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(Only second last and final draft will be printed out with limited color pages and

inexpensive binding)
Page no.s in footer starting from starting from abstract page and previous pages have
Front Page (Title; Student’s name; Year; Department’s name)
List of figures
List of Graphs
Key Words
Certificate of originality (with student’s signature)
Report submission certificate including: Submission date, any revision date, Revised
submission date, Acceptance date, August 12, 2014 / Published online December 1, 2014.
(supervisor signaure)
Citation: ???, ?. and Aziz, S. (2022). Title ????????????????/. DAAM, UoK.
Undergraduate project report.

Make PDF (signed one) and generate QR code

i) Background:
ii) Objective:
iii) Methods:
iv) Results:
v) Conclusions:
i) Background:
ii) Theoretical framework
iii) Literature review (with sub-headings)
Problem statement
Research Questions
Justification of study
Data and Method (Research methodology)
i) Study Design and Approach
ii) Proposed Research Model (In figure form)
iii) Inclusion criteria (if applicable)
iv) Data Collection
a) Participants
b) Questionnaire
c) Sample characteristics
d) Data validity (like Cronbach’s alpha, means and standard deviations for all
variables) in table form
e) Statistical Analysis
f) Coding framework (if applicable)
v) Ethics (Ethics approval was received by DAAM, UoK, Research Ethics
committee (project title ???). Data presented are anonymized to protect the
identity of brands or organizations included in the study.

Result (tables and figures as well) & Discussion

i) Principal Findings
ii) Result and Discussion with sub-heading of each objective
Limitations and future research
Managerial implications
Conflicts of Interest (if applicable) otherwise state, “None declared.”
Figures and tables (with reference)
Appendix (if any) Supplementary data
Plagiarism report
References (uniform style)

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