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SANITATION, ¥ 3 PLUMBING DESIGN AND INSTALLATION RVIEW ‘The subject Sanitation, Plumbing Design and Insta basic knowledge in the plumbing pipe size designs, hot In this chapter, we will discuss first the concepts and discussions on ifferent plumbing. sub-topics followed with their corresponding sample yblems. SUBJECT CONTENTS & DISCUSSION A. Joints and Connections Joints and connections are specified for different types of pipes with their corresponding uses. Here are some of the types of joints that were usually used in plumbing installation. a) Caulked Joints Usually used for bell and spigot cast iron soil pi jy packed with oakum or hemp an depth of not less than 25.4 mm shall not extend more than 3.2 mm below the rim ee Master Plumbing Reference ™ Ei. Master Plumbing Reference 2™ Ed. b) Threaded Joints * For iron pipe size (IPS) pipe and fittings shall be standard ta Pipe threads. * Threaded plastic pipes shall be schedule 80 minimum wi thickness and should be factory cut or molded. ‘+ Teflon tape is acceptable for use on male threads only, We re ee) ‘© Shall be properly fluxed by non-corrosive flux made of approved solder. # Solders/fluxes with a lead content that exceeds 0.002 are prohibited in piping systems used to convey potable water. COUPLING SOLDER FLLER METAL p ‘corPeR TUB ie ‘COPPER Tune TAPERED PIPE THnADE e) Flared Joints ae ‘© For soft copper water tubing which shall be expanded with a SSC proper flaring tool. ‘REAMED CHAUFER = ¢) Wiped Joints ‘+ Use for lead pipes with fittings, brass, copper pipe, ferrules, solder: nipples or traps s! full wiped lead joints. * Should not be less than 19 mm or at least same as thick as the materials joined * Joints between lead and east ion, stel or wrought iron shall be means of caulking ferrul i t eat eee 4) Solvent Cement Plastic Pipe Joints Also called as cold welding press ‘® Shall comply with appropriate IAPMO installations. Steps: 1.) Measure the face to face distance between fittings 2.) Cut with sharp knife/hacksaw/handsaw 3.) Clean pipe with Methyl Ethyl Keton (MEK) or Acetone : 4.) Apply solvent cement to the shoulder fitting and butt end of pipe 5.) Insert pipe into the fitting " ee i 6) Note: when bending plastic pipes, you can pack pipe with san 4) Solder and Sweat Joinis ) then heat using flame torch or hot water, then gradually apply * Joints in copper tubing shall be made with approved brass or pressure. ‘copper tubing 160 Master Plumbing Reference 2 Ed. ‘Master Plumbing Reference 2 Ed. 161 eee ee oO E& @ type of fittings and adapters. &) Brazing Joinis ‘+ Any joint obtained by joining of metal parts with alloys at temperature higher than 449 degrees centigrade but the melting temperatures of the parts to be joined. ae Hot Water System Hot water supply in building can be categorized into three types of bution which are as follows: +The Up-Feed and Gravity Return System © The Overhead Feed and Gravity Return System © The Pump Circuit System h) Special Joints ints — Commonly used in fixture drains and traps. 1 ld be exposed for repair or maintenance. Made of compressic : et ity Return Sysiem ‘aut, compression washer and friction ring. “Sika ugha ee ‘This type of distribution is usually used in small residential houses. The ii as has the larger pipe installed at the bottom of the riser and the inishing pipe sizes passes through the upper floors of the building, 4.2) Unions ~ Maybe used in drainage work when accessibly locs in trap seal or between a fixture and its trap. LL ssS—C—CS 162 Master Plumbing Reference 2™ Fd. Ik provides constant cirelation of hot water ee is ey drawn from the fixtures at any time desired economical circulating return of unused h inate waste of water ne Overhead Feed and Gravity Return System diminishing pipe sizes passes through the lower floors. Master Plumbing Reference 2" Ed. This type of distribution is usually used in bul ly used in buildings of extreme hei ig system has the large pie installed at the tp ofthe act ood ass stem, water rises up to the highest point of the tion whi force of gravity, return the water into the storage tank ‘rculate, even if there may be defect in the mechanical The Pump Circuit System | This type of distribution relies on mechanical devices to circulate hot water to the plumbing fixture. It is usually recommended for large building Where difficulty of providing natural circulation of hot water is encountered. Usually, the centrifugal type of pump is used. ‘Master Plumbing Reference 2™ Ed. Bae ae po ae L C) D = 30 TO 60 CENTIMETERS L = NOT NORE THAN 1800N. |p. rage Boiler — Large hot water tank |e Made of heavy-duty stainless steel sheet of diameter varying from 60 to ‘not more than 5 m long ‘* Installed in either vertical or horizontal position Hot Water ute RelatVane * Faster circulation of hot water giving the occupants a better supply. Types of Hot Water Tank OPTIONAL HOT WATER— OPTIONAL HOT WATER RELIEF VALVE, Feige Blow Off we Colt Water RAIN VALVE DISCHARGE PPE. ‘Water Supply Pipe Distribution and Sizing TO APPROVED POINT £ OF DISCHARGE Water supply distribution are usually in two lines which are hot and cold * ‘water lines. Some fixtures such as lavatories and kitchen sinks having faucets = tae fand diverters connected to the hot and cold water distributions supplies and Range Boiler — Small hot water tank shall have the hot water supply located at the left side of the combination e ‘copper or stainless steel sheet pring. a, in cylindrical shape with concave ends . sizes from 30 cm ~ 60 cm diameter and a length not more than 180 cm. '* Installed in either vertical or horizontal position. ‘Master Plumbing Reference 2" Ed. 1 Dace ee Et ee degrees Celsius. © Water Closet and Urinal (Flushometer Valves) ~ shall have a clearance of 152 mm from tt itical level of the AVB to the overflow rim of water closet or the i © Water Closet and U1 ‘a listed balleock. The c1 | level of the ballcock should be at least 25 mm above the full opening of the overflow pipe. Inlet to tanks, Lawn Sprinkler Systems, Potable Water Outlets, Aspirators and etc. - shall be equipped of AVB with 152 mm vertical clearance. ‘© Backflow preventers shall not be located in area containing fumes that are toxic, corrosive or poisonous area. “ae a Ee Tost Cock2 i 5) 4 Well Water Pressure Tank i CEs ear Assembly (RP) ~ composed of — : i ing c ( independently acting check valves, one diferent pressure reli va In an occupancy setting with a well, an electric pump, usually a jet pump ‘a foot valve, draws the water from the well up to your water supply system Thigh pressure to make your plumbing fixtures function adequately. a T To avoid this scenario, a well water pressure tank should be installed. A a J water pressure tank’ stores several gallons or more of water under ssure, allowing the tank to supply fixtures after the pump has tumed off. orang — Ef naan Seer ae prevents the pump from cycling on every time water is needed, thus nding its lifespan. fechanism of a well water pressure tank: ins two things: water (at the bottom) and compressed ‘with a large volume of air and has an inlet at the that fer to enter the tank. Since the air I compressible and Iuids are not, the water entering the tank from the bottom will compress the ‘airat the top which will make the tank pressurized. Once the pump reaches the ‘maximum pressure and shuts off, typically set at 50~60 psi, the compressed ‘air will exert pressure on the water when your fixtures requires water supply, it to flow out of the tank with a sufficient pressurized water and ‘without turning the pump back on, Once the air pressure in the tank drops below the minimum pressure of the system, typically et at 30~40 psi, the pump ‘will tur back on to supply your fixtures and refill the pressure tank. Provisions for Backflow Preventions Assemblies: . ee ont elevated more than 1.52 m above the floor should be ith, perman s ded With permanent platform