Plumbing Arithmetic

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MASTER PLUMBING REFERENCE 2™ EDITION TABLE OF CONTENTS I. TITLE PAGE I. COPYRIGHT PAGE Ill. PREFACE IV. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Y. ABOUT THE AUTHORS VI. TABLE OF CONTENTS PART I - PLUMBING ARITHMETIC (A. ALGEBRA 1, TRIGONOMETRY GEOMETRY PHYSICS ENGINEERING ECONOMY | MISCELLANEOUS PROBLEMS {CISE PROBLEMS l-PLUMBING CODE JODUCTION TO PLUMBING CODE JING TERMINOLOGIES REGULATIONS ‘AND COLD WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM AND WASTE SYSTEM SYSTEM sE PROBLEMS = SANITATION, PLUMBING DESIGN & INSTALLATION AND CONNECTIONS (ATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM ‘SUPPLY PIPE DISTRIBUTION AND SIZING WASTE AND VENT PIPE SIZING ‘AND SUB-SURFACE DRAINAGE SYSTEM ‘SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM 7 22 33 36 49 67 B 90 iW 118 11 139 159 163, 167 17 180 190 H. DEVELOPMENT OF SOURCES OF WATE] RURAL RESIDENCES as 1 WASTEWATER TREATMENT. J. MISCELLANEOUS TOPICS K. EXERCISE PROBLEMS PART IV ~ PRACTICAL PROBLEMS A. PLAN READING AND INTERPRETATION B. PLUMBING MATERIALS. C, PLUMBING FIXTURES AND APPLIANCES is HAND AND MACHINE TOOLS E, BASIC PLUMBING MAINTENANCE AND REP, F-BILL OF MATERIALS AND ESTIMATES G. MISCELLANEOUS TOPICS H. EXERCISE PROBLEMS VII. CONVERSION TABLE VII. REFERENCES, =F 204 208 213 219 237 241 259 267 278 285 289 297 317 321 PLUMBING ARITHMETIC ‘answer problems in Plumbing Arithmetic as well as some Calculator ‘quickly solve problems in the board examination. CONTENTS & DISCUSSION opie will cover problems in Real numbers, Imaginary & Com [Equations and Graph, Exponents and Radicals, Fractions, Clock ‘problems, Digit Problems, Roman Numerals, Mixture Problems, tion, Progression (Arithmetic, Geometric, Harmonic), Rate Numbers — can be expressed as quotient of two integers. + Example: %, -1/3,-0.5, 0.1111 (equivatent to 1/9) Numbers ~ cannot be expressed as quotient of two integers. Example: ¢, x, V5 & Complex Numbers numbers are denoted by the letter “i” while Complex numbers ber and an imaginary number which takes the Yt Mi h of Example (a) x-2y-8=0 Find two (2) to three (3) ordered try when x=0; try when x =6; x-2y-8=0 —_x-2y-8=0 System of Numbers, ‘A3. Liner Equations and Graph NiSeycesahh HRSA Linear equations are algebraic equations in which variable quantities EN ai in the first power and whose graph is a these are points (0,0) for x-intercept oan ept where the graph intersects the x- and y- axes, respectively. (@) x~2y-8=0 (Linear Equation in Two variables in form fe example (a), when x is set to 0, the value for y is -4, hence (0,- aie ora eo) is -4. On the other hand, when y is set to 0, the value for y )) 2x + 8 = 0 (Liner Equation in One variable in form Ax + B = 0) ee (8, 0), the x-intercept is 8. ight line, ning the slope of the line (m): this measures the “steepness” of the ed as: Change in (run) rise change iny — Crasseiay run ~ change inx (ise) FIGURE 1.3 Siope ofa tne for solving the slope: GH) where (xi,91) and (x92 (2-41) are points on the line m equation of a straight line: y= mx+b two points: m = Rectangular Coordinate System rea and Radi In the equation x ~ 2y ~ 8 = 0, determine (a) the slope of the line an ycintercept is the power to which a number is raised as indicated by a small eg. a’ = arava, Below are the properties of exponents and Solution: (@) express the equation in the form y = mx +b x-2y-8=0 ~2y=-x+8 divide both sides by -2 yey hence the slope is ¥% aoa = q™n a” st mn bgt? 25? (b) in y= %4x -4, the y-intercept is 4 sre yeast? 5 myn = gnn 2)3 = 323 = 36 nts: The distance between two points (a™" =a’ GY = 3 3 and P2 (x2,y:) can be computed using the formula: a, a” sips 9 QD" = 5m ST Se as a™/™ = Yam 37/3 = 3? = 2.08 pe pia pede on om ee rectas Dp, = Mx tey+el a =1,a+0 3-1 VAP +B int of intersection between two linear equations (solv fn expression that uses a root, such as square root and cube root ‘two equations with two unknowns): Solving two equations with two unknows E where: aradicand so be used for some kind of problems, thus we will be utilizing a Calcul Va n= index Technique (Mode 5-1 '0 quickly solve this kind of problems. Below is ‘= radical symbol example; ‘Examples Example: Var = Vay" 27? = I)? = Determine the point of intersection of lines x + y= 3 and 3x ~ 2y = 4, Was Vib = Vab Va+ Vb = Vab Va _»/a Mi _afe esto tae Jie FORM: a,X + byY= cy "fva= "ve Wigs Vie =2 Eels) yea i restanme, ey = 2 ana For Equation 2: 3x-2y=4 Press: 38-284 Master Plumbing Reference 2™ Ed, ieee SI CCWONE | 1 Fraction isthe ratio of two integers such as ©, wi Boi Le Using the formula: Pe ks , min = 2 (New + ORef ’", and “b” is not zero, “a” is known as the numerator whi oe ee ige 8 6 denominator, fae Time = 16.36 minutes 2 Example: (a) = (Proper fraction, numerator > denominator) 7 (€) 3 (Improper fraction, numerator < denominator) - {ig one of the most common problems in Algebra and the technique to of problems, like any other word problems, is to analyze each ind the tenses (past, present and future) used then Mixed Frac 2 Exampl iv ample: 12 (equivalent to 2 ) mn is.a whole number and a proper fraction combined. A.6, Clock Problems inthe past, In order to solve clock problems e: take note of the formula: ‘of Alvin and Aldrin’s age is 60. In 15 years, Aldrin’s age ‘of Alvin. What are their present ages? qulate an equation from each statement, thus from the first Note: * ON = Angle (New), the new angle formed by the hour hand age of Aldrin ‘minute hand on its new time. -* x+y=60> Equation 1 be twice the he second sentence: In 15 years Aldrin’s age (y) w . ct n(x): 's Age in 15 years =y +15 Alvin's Age in 15 years =x +15 ytIS=2+(x+15) > Equation2 many minutes after 3pm will the hands of the clock be together e? y+15=2x+30 Simplifying the Equation -2x+y=30-15 2x+y=15 > Equation 2 (Simplified) ‘Master Plumbing Reference 2 Ed Reference ™ Ed. 7 ions (1 & 2) simultaneously, ) IK=x-1- e 5-1) as discussed in A.3: my IV=V-I= 5-1-4 ire Problems nixture problems, we need to formulate two equations coming from of the amounts of cach mixture (weight or v (b) the sum nts with corresponding percentage comp A.8. Digit Problems For digit problems, let h, t and u be the hundreds’, tens” and units’ di Fespectively to be written as follows: 100h+10t+u lott+u For example, the value 965 shall be solving digit problems, Example: Ifa three-digit number has x for and z for the it, represent a 100x+10y+z > Answer = 2000 (0.08) > Equation 2 b. 1002+ 10y+x = 160 > Equation 2 (Simplified) ¢.100y+10x+z equation using y= 150 A.9. Roman Numerals Bloke is x 500 rt " Roman numerals are based on the following symbols: etpertion 1 v x c o D M_] 1 5 10 50 100 | 500 | 1000 | of Proportion !product of the means is equal to the product of the ext ax Bix b @:x=x:b where a and bare called extremes and x and yare the means Yo) it the symbol appears before a larger symbol then itis suberacted: Example: Master Plumbing Reference 2 ions (1 & 2) simultaneously, sed in A.3; nixture problems, we hene , ‘of the amounts of each mixture (w and Alvin's age (x) = 15 nts with corresponding p kg of steel ¢ ixing a steel roblems, let h, t and u be the hundreds’, tens’ and units’ dl 14% nickel with another conta ich of the 10 be written as follows isneeded? 