3. In the present case, although the private prosecutor had previously

been authorized by the special counsel Rosario R. Polines to present
the evidence for the prosecution, nevertheless, in view of the
absence of the City Fiscal at the hearing on December 13, 1974, it
cannot be said that the prosecution of the case was under the control
of the City Fiscal. It follows that the evidence presented by the
private prosecutor at said hearing could not be considered as
evidence for the plaintiff, the People of the Philippines. There was,
therefore, no evidence at all to speak of which could have been the
basis of the decision of the trial court.
4. Moreover, as aptly observed by the Solicitor General, "to permit such
prosecution of a criminal case by the private prosecutor with the
fiscal in absentia can set an obnoxious precedent that can be taken
advantage of by some indolent members of the prosecuting arm of
the government as well as those who are oblivious of their bounden
duty to see to it not only that the guilty should be convicted, but that
the innocent should be acquitted — a duty that can only be
effectively and sincerely performed if they actively participate in the
conduct of the case, especially in the examination of the witnesses
and the presentation of documentary evidence for both parties."

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