and an access of 305 mm space the lowest port Fintan, (Note et Potion of the assembly and the grade floor of * Backflow prevention devices abtaty aver ee * _AVBis installed 152 mm above the flood level rim of a trapped fixture be tested at least once a year by Master Plumbing Reference 2” Ed. Plumbing Reference 2 Ed. 474 Ceo ll toit all rely on compressed air to provide pressure between pump cycles. as Tire type vale for adding 1.) Air-over-water pressure tanks. An air-over-water tank is usual aude pleas galvanized metal with a simple design. These tanks are usual older homes and is n : COMPRESSED Diaphragm at 5 igh pressure 5 Diaphragm Diaphragm at fow pressure in higher x s, Bladder pressure tanks are in ae sure tanks. These tanks are to diaphragm rei chambers for compressed pressure air and water. The bladder whole tank when the diaphragm the same with the functions of the diaphragm pressure tanks. Tire type vale for adding air with tire pump 2.) Diaphragm pressure tanks. Diaphragm pressure tanks consists of two Snca a separate chambers which is divided by a rubber or vinyl disc-shaped Blader st diaphragm separating the water (at the bottom) high pressure " rubber or vinyl diaphragm is perm to avoid the water-logged issue di ; Aig sir Aa Wor la iol hie he Blader upwards toward the top of the - “arbeaell these tanks can have problems you will experience a drastic decrease in water pressure and will require an ~ 173 a2 Master Plumbing Reference 2" Fd. er Pig Riferense =" BA ee ee ee eee ee ree ‘These are the equivalency rated size, ee “apacity and the drawdown, demand weights 1) The equivalency rated size is a representation for diaphragm or bla: hi i 7 a ; aa oh ich indicates the equivalent size of air-over-water tank that it 4.) Decide the minimum pressure tat bemainne tthe highest fixture in supply system. 2.) The actual capacity is the total volume of the tank but doesn’t represe! the usable capacity. For the highest group with: t © Flushometer valves ~ 103.414(1S psi) 3.) The drawdown is the amount of usable capacity, or the volume of wi © Flush tanks ~ 55.1488 psi) discharged supplied to the fixtures before the pump turns back on. b,) Determine the difference of elevation Lapeaewererisg of fixtures to the meter (street) mst tply this C3 Water Supply Distribution Pipe Sizing fo pot the oes in static pressure in Water pipe sizing for less 50 F.U. or les shall be in accordance in T 6-6 of the plumbing code while greater total fixture units shall be designed accordance with Appendix A of the plumbing code. average minimum daily service Recommended Rules for Sizing the Water Supply System available pressure loss due to frici#tbe supply pipes. (Reference: Appendix A of Revised National Plumbing Code) Steps: 41) Detemine the developed length ffm the water (re) man 1.) Gather Preliminary Information "the highest fixture. The perceni#of the available pressure loss due to friction and the develdbngth will be the average a.) Obtain the necessary information regarding the minimum dail issible friction loss per 30.4 6th of pipe. service pressure in the area where the building is to be located, .) Obtain information regarding the friction loss relative to the rate .) Size of Building Supply flow for meters, 4) Obtain the required size of buiuply sig the permissible hal aaah i teiotal deman¢ ©.) Obtain information regarding the different use of different kinds friction loss per 30.4 m of pipe at pipes. 5.) General 2.) Demand Load 14.) Velocities shall not exceed 3m/s maximum values. a.) Estimate the supply demand for the building main and the principal Pee ee. wre a b,) Ifa PRY is used in the building say), the developed length should ie ‘be computed from the building siithe valve. .) Use the coordinate of total water supplied fixture units to know the demand liters/second. 174 ‘Master Plumbing Reference 2 Ed. Plumbing Reference 2” Ea. Assume an office build the building side of the p forreduced pressure ‘Minimum Connections: ing of four (4) stories and basement: pi Cold Water Hot Water ressure reducing valve of 379 kPa (after an al is 3B 3 13 3 Building Supply : Kind of | No. of | Fixture 13 Fixtures | Fixtures | Units Water | 130 | 1300 Closets Urinals. 30, 150, - oy. Shower 12 48 12 1B 13 Heads a = Wash 130 260 130 = Basins 13 5 19 3 Service | 37] “108 is Sinks ‘Closet: Re ae fa 10 Total 1866; Lifs Flushometer valve = Allowing for 103.4 KPa at the highest fixt 0 Flush Tank 10 19.6 Lis the pressure available for fiction loss is found by the following 379 kPa ~ 103.4 kPa — (13.7 m)*(9.79 kN/m”3) = 141.48 kPa The allowable friction loss per 30.4 m of pipe is therefore: If the pipe material and water supply are 1999 applies, the required diameter of the b required diameter of the branch to the hot w: 176 (30.4m)*(141.48 kP2/60.8m) = 70.74 kPa D. Drain, Waste and Vent Pipe Sizing 1g can be designed using the Drain, waste and vent (DWV) loading of excreta drainage and vent imum drainage fixture icing ated on the table 7-5 ofthe code. Chart A-S of the RPNCP ing supply is 76.2 mm and the is 508mm, ‘Master Plumbing Reference ™ Ea. ‘Master Plumbing Reference 2™ Ed. as eee eo is —— Trap Diameter (mm) mr | 2 | ae | | os 24 Water Closet ee Bathtub is ‘a. |Fatwe Unit of Urinal Date Peon Shower Bath ae 32 Thre H Sr [a | 56 on [15 | 0 | s Tr orzo 14? | 354 | 2168] 426° |720* [2ee04 aca ‘Note: The minimum individual trap arm for other fixtures ean be seen at the tables. trap arm, 3) Bien 6 fxs eit vps ox water cont ly four (4) water closets or 6 fixture unit traps are y allowed vertical pipe or stack; and not to exceed three (3) water loach o il 0G) fixture on any horizontal branch or dra }) Based on to Q) pen 20.9 mm/m slope. For one (0.4 mnv'm slope, multiply horizontal fixture units by a f Note: ‘+ The diameter of an individual vent shall not be rt less than 32 mt less in size th Fi hii tes in size than one half (1/2) the diameter ofthe drain to which itis © When vents are i ‘maximum length ed one (1) pipe si itations specified i entire length, the table do not apply. ‘Minimum size of individual vent and trap for usual plumbing fixtures: jot Piping (m=) + [Vertical mw [we] es Example: In a hotel building, each floor contains pHenzoatal plumbing fixtures wherein each floor contains 20 water el [Vent Piping for 20 kitchen sink and 20 shower stalls. The hotel is composed © |orizontal ad pe 4.) What should be the size of the horizontal drain branch per each floor? ‘Name 5 frauen | 1 | 2 | 28 | as | a Fixture Type Quantity Drainage Fixture Units = ‘Water Closets 20 | 20%(4 DFU) = 80 DFU 6 law | as | 37 | 55 | 6s Lavatories 20 20*(1 DFU) = 20 DFU it 20 20%(2 DFU) = 40 DFU ‘Shower Sialls 20 20*(2 DFU) = 40 DFU mt Each floor contains = 80 + 20 + 40 + 40 = 180 DFU / Storey. .) What should be the size of the sol stack between 7 and 8" floor? ‘Demand Load = (180 DFU/Storey)*(3 Storeys) = 540 DFU Based on Table 7-5, Item A.1. Soil Stack = 127mm c.) What should be the size of the soil stack between 3"! and 4" floor? Demand Load = (180 DFU/Storey)*(7 Storeys) = 1260 DFU Based on Table 7-5, Item A.1. Soil Stack = 152 mm_ 4.) What should be the size of the building drain and building sewer? Demand Load = (180 DFU/Storey) * (10 Storeys) = 1800 DFU 178 Master Plumbing Reference 2" Ed. ‘Master Plumbing Reference 2% Ed. 179 Oe ee ee (EQS Strainers: Allowable roof drain materials: Minimum size of building drain/sewer (Based from code) = 150 mm © Cast Iron + Copper e Since 203 mm > 150 mm Use 203 mm Or other corrosion-resistant material €.) What should be the size of the parallel vent stack to serve the total Gutter strainers shall extend not less than 102 mm above the gutter surface. fixture units? Dome-ype strainers shall hve a minimum total net area of 1.5 times the area ‘of the outlet pipe. Roof deck strainers decks or parking decks s! ea eS eG flat-surfaced which should be leveled with the deck with its total inlet area Jess than 2 times the area of the outlet pipe. Based on Table 7-5, Item C.5. Parallel Vent Stack = 203 mm geet less Storm Drainage System E, Storm and Sub-surface Drainage System sore ee ‘There are 3 major systems of collecting storm water: E.1 Rainwater Drain System 1,) The Independent System ~ Called also as “Separate sions regarding storm drainage » Grain and house drein are separately conveyed into diferent disposal jc are the parts of storm drain system, ‘ended E.2 Materials Allowable rainwater downspout or conductor materials: © Cast Iron ‘© Galvanized Steel Iron, Brass, Copper, Lead ‘* Schedule 40 ABS ‘© Series 1000 PVC PVC DWV. Or other similar material quality pwable horizontal rainwater piping materials: Galvanized ‘pe Schedule 30 vent * Ty © Schedule 40 ABS © Series 1000 * PVCDWV © Orother similar material quality 180 ‘Master Plumbing Reference 2” Ed. 2.) The Combined System — Storm Roofing Elements of Rainwater system conveyed into one disposal authority because of the effectiveness of septic tank or sewa, treatment plant functions. 