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Activity 1

1 .Here are pictures of seven year old Naschielle and three year old Kenn. Each one is abundle of
possibilities. Describe what they were before birth (their point of origin) andwho they will possibility be
after birth unto adulthood. What will they possibly become?Expound on your answer.

 Naschielle presumably come from a fortunate family than Kenn. Furthermore, as thereis no sure
in this world, there are a ton of changes that will happen as they grow up. Wec cannot say that
Naschielle and Kenn will remain that very years later. They will develop and develop the manner
in which they decided to. It likewise relies upon their current circumstance. There are many
possibilities in this world and we really can't foresee an individual's future effectively only by
looking at them.

Activity II.

1. When you gave your own predictions as to the kind of child, adolescent and adult Nascchielle and
Kenn may become and hypothesized on who they once were you were referring to human
development. What then is development?

Development is a process that creates growth, progress, positive change or the addition of physical,
economical, environmental, social and demographic components. Human development refers to the
biological and physiological development of the human being throughout the lifespan.

2.Will three-year old Kenn be able to do all that seven-year old Nachielle can do? Why orwhy not?

No, because their abilities differ. A seven-year old child is more developedthan a three-year old. There
are things that Nachielle can do, but Kenn can't as theirdevelopment stage is not the same.

3. Will there be anything common in pattern of development of Naschielle and Kenn? If yes, what?

Yes, if they come from a good home with loving ang caring parents they may develop into warm and
responsible children, adolescents and adults.

4. Will there be differences in their development, e.g pace or rate of development? What and Why?
 Yes, we can expect individual difference in our developmental characteristics.We develop at our
own pace. Others might develop fast, but their development is notours. We go on our own way.
The efforts and time we spent developing differ, so weshould expect that development of a
certain child will not be the same as their same agefriends. As long as the child progresses and
develops new skills as the time goes on. Thenhe or she is fine.

5. Will the process of development take place very fast or gradually? Expound on your answers.

The process of development will take place gradually, because when we say human development it is a
pattern of movement or change that begins at conception and continues through the life span. Then,
development includes the growth and declines, that would means that there is a negative and positive
development could be.

6. Do you believe that Naschielle and Kenn will continue to develop even in adulthood? Or will they
stop developing in adulthood?

 Naschielle and Kenn will continue to develop even in adulthood because aperson's development
is limitless. When they reach their adulthood stage, they will stillprogress because they are
things that can encounter and experience within this stage. Itdoes not stop at a specific age. We
just have to continue growing and learn new things tohelp ourselves develop even more. And as
long as you are alive, you will develop, notjust physically but also mentally and emotionally.

ACT.III - Application

1. State Five characteristics of human developmeny from a life-span pespective and their implications to
child education and parenting.

Characteristics of Human Develoent from a Life-Span Educational Implication to Child Care, Education and
Perspectives Parenting

Development is lifelong The developmental timing of events can affect

individuals in different ways because of their current
level of maturity and understanding. As individuals
move through life, they are faced with many challenges,
opportunities, and situations that impact their
development. Development also hasan implication in
parenting. If we are ashort-tempered person before,
once welearned and developed, our way of
thinkingchanges in some ways. We grow and we

Development is plastic Each of us have the potential to change. Wedon't stay

on the same ground forever. Foronce, you might think
that you will never begood in taking care of a child, or
you mightthink that you will never pass
theexaminations and that you will continue onfailing.
You also might think that you willnever be a good
parent, but there are manypossibilities in this world. If
we put efforts indeveloping ourselves, the person
whothought will never be good at child care canbe a
great person, the person who thoughtwill never pass
will get that degree and anice work and the person
who's afraid to bea parent becomes a person with a
happyfamily. Development takes time and effort,we
just need to keep going and make the possibilities a

Development is multidimensional This consists of biological, cognitive, andsocio-

emotional dimensions. In caring for achild, we'll notice
all the development intheir physical appearances, as
they growolder, their intelligence and
knowledgedevelops, their emotions will also grow
andchange up until they reach adulthood.
Theirdevelopment will continue.

Development is contextual The way we change depends on the way

oursurroundings changes. It influences our
development process. The way we respondin child care,
in our studies, and parenting isthe influence of a
person's biology,environment, nationality, culture,
family, school, and profession.
Developmemnt involves growth, maimtenance, and As we grow and develop, we should also maintain and
regulation regulate our capabilities. We may not be able to lift
children just like weused to, but our ability to take care
of themis what is important. We may lose some ofour
memories, but the way we understandthings is what
matters, and we may notrecall all the lessons that has
been taught, but the lessons that's restored in our
heartswill remain.

2. “Growth is an evidence of life.” a. What does it mean? Wjat does this imply to the person's

 Growth is evidence of existence. It's because you can't be alive if you don't expand. Therefore,
growth should ensure proper nutrition, otherwise you won't grow too well and that shows you
have life if you grow.

3. If your approach to human development is traditional, are the characteristics of human development
from a life-span perspective acceptable? Explain your answer.

