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Ulyses Andrei B.



St. James the Apostle

Abortion in the eyes of many people, especially conservatives, is an inhumane act. It is considered as
inhumane, because it is an act that involves sparing somebody's life.

I'm writing this essay purely based off of my opinion on abortion and that is that I support abortion. You
might probably ask me "You are completely aware of how abortion works, isn't that enough for you to
not agree or support it?". Well, there are many ways people can take abortion and as for me, I took it in
a way that will surely be favorable to the majority when the right time has come. And I think that this is
the generation or time wherein most people will agree or support on abortion by means of acceptable
argument coming from other peolple, like me.

For you to further understand why I agree on abortion, I will present in the next paragraphs the
contributing factors that made me think of supporting abortion and try to explain every each of it. By
doing this, you would know that my part of taking side on this issue is not just a cherry-picked of mine
but actually, because I understand why I took that side.

I support abortion mainly in the name of the victims of rape cases.

Surely each and every one of us are fully aware that victims of rape cases did not wish this thing to
happen to them, and the child that they had because of this tragic event on their life. But most of the
time, this peope are being forced to take the responsibility of sheltering the child that they never really
wanted to have, because of the preassure that the society put on them. They can't choose the option of
aborting the child even though they have the outmost right to do so and that is, again, because of the
fear of judgement that they would get from people.

In addition, if the victims do not want to have the baby, we should let them have the option of acquiring
abortion. We should not force them, rape victims, to live a life of being a mother just for the sake of
keeping the good image of whatever agenda that this issue is really coming from. Again, rape victims
should not be put in shame for them wanting to acquire abortion. I, with so many other people, support
the normalization of abortion.

This is just my personal view and reason as to why I support abortion. I am still in concious that abortion
is an inhumane act but at the same time, we will and always face an issue or situation that will urge us to
make a decision. I also know that some people, especially those who are religious, would disagree and
make a statement about me for supporting abortion in a bad way. Though I think, that is just really a
part of being a person that stand by his/her words.

Lastly, I urge people for them to truly understand the meaning and background of what they are
supporting or agreeing on. So that when people ask them to elaborate why they support that particular
topic, they would have an absolute argument and informatio to bring in.

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