1.) Gutter — Usually come in circular bottom shapes and built around the perimeter of the roof. 2.) Roof Drain — Usually made from dome-type strainers and prevents objectionable materials to enter the downspout. 3.) The Natural System — A system without using any roof gutters of downspouts. Rainw: collected by natural means of collection such as open tanks or cistern. 3.) Downspout ~ Vertical pipe conveying the storm waste water from the guiter into the catch basin. 4.) Shoe / splash pans ~ Directly pointed into the catch basin and lowers the striking effect of the waste water into the ground. 5.) Catch Basin — Terminals of downspouts that deliver water to the sewers in the street via gravity. 182 ‘Master Plumbing Reference 2" Ei. Plumbing Reference ™ Ed. oe oe eee Sizing Of DewnspoUt OF ae of Roof Drains and Downspout Piping for Varying Rainfall Intensities _Dovnsput and gute sizes are based upon the maximum depth of infil oof use in Square Meter: per hour falling upon a given roof area in square meters. The normal rainfall intensity in Metro Manila is 102 mm/hr. ls that project above a roof shall be considered in permitting ast a Be al Seva a Aa a rain to adjacent roof area below. The vertical wall area shall inmm be added to the proj i in desi i e projected horizontal roof area in designing rainwater pipes. 754 | 2676 | ira | 17094 | 32103 | 50166 | 1076.8 Si | 1338 | 4088 | 854.7 | 1607.2 | 2508.3 | $388.2 76 | 99.2 | 272.2 | seas | 1o7i.1 | 1671.7 | 35915 402 | 66.9 | 204.4 | 427.3 | 9036 | 12542 | 2694.1 127_|s3.4_| 1635 | 3418 | 642.9 | 1003.3 | 2185.3 is2a | aa6 | 1366 | 2852 | 5356 | #361 | 17944 a7] 38a | 137 | 2443 | 4594 | 716.7 | 1539.4 203 | 33.4 | 1022 | 213.7 | 4018 | 6274 | 1347.1 28 | 29.7 | 91 | 190 | 357.2 | ss7a [ 11975 254 [269 | e18 | 1709 | 3214 | soi7 | 1077.6 279 | 242 | 743 | 155.6 | 292.2 | 4561 | 979.6 305 | 22.3 | 678 | 1421 | 2676 | 4181 | 2974 Sizing of Horizontal Rainwater Piping ‘Size of Horizontal Rainwater Piping_ Horizontal Projected Roof Area in Sq. M Maximum Rainfall in mm/br Additional Vertical Wall Areas: 1) Eee! wall ~ add fifty (50) percent of area of the wall to the 2.) Fortwo (2) adjacent walls ~ add thirty fi ‘wall areas to the roof area; a ie 3.) Two (2) walls opposite each other and Mia es 4.) Two (2) walls opposite of differing of wall area above top of lower wal ights- add fifty (50) percent the roof area; 5.) Walls on three (3) sides - add fifty (50) percent of area of the inner plus allowance for area of sat per num! Pipe in 6.) Walls of four (4) sides- no allowance for mm w/ lowest wall - add for areas above top No. | lof 1,2,4,5; Egle oe 76 1oz | 127 | 152 7.) The area of the side of a tall buildi is si he eee ie ilding exposed to rain is taken as (5-001) 762 | 1527 | 1018 | 764 61 50.9 7016 | 349.3 | 2328 | 174.7 | 139.7 | 1164 127_| 6206 | 413.7 | 3103 | 248.2 | 206.9 1s24 | 994 | 6627 | 497 | 3976 | 331.3 203.2 | 2136.7 | 1474.2 | 1068.4 | 854.7 | 760 254 | 3846.1 | 2564 | 1923 | 1540.3 | 1282 279.4 | 6187.1 | 4124.8 | 3093.6 | 2475.8 | 2062.4 381 | 10126.1| 6763.1 | 5527.6 | 4422 | 3683.5 wo] Jorfen| a ||| 184 Master Plumbing Reference 2 Ed. faster Plumbing Reference 2™ Ed. ivan Horizontal Projected Roof Area in Sq. M Maximum Rainfall in mm/hr ‘© Gutter has semi-circular bottom: Depth of equivalent area of rectangular gutter should be 0.392 x. required diameter. Diameter ‘The sizing data for vertical conductors, leaders and drains is based on the of gutter . Item No. | w/ slope fl 7/24 full, Saree ieael 7% | 102 | 127 | 152 a S = 0.02 i ; ¢ ) | «Rectangular pipes hall have at least the s sectional area as its tajuvalent round pipe, except tha the ratio ofits side dimensions shall not 76 63.2 42.2 31.6 25.3 21 exceed 3:1 102 133.8 89.2 66.9 53.5 M46 127 | 2323 | 155_| 1161 | 929 | 75 Pe scaple: 178 | size | 341.9 | 2564 | 2049 | 170.9 1.) Horizontal Rainwater Piping: The size of a building rainwater its horizontal branches shall be sized in accordance 15 16 17 18 1s2__| 357.6 | 2378 | 178.4 | 142.7 | 118.9 19 20 21 203 | 795.8 | 493.3 | 369.7 | 295.4 | 246.7 piping 254_| 1338 | 918 | 6689 | 5342 | 445.9 ‘vith Table 11-2 (Based upon maximum roof areas to be drained) Example: Roof Area = $48.1 m*2 Horizontal Projected Roof Area in Sq. M Max Rainfal/’ar = 127 mm Maximum Rainfall in mm/hr Pipe Laid at (20.0 mm/m) slope or s = 0.02 Diameter of gutter In Table 11-2b Find the area in column under 127 mm and at slope of temo.| w/siope | 0.02 and read $6.1 m2 elses), chose 152.4 mm as size of | Een 76 102 127 152 horizontal rainwater piping aod 2.) Roof Gutter: The size of semi-circular bottom roof gutters shall be ! based on the maximum roof area in accordance with Table 11-3 | 2 7 #2 | 595 | ase | 357 | 297 ; 23 102 189.5 | 126.3 | 94.8 75.8 63.2 Example: 24 | 127 | 3289 | 219.2 | 164.4 | 1315 | 1096 Hae ie pack 25 152 514.7 | 343.3 | 257.3 | 206.2 | 171.9 i ‘i : : : : i 4 mm/m slope or s = 0.01 26 | 178 | 7246 | 483.1 | 3633 | 2899 | 2414 RRS eee aia 27 | 203 | 10405 | 693 | 5202 | 4162 | 3465 3b Find area in column under 102 mm rainfall intensity 2s_| 254 | 1058 | 42304 | 929 | 7432 | 6187 ith s = 0.01 and read 181.4 m*2 (as closest) move to left .8 mm diameter gutter. Note: ‘* Round, square or rectangle rainwater pipe may be used and are considered equivalent when enclosing an inscribed circle equivalent to the drain leader diameter. eu lender dane Se aie ae ‘Master Plumbing Reference 2™ Ed. ‘more of less than those shown in Table 11-2 and 11- , then adjust the figures in the 50.8 mm rainfall by multiplying the two (2) and dividing by the maximum rate of rainfall in mnv/br. ‘Master Plumbing Reference 2™ Ed. 189 In Table 11-2 with a 10.4 mnv/m or = 0.01 and a 203.2 mm rainfall find the number of square meter a 102 mm. pipe diameter will carry. (2)*G49.3)8 = 874 m2 F. Private Sewage Disposal System Every plumbing system should have its terminal connected to the publig sewer. If the public sewer lable in the lot area, there shall have @ ‘© One or more seepage pits; ‘* Or combination of subsurface disposal fields and seepage pits. F.1 Capacity of Septic Tank 190 Number of bedrooms or apartment units in dwelling occupancies; * The estimated waste/sewage design flow rate; Or the total number of plumbing fixture units in other building occupancies. than 2m?3. It shall be at least 0.9 min width and 1.5 m in length. Liquid depth shall not be less than 0.6 m nor more than 1.8 m = Shall have a Seco Compartment (Leaching Chamber) anal eeieot 1m‘3 and a maximum capacity of 1/3 of the total capacity of tank Septic tank having over 6m"3 capacity shall have its secondary ‘compartment not less than 1.5 m in length. ‘Master Plumbing Reference 2™ Ed. 491 ‘Master Plumbing Reference 2™ Ed. bruised ae CLEANOUT |HANDHOLE—cLEANOUT 190 a F Fe rae mI Other Specific Dimensions of Septic Tank: ‘tormma (4°) OUTLET PIPE FR BULDNG It should have 2 manholes 508 mm in minimum dimension; * One manhole cach over outlet