100h+ 10t+u For a three-digit number lotto ht of steel containing 14% nickel 14) + y (0.06) = 2000 (0.08) > Equation 2 4 x + 0.06 y = 160 > Equation 2 (Simplified) .100x+10y +2 > Answer b. 1002+ 10y +x €.100y+10x+z A.9, Roman Numerals ee in x = 500 kgs, Roman numerals are based on the following symbols: Proportion of Proportion !product of the means is equal to the product of the ext ax xb @ix=x:b where aand b are called extremes and x and Y yare the means 1 v x L c D numbers following the rules below; appears after a larger (or equal) symbol VIl=5+1+1=7 =10+1+141=13 is added: (b) ifthe symbol appears before a larger symbol then it is subtracted: Example: ‘Master Plumbing Reference 2% ‘When y varies directly as x, we write y = kx, where x is called the constant of proportionality k When y varies inversely as x, itis written as y = 4 Example: The value of w varies directly to x and is inversely to z. When x=4, and w=100. Find w if x=36 and 2=5, Solution: (1) the equation is written as w =“ , wherein w and x are directly proportional while w and z are inversely proportional (2) then solve first the value of k; ka) 100 => 100 = 2k 50=ksk=50 we now have, _ 50x (3) we can now solve the value of w substituting x = 36 and z= 5; — 50(36), 3. yi w = 360 A.12. Progression (Arithmetic, Geometric and Harmonic) Progression is a collection of numbers arranged in any ord which has a specific formula to calculate the nth term and can be classified . Arithmetic Progression ~ a sequence of numbers in which the diff between any two adjacent terms is constant. The constant the common difference. Example: 1, 4, 7, 10, ..... common difference is 3 Master Plumbing Reference a, =a+(n-1d Flea; + (x Dal Sn term ay = last term (nth term) n= number of terms d=common difference where: ny two adjacent ‘common, a,(1-r") 4 <1 Spa ifr = res jetiek Sar where: a; = first term ay = last term (nth term) n= number of terms r= common ratio = <2. jon — a sequence of numbers in which the reciprocals of aa: are in arithmetic progression. Examples: 2'4'6 @ problems we need to recall the formula of velocity; Distance,d Velocity,V =e scenario for this kind of problems are motion in current of water ith the currentwind, we express the a boav/airplane travel ue ity of current/wind sum of boatiplane velocity and Velocity, V = Vsoat/aurpiane + Vwina/Current oul ae thee ee tp lane trave Velocity as the sum of boat/plane Velocity, y = ‘ane could travel a distance of 800. travel a distance of 500 miles a C “40 mph, what isthe speed ofthe plane? ling against the wind whi Time vin wing and velocity of current/wind Vooat/sirptene ~ Vwinajcurrene ne sled that the time travelling with the w ich can be expressed as: = Thine against wing (2) Using the velocity formula, ‘Velocity wih the wind Velocity against the wind Vern wint = X + 49 hence, ng the formula of Velocity with res Time, with the wind = ect to time; Time,r = Distance, de ane rin: Time, against the wind 800 500 X+40~ X90 8 ~ 320 = $x +200 A.14, Work Problems 3x aH To solve work problems, we recall that: Ifthe work is completed, we can say that work t= Work Rate (r)x time(t) Say for examp| B) work alone, then if Work = Work Rate (r)x ttme(t) = I, hence: D.Work rater) = 1 if both x and y are the m they would time () umber of days each man (A & be working together, it can be expressed as: ‘Master Plumbing Reference > Fu, against the currenvwind, we express ei 4 ty” time® Elevated water tani filled wi ith ‘und another intake Pipe how long take Pipe A that can fill it in 4 in 6 hours. If both pipes are 1e empty water tank? 5 hence, it Fietoring Algebraic Expression and Simplifying an Algebraic i Factoring is the process of finding the factors or finding what to liply together to get an expression, vN (Oxy -# Because 4x? is (2x), and 9 is (2x? is can be produced by the difference of squares formula: (a#b)(a-b) = a? - b? Where a= 2x and b=3 af (2x+3)(2x-3) = 42-9 lity S(2+x)+3(Sxt4)-07? Answer: (2x+3)(2x-3) mi: Tn simplifying an expression, check whether you .can clear any 3s. Most of the time you can use the distributive property to clear ses, by multiplying the factors times the terms inside the pare is expression, we can use the distributive property to get rid of the first sets of parentheses. Alternate Solution (using the choices if given) 2) Factor 442-9 a, (2x+3)(2x-3) b. Oxt3)Qx43) ¢. (2x-3)(2x-3) ate Note d. (2x+2)(3x-2) L Properties of Real Numbers i Property ‘Addition Multiplication i Ped iy jume a value of “x”, say x=1, hence the value of the given ‘Commutative Property atbabra baba Mi Fascia Property | Osa-erpe | olbeyaleoe | We will then try to look for an answer of -5 in the choices when re adc substitute our assumed value of x=1. If that choice gives us the same answ Beas Drea ane 4 hence itis the correct answer. nave epee aecol=0 Solving the choices; = 5(2+x)+3(Sx+4)-(07F a. 2x+3)(2x-3) = 10+ 5x+ 15x +12-(x°? ‘Now we get rid of the parentheses, now when a term with an exponent is to a power, we multiply the exponents, so (x")’ becomes x*. = 10+ 5x +15x+12-(e)t Therefore, our answer is letter Next we look for like terms and combine them. The terms 5x and 15x are terms, because they have the same variable raised to the same power, ich is the first power, since the exponent is understood to be 1. We can bine these two terms to get 20x. Then we also look for constants which 10 and 12 and add them. B. Simplifying Algebr. expression, you need to simp! easier, Here are the basic steps to follow to simy an algebraic expression remove parentheses by multiplying facto nt rules to remove parenth terms by adding coefficients combine the constants in terms with exponen =22+20x~x! ‘Now our expression is simplified. We then write an algebraic expression ‘acertain order. We start with the terms that have the largest exponents and ‘way down to the constants. Hence, =o x'+ 201422 ‘Master Plumbing Reference 2" Ed. Greatest Common Factor (GCF) 2) Simplify 5(24+x)+3(Sx+4)-(x2)2 BY con Bien ‘a, Least Common Multiple (LCM) - the smallest integer that is b. x= 20x +22 evenly divisible by all ©. = x44 20x +22 Example: dx! 20x +22 Find the LCM of 2, say x=1, hence the value of We will then try to look for an answer of -41 in the choices when we substitute our assumed value of x=I. If that choice gives us the same ans hence it is the correct answer. b. Least Common Denominator (LCD) ~refers to the least common multiple of the denominators of a set of fractions. It is the smallest positive integer that is a multiple of each denominator in the set. Example: fee Solving the choices; r Lepot 33.2 a. x44 20x ~ 22 = (1) +20(1) -22=-1 pentane rade b. x= 20x +22 =(14)-20(1) +22 =3 ¢.