 No, the life-span perspective is not acceptable because if your approach todevelopment is
traditional, you won't think that development is lifelong. Your thoughtwould just be filled with a
person growing until adulthood and no development willhappen in late old age. It contradicts
with the life-span approach.


Principles of Human Development (NAEYC, 2009) Characteristics of Human Development from Life-Span

a. All the domains of development ande.g. Development is multidimensional

Development is multidimensionallearning - physical,
social andemotional, and cognitive - areimportant, and
they are closelyinterrelated. Children's developmentand
learning in one domain influencedby what takes place
in other domains.
b. Many aspects of children's learninganddevelopment Development is lifelong
followwelldocumented sequences, with
laterDevelopment is lifelongabilities, skills, and
knowledgebuilding on those already acquired

c. Development and learning proceed at varying rates Development is contextual

from child to child, asbwell as at uneven rates across
different areas of a child's individual functioning.

d. Development and learning result froma dynamic and Development is lifelong

continuous interaction of biological maturation andel

e. Early experiences have profound effects, both Development is contextual

cumulative and delayed, on a child's development and
learning; and optimal periods exist for certain types of
development and learning occur.

f. Development proceeds toward greater complexity, Development is involves growth, maintenance, and
self-regulation, and symbolic or representational regulation

g. Children develop best when they havesecure, Development is multidimensional

consistent relationships with responsive adults and
opportunities for positive relationships with peers.

h. Development and learning occur in and are Development is contextual

influenced by multiple social and cultural contexts.

i. Always mentally active in seeking to understand the Development is plastic

world around them, children learn in a variety of ways;
a wide range of teaching strategies and interactions are
effective in supporting all these kinds of learning.

j. Play is an important vehicle for developing self- Development involves growth, maintenance, and
regulation as well as promoting language, cognition, regulation
and social competence.

k. Development and learning advance when children Development involves growth, mainyenance and
are challenged to achieve at a level just beyond their regulation
current mastery, and also when they have many
opportunities to practice newly acquired skills.

l. Children's experiences shape their motivation and Development is contextual

approaches to learning, such as persistence, initiative,
and flexibility; in turn, these dispositions and behaviors
affect their learning and development.

IV. Test your Understanding

1. Do the following to ensure mastery of the bid ideas presented in this module.

Human development - a measurement of achievements by humans through advancement of

knowledge, biological changes, habit formation or other criteria that displays changes over time.
Understanding human development can help a company to manage personnel, market and sell
products, or negotiate international trade.

2. Fill in the blanks with the correct answer

 The direction of growth following the proximodistal pattern is from the head to the toe.
 The direction of growth following the proximodistal pattern is from the center or core of the
body to the outward extremities.

3. Difference between the traditional and life-span approached to human development.

The traditional approach emphasizes extensive change from birth to adolescence, little or no change in
adulthood, and decline in late old age. The life-span approach emphasizes developmental change during
adulthood as well as childhood.

4. Characteristics of Human Development:

 Development is lifelong
 Development is plastic
 Development is multidimensional
 Development is contextual
 Development involvea growth, maintenance, and regulation

5. In one sentence, write the characteristics of human development expressed in venn diagram.

 Development involves growth; lifelong, plastucic, multidimensional, plastic, and contextual.

6. Discuss the meaning of the qoutations written beneath the title of these Unit and Module. Ralate the
qoutation to your life. Child care, esucation, parenting.

Cognitice processes include changes in the individual's thought, knowledge, and language.Naschielle and
Kenn create from simple sounds to a word becoming two words, the two words becoming a sentence.
They would continue on to retaining their most memorable prayer singing Bayang Magiliw in every
banner function to envisioning what it might want to be an instructor or a pilot, playing chess and
solving a complex numerical question. Every one of these mirror the job of mental processes being

Socioemotional processes include changes for the singular's associations with other people,changes in
feelings, and changes in character. As children, Naschielle and Kenn answered with as sweet smile when
warmly contacted and grimaced when disappointed and even showed tempertantrum when they
couldn't get or do what they needed. From forceful children, they may developing to a fine woman and
an gentleman etc., contingent upon a bunch of variables. They might fall in love and get propelled
forever or may wind up double-crossed, abandoned and frantic a short time later. Every one of these
reflect the role of socioemotional processes being developed.

Biological processes involve changes in the individual’s physical nature. The brains of Naschielleand
Kenn develop. They will gain height and weight. They will experience hormonal changes when theyreach
the period of puberty, and cardiovascular decline as they approach late adulthood. All these showthe
common biological process in development.Development is relatively orderly. (htt
These biological, cognitive and sociemotional processes are inseparably interwoven. While these
processes are concentrated independently, the impact of one cycle or element on an individual's
improvement is not isolated from different processes. Assuming Naschielle and Kenn were
undernourished, and upset by the thoughts that father and mother going to isolate, they couldn't focus
on their studies and consequently would fall flat and rehash. As a result, they might lose face and drop
out os school, revert to ignorance, become incompetent, underemployed, etc so forward. Perceive how
an organic process impacts the mental cycle which thus, influences the socioemotional interaction.

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