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Welcome unit Units 3–5 

Test A 2 Progress test A 30
Test B 4 Progress test B 32

Unit 1  Unit 6 
Test A 6 Test A 34
Test B 8 Test B 36

Unit 2  Unit 7 
Test A 10 Test A 38
Test B 12 Test B 40

Units 1–2  Unit 8

Progress test A 14 Test A 42
Progress test B 16 Test B 44

Unit 3  Units 6–8

Test A 18 Progress test A 46
Test B 20 Progress test B 48

Unit 4  Answer key

Test A 22 Tests A 50
Test B 24 Tests B 56

Unit 5 
Test A 26
Test B 28

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press Steps in English 3 Tests  Contents 1

Welcome unit Test A

Vocabulary 5 Uzupełnij dialog poprawnymi formami

czasowników z ramki w czasie present continuous.
1 Popatrz na obrazki i uzupełnij wyrazy.
do ​finish ​read ​not  have ​play ​watch
1 2 3

Ben Hi, Rosie, it’s Ben. 1 Are you

doing your homework at the
4 5 6 Rosie No, I’m not. I 2 a really
funny film on TV. It’s great!
Ben Oh, my brother 3 a book
in the living room, so I can’t watch TV.
    Rosie 4
1 c a p 4 v computer games?
2 h 5 g Ben Yes, I am, but I 5 fun!
3 t 6 d Do you want to come to the sports
Rosie Yes, OK. This film
now anyway.
2 Zakreśl wyraz, który nie pasuje do pozostałych. 5
1 beach / builder / valley / waterfall
2 hospital / keyboard / saxophone / piano
3 police station / school / theatre / island 6 Przeczytaj tekst i odpowiedz na pytania.
4 white / blue / yellow / chef
This week is my sister Lucy’s first week at her
5 mechanic / waiter / trumpet / actor new school. She’s a bit nervous because she
6 teacher / coat / jeans / trainers doesn’t know many people there. The good
5 thing is that Kim, her best friend, is in her class.
They get on well.
Grammar Lucy loves drama. It’s her favourite hobby, and
she wants to be in the school play. It’s a good
3 Uzupełnij zdania właściwymi formami way to make new friends, too. Her English
czasowników w czasie present simple. teacher, Miss Davies, is organizing the play this
1 John likes (like) fish and chips. year. It’s in December, and they’re starting to
practise for it now. Lucy needs to get a good
2 I (not watch) TV every day.
part in the play because she wants to be an
3 (you / know) Jane? actor when she finishes school!
4 Paul (not play) tennis
1 How does Lucy feel about her new school?
before school.
She’s a bit nervous.
5 Jane (speak) Polish.
2 Does Lucy know many people at the school?
6 (Tim / live) in Oxford?

3 What is the name of Lucy’s best friend?
4 Zakreśl właściwe formy.
1 Caroline are / is listening to her MP3 player. 4 What is Lucy’s favourite hobby?
2 They ’re / isn’t chatting to their friends.
3 I not / ’m not listening to you. 5 What subject does Miss Davies teach?
4 ‘Is Anna coming to the party?’ ‘Yes, she ’s / is.’
5 Dan isn’t / doesn’t reading a book. 6 What job does Lucy want to do?
6 What do / are you doing?
5 5

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press Steps in English 3  Welcome unit  Test A 2

Welcome unit Test A

Speaking Extra
7 Z podanych zdań ułóż dialog. 10
Przepisz poniższe zdania bez błędów.
Ryan Harry, this is Tomas. He’s from Spain. 1 1 Nadia is make the dinner.
Ryan I think you speak very good English! Nadia is making the dinner.
Tomas Nice to meet you, too. 2 Mark and Leo gets on well.
Tomas No, I haven’t. I don’t speak English
very well. 3 I not know your phone number.
Harry Have you got a part in the school
play? 4 Does Sara helping Joe?
Harry Hi, Tomas. Nice to meet you.
5 5 We’s watching TV.

Listening 6 Where does Jack lives?
8 3.33
Posłuchaj nagrania i uzupełnij zdania.

1 The teacher’s name is Mr Smith .
2 He’s the new teacher. 11
Przetłumacz zwroty na język angielski.
3 He’s organizing the school this 1 Jestem trochę zdenerwowana.
year. I’m a bit nervous.
4 The students want a in the play. 2 Nie martw się.
5 is the first student to read.
6 He’s a bit . 3 Miło mi cię poznać.
4 Dobrze żyją ze sobą?
9 Wyobraź sobie, że w tym roku bierzesz udział 5 To jest niesprawiedliwe!
w przedstawieniu szkolnym lub musicalu.
Odpowiedz na pytania tak, aby powstał e-mail
6 To nie jest moja wina!
do kolegi/koleżanki. Możesz wykorzystać
podpowiedzi z ramki.
The Lion King ​Hairspray ​Mamma Mia! ​
Romeo and Juliet
Total 45 Total 55
1 Tell your friend you’re in the play.
Hi, Jack. I’m in the school play this year!
2 What is the play?