—x'+ 20x +22 = (14) + 20(1) + 22 [41] Same d.—x*~ 20x +22 = (14) -20(1) +22 = 1 ¢. Greatest Common Factor (GCF) ~ it is the highest number that divides exactly into two or more numbers Example: Find the LCM of 2, 8, 12 Therefore, our answer is letter “c” mene 2=1e2 A.16 Miscellaneous Problems B= 122468 12=1+2+3+4+6+12 : Hence, the greatest common factor is 2 1. Significant Figures — are di number. Rules a sits that define the numerical value of ‘on-zero numbers ARE significant. ee Example: 45.6 has 3 S.F. b. Zeros between two non-zero di Example: 3052 has 4 SF. Leading zeros are NOT significant Example; 0.00S4 has only 2 S.F. 4. Trailing zeros to the right of the decimal ARE significant, Example: 87.00 has 4 S.F. Trailing zeros in a whole number with no decimal shown are NO} significant. Example: 720 has 2 S.P. For a number in scientific notation: N x 10% ARE significant 6.05 x 10° has 3 S.F. ARE significant. les of triangles. There are two branches of trigonometry Be ror) wich salah wlngls i ih oo elon While the other is Spherical Trigonometry which is concerned withthe extracted from the surface ofa sphere jometric Functions all digits comprising mn to Right Triangles — sol (6) basic trigonometric functions; to right triangles are solved using the 7 Master Plumbing Reference 2 Ei. Plumbing Reference 2 Ed. eee i NUR oy o ‘expressed as; cos @ = ~éleert_ Soe ieeeeaet = epee ONG recent 7 c if 2 = a? + b— 2ab + cosc bP = a? +c? —2ac + cosB 7 a? = bt +c —2bewcosA Pythagorean theorem — ina right the sum of the squares of the len of Tangents of sides is equal to the square of the hypotenuse (longest side), expressed awe pe Angle is the space between two rays that extend from a common point cal the vertex. angle . Solution to Oblique Triangles — an Oblique Triangle is any triangle that not a right triangle and can be categorized as: a. Acute Triangle — is a triangle with three angles less than 90° b. Obtuse Triangle — is a triangle with one angle more than 90° a escA= Tq two other angles less then 90° a secA= = Nika cot A= nA me ey b. Sum of Angles es cs sin (A + B) = sinAcosB + cosAsinB Obtuse Tangle Acute Triangle cos (A+B) = cosAcosB — sinAsinE tan + tanB jue Triangles can be solved by using, cither or combination of the tan (A +B) = TroeAtanB following laws; Master Plumbing Reference 2™ Ed. Plumbing Reference 2™ Ed. 2. sin (A ~ B) = sinAcosB ~ cosAsinB cos (A~B) = cosAcosB + sindsinB and ~ tanB tan (AB) = TT andtanB 4. Pythagorean relations sin? + costa =1 1+ cot®A = esc?A 1+tantA = sect €. Double angle formulas sin2A = 2sinAcosA cos2A = cos?A — sin? 2tana tan2a = {Half angle formulas A_ [t=cosa sins = |S 1-cosd sina ee sind” 1+c0sA— g. Sum of two funetions 1 1 Sind + sinB = 2sin(A + B)cos>(A—B) 1 1 C0sA + cosB = 2eos 5(A + B)cos (A ~ B) sin(A +B) tana + tang = 0+) h. Difference of two functions sin ~ sinB = aensgta + Dring -B) c0s — cosB = 2sin5 (A + B)sin5 (A— B) tan ~ cong = SAB) cosAcosB i. Product of two functions 2sinAsinB = cos(A ~ B) — cos(A + B) OS 20 ‘Master Plumbing Reference 2™ Ed. SEEDS COMA BD} SALA = By 2cosAcosB = cos(A + B) + cos(A~B) jents and Properties of Triangles a of Triangle Given the base (b) and altitude (h): Area = tbh Given two (2) sides (a & b) and an included angle: Area = }absino Given three (3) sides (a,b &c) Use Heron's Formula ‘s(s—a)(s — b)(s —c) asbec 2 = SH (semi-perimeter) > ‘Triangle inscribed in a circle abe Area = % er Plumbing Reference 2™ Ed. 2 Me MCCNAR, AluGe and Angie Disector of a Iriangie Analytic Geometry (Points and Lines) ‘This deals with geometric problems using coordinate system thereby i it into algebraic problems. centroid. ‘we recall Part A.3, which also covers the Rectangular <0 known as the Cartesian Plane) ion of Dist With additional concepts regarding Rectangular Coordinate System. ‘and Lines ‘Acute Triangle Right Triangle Obtuse Triangle Beteveen ‘Livb:potnts: (Distines Romiila), t from one vertex to O2= yi)? + Oe tudes of the triangle =x space jeP2 = V2 — 44)? + O21)? + G2 = m1)? Sahn) Aree 5 ° 9 ¢. Angle bisector into half) the vertex angle. The intersection point of the angle bisect of a triangle is called incenter. ee sf m= O2=%) m, =m; @2-%4) ret For perpendicular lines: "1 ~ jy between two lines (8): mz —m, T+ mm, tand = C. Geometry where my and m2 are the Slope of Line 1 and Line 2 2 ‘Master Plumbing Reference 2" Fd, Reference 2" Ed. 23 €. Distance between a point to a line: lax + By +C| Detar eee [ats Be ABC £. Distance between two parallel lines: re Va? +B? Dit = 8. Area by Coordinate system Given points: Pi(x:,y.), Pa ) and P3(x:,y3) as shown; bays) i xuya): xz.ya) Area = 512 +2295 +40) — One + yee + 04M) +h. Lines General Equation Ax+By+C=0 Point-Slope Form Y=" =me-x) Slope-Intercept Form yemxtb Point For won Two-Point Form raeeae (ex) Intercept Form Sie a‘ bounded by two radii: oometry plane figure that is a locus of all points in the plane equidistant from a pint, which is the center of the circle. is the length of the Foro apes Area of Ellipse: ‘Area = nab Perimeter of Ellipse: Perimeter = 9 Parts of an Ellipse Master Plumbing Reference 2" Ea. Reference 2" Ed. a eed goad 10 Becegon es eee i 11__| undecagon or hendecagon || 20=icosi ashena Are closed plane figures formed by line segments iu iecaor Sine Lal pon Parts of Polygon B triskaidecagon 40=tetraconta_| 3=tri Side also known as “edge”, is one of the line segments that fo a tatraleoaon S0=pentaconta | 4=tetra a polygon 60=hexaconta_| 5=penta i i 15 pentadecagon Vertices are the endpoints ofeach side of the polygon 5 ey "7osheptacanta’| Cahexal Diagonals a line segment joining two non-adjacent vertices of t ae Baligoa 7 heptadecagon Thepta. Interior Angle angle formed by two adjacent sides inside the polygon 18 ‘octadecagon seorte — Exterior Angle angle that is adjacent two and is supplementary to enneadecagon rene ager interior angle of a polygon Central