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Formulate a research concept map on the 1)Background information, 2)Define major variables,
3)importance, 4) focused issue, 5) application of the topic on the AMB strand and/or any
industrial/business related organization.

Note: Citation must 5-6 year ago when you put the source of data – new and recent information.



Background Information
(Write an general topic in your chosen topic 1-4 paragraphs)
Most individuals now, especially students, work. According to Abenoja et al., (2019), the
primary motivation for working while in school is to meet financial needs, such as addressing gaps
in various forms of understudy support, supplementing income, enhancing understudy
comprehension, or advancing career goals. To pay for their education, some students may need to
work numerous jobs or full-time (Goldrick-Rab, 2016).

This research study is crucial because numerous students work while attending school. While
balancing their obligations as students and workers, they could run into time restrictions.
Understanding their experiences is essential since they could have an impact on how they approach
their academic work in the future (Tumin et al., 2020). In addition, Acosta et al. (2021) found that a
range of problems, including time management, money problems, lack of sleep, social activities,
and, for certain students, taking care of their families, can impair academic performance. Students
must also cope with financial issues that put their education in jeopardy, a new living situation that
impairs their ability to learn, and a shortage of supplies for their studies.

Ben (2019) learns that working students, on the other hand, are thrifty with their money and put
in a lot of effort to get the things they need. Furthermore, research indicates that students who work
up to thirty (30) hours per week do just as well or better academically, develop the excellent time-
management skills necessary for future success, reduce the need for student loans and the resulting
debt, generate career-related expertise in the field as one clarifies objectives, acquire self-
responsibility, and create connections (Jollia, 2021).

Define major variables

(With your chosen topic narrow down a variables and state the intent to your specific research topic,
1 – 4 paragraphs)
Working students will be the independent variable in this study, and working students’ problems and
coping techniques will be the dependent variable. Numerous obstacles that working students must
overcome prevent them from finishing their degrees. For students who work, juggling classes and
homework can be challenging. The main motivation for students to work is to provide for their
families and to further their studies. Most students work at least part-time due to budgetary
restrictions. Students may be partially distracted from their academics by work. Students may find it
challenging and time-consuming to work and study at the same time. Students who are also working
need to carefully plan their time so that it does not interfere with their study.

(State here the value of the topic, 1-4 paragraphs)

According to Chantrea et. Al., (2017) working and studying at the same time has become a common
trend in recent decades. Regardless of the amount of work provided by school, students must deal
with a variety of issues at work. As a result, because they have outside commitments, some students
find it difficult to resist procrastination. Working students may also struggle with time management.
Working students who do not manage their time may let their homework pile up (Maquiling Ed. D.,

The purpose of this research project is to determine the difficulties that working students at CCNHS-
SHS encounter and how they overcome them. Additionally, there are benefits for those who work
and study concurrently. The purpose of this study is to better understand how working students
manage to balance their academics and employment.

Focused Issue
(Mention the problem/s to which the topic can be an approach for resolution, 1-4 paragraphs)

_Focus: The main focus of this study is to understand the challenges and coping mechanisms of the
CCNHS-SHS working students to support their studies.
 Respondents: The respondents of the study are collected through a random selection of 40% of the
Grade 11 students and 60% of the Grade 12 students at Cabadbaran City National High School.

_ Place and Time: The study was conducted at Brgy. 12, T. Curato St. Cabadbaran City, Agusan del
Norte during the School Year 2022-2023.

(State the Methodology how the topic may resolve the raised issue/problem, 1 –4 paragraphs)

Prepared by:


Research Adviser

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