and manhole shall be provided © The inlet and out ipe or baffle shall inlet chambers. An additional over the baffle wall wherever the first and at least 304.8 mm (12") below the water surface; 192 ‘Master Plumbing Reference 2™ Ed. 101.6 mm (4”) above ‘The cover of the septic tank shall be at least 50.8 mm above the back vent openings, and ‘* An inverted fitting shall be placed in the inlet side of the baffle wall with the bottom of the fitting placed midway in the depth of the liquid. Materials ‘¢ Wooden parts in septi © Septic tank covers to ‘« All.conerete septic tanks shall be protected from corrosion by coating ‘with an approved bituminous coating or by other aéceptable means. :nk shall be No.12 U.S. gauge and shall be protected from corrosion in both externally and internally by an approved bituminous coating or by other acceptable means. ink are prohibited. fea strength not less than 14.4 kPa capable F.3 Gases inside the Septic Tank poisonous gas. © Hydrogen (H2) ~ Evolves as a moist gas from organic waste © Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) — \s a colorless gas with offensive odor. © Sulfur Dioxide — \s also a toxic gas having a smell of burnt matches. Iso one of acceptable términal point of effluent coming . Distribution lines shall be constructed of clay tile laid perforated clay pipe, perforated bituminous fiber pipe, density polyethylene pipe, perforated ABS pipe, perforated ided that sufficient openings are “Master Plumbing Reference 2" Ed. 193 Minimum, Maximum ‘Number of drain lines per field ff % ‘Length of each line = 305m Bottom width of trench 457.2 mm 914.4 mm_ ‘Spacing of lines, center to cenler 1.8m z Depth of earth cover of lines 304, 8 mm a Et | (preferred is 457.2 mm) 2 Grade of lines Level 25 mm/m 3 PRES under drain lines 304.8 mm: 5 1 yver drain lines: 50.8 mm_ fi F.5 Seepage Pits is also one of the acceptable way of receiving the effluent from nnon-watertight container that permits the liquid to seep mM 0% Disposal Fields Requirements: ‘¢ Trench bottom ~ minimum of 14 m’2 * Side Wall - 304.8 mm to 914.2 mm below the leach li * No excavation for a leach line or leach bed Le i he table (3m for Seepage Pit) + There shall have diab th eMlucatt cach dan ns nev ithin 1.5 m ‘Master Plumbing Reference ™ Ed. 22M (MNDIA) SEPTCTAK be circular in shape; ‘Master Plumbing Reference 2" Ed. on) have an excavated diameter of not less than 2.2 m; ave a minimum sidewall of 3 m below the inlet; GRAVEL (19MM 195 ee ae ae re Ba ee ee ee of not less than 17.23 kPa, and ¢ _ Itshall be provided with 228.6 mm minimum inspection hole, Location of Sewage Disposal System F.6 Cesspools Minimum Clear Building | Septic | Disposal | Seepage Pit Horizontal Distance Sewer Field | or Cesspool! red From: lowable temporary structure to act as a priv: Requi 3 nunca ocr he wane uM 2) gee [Ch isavwara 3.) Water Supply Wells | 15.2 m°3 305m | 45.7m 152m 152m | 305m 5 : 3m AF Tsm_| 3.7m = 12m | 135m 8.) On site water lines 03 mS 15m 15m 9.) Distribution box - 1sm | 15m ‘aoe z “= 10.) Public Water Main 3m6 3m 3m 3m — omer G. Fire Protection Systems me Fire code considers the density in the locality and the flammability of the structures and its contents. Fi above should be provided teen G.1 Standpipe Cesspool Requirements: con Itshall be. iT ie onsidered as temporary structure prior to construction of @ : ae. a sidewall between 3.1 m to 6.1 m below the inlet; shall be made of brick, block or concrete wit 1 strength not less than 17,23 kPa, and wow. s Shall be provided with 228.6 mm minimum inspection hole. " Systems. "Classes of Standpipe 1.) Class 1 System scale fi fighting. SSS a ‘Master Plumbing Reference 2" Ed. 3s having four storeys and ith re-entry mechanism every four floors that provide a way out of the stairways. ing which is built into multi-storey buildings ‘a horizontal position to which fire hoses can ing manual application of water to the fire. The design, installation and maintenance of standpipe systems shall be in accordance with ‘NFPA 14, Standard for the Installation of Standpipe, Private Hydrate and Hose js system is provided with 64 mm (2.5 in) hose connections for full S) Ve aa Desent ciel th 38 mm hose or within iy At cach intermediate landing between floor levels in every required © Oneach si © * Ineach exit passageway at the entrance from the into the passageway; ‘+ Incovered mall buildings, at the entrance to each exit passageway or exit corridor, and at exterior public entrances to the mall; ‘+ At the highest landing of stairways with stairway access to a roof and on the roof where stairways do not access the roof; meters (40 m) of provided b each floor level of the bui aencon sty eee hn less 38 mm (1.5 in) hose. Distan ination at the hose connection. 3.) Class 3 System system; storey is located in excess of 40 m of travel distance from a ining or adjacent to a hose connection, or the e portion of a sprinklered floor or storey is located in excess of 61 m of travel distance from a required exit contai or adjacent to.a hose connection, additional hose connections shall be provided, in approved locations, where required by the BFP (Bureau of Fire Protection). ‘This system shall be provided with hose connections as required for both Class 1 and Class 2 system. G.2 Dry Standpipe System yystem installation where there is no water ‘A fire service connection is placed in the a standpipe pipi bution pipe ‘Master Plumbing Reference 2™ Ed. ‘Master Plumbing Reference 2" Ed. Ahis 15 not usualy used Mowadays and is usually a: minimuny requirement for building with 4 storeys and above. ‘Ar Release Valve —— Landing Valve— than 23 m above the fire service connections. Fire service connection requirements: * All 102 mm dry standpipes shall be equipped with a four way fire service connections; © Shall be equipped with an approved straight way check valve’ and plugs; and © Shall be installed within 46 cm — 122 cm above grade located on a street front. installed on every floors of the building; 200 Master Plumbing Reference 2™ Ed. © Se ee ee ee heey ll {1 cm to 122 em above the floor of each storey. standpipe shall be equipped inde (Ot min outlet above the roo roof has a slope of less than thirty centimeters on all sides of the outlet, (30 em long) wrench jons wherein both the mains tantly filled with water. Wet standpipe with Siamese connection is one of the most common types of fire protection. 201 ‘Master Plumbing Reference 2 Ed. BEd a eS i ek ‘Wet Standpipe Requirements: ize of the standpipes shall not be less than 64 mm © — Construction of the cerling ‘© Types of occupancy © Total Area Hes f sprinkler heads: , pee oandent Type Used in areas with architectural ceiling Ge located so that all portions of the buildings are wit wzle attached to 22 m of hose, E ‘gypsum boards) ‘ Fire service connection requirements: «Upright Type — Used in areas with exposed ceiling (i.e. parking ‘* All interior wet standpipes shall be equipped with 38 mm valve areas) each storey. ‘* _ Itshall be located not less than 91 cm nor more than 182 cm abo the floor. G-4 Combination Standpipe System Combination standpipe systems shall not diameter. All combination standpipe systems way fire service connections. It shall be equipped with an approv straight way check valve and plug. It shall be also installed within 46 122 cm above grade. Fire service out ‘At 136 degrees Fahrenheit, the bulb breaks and automatically releases a stalled on every floors on the building, and shall ‘water stream, th an approved three-way 64 mm diameter outlgl placed within 61 em to 122 cm above the floor of each storey, G.6 Fire Extinguishers Siamese Connections j 4 2.way 102 mm Fire extinguisher isan active fre protetion device used to extinguish or 3 - way 125 mm. , often in emergency situations. It is not int a aoe 152 mm. fire, such as one which has reached the ceiling, endangers no escape route, smoke, explosion hazard, etc.), or otherwise G-5 Sprinkler System ‘expertise of a fire brigade. It is an active fire protection method, consisting of a water supply system, providing adequate pressure and flowrate to a water distribution Piping system, onto which fire sprinklers are connected. Fire] Geometric | Pictogram | Intended Use | Mnemonic s Coverage of one sprinkler heads: © 20 square meters for light hazard occupancy * 10 square meters for extra hazard condition Ordinary solid | A for combustibles “Ash” ‘The spacing of sprinkler heads depends upon the ff. conditions: © Fire rating of the building ———ssssSsesesSsSsSsssSsssS 202 ‘Master Plumbing Reference 2" Ed. ‘Master Plumbing Reference 2" Ed, Flammable ; [i CD} liquids and gases 5 Sa by it particles that are too small to be seen without 7 ‘magnification. Unit of measure is NTU (Nephelometric Turbidity GC LA) | Enersized Chor Unit). ‘ RY electrical | “Current” (Blue) ent |.2 Community Water Sources d 1.) Level I (Point Source) 4 57 Ay Combustible | D for «- Metals | “Dynamite” ‘© A protected well without distribution systems. (Yellow) ‘© Generally adaptable in rural areas @ Serves 15 to 25 households and not more than 250 meters from the farthest user. K K for BVA Olls and Fots: |) “Kitchens 2.) Level LI (Communal Faucet System or Standposts) Black we © Composed of a source/reservoir with piped distribution networks H. Development of Sources of Water for Rural Residences Sources of water shall be in accordance with the Philippine Natio Standards for Drinking Water 2007 (PNSDW). H.1 Definition of Terms: ‘© Acceptability — Physical or chemical quality of water conforming t the safety of drinking water. * Aerobic bacteria ~ Bacteria that occur only with the presence of oxygen, * Anaerobic bacteria — Bacteria that occur even with the absence of oxygen. * By product ~ Secondary/incidental product deriving from ‘manufacturing process of the primary product. * Chlorination — The process of adding chlorine for water disinfé * Contact Time ~The length of time where water supply is hel contact with a treating agent, * Effluent —an outflowing of water from a natural body of water or from sewage treatment facility. a t ‘Master Plumbing Reference 2™ Ed. 204 and communal faucets. ‘© Located no more than 25 meters from the farthest house. ‘© Suitable for rural or urban areas densely clustered to justify a ple pipe network. 3.) Lev (Waterworks System or Individual House Connections) ‘© Composed of a source/reservoir with piped distributions network with household taps. Suited for densely populated areas. Notes: All levels should have a minimum frequency of sampling for drinking water for physical and chemical analysis once a year. Volume a sample preferably not less than 100 ml. H.3 Hydrological Cycle Hydrological cycle is the sequence of conditions through which water ‘passes from vapor in the atmosphere through precipitation upon land or water surfaces and ultimately back into the atmosphere as a result of evaporation and transpiration. 206 1.) Evaporati 4 type of vaporization that occurs on the surface of a changes into the gas phase. 2.) Condensation > Its the change of water from its gaseous form (water vapor) into liquid water. 'y product of the condensation of atmospheric water vapor at falls under gravity (i.e. rain, snow, sleet or hail). H.3 Sources of Water a.) Rain Water > Collection fs and special water sheds © Stored in cisterns or ponds > Advantages + Water is soft and pure © Suitable for hot water supply system * Can beused for drinking when boiled, chlorinated or st. > Disadvantages © Available only during wet season * Storage can be a breeding place for mosquitoes if not properly protected '* Roofs may not be clean b.) Ground Water > Collection * Obtained from underground by means of mechanical and manual equipment. ‘+ From springs and wells (principal source of water in most rural areas) © From underground deposits — aquifers (water-bearing soil formation) > Advantages ‘© Usually comes in an abundant supply ‘Master Plumbing Reference 2™ Ed. Disadvantages i ‘hive organic matter and chemical elements, usually treatment is suggested. © Usually have the characteristics of hardness of water depending on the condition of the soil where it percolates. c.) Natural Surface Water > Collection Ybtained from ponds, lakes, rivers and impounding reservoirs © Mixture of surface runoff and ground water » Advantages © Easy to acquire ‘* Usually large in quantities ‘© Used for irrigation, industrial pirposes and when treated for ‘community water supply > Disadvantages © Can be easily contaminated ; ‘© Contains a large number of bacteria, organic & inorganic substances; purification & treatment is necessary. H.4 Properties of Water Physical Property of Water > Cohesion/Surface Tension > Heat Absorption / Cap: 2 «The ability to absorb heat without becoming warmer. Second to Mercury > Capillary Action a ous to interplay of cohesion and surface tension, water exhibits capillary action whereby water rises in a narrow tube ‘against the force of gravity. 207 ‘Master Plumbing Reference 2™ Ed. > > ‘Neutral pH © A pure water is neither acidic or basic * Neutral pH = 7.0 © Rain water has a naturally acidic pH of about 5.6 Universal Solvent * It is able to dissolve a large number of different chemical compounds 1. Wastewater Treatment 1.1 Water Quality Problems and Treatments 4 Objectionable Element Objectionable Effects Calcium & Magnesium Produces Hardness (Produce Hardness) Impaired laundry and cooking Clogging of Pipes Sulfur Bad Taste & Odor, Highly corrosive to plumbing and stains clothing Salt Bad Taste, Highly corrosive Iron Si i plumbing fin terferes with water softeners, Iron bacteria can clog Pipes Pathogenic Germs Unhealthy, can cause poliomyelitis ‘Acid Highly corrosive, picks up lead and stains clothing ‘Algae Bad Taste & Odor Turbidity Discoloration Bad Taste Objectionable Element Method of Treatment Calcium & Magnesium (Produce Hardness) ‘Addition of Water Softeners Boiling Pathogenic Germs ‘Acid Marble or Lime Filtration ————_—__ ae oie Filtration ___| Master Plumbing Reference 2" Ed. jioxide, Hydrogen Sulfide _| Aeration ee iat ‘Coagulation & Setting Process Turbidity Filtration 1.2 Water Purification Process \desirable physical, chemical compounds, hi Denby a orgar xrganic materials, and biological contaminants are remo rveater, His also defined as any process that makes water more acceptable cor many other uses. wed during the water treatment include: Substances that are ‘© Suspended S Dissolved Elements; Bacteria; Algae; Manganese and ete. i | standards set of standards are intended to apply where better local ahaa lemented. These set of standards are guidelines from World Health 209 ‘Master Plumbing Reference 2 Ed. 1.) Aeration f process by which air is circulated through, mixed with or ed in a liquid or substance. It is a process where water is exposed y spraying, applying or engaging it into the atmosphere ot air. Iron and alumi s peor inne salts (alum) are the most widely used coagulants Master Plumbing Reference 2™ Ed, “Master Plumbing Reference 2" Ed. 0 ° ee Se aimee It is a physical process ‘each other and stick toget suspension in the form of floc or flake after applyi “ess where suspended solids are removed from the water by Water is passed through a continuous riod of time. Sludge formed in this process will be flushed out from the ‘on basins and will be transferred to the solar sludge drying bed oducts such as fertilizers. 