Angle ‘opposite a side of a regular polygon Apothem tance from the center of a regular polygon to t midpoint of a side. vertex Sie Example: A 35-sided polygon pare 30 and vertex iaconta kai ne eerar ange os 40 sie 70 hexathecta heptaconta, Naming Polygons Polygons are named based to the number of sides, know the appropriate Greek prefixes along with some ‘Number edie Name of Polygon For more than 20 sides, wel construct the name by using] 1 ‘combination prefixes: ‘quadrilateral or tetragon pentagon 6 hexagon e 7 heptagon 8 ‘octagon Angle 9 onagon or enneagon Master Plumbing Reference 2 Ed, Plumbing Reference ™ Ed. “Regular Polygons a Regular polygons are both equiangular (all of its sides are ent) and equilateral (all of its sides are equal). s 80, a= n= number of sides go 2tan (=) n _ 180°(n— 2) length of side 27 See te eee a ey ee ee JQUADRILATERAL| Angles Diagonal sc eee ee D=5(n-3) prs Trapezoid Trapezium Area of Regular ns ; Polygon Ae 4tan 280) Rhombus IL. Triangles ‘The most fundamental subset of polygons is the set of Triangles, has th sides and three angles (which always add to 180°), Classification of Triangles according to Sides Equilateral a triangle with three (3) congruent sides and three (3) congruent angles. Isosceles a triangle with two (2) congruent sides and angles Scalene a triangle with no congruent sides and angles NES Scalene Isosceles Equilateral b : io saa-a e meter, P=4-a jeral Quadrilateral jiven diagonals di and d; and included angle 6 1 = Sdjd,sine jadi iv a,b, ¢, d and sum of opposite angle (E) For other properties and formula for triangles, recall Part B.1 & B.2. Given four (4) sides a, b, c,d and sur PPX ma = V(s—ay(s—by(s — es — d) — abcdcos*E IIL. Quadrilaterals Selpeuen se bee JeA+angleC angle B + angle D Is a general term for a four (4) ~ sided polygon, also known as Tetrag = mated tangle’, angle Bs engne? or Quadrangle. where A &€ and B & D are oppasite angles Classification of Quadrilaterals Parallelogram has two pairs of parallel sid Trapezoid has only one (1) pair of pare ‘Trapezium does not have any pair of paral Rectangle, Rhombus are special types of parallelograms and Square 29 28 ‘Master Plumbing Reference 2 Ed. Plumbing Reference 2° Ed. Properties: 1. The diagonals of a parallelogram bisect each othe: 2. The opposite angles are equal, as well as the opposi sides. Given diagonals d; and d and included angle 8 ‘Area = Zdydasino Given two sides a and b and one angle Area = absind logram with four equal sides. The diagonals of a thombs bisect each other at an angle of 90° OGiven diagonals d; and ds Fads Given side a and one angle A Area = a’sin A Area f. Trapezoid 2 ra Quadrilate only two sides parallel. Aren = S(a+d)n he \ b C3 Solid Geometry 1. Polyhedron 's a solid which is bounded by: polygons joined at their edges bounding polygons are called faces, and the intersection of these faces are call ‘edges, while the intersection of edges is called vertices, A regular polyhedron, also called platonic solid, is a polyhedron whose faces are congruent regular polygons and whose polyhedral angles (angle formed by three or more planes which meet at a common point called vertex) are equal. Parts of a Tetragon (Cube), an example of a Regular Polyhedron ‘Master Plumbing Reference 2™ Fi. Hof | ‘Volume Vertices i iron | triangle | 4 6 4 Via? | 0.128 arp ge 6 2 8 6 Iron | square 5 wiangle | 8 2 © | ev3a* | OATe iron | pentagon | 12 30 20 | 20.650" | 7.660" | mm_| triangle | 20 30 12 | 8660 | 28a | eo Oblique Pentagonal Prism Pentagonal Prism Right prism is a prism whose lateral faces or lateral edge are to the two bases. Area of Prism ‘Area LSA =Ph=Pe ; where: P = perimeter at right section e= length of. lateral edge h=altitude ry TSA = LSA+2B Pr where: B = area of one base is _" V=Bh (For Right Prism) V=Bh=Re (For 0! where: R = area at right e= lateral edge Cylinder is a solid bounded by a closed cylindrical surface and two parallel 31 1g Reference 2™ Ed. ek Sees te te Lateral Surface Area LSA = Ph = 2nrh where: P = perimeter at right section h=altitude TSA =LSA+2B where: B = area of one base, a Total Surface Area Volume of Cylinder V=Bh=nr*h (For Right Cyli ‘ylinder) V=Bh=Re (For Oblique Cylinder) where: R = area at right section, R = Bsind = lateral edge Right Pentagonal Prism Oblique Pentagonal Prism IIL. Pyramids and Cones A Pyramid is a polyhedron that conta Pe ee ere ee triangular lateral faces with Right Pyramid Oblique Pyramid Surface Area of Regular Pyramid Lateral Surface Area 1 1SA=5PL where: P = perimeter of base 1 =slant height TSA =ISA+B where: B = area of the base Total Surface Area 32 ‘Master Plumbing Reference 2* Ed. wee 1 v=3Bh where: B =area of the Base h=height Cone is a solid bounded by a conical surface whose directrix is a closed and a plane which cuts all the elements. Right Circular Cone Oblique Circular Cone Area of a Right Circular Cone Surface Area LSA = nrl where: r= radius of the U= slant height Surface Area TSA = LSA+B where: B= area of the circular base, mr? A v=3Bh where: B = area of the circular base h=height SICS Is defined as the branch of science concemed with the nature and fies of matter and energy. TIONS for Quantities are quantities that are fully described by both a magnitude and a direction. ‘are quantities that are fully deseribed by a magnitude (or numerical value) alone. Vector a quantity that has both magnitude and dir typically represented by an arrow whose direction is the ‘Plumbing Reference 2" Ed, 33 Speed Velocity Acceleration Displacement Instantaneous Speed FORCES AND MOTION ‘Newtons I" Law of Motion (Law of Inertia) Newtons 2 Law of Motion (Law of ial Ener es tee ee i some other object. Is equal to weight mul height of the object. P.E.