Examples of The Application of Psychology in Our Everyday Lives

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Examples of the application of psychology in our everyday lives

Student Name Example Research: Brief Explanation (with a link to your source Reflection: Why it is interesting
if possible)
Baldvin Ikea and its lighting There is a lot of psychological effects when you walk I found this quite interesting as I have
into an Ikea, however it is said that as the moody no heard from many of my friends that they
to bright lighting makes customers spend more time consider going to Ikea's to just walk
in Ikea's, which increases the chance for them to buy around. I have never found this interesting
something even though they did not come there to in any kind of way, however that is the
buy that specific thing. This moody lighting makes us interesting part of psychology, not every
humans more comfortable and as a result we will human or other entity has the same way of
spend more time walking around and just enjoying thinking.
the store.
Milán Donor ads These types of advertisements use sad, emotional This is interesting, because these ads
scenes while displaying a phone number with huge repeatedly use this method, which means
fonts, so that you cannot miss it, and this will make that most people “fall for it”, just because it
you dial/text that number so you would donate a makes them feel empathy towards the
specific amount for the cause it is about, because by ones on the screen. This might link/prove
showing those emotional scenes they are pulling your the “sharing is caring” quotes that people
heart strings. tell each other all the time.
Bibars Pizza Ads The company heavily makes use of images and sound It’s interesting to see the lengths some
in their television adverts, since viewers are more businesses will go to with hiring the top
likely to visit if the advert contained sensory film crews for the adverts. Some businesses
stimulation. They ensure perfect lighting and have faced legal issues for inaccurately
preparation for the food used and make sure to representing the food.
capture the ‘sizzling’ sound to provide the most visual
and aural satisfaction.
Sophie Jewelry Jewelry can be associated with social status. In the It is interesting because we often wear
times of monarchs, emperors etc, the best jewelry things with an intention that we ourselves
was associated with wealth and higher social status. don’t always recognize since it’s
We also cite the need and role of jewelry as an item normalized.
to show your dating life such as a wedding band,
which to an amorous stranger, can serve as a barrier.
Matei Streetlights Brighter and warmer colored streetlights have been This is interesting because it shows how
shown to make people feel safer at night. This is due such simple architectural ideas have been
to the increased light levels on streets which allow used to overcome natural instincts such as
people to see clearer and in studies done by a PhD fear in the dark to allow for a populace to
student, it has been shown that people feel more feel safe in this environment.
comfortable walking alone at night when the streets
are clearly illuminated. The brighter and warmer
colors are also associated with calm, optimistic and
friendly emotions which further allow for people to
feel safe when walking at night with streetlamps.
Mireia Malls Malls are designed specifically to make customers It is very interesting how something simple
buy more of their products. Supermarkets are as the placement of shops in a mall can
generally situated at the far end of the mall. Shopping have such a significant impact
mall designers lay malls out in a manner that it forces
the people to walk past most of the stores whilst
making your way down the supermarket. Chances are
good that something will catch the customer's eye
causing them to buy it. They also have good
appropriate lighting to make the atmosphere
pleasant for the customer.
Lilien Airbnb Airbnb is popular for renting homes for a lower price. This video has a lot of emotions and really
The brand took off a few years ago in America but it’s connected with the people watching the
now popular all around the world especially in bigger video and how this brand helps so many
cities with loads of tourists such as New York. They people. According to the study by HBR
sometimes make videos on YouTube with real people the emotional connection is a more
tourists and owners. For example there’s a video by influential factor in social media. People get
Airbnb on YouTube about Carol Williams ‘story who influenced more by an emotional trigger
was able to overcome her financial struggles after the than any other factor, which is why this
demise of her husband. video was so successful in the first place,
since people got to emotionall connect
with the lady in the video
Khadija Wendy’s and its twitter Wendy’s is popular for its use of social media (which This is interesting because this was how I
is something that is used every day), the brand found out about Wendy's, so their method
interacts with others (even everyday people) which worked because it also made me interested
humanizes the brand, this will incline customers to go in their brand, additionally this differs from
to Wendy's since they have more of an emotional usual advertising since it doesn’t advertise
connection to the brand since it won’t seem like a directly to people but it is more subtle by
company but more of a person which customers can just having their presence
emphasize with
Suju Environments of Hospitals Environmental factors: colours of wall, I found this interesting because this could
low/medium/high humanization of architectures and suggest that the reason why many people
more can affect the level of stress of patients or avoid going to hospital might be the
visitors in hospitals. architectural structure of hospital. The
result of the research on graphs shows that
Source: the architecture influences people’s stress
https://www.researchgate.net/publication/30392321 level a lot and I thought this might apply to
1_Environmental_psychology_and_architecture_for_ any architectures of building because it
health_care_design affected the visitors as well, not only the

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