3 What part have you got?

4 How do you feel about it?

5 Who is organizing the play?

6 Are any of your friends in it?


PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press Steps in English 3  Welcome unit  Test A 3

Welcome unit Test B

Vocabulary 5 Uzupełnij dialog poprawnymi formami

czasowników z ramki w czasie present continuous.
1 Popatrz na obrazki i uzupełnij wyrazy.
do ​read ​not have ​finish ​play ​watch
1 2 3

Tim Hi, Lucy, it’s Tim. 1 Are you

doing anything interesting
    at the moment?
Lucy Yes, I am. I 2 a really
4 5 6
exciting film on TV. It’s great!
Tim Oh, my brother 3
computer games in the living room, so
I can’t watch TV.

Lucy 4
1 c a p 4 d
a book?
2 g 5 h
Tim Yes, I am, but I 5 fun!
3 t 6 v Do you want to come to the sports
b centre?
5 Lucy Yes, OK. This film
now anyway.
2 Zakreśl wyraz, który nie pasuje do pozostałych. 5
1 beach / builder / valley / waterfall
2 coat / actor / trainers / socks Reading
3 brown / yellow / waiter / white
4 theatre / piano / keyboard / trumpet
6 Przeczytaj tekst i odpowiedz na pytania.
5 chef / mechanic / saxophone / teacher This week is my sister Lucy’s first week at her
6 cinema / school / island / hospital new school. She’s a bit nervous because she
doesn’t know many people there. The good
thing is that Tina, her best friend, is in her class.
They get on well.
Grammar Lucy loves drama. It’s her favourite hobby, and
3 Uzupełnij zdania właściwymi formami she wants to be in the school play. It’s a good
czasowników w czasie present simple. way to make new friends, too. Her history
teacher, Miss Davies, is organizing the play this
1 John likes (like) fish and chips. year. It’s in December, and they’re starting to
2 Ian (not play) computer practise for it now. Lucy needs to get a good
games. part in the play because she wants to be an
3 (you / speak) English? actor when she finishes school!
4 I (not watch) TV every day. 1 How does Lucy feel about her new school?
5 (Joe / live) in London? She’s a bit nervous.
6 Alice (know) Sophie. 2 Does Lucy know many people at the school?
4 Zakreśl właściwe formy. 3

What is the name of Lucy’s best friend?

1 Caroline are / is listening to her MP3 player.

4 What is Lucy’s favourite hobby?
2 Dan isn’t / doesn’t doing judo.

3 ‘Is Martin coming to the play?’ ‘Yes, he ’s / is.’
5 What subject does Miss Davies teach?
4 They ’re / isn’t doing their homework.

5 I not / ’m not watching TV.
6 What job does Lucy want to do?
6 What do / are your parents watching?


PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press Steps in English 3  Welcome unit  Test B 4

Welcome unit Test B

Speaking Extra
7 Z podanych zdań ułóż dialog. 10
Przepisz poniższe zdania bez błędów.
Liam I think you speak very good English! 1 Nadia is make the dinner.
Liam Ben, this is Tomas. He’s from Spain. 1 Nadia is making the dinner.
Ben Have you got a part in the school 2 Does Dad helping Mark?
Ben Hi, Tomas. Nice to meet you. 3 They’s watching TV.
Tomas No, I haven’t. I don’t speak English
very well. 4 Kate and Ellie gets on well.
Tomas Nice to meet you, too.
5 5 I not know your brother.

Listening 6 Where does Sally lives?
8 3.33
Posłuchaj nagrania i uzupełnij zdania.

1 The teacher’s name is Mr Smith .
2 He’s the new teacher. 11
Przetłumacz zwroty na język angielski.
3 He’s organizing the school this 1 Jestem trochę zdenerwowana.
year. I’m a bit nervous.
4 The students want a in the play. 2 Miło mi cię poznać.
5 is the first student to read.
6 He’s a bit . 3 To jest niesprawiedliwe!
4 To nie jest moja wina!
9 Wyobraź sobie, że w tym roku bierzesz udział 5 Dobrze żyją ze sobą?
w przedstawieniu szkolnym lub musicalu.
Odpowiedz na pytania tak, aby powstał e-mail
6 Nie martw się.
do kolegi/koleżanki. Możesz wykorzystać
podpowiedzi z ramki.
The Lion King ​Hairspray ​Mamma Mia! ​
Romeo and Juliet
Total 45 Total 55
1 Tell your friend you’re in the play.
Hi, Jack. I’m in the school play this year!
2 What is the play?

3 What part have you got?

4 How do you feel about it?

5 Who is organizing the play?

6 Are any of your friends in it?


PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press Steps in English 3  Welcome unit  Test B 5

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