=Wh=mgh Kinetic Energy is energy possessed by an oe in motion z Ls mvt; KE. 2 mi where: m = mass, v = velocity oe ira a oe proportional to the quantity’s magnitude a scalar quantity, defined as the distance per unit time ‘4-vector quantity, is the displacement per unit time change in position, specified by a length and a irection is the speed of an object at a certain instant of time the time rate of change of velocit LAWS si : : ) gives the relationship between volume and temperature if fest pressure and amount of gas are held constant. This means that the volume of a gas is directly proportional to its Every object in a state of uniform motion tends to remain temperature. in that state of motion unless an external force is applied es et 7 t 1 Ta Acceleration is produced when a force acts on a mass. The greater the mass (of the object being accelerated) the Acceleration) greater the amount of force needed (to accelerate the object). F=ma Newtons 3" Law of For every action there is an equal and opposite reastion. Motion (Law of Reaction) Inertia the resistance an object has to a change in its state of moti tak ae ee ee eT “Boyle's Law _ states thatthe volume ofa given amount of gas es C an ith the Weight is defined as the force of gravity on the object and may constant temperature varies inversely withthe apli be calculated as the mass times the acceleration of EERE Wi Ene Oar as ravity, PAV; = P2Ve2 gravity, | Sans! e's Law and Charles’ Law may ‘Newton Itis the force that would give a mass of one kilogram ar il Gas Law igalirG a Ca aw TaEA1 Gi) exprvased ration of one meter per second per second, j WORK, ENERGY AND POWER vr Py, P2V2 Work the product of force and displacement in the direction of Tar er ee ee force ‘ W = Force + Displacement ere: n = = —assof tne gas Energy scalar quantity, the capacity for doing work. It may exist where: 8 = W = atomic mass of the gas ki thermal, electrical, chemi Rp unloarsdl gus Goristant nuclear, or other various forms. 35 34 Master Plumbing Reference 2™ Ed. Plumbing Reference 2" Ed. ee “Monopoly ‘One seller with many buyers ‘Monopsony ‘Many sellers with one buyer Bilateral Monopoly One seller and one buyer Duopoly Two sellers with many buyers _ Duopsony Many sellers with two buyers Oligopoly Few sellers with many buyers | Oligopsony ‘Many sellers with few buyers Bilateral Oligopoly _ Few sellers and few buyers ‘Perfect Competition Many sellers and many buyers: Density’ mass per unit volume expressed as; m fe where: m= mass, V = volume Weight Density weight per unit volume w 6=7 ord = pg Specific Gravity is defined as the ratio between the weight of a substanc he weight of an equal v rat 4°C. TI specific gravity of water at 4 °C is 1.0. The formul calculate the specific gravity of other substance/materis is expressed as: PLE INTEREST Interest is the amount of money paid for the use of borrowed capital. " Simple Interest is an interest computed only on the principal or the original density of substance /material ; orrowed. This can be computed by the formula: 5. density of water where: P = original amount borrowed or principal i = interest per period n= number of interest period, which can be computed as shown below. “a For Ordinary Simple Interest: Computed inthe basis of one (1) banker Year wherein 1 banker's year = 12 months = 360 days. : ) * 360 360 where: d= number of days E. FINANCIAL ARITHMETIC (ENGINEERING ECONOMY) This topic will include basic concepts in Simple & Compound Inter abit Pi( n Discounts, Annuities and Depreciation. DEFINITIONS 1b. For Exact Simple Interest: Computed based on the exact number of ays of the year (365 days) and leap year (366 days). Engineering comparisons of technical projects. ‘onomy is a collection of techniques that simplif fematives on an economic basis involving engineering. ani *¢ where forces of demand and supply operate, whereis fo trade goods and services. Supply is the amount of Demand is the aggregate quantity of a product o service estimated to be bought at a particular price. d é n= 36g 1 If Leap year (divisible by 4) where: d= number of days SS 37 36 Master Plumbing Reference 2™ Fé. Plumbing Reference 2" Ed. ny te ee ee incipal r = interest rate compounded continuously t = number of years F=P+1=P+Pin F=P(1+in) Example: A Master Plumber borrowed Php 20,000.00 from his friend and agrees ay at the end of 120 days on an 6% interest rate. How much will be due at the e of the contract? Rate of Interest for Continuously Compounded: where: r = nominal rate of interest compounded continuously Solution: Hipe fe foonula: ees PCL tn) refers to the difference between the future worth of a negotiable paper present worth. F = 20,000[1 + 0.06 F = 20,000(1 + 0.02) F = 20,400 . discount = future worth — present worth E.2, COMPOUND INTEREST ster Plumber invested Php 5,000.00 at 8% compounded monthly. How Compound Interest is based on the amount of the principal plus th ill it be after 10 yrs? previous accumulated interest. Hence, the interest grows exponentially over a 5 of time. formula Future worth in a Compound Interest is expressed as: F=P(1+ 6" | where: P= present worth or principal i ~ effective interest per compounding period n= number of compounding, n = mt ‘The effective interest per compounding period can be computed as: dle at 15% compounded continuously 7 where: r = nominal interest rate i Li m = compounding period; monthly=12, formula for Continuously Compounded: bi-monthly=6, quarterly=4, semi- annually=2, annually=| ip = Pe iak-P Benya F = 20,0000) 1 = 42,340.00- 20,000 r= 0. = m=0 Effective Rate of Interest is the actual interest earned in one-year peri F = 42,340.00 T= 22,340.00 mk computed by: i 15% E.R=(1+ *) a the effective annual interest rate if the nominal rate of interest is continuously? 39 38 ‘Master Plumbing Reference 2" Ed. Plumbing Reference 2 Ed. Using the formula for Effective Rate of Interest for Continuously Compounded: ER= e=1 where: E.R.= el — 71 erOtS. E.R= 11618 -1 E.R.= 0.1618 =[16.80% E.3. ANNUITY Annuity is a series of uniform payments made at equal intervals of time, Types of Annuity: A) Ordinary the payment is made at the end of each period Starting from the bes period Formulas: tre Future worth; F = 2 G+0"=3) isk Present worth; P= MA2"=1) 4 ='mt 140" B) Deferred the first payment begins until some later date 4 Master Plumbing Reference 2™ Ed, ity Due the payment is made at the beginning of each period starting ine the first period a Re at ie ROt eel aerial gg 7 °<—_—_J me eriod extends indefinitely ALIS : yeyryy epee hiro oer tat Formula: \ Present worth: P = 5 “Plumber invested Php 5,000.00 at the end of each year for 6 years at an ual interest rate of 7% compounded annually. What will be the value ent upon the deposit of the 6" payment? falls under Ordinary Annuity since payments are made at the end of hence; a ee a ar oe 6 +t t+ i} Vryyvd 3000 5900 sooo 500 5000 5000 Ledeen wort; p= Mat 1 5,000[(1 + Fe F= 3,577.00 Reference 2 Ed. at Depreciation is the reduction in the value of an asset with the pas: time. There are three main inputs required to calculate depreciation. A, Useful life ( B Salvage Value (SV) C. First Cost (FO) the time period ov; effective includes taxes, shipping, and preparation’ expenses Methods in Computing Depreciation A. Straight Line Method _ the simplest method of all. Involves simple al of an even rate of depreciation every year ov useful life, which an asset is producti Beyond its useful life, the asset is no longer c ee ee ee ee se Constant Percentage