21 7.) Fluoridation Tt isa process of adding a controlled amount of fluoride to @ public water supply to reduce tooth decay. Fluoridated water contains fluoride at aleve that is effective for preventing cavities; thus ean occur naturally or by adding fluoride. De-fluoridation is also needed ‘occurring fluoride level exceeds the recommend 1.5 mgiL based from the World Health Organization. J. Miscellaneous Topics {JA RA 1378: An Act to Regulate the Trade of Master Plumber It is a physical process in water treatment wherein wat through a thick layer of granular media/ilters to trap the conta and particles and separates it from the water ps ‘One common example of tate of itation is ntenton sand used in rapid sand filters, so that i articles are bed of sand eld within the filter shell arate Sec 3 Within thirty days after the approval of this Act, there shall be created a Board of Examiners for Master Plumbers, hereinafter referred t0 a5 the Board, to be composed of a: 6.) Chlorination/Disinfection y cations Dictate eth 8 ‘And 2 members who shall be appointed by the President of the Philippines with the consultant ofa duly registered NAMPAP. ‘e The members of the Board shall hold office for a term of 3 years. + The first members of the Board appointed under this Act shall hold office for the following terms: ‘© One member for one year; ‘© One member for two years; and ae a - © One member for three years ‘ See 6 It is a method water in order as one of the Each member of the board shall, at the time of his appointment; © Be acitizen and resident of the Philippines; © Be at least 30 years of age and of good moral character, and © Has been actively engaged in the trade of master plumber for at least 5 years. could be harmful in hig mix in and spread out, resulting in low levels that safe to drink, Is germs but are. Sec 12 ion as master plumber shall be required to einafter provided Master Plumbing Reference 2™ Ed. ‘Master Plumbing Reference 2™ Ed, 213 PED sien ea SUAS Lark e aamee EVR PT Ne ‘© All applicants for regist 212 pass an examination as pk celia Sec 13 J2. BP Enforcement on Accessi Persons applying for admission to the examination as herein provic shall, prior to the date of examination, establish to the satisfaction least a high school graduate; and the supervision of a registered master plumber. Applicants for regi the following subj ion as master plumbers shall be examined in . ent; mn, Plumbing design and installation, forty percent; ical problems, twenty percent; and. Oral practical problems and experience, twenty percent, ° ° 344: Accessibility Law Law for Disabled Persons Whenever and wherever po no more than 1:20 or 5%. Sidewalks should have a minimum width of 1.2 m and cross gradient of 1:100 sidewalks should have a gradient 214 Master Plumbing Reference 2" Ed. Fig. 3A: Sidewalks In lengthy or busy sidewalks, spaces should be prov along, the route so that a wheelchair may pass anot! these spaces should have a minimum dim te spaaced at a maximum distance of 12 m between stops. jum height of 1.4 m, yms and places should have raised symbols, letters or numbers inimum height of | mm, Washrooms and Toilets “Master Pambireg Reference 2™ Ed. [Accessible water closets stalls shall have a minimum area of 1 1,80 m, One movable grab bar and one fixed to the adjacent wal be installed at the accessible water closet Fixed! grab bars on both sides of the wall or or that part of a floor level (1) where the total number of wat and two (2) where the number of losets per set on that level is 20; iter closets exceed 20. ‘¢ The signage for men’s washroom door shall be an equilateral tr cmap ul with a vertex pointing upward and those for women shall be a 4 i It is the result of minus pressure in the pipe created by heavy discharge of water from a fixture installed on a line serving another fixture at a lower floor. I is also called as “momentum siphoning”. of the lip should be 0.48 m. 4J.3 RA 1378: Trap Seal Loss Most common problem in an inadequate venting system in buildings. It * Capillary Action A. Siphonage A.1 Direct Siphonage B. Back Pressure Unlike siphonage, back pressure is caused by plus pressure. When ‘a large amount of water flow drops downward rapidly forming a slug like, the air inside the pipe will be compressed downward. The compressed air will be forced to find its way out through a weaker point. 9 Evaporation Itis considered a minor problem for trap seal loss. It only happens only on floor drain which are not regularly used to admit water, but is ‘exposed to extreme temperature such as model houses in subdivisions cor model units in condominiums. 216 Master Plumbing Reference 2" Ed, ee eae ee A kind of trap seal loss which is rarel; it i "i 5 thee homeowners. It is caused by foreign objects like thread or stri suspended and extended over the outlet arm of the trap. String or Rags ee ——— 2 oS ‘Master Plumbing Reference ™ Ed. =o INSTALLATION Itis a by-product of methane, classified as poisonous gas. ‘A. Sulfur Dioxide C, Carbon Monoxide B, Hydrogen Sulfide D. Carbon Dioxide .ention time for gray water must not exceed? A. 2 hrs. C. 4 hrs. B. 3 hrs. D. S hrs. The right order of house service connection ‘A. gate valve, water meter, C. check valve, water meter, gate check valve valve B. water meter, gate valve, D. check valve, gate’ valve, water check valve ‘meter 1 45 deg fitting 90 deg fitting Removal of scum tt A. disinfection B. filtration ‘partially treated sewage. flocculation . 135-195 Fahrenheit -270 Fahrenheit ), 50-70 Celsius Who shall set the criteria for the quality of drinking water from meteoric, surface or underground sources? A. DOH . National Water Resources Board B. National Standards for D. DENR Drinking Water fitting that connects a number of branches to the main; serves as a ibution point. ‘A. manifold B. cross tee C.elbow D. wye and 1/8 bend . Mono ammonium phosphate is a dry chemical used in fire extinguishers for what class of fire? A. Class A,B & C C.Class B&C ‘Master Plumbing Reference 2" Ed. 219 10. Vitrified clay pipe is also known as A.RCP C. Brittle pipe B. Terracotta D. Soil Pipe 11, Bacteria which has no function in sewage treatment? A. Anaerobic bacteria C. Facultative bacteria B. Aerobic bacteria D. Pathogenic bacteria 12. Reduction in the size of water when applied with pump. A. Pumping force C. Pump pressure B, Drawdown D. Capillary Action water closet for disabled person. 14. What is the type of va A. backwater va check valve and. B. Backwater vf valve & globe ctor pump for a sump pit . Backwater valve, swing check Ive & gate valve fo oP. Backwater valve, check valve & 15. Most practical pump ter system. A. centrifugal submersible B. rotary 16, Zero pH is? A. alkaline turbid B. acid D. base 17. A bathroom consists of water closet and lavatory. A. half bath . full bath B.% bath D. toilet, 18. Chemical symbol for Tin, A. Sb C.Pb B.Sn D.Tn 19. Sizes of vertical and horizontal drainage pipe shall be determined from. A. type of building, C. location of fixtures oO 220 Master Plumbing Reference 2" Ed, ih me ee ee installed . Most likely susceptible to contamination. A. Dug well C. Bored well B. Jetted Well D, Drilled well . Y of digestive chamber is equal to. ‘A. Leaching chamber C. cesspool B, Seepage pit D. septic tank ‘What is not used for reclaimed water? ‘A. Irrigation . watering of plants B. Flushing D. none of the above for a kitchen sink? ©: the drainage system? J. What is the purpose o| ‘A. free flow of free flow of solid particles B. free flow of ai free flow of wastes . The water demand for E ‘A.7 gallons per 12 gallons per minute B. 5 gallons per . 10 gallons per minute 5. Physical traits of water A. turbidity taste B. odor ). temperature D. All ofthese B. Vapor Relief Pipe 18. Found at the bottom of digestive chamber A. scum C. floc B. sludge D. human excrement 19. Which of these pipes is measure on the outside diameter? ‘A. Concrete pipe C. asbestos B. Galvanized iron pipe _D. copper pipe |___B. Galvanized iron pipe_D corre ——____ ‘Master Plumbing Reference 2™ Ed. 221 D. Artesian Well connection ‘A. vents CC. steam B. hot water D. cold water 32. Minimum size of water supply pipe for flush valve is: A? cu BI” Dw 33. A term used in contraty to sanitary principles or injurious to health is: A. Insanitary C. Healthful B. Unhealthy D. Sanitary 34, What is the recommef - %" or 12 mm diameter D. 4” or 19 mm diameter 35. Minimum volume of ‘A. 120 mb B. 200 ml br testing as per PNSDW 2007 . 100 ml . 