Method, is an accelerated depreciation method that records larger depreciation expenses during the carlier years of an asset’s useful life and smaller ones in the later years. ree Le Percentage K=1- bey Book value at end of m years, BV = FC(1—k)™ Salvage value, SV =FC(1—K)" Depreciation Charge, yy = FOC — Wk 42 Panaied Per anaee T Years ight an accelerated depreciation technique wh bt ‘on the assumption that assets are generally more Total a Lon for "ma productive when they are new and their productivity oe eae, ers| decreases as they become old = Foca Book value at end of “m years, Sum of years diate, BV = FC-D, gee B. Sinking Fund Method a depreciation method that provides funds Depreciation Charge, ieee of an asset at the end of its useful dy = (Fe - SV) ("= ) ggg Total depreciation for 'm "years, pple 0 m(2n— m+ 1)] G+0"=-1 Dm = (FC—SV) 7s Total depreciation for "m “years, a+ 0" =] Dm = 7 Book value at end of 'm "years, BV = FC~Dyp zi a3 ‘Master Plumbing Reference 2™ Ei ing Reference Ed. ‘A pump equipment has an initial cost of Php 50,000.00 and a salvage value of 10,000.00 after 10 years. Find the book value after 5 years using Straight li method of depreciation. ¢ formula for combinations; nt 4 Br =G pir @—2i2i le combinations Solution: We take note the main inputs to calculate depreciation which are (a) First cost (F = Php $0,000 (b) useful life (n) = 10 years and (c) salvage value (SV) = 10,000.00, hence using the formula for straight line method: FC-sv n 50,000 ~ 10,000 d=, = 4,000 per yea Total depreciation for Dyq = 4,000x5 = 20,000 5 years Book Value at end of 5 years BVm = FC— Dy BV = 50,000 ~ 20,000 BV; = 30,000) ‘TION traning the items of a set into a sequence or order. The number of fhings taken “r” at a time is expressed as: Depreciation Charge a= st _5!_ 120 . ez to 120 G-y 1 1 F, MISCELLANEOUS PROBLEMS is the number of permutations of the letters in the word SWIMMING? This topic will include problems other than those discussed before in t Chapter. ; # of letters)! _ 40320 _ F.1. COMBINATION (total fof oe =syn7 ao 10080 Itis the selection of items such that the order of selection does not matt (rep ‘ne The number of combinations of “n” different things taken “rata time is express Toa Toren nr as mera eet x as the rato of the number of nea Ts how likely an event will happen expressed as ee C= 4 (iftaken all) ‘outcomes over the total number of possible outcomes and ean nCn=1 (iftaken al # of favorable outcomes Example: Probability =~ oeat# of outcomes There are 4 PVC pipes of different colors. Two pipes at a time are taken an arranged any way. How many pipe combinations are possible? oll ofa pair of dice, what isthe probability that the sum of two mumbers a 44 Master Plumbing Reference 2" Ed. Plumbing Reference 2™ Ed. eee, ‘The number of trials that has a sum of 11 is 2 [(5,6) & (6,5)] (# of favor outcomes) The total number of outcomes (trials) is 6 x 6 = 36 (total # of outcomes) ngs “wie ini # of favorable outcomes 1 total # of outcomes 5 2 [a ‘ P=>a— 5 6 U8 5 _ (2) Four fair coins were tossed simultaneously. What is the probability of g two heads and two tails? Solution Probability of getting two heads is; r= (JQ) Probability of g Peaits = @) @) iy 2 The probability to get two heads “and” two tai g two (we emphasize the word “a F.4, POWER Power is the rate at which work is done, _AW _Fed where: F = force POMC nr Aint 1 diaplocomeat t= time m Power = N«™ (watts) * Master Plumbing Reference 2 E4 "Power = QP = 5H gained by fluid can be expressed as: where: ‘wherein Discharge can be computed by: QA here: ‘A= cross-sectional area of pipe or v= velocity (mis, £18) on Gee Stine tes sion: 1000 Nem/s = 1000 watts = 1 kW LHP = 550 filb/s =.746 KW js the pressure in pounds per square inch (psi) at the base of a 30 ft water that / fi of water = 0.433 psi, hence; 0.433pst _ aft is the minimum water pressure in pounds per square inch (psi) at the city jin needed to fill a water tank located at an elevation of 120 feet above the main 30ft x: [12.99 psi ¢ formula of pressure, P = 6H; P= wax 120 ft= 7,488 lb/ft? lb aft P= 74887 x (&) Bens Plumbing Reference 2™ Ed. 47 minutes? Solution:, Recall the formula of Power = QP, hence: Power = QP = Q6H (624 Power = Ba) ower a (200ft) we need to solve for Q (discharge) by: tb v _ 50,0001b/62.4 5 801.282 ft? de Q= >= $< f= FS ere € Smine Sse 300 sec 3 @=267 g£ going back to the ae formula and substituting the computed value of Q, ee # Power = (2 67 £) (02. +7) (200ft) = 33,3216 then, we recall that conversion of 550 fielb/s = I HP, hence; ‘ 33,3216 Geb ower = — | esp Heals ~[60.8HP = Alternate Solution using direct formula; tsb ea sso Le 200ft + 50,0001b 0 550 eotb [60.6HP Horsepower (HP) = Horsepower (HP) = Horsepower (HP) =| ‘Master Plumbing Reference 2™ Ed, oy fi lal sl ation tl laa elnino canara lelogram are 18 cm and 30 cm respectively. One side 2 em. Find the area of the parallelogram. C.361 08 W many vertices are there in a tetrahedron? Ad C8 B.6 the volume of a regular icosahedron with sides equal to 6 em. C. 340.98 D. 250.56 of aright circular cone nes 36 Its altitude is 3, find its radi, g cs 4 D6 area of the triangle whose sides are 12, 16, and 21 units. C.87.45 D, 82.78 ior angle of a regular polygon is 165°, How many sides? 23 C.25 24 D. 26 — ee oH ‘Tron is /.2U. Find its wegen A. 49 eerie C494 . D.944 B. hexaheptadigon a8 C. hexacontakaih D. hexahectaheptadigon C.Undecagon D, Hexagon Five fair coins were tossed sim ‘ancously. What isthe probability of ge C18 D.38 eto the passage C. Depreciation D. Depression 12, What is the area of the cross-section ofa mm and an outside diameter of 254mm A. 126.57 mm? ©. 162.57 mm? B. 126.75 mm? D. 162.75 mm? Pipe with the inside diameter Balance 13, 'sthe volume of@¢¥lindrical wank with a diameter of Im and a heigl 2 AL7Sm B.2.75 m i C. Market or A in D. Grocery 1.57 m D.257m “aléb3pm Wil the hands ofa clock be perpendicular to tes after 3p — ~€.32.73 min D. 30.86 min ism are pentagons with each side 6 em long. The ‘re 12 em. apart. Whabis the Volume of the prin? A. 734.52 m> ©.743.25 my B.743.52m) ~ D. 734.25 m 15. A plumbing tool vendor borrowed Ph 1P 2,400 and agreed to pay Php 3,000 a 30 days. What isthe simple intertarate per aes A. 150% €.250% B. 200%, D. 300% | i was 4 Alvin woul twice the age of Kim. Five years ago, Alvin was fide Kin 1 of their present ages. as old as Kim. Find the sma 3 E es sum of the two numbers is 21 and one number is twice the other. le amount of Php 12,8 00 in 4 yrs at 5% com pounded quarterly is be eg cee mina A. Php 14,785.34 C. Php 36 D.94 B. Php 15,614.59 D. Php 15,847.33 17. A temperature of 180 0 F is approximately equal to 2763 in Roman Numerals A. 52.22°C C.62.22°C ‘A. MMDCCLXI a CES B. 72.22°¢C D.§2.22°C B. MMDLXVI 7 18. What is the number of in dower required to raise 25.000 Ibs of water for 8s 167 in Roman Numerals height of 30 meters within 10 mins? A.SHP B.7 HP C. MCXVIL D. CLIX C.6HP D.8 HP 51 Master Pl ™, a srence 2™ Ed. laster Plumbing Reference 24 Fd, ‘Plumbing Refer ee eee gn aan eee we Eee SUES TOOS OFX and 1s Inversely 10 Zwaen 7=2 and w=100. Find w if x=36 and 2=5, ‘A. 120 C. 160 B. 140 D. 180 D. Parallel istheaverage weight of baby? D.8kg 30. A chemist of a experimented on two alcohol solutions of diffe strength, 35% alcohol and 50% alcohol respectively. How many cubic met of 35% must he use in order to produce a mixture of 60 cubic meters contain 40% alcohol. A. 1000 C500 B. 750 D.250 Bisa 32 a e3 D.S js the temperature in degree Celsius of absolute zero? 31. Find the 30th term of an Arithmetic Progression 4, 7, 10...... €.32°C A88 C.95 B.91 D. 105 32. Three pipes are use 9 hours. Pipe B ca How many minutes simultaneously? A. 24min B. 62 min with water, Pipe A alone can fill the 33. Is a branch of mat ‘numerical computa ‘A. Algebra B. Trigonometry with integers and more generall . Arithmetic D. Calculus . Optional 34. A factor repeated to produce a power is? for a property ‘the amount which a willing buyer will pay to willing buy or sell A. Numerator . Square 1 advantage and is under no compulsion to aie ahaa Recetas C. Book vali D, Salvage Value 35. What is the greatest common factor of 64 and 75? B. Market Value e i Da Jess than four times a certain number is 4. Determine the num DIS ee C4 ; D.6 36.5+5x2=7 BS AIS C.20 * B25 D.30 is= Zon C.5360 ‘A. 5280 ft eens 37. Itis a series of equal payment occurring at equal interval of time A. Debt C. Annuity B. Amortization D. Deposit —— ee ee 52 ‘Master Plumbing Reference 2™ Fa. ae) Sonar pan ee 7 €.3174 mil D. Area=12pi ; Perimeter=8 B.3714 mil D.4136 mil -most efficient thermodynamic cycle? 49. __ of a force is a measure of its tendency to cause a body to rotate a ‘A. Carnot Cycle . Rankine Cycle Specific point or axis. B. Otto Cycle D. Bryton Cycle ‘A. Moment C. Power B. Intertia D. Centroid derivative of cos x? C.-sin x 50. Php 500,000 was deposited at an interest of 6% compounded quarte B. see x Bet eng Compute the compound interest after 4 yrs, And 9 months C. 178,362.37 D. 183,327.37 werted pyramid has @ height equal to 8m and a top edge equal 10 3m is the volume of the Pyramid? i A.24m* C. 48m? D. 36m* 51. What is the greatest common factor of 64 and 75? AL B.S 52. Apoint Pis A. Equidistant B. Equivalent 53. Find the area of trape: 5 inches, it is the same distance from them. = Concentric Congruent 10 inches and 14 inches, and a height! of a 20 fect water cylinder? . 8.66 psi 54. What is the area, in squa D. 866 psi to 10, 6 and 8 feet? A248 B48 Ariangle whose sides have lengths eq shells 58. He conceptualized that the heavier the object, the faster speed it will fal. ‘A. Galileo B. Newton is the measure of? 56.1HP=___ ‘A. change in enthalpy ofa system A.0.746 KW C. 1000 W B. heat capacity of a substance B.746 KW D. 1000 ftbys . internal energy of gas _ D. randomness or disorder in a system ‘57. What is the area and perimeter of an ellipse given the length of major segme: a=12 and length of minor segment, b=8? A. Area=96pi ; Perimeter=64 B. Area=48pi ; Perimeter~32 54 ‘Master Plumbing Reference 2™ Ed. he term also applies tion whereby payment is made for work not done. T! Base Ue ein ves are used than a reasonable requirement for Plumbing Reference 2™ Ed. Py gutter lesen A31a7 ¢.3174 ). Area=12pi ; Perimeter B.3714 mil D. 4136 mil efficient thermodynamic cyc! of a force is a measure of its tendency to cause a body to rotate abo A. Carnot Cycle C. Rankine Cycle Specific point or axis. }. Otto Cycle D. Bryton Cycle ‘A. Moment C. Power B. Intertia D, Centroid e derivative of cos x? C.-sinx ). Php 500,000 was deposited at an interest of 6% compounded quart D. -sec x Compute the compound interest after 4 yrs. And 9 months A. 158,270.37 C. 178,362.37 pyramid has a height equal to &m and a top edge equal to 3m. B. 163,475.37 D. 183,327.37 the volume of the Pyramid? 24m? C.48m? What is the greate D. 36m" common factor of 64 and 75? Al CR B.S A point P is . exponent . Concentric Congruent is at what 10 inches and 14 inches, and a heigl ‘Quadrant I ~ Quadrant Il Quadrant 1V of a 20 feet water cylinder? to 10, 6 and 8 feet? A204 B.48. . He conceptualized that the heavier the obj A. Galileo C. Aris B. Newton D. Einstein is the measure of? LHP = change in enthalpy of a system A.0.746 KW CC. 1000 w hheat capacity of a substance B. 746 KW D. 1000 ftelb/s internal energy of gas . randomness or disorder in a system What is the area and perimeter of an ellipse given the length of major segm 12 and length of minor segment, b=8? A. Area=96pi ; Perimeter=64 B. Area=48pi ; Perimeter~32 ‘whereby payment is made for work not done. The term also applies where more workers are used than a reasonable requirement for ‘operation? ‘Master Plumbing Reference 2™ Fa Reference ™ Ed. 55 i *—b* = 3a°b + 3ab?+b? ‘A. a — 32° + 3ab?—b’ Coa) 30% a+b B. a’ + 3a" + 3ab?—b? D.a’—3a°b + 3ab?—b’ YB what do you e r contains one more log than the layer above is just one log. If there are 105 logs in the ple, 68: Ia liquid has a mass of 352 g and a volume of 0546 L, what is the densit i centage will the Diet, Ste ee be daub 5 hw mich pect il bbe decreased?, C. 83.60% 7pm will the hands ofthe clock be together for wee gonal pyramid with the length of one side dto be Sem. - 288.00, 70. Solve 1% +2%=9 748.25 can A4% 4% 249.42 ae B3% 4.5 apie h. If its perimeter is 72, what is its area? ° 71. Solve for x if the eq 24)/21=x A. 209,000 290,000 ‘ B. 289,000 . 300,000 ‘0 balls are drawn in succession i id 5 bl tw ; 72, The 2 Ps Of the line 3x + 2y +5 on cone, ‘whats the ality tat bh als are black’ B,-3/2 . 2/3 528 73. What isthe distance from point A(3,4) to point (-3,-4) AO c.10 of Php 12,800 in 4 yrs at 5% compounded quarterly is th D.13 5.34 74. 4 plumber covers a joumey of 952,000 km in 7 days and 3 hours. Find caer cost Php 7,350 has a life of 8 years and has a salvage value of Php average speed in km/s, i 4 years using AIS ©.15.50 end of 8 years. Determine its book value at the end of 4 y ig pi ais esc a . Php 3,950.00. ; php 3 83000 D. Php 4,050.00 7S. Factor the expression x2 + 6x +8 completely Php 3: A. (x+4)(x42) C. (44-2) B.(x-4)(x+2) D.