80 mi 37. A tapered pipe thread used in the plumbing industry complies with, A. national pipe thread _C. standard pipe threads standards standards B. straight pipe thread D. beveled pipe threads standards standards 38. A serves 3 to 5 years as a helper to the journeyman ‘A. apprentice C. foreman B. master plumber D. Assistant Plumber 39. A toxic substance that may be present in water which may have laxative effect on an individual oe 222 ‘Master Plumbing Reference 2™ Ed. ice pipe approved by MWSS for a 2- B. Chlorine D. Sulfate ‘To allow cleaning of the soil and waste line, each cleanout should be installed ening direction ofthe flow a upward inthe B. sertically ‘above the flow D. All of the above line Itration process that removes iron or manganese, chlorine the iron and manganese. . pressure sand filter C. fine filtration B How ead fier D, diatomaceous earth filter ‘one end and inside thread on the other; used to ndicular to each other. controlled by a rotating drilled ball. butterfly valve . D. ball valve float valve ive installed? . Lavatory D. Shower 15. Where can you find a flushom A. Urinal B. Bathtub In the coliform group of bacteria, eco is present in fecal mates as well as * those bird and other animals. What does the ein e, coli mean C. Excreta, tamooba cpa ‘D. Excess B. Escherichia it thereby rendering, i 5 whereby salt content in water is removed . Sar eat Te is done by heating seawater then pumping water into low eure. vessels where water is partially vaporized. What vapor is then erpdensed and turned into potable water. What do you call this process? C. Condensation Ritaante D. Desalination PB. Baportio ea ‘Master Plumbing Reference 2" Ed. 23 ee ae ee Pe NT LE TRO me, eee ‘dependent on the pressure provided by ‘number and type of component such as overhead water tank and pressure tank. ‘A. direct (pressure) system —_C. hydro-pneumatie system B. upfeed and gravity D. upfeed (pump) system distribution system 49. A pipe fitting used to reduce the size of an opening is called: ‘A.cap C. nipple B. union D. bushing, 50. The minimum size of water supply to bath tub AK cw B.3/8” Dies change of water within the hydrosphere, between , underground and water surface. C. hydrological cycle P. meteorological cycle 52, If the total fall of hous iches per 120 fi, what is the slope per foot in sewer? A001 0.03 B.0.02 D. 0.04 53, How can acidity of marble stone filtration D. green sand filtration B. white sand 54. The flow of water which has gradual and regular variation over time and space is called: ‘A. laminar flow B. streamline C. turbulent D. mixed flow 55. What is the name of the process in which steel and wrought iron pipe rust? A. Electrolysis c B. Sand blast D. Tuberculation 56. The static water pressure at the water meter is 80 psi. At the outlet 40 ft above the meter, the static water pressure would be approximately: A. 85 psi B. 63 psi C. 120 psi D. 48 psi 8. Type of cast iron pipe which is generally used for building installations A. SV type C.K type B. XV type D.Ltype . The quantity of water required to be supplied to every plumbing fixture shall be represented by: ‘A. pounds per sq. inch B. gallons per minute C. fixture units D. feet per second the excessiye sure that produces hammering sound, how longa ca ri atalled on the top of riser of the highest fixture 4 .2 3. How many lavatories shall be installed in an office with 150 female employees? A3 C2 Ba DS 64, Rainwater for domestic use is collected from: A. Roofs, C. Grounds B. Lakes ae 65. A slip joint consists of ‘A. Compression washer B. Friction ring C. Compression nut D. All of the above 224 ‘Master Plumbing Reference 2™ Fd, 225 ‘Master Plumbing Reference 2 Ed. C. The presence of algae D. The presence of minerals ‘A. Lack of oxygen B. The lack of nitrogen C. Communicable disease D. Epidemic 68. 1 psi is equivalent to a water head of. A231 ft C.3m B.25K D.9m 69.4 is a sacrificial rod that is installed in a water heater to protect the tank from any corrosion, and to extend the tank’s life A. Anti-corrosic C. Anode rod B. Hot water rod! D. All ofthe above rainfall intensity is 4"/hr on a 2600 m2 tributary roof deck A. 75 mm dia. . 200 mm dia. B. 100 mm dia, 150. mm dia. 71, The location of wet buildings are within 6: A.20m B.21m bbe located so that all portions of the attached to of hose. 72. In locations where exposure to oo irritating materials shall have | lavatory for every s A. 5 persons 73. If septic tank has a compartment that exceeds 3.7 m in length, what should be the additional requirement? ‘ additional manhole _C. baffle wall is added BB. increases the size of the D. inlet pipe at baffle wall leaching chamber 74. How many gallons of water can an 80 hp engine raise 100 ft in 4 hours? One gallon of water weighs 8-1/3 Ibs. ‘A. 594,238 gallons C. 760,320 gallons B, 680,300 gallons 1D. 852,205 gallons 26 ‘Master Plumbing Reference 2" Ed. ich of the following material composition describe a 95-5 solder? Hn en Saez C95 % lead 5% antimony B. 95 % copper ~ 5 % zinc D. 95 % tin — 5 % antimony For no. 76-78, identify the following based on the type of trap seal loss . Minus Pressure Indirect Siphonage 2 Minus Pressure ). Indirect Siphonage . What is the item no, 78 shown in the figure? Wn Sell Siphooage C. Minus Pressure B. Plus Pressure D. Indirect Siphonage "79. The total relationship of man to physical, biological, socio-economic and socio-cultural environment as it affects human well being ‘A. Public health . Sanitation D. Environmental study B. Environmental health 80. Minimum fixture supply diameter for flushometer valve type water closet. A10mm C.19 mm B.13mm D.25mm 227 ‘Master Plumbing Reference 2” Ed. cup pata dada a e Al d ee cea ee ee 81. What is the standard size of clean-out for a 4” diameter pipe? 82. In disposal Pes I fields, what is the required depth of filter material under each drain A. 228 mm. C. 450 mm B. 304mm D. 650 mm 83. In a school with 200 male and 200 female hi igh school students, what is the mini ca ‘number of water closets required for males based on the plumbing 85. What is the item i as ie te 2 shown in the figure? It is intended to always prime the A. Ball Cock c D.3.5” C4 D.7 B. Foot Valve D. Float Valve Se 228 Master Plumbing Reference 2 Ed. . The safety valve on a water heater is called ). As a master plumber, . What chemical compound can ai ‘A. Ball Cock C. Submersible Pump B. Foot Valve D. Float Valve A. Drain valve C. TP valve B. Angle valve D. Gate valve . What quantity of heat is required to change 15 Ibm of water at 40 F to a resulting water of 212 F. ‘A. 2580 BTU ¢. 1290 BTU B. 5160 BTU D. 1890 BTU ). How many water supply fixture units does the group of fixtures given contain for:public use? 3 W th Tank), 3 Urinal Stall, 2 Shower Head (Single) and 2 Lavatory A.30 c.40 B35 2 or more drain lines for disposal fields, Installation of distribution box ). Both a and ¢ ‘of cesspool ‘the salinity of water? . Sodium Chloride ). Magnesium Chloride A, Sulfate B, Calcium Chloride . What do you call the outflowing of water from a natural body of water or from, sewage treatment facility? A. Solution . effluent B. Potable water D. sewage . Given the following fixtures: 3 WC (Public), 2 LAV, 2 FD, 2 SINK (Service). Find the minimum diameter of the soil stack? A. 76 mm C. 102 mm_ B65 mm. D. 152mm |. Find the minimum size of the vent stack? A.38mm C.51mm 29 eee eer = pba bee at C= 95. Find the maximum length allowed for the main vent? |. What is the required air space for septic ee A.18m C.12m ‘A. 200 mm Sava B.37m D.55m B. 228 mm peels 4 i xd matters in septic tank 96. A material not listed in the code for use in water piping is: 5. The retention period or the time for which suspended mat A. Aluminum C. cast iron would settle and stabilize is. iy B. Asbestos cement D. plastic A. 24 hrs C.18 B.I2hrs D. 30 hrs 97. What is the standard distance of vent opening above roof from decks? A.0.9m C3m In septic tank, the invert of the inlet pipe shall be at a level mot less than Bi2m Di2ilin above the invert of the outlet pipe. ‘A.25 mm yomat 98. A measure of inertia forces to viscous forces, which sometimes describe B. 50mm D. 100mm ther r inar flow ig A peers “es ‘c. Woodger . The location of wet outlet shall be’ ee oon ee of the B. Webar numb: D. Reynold’s number buildings are within nozzle attached to _ A.20m, " 99. Changes in direction maybe made with. A. Bending equi plastic fittings B.21m i highest outlet is 23 B. metallic fittin . profane torch At least___dry is required if the high meters of less above ‘connections, 100. What produces wher ts is present in water? A.102 mm . 