(x+4)ix03) 56 eciation SMe difference between its cost and Bic valu of x if the average of 10-08, 0:2 and xs exactly 0.6 accumulated depreciation A.02 eae A. Salvage Value C. Used Value 0.4 B. Book Value D. Net Value 86. A temperature of 180°F A. 52.22°C B.62.22°C ‘st position in the corporation? Bec 'B. Chairman of the Board D. Chief is approximately equal to C.72.22°C D, 82.22°C series of equal payments occurring at equal interval of time where the made after several periods, after the beginning of the payment C.835 C. Annuity due D.o7s . Ordinary annuity D. Deferred annuity 88: IP the total fall of house sewer is 24 inches Per 120 feet. What is the slope foot in sewer? A001 B. 0.03 1s the face of a hexahedron? C. octagon D. hexagon C.0.02 D.0.04 89. The altitudes of the si A. orthocenter B. incenter take 100 cats to ki le intersects at the point known as ‘rcumcenter entroid What is the perimeter A. l4em B. 15cm th sides measuring 6 cm, 8 em and 9) 22cm €.316 sqm. lateral has sides equal to 12cm, 20 em, 8 cm, “D.261 sq.em. sum of the two logram. 61 8 Pair of dice, the probability of obtaining a sum of 6 ig 24 6 C.4/36 B. 736 D. 6/36 93. Perform the indicated operation: V-9x3y-343, A21 C.-21i B.21i D.-21 {he area of a rhombus if the longer diagonal is 26m and sh Im? A. 286 sq.m. B. 143 sqm. C. 95.33 sq.m, D. 162.50 sq.m. ‘card is chosen from pack of playing cards. What is the probability that it ‘sum of three odd consecutive numbers is 129. Find the middle number. either red or a picture card? Al C.45 A813 19/26 B.43 D.47 B. 10/13 D.8/15 fe: 64242729-125'9 105. In the arithmetic progression -9, -2, 5, ... which term is 131? AIS c.2s A.20 C.22 B.20 D.30 B21 D.23 for x; BES — SE6 = Set 106. Find the sum of the first fifty positive Ace, 4 2 C.1.88 A. 15,300 eats B. 15,200 jaa ‘hypotenuse of a right triangle is 34 cm, Find the length of the shortest is 14 em shorter than the other leg. A. 15cm C.17em B. 16cm. D. 18 em ing alone can finish it in five days less than Kim, How long will it take ‘of them to finish the work alone? ‘cm, and 8 em, and their included angle| is the chemi A. Fe B.K . 4.256.em . 5.645 em in term 34.6209? greatest unit pre A. bearing stren; 4 6 110. In the equation, 2x-Sy+16=0, A.02 B04 the slope of the line, 0.6 0.8 111. One cubic foot per minute is approximately equal to, A. 0.37037 yard'/min €. 0.004723 m3/s B. 0.04723 lis D, 288 in’/s t2xyty’) 112. Which of the following is equivalent to 2% slope? A. 0.0656 tm C. 0.0215 yard/m B. 0.0787 in/ft D.0.656 fim A. 39,364 B. 354,292 ‘city of 27,000 uses 15 gallons of water per capita per day. Ifits required to this water 150 ft., what is the number of HP required? AT cl Bo D.13 113, What is the name of polygon with 100 sides? ‘A. chiliagon| CC. hectogon B. myriagon D. centigon en a ee pone (2S) Oe NG: ere Te MESA P SE eye MA A236 C.3.45 ion is? c B.2.75 D. 4.36 A. tort ‘6 B. fraud D. impostor 125, Find the accumulated amount of Php 2,000.00 after 5 years when depos in a bank at a rate of 15% compounded month A. Php 4,214.36 B. Php 3,514.36 ular reservoir has the following dimension L=Sm, W=3m, H=2m, is the maximum volume the tank can accommodate? ‘A. 30,000 L C. 3,000 em? B. 30,000 m* D. 3,000 mm? ‘ic and legal rights in long-life, nonphysical assets, including ights, patents, franchises, and leasehold improvements ‘A. tangible assets CC. current assets B. intangible assets D. physical assets 126. Scrap value of an asset is sometimes known as. A. Book value C. Used value B. Market value D, Salvage value 127. How many liters of 20% alcohol solution should be added to 40 liters 50% alcohol solution to make a 30% solution? A40L B.80L f i Jude products or services. Other revenue may incl e, sale of assets, or other sources. It is money revenue 28. Wh /hat is the temperat ). balance sheet A. 68°F meg sing records. The primary financial the Balance Sheet, and the Cash Flow 129. What is the geometri A4 B6 _ income statement assets 130, A rectangle has a len; A1B B16 width of 4”. Find the perimeter. . 26 36 ilities plus Owners’ Equity at 2 financial statement How many ft-lb per minute are there in 1 HP? B, balance sheet, D. income statement A. 23,300 ftlb per min C. 35,000 fib 4 B. 33,000 min D. 550 ftlb ae cf of ownership in business where individuals exercise and enjoy the right their own interest 32. You have a 25mm diameter pipe, if you are to use a 75mm diameter pif A. partnership how many smaller pipes will you use to make it equal? B. private A3 1 ¥ BS BS ‘a number that tells the position of something in a list, such as Ist, 2nd, 3rd, , Sth ete 33. An evil deed committed by a person to damage another persons’ property A. cardinal CC. rational reputation is? B. ordinal Dd. oe A. tort C, sham B. fraud D. impostor 63 62 Master Plumbing Reference 2™ Ed, ‘Plumbing Reference 2* Ed. BRE toeartnc sate ANSWER KEY ee earthen PLUMBING ARITHMETIC of two of more individuals for the purpose of operating as B © | SLA 76. A | 101.B | 126.D = 3 A A. ole proprietor institution A A | 52.A | 77.B | 102.0 | 427.8 B. partnership D. corporation A A 53. B 78.D | 103.C | 128.A 144. Is a number that can be expressed as the quotient or fraction p/q of J . A | 54. A | 79. A | 104.A | 129.6 integers, a numerator p and a non-zero denominator q D c | 55C 80.B | 105.B | 130.c ‘A. cardinal . rational B. ordinal D. irrational B .B | 56A | 81.D | 106.A | 131.6 bg ; ; D .D | 57.A | 82D | 407.8 | 132.0 145. The square root of a number is equal to: - A. the number C. root of the number A . C hl 83. B | 108.A | 133.A B. square o D. the number raised to 2 B .B 84. B | 109.D | 134.A 146. Log M -Log Nis e A A 85. B | 110.8 | 135.4 A. Log MN D wy 86.D | 111.C | 136.B , B. LogM-N A cf | bc | 112.0 | 137.¢ 147. This is a triangle c ay 88.C | 113.C ‘A. scalene 8 B. obtuse g .D 89.A | 114.8 D Bp 90.D | 115.8 be created nor destroyed; energy can of r i ira to another, D .D | 66.8 | 91.8 | 116.0 © C. Newtons 1* Law of M D .B | 67.08) 92.A | 117.68 D. Newtons 2" Law of Motion D . py 88. A | 93. C A18:6 dynamics A B 69.B | 94.B | 119.A 149. Two coats of paint are required for an elevated water pipe line 7 i B SB eRe AS iy oBBH Bt] 91058 diameter (outside diameter) and 200 ft. long. If a gallon of paint covers 2 ic Ee TEC 96.B | 121.A ‘sq. ft. on the first coat and 250 sq. ft on the second coat, how many gall D A 72.B 97.D | 122.6 €.3.5 gallons c REAP [SHC ah MOSCA [NaasNe aie ic A | 74.8 | 99. A | 124A 150. The ratio of the interest payment to the principal for a given A .B | 75. A | 100.C | 125A usually expressed as a percentage of the principal? A. Rate of investment C. Interest rate B. Yield D_ Rate of return Master Plumbing Reference 2” Fd. i 7

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