150 mm A. mineral har total hardness ge Porepardoess be used for fires due to short circuit 101. Which does not apply in the of suspended materials and color in the water supply? parpe C A. Sedimentation . Filtration Bye B. Coagulation D. Chlorination 102. What do you call that process of removing the hardness causing minerals from water? : ‘A. Water softening C, Demineralization eee B, Hardness removal D. Dehardinization fits poor performance. 2. Not preferred type of backflow valve because of ea hieteees gale C. Unbalanced valve B.Non-interference valve. Balance valve 103. Determines the water nature through acidity or alkalinity. A. pH value C. pH meter B. color meter D.NTU sags f water? isthe cause of object desirable taste and odor o al C. Dissolved oxygen it D. Calcium. 104. The unit of kinematics viscosity in metric system. A. Poise C. Sq. m per sec an NA 230 Master Plumbing Reference 2™ Ed. “Master Plumbing Reference 2" Ed. ee a WS. ne One, — ‘gradient of 1:100. AlSm Cim The total relationship of man to physical, biological, socio-economic and oun D.1.2m i il-being. socio-cultural environment as it affects human wel ‘A. Public health ie a ee 115, Minimum fixture drains size for water closets. B Environmental health’ —_ D. Environmé ALS” a" Bz" Da” ‘A state of complete physical mental and social well-being ‘and not merely the : > absence of disease or infirmity. 116. Ifa ‘ic. las a comy vent that. ods 3.7 length, what should A. Health ss ; Heard conpatnent that exceeds 3.7m in ength, what shou ceo D. Statics C. baffle wall is added B. increases the size of the D. inlet pipe at baffle wall Hardness of water can be represented by these units, except? leaching chamber C. ppm D. Grains/gal 117. Composed of a so zl servoir with piped distribution networks with household taps. latrine, urinals, bathrooms, kitchens and stables C, Level 3 D. Level 4 118. Which of the followif A. 95 % tin— 5% B. 95 % copper mposition describe a 95 — 5 solder? "95 % lead ~ 5 % antimony ‘Odor D. 95% tin ~ 5% antimony . 119, eet: is need Mi atsng deinen tiling k . Yoke vent lief vent 120. How many gallons of water for ). Relief v. ‘A. 30 gallons ‘ porn z 10. Applied to a specific disease when it normally pr sma ar fuctuate markedly from the normal expected gro ‘A. Endemic C. Communicable disease B. Pandemic D. Epidemic loss of trap seal due to unequal atmospheric pressure condition and due .pid flows of water thru the trap. ‘A. Wind effect C. Siphonage ecules ae united or attracted to Sa D. Back pressure ofa fluid whereby its own mo! 122. How do you connect pump in series? A. Different rpm C. Same horsepower B. Same gpm D. Different pressure fluid C. Col D. Adhesion i tion of water when it contains dissolved salts of calcium and C. Hard 123, Bacteria which has no function in sewage treatment, D. Neutral A.Non- aerobic bacteria __C. Facultative bacteria 233 232 Master Plumbing Reference 2 Ed. ‘Master Plumbing Reference 2" Ed. ne ee ee ara oe ithas a temperature of ___ or more, A.212F C. 140F B. 180 F D.232F 134. What is the minimum cold fixture supply diameter for lavatory? A. 10mm C.19mm B. 13mm D. 25mm 135, What is the minimum cold fixture supply diameter for bidet”? A.10mm C19 mm B.13mm D.25 mm 136. What type of waste water came from a laundry sink? A. Salt Water C. Gray Water B. Black Water D. Storm Water 137, What is the element 1 of Mg? ‘A. Manganese Calcium B. Magnesium . Copper 138, What is the standard) fora 4” diameter pipe? ‘A.3 4 B25” . 3.5" 139. Itis the arrangement lled that one vent will serve two traps? A. Local vent. . Wet vent B. Unit vent ). Relief vent 140. What is the required spacing of drain lines for disposal field? A.18m C.23m B2m D.22m 141. What layer of soil is acceptable to use around of seepage pit to allow for leaching? ‘A. Rock Layer C. Hardpan Layer B. Clay Layer D. Gravel and Sand Layer 142. A public plumbing system is composed of a flushometer valve water closet, «lavatory and a urinal stall. What is the total FU (water supply)? A.10 C17 B.13 D.20 a 234 Master Plumbing Reference 2" Ed. lity is called? coats C. Sewage B. Solute Se ‘What type of cast iron pipe which is generally used for underground installations? SV type C.K type B. XV type D. Ltype I the fitting below the water closet? : TE eaten Ter C. Closet Flange B, Closet Bend 1D. Combo 46. septic ‘A. Steel B. Concrete |47. The following scer A. Change of di B, Regulating . Change of size 9. Change of material ". Check backflow ). Filter bacteria ise and push water into the system? Air pressure system . Overhead distribution system 149, A system which compresses air 'A. Booster pump system. B. Hot water system 150. A type of globe valve that is used for various types of services on oil, gasoline, \d hot or cold water. Steam Conventional disc valve _ C. Plug type disc valve B, Composition disc valve. Double dise valve BNE oe ‘Master Plumbing Reference 2™ Ed. a oe SANITATION, PLUMBING DESIGN AND INSTALLATION y 4 PRACTICAL Mie he 26.A | 51.C | 76.8 | 101.0 | 126.8 PART PROBLEMS 2. 27.A | 52.B | 77.A | 102A | 127.C . A | 28.B | 53.C | 78.C | 103A | 128.0 4c | 29.0 | 54.A | 79.B | 1040 | 120.7 VERVIEW 5 D | 30a | 55.0 80.D | 105.B | 130.A cover fundamental concepts in plumbing and problems related 6c | 3A | 56.68 | 81, D.1 106A the actual practice of plumbing. This will be a 100-item examination with Four aay . . 131.C ) hours duration with an aggregate weight of 40%. ne 32.B | 57.B | 82.B | 107.B | 132.B | z 33. Ap) 58. A In this part we will be discussing plan reading and interpretation, plumbing. SAT ae 83. Cal 108.C | 133.¢ als, plumbing fixtures and appliances, hand and machine tools, basic pie = é Cc | 84 | 109A | 134.4 jintenance/repair and ‘materials and estimates. qo eee pe | 110.C [136.6 UBJECT CONTENTS & DISCUSSION fs . 61. 86.D | 111.D | 136.¢ 12.B | 37.A @7.¢ | 112.0 | 137.8 . Plan Reading and Interpretation 13. B 38. A i Be In the practice of master plumbing it is very important to 7 td 88. A | 113.C | 138.D {erpret plumbing plans and in order to do this we should be fa iG c | 39. D iy 64. 89.D | 114.D | 439.8 bols, legends and specifications used in plumbing. A —| ie 40. C 65. 90. C 115.C | 140.A A.1 Plumbing Symbols . 41.8 66. 91.C 116.A | 141.D ‘This will include symbols for wgs/valves, piping’s and fixtures. 17. A 42. A 67. eee Tn tiy, i $ymbols for fittings/valves also represent the kind of connection used (See Table aaae a 5 .C | 142. 1), Piping symbols are generally shown on drawings by a single line Pipe runs 43. C 68. A 93. A 118.D | 143.D -e identified for nominal size by placing printed figure size next to the pipe with 19. D 44. D 69. Cc 04.B | 119.B | 444, arrow towards the pij sures, they are represented symboli BOnAC ak, : tt .B .wn to scale in planned locations. . A | 70.C | 95.D | 120.C | 145.8 21.A | 46.B | 71.C | 96.B | 121.C | 146.¢ Below are examples of symbols shown in plumbing plans for ADE uate ae a er Le Wp tings/valves, fixtures and piping 23,A | 48.A | 73.A | 98D | 123.B | 148.D __ Standard Symbols of Pipe Fittings and Valves 24.B | 49.D | 74.¢ | 99.B | 124.B | 149.C Flanged | Screwed ae Welded | Soldered 25.A | 50.C | 75.D | 100. A | 125.A | 150.B Joint 3 Connecting Fe | | tt | | a oe 236 re Meee Teles RRA TR Pe “Master Plumbing Reference 2" Ed. 237

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