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NOTES mposed of the basic knowledge in largely base on the Revised National jines (RNPCP 1999) with other plumbing mostly on general regulation and terms fion with an aggregate weight of In this chapter, we will discuss first the concepts and discussions on nt plumbing sub-topies followed with their corresponding sample (CT CONTENTS & DISCUSSION juction to Plumbing Code This topic will cover problems and discussions regarding the Plumbing of the Philippines, basic principles, Code of Ethics and Plumbing - History of Plumbing Practice in the Philippines professionals to eradicate the ines. (i.e cholera, leprosy and Tn 1902, the plumbing trade was duly recognized by the government the City of Manila as the model community. The government then ee ee ee eee ee ity of water consistent with poper performance and cleaning, of plumbing construction and inspection, ‘iple No. 4 — Devices for heating and storing water shall be so designed A plumbing code, based on the plumbing code of the United States, installed as to prevent dangers tom explosion through overheating. yg having plumbing fixtures installed and ion, ocsupaney or use on premises abutting on a alley or casement where the is a public sewer, shall be connected to sewer system. and was placed under Department of Pi lic Services in Manila, the Third Congress of the Philippines approved the Republic No. 1378 which was then signed by President Ramon Magsaysay on June I 1955 and was known as the “Plumbing Law of th 28, 1959, the National Plumbing Code of the NAMPAP was in the passag Authority (NA\ known as the Bui ple No. 6 ~ Each family dwelling unit on premiscs abutting on a sewer ith a private sewage-disposal system shall have at least one water closet ‘one kitchen-type sink. Further, lavatory and bathtub or shower shall be lled to meet the basic requirements of sanitation and personal hygiene. ippines prepared by ted and approved by Malacaftang. This code assis v creating the National Waterworks and Sewera code of RA 6541 otherwi le No, 7 ~ Plumbing fixtures shall be made of smooth non-absorbent ial, free from concealed fouling surfaces and shall be located in ilated enclosures. Code of the Philippines. In 1996, NAMPAP President Jaime M. Cabase spearheaded the updati of the revised national plumbing code. Finally, in October. 1999, Professional Regulation Commission adopted the Revised Plumbing Code 1999 which was approved last December 21, 1999 by the president at that ti President Joseph Ejercito Estrada, pursuant to Section 4 of RA 1378 known the Plumbing Law. constructed and inciple No. 8 — The drainage system shall be design ined to safeguard against fouling, deposit of sol ite cleanouts so arranged that the pipes may be readily cleaned. tiple No.9 — Al gs of plumbing systems: be of durable AP approved materials, free form defective workmanship, designed ‘constructed by Registered Master Plumbers to ensure satisfactory service. A.2. Basic Principles siple No. 10 ~Each fixture directly connected to the drainage system shall The Natio uipped with a water-sealed trp. Plumbing Code of the Philippines was defined with its ba These goals are categorized into twenty-two basic pri ‘enumerated as follows iple No. 11 ~ The drainage piping system shall be designed to provide ¢ circulation of air free from siphonage, aspiration or forcing of trap Principle No. I ~ All premises intended for human habitation, occupancy Spades ortinaryaioe: use shall be provided with a supply of pure and wholesome water, neit supplies nor subject to hazards of backflow ple No. 12 — Vent terminals shall extend to the outer air and installed to pt clogging and the return of foul air to the building. back-siphonage. le No. 13 ~ Plumbing systems shall be subjected to such tests to Principle No. 2 ~ Plumbing fixtures, devices and appurtenances shall ma ean ce tively disclose all leaks and defects in the workmanship. supplied them to functi conditions of use. satisfactorily and without undue noise under 68 Master Plumbing Reference 2" Ed. Plumbing Reference 2" Ed. 69 than his/her original charges except for additional services not covered basic contract; miial d fant bee. ee ee , destroy the pipes or their joints or interfere unduly with the seway disposal process shall be allowed to enter the building drainage s em. ‘Supplant another Registered Master Plumber after definite steps have Principle No. 1 ction shal vided to prey eo Gale ty Mendauty be: fy been taken toward his/her being commissioned to perform the contract; contamination of food, water, sterile goods and similar materials by back] of sewage. When necessary, the fixture, device or appliance shall be connec indirectly with the building drainage system, "i reducing his/her ‘Underbid another registered master plumber by ional fees after being informed of the fees charged by the other Principle No. 16 — No water closet shall be located in a room o compart master plumber; which is not erly light« id ventil Haband gore bc rey “Take the advantage of a salaried government position to compete unfairly Principle No. 17 ~ If water closets or other plumbing fixtures are in: ‘@ practicing registered master plumber; buildings where there is no sewer within a reasonable distan ¥ provision shall be made for disposing of the building sewage by some ac ‘method of sewage treatment and disposal, such as a septic tank ed 4 i s s ber for a fee to Allow the use of his/her license as registered master plum! 7 sensed master plumber in plumbing works without his/her personal Principle No. 18 ~ Where a plumbing drainage system may be subject backflow of sewage, suitable provision shall be made to prevent its ov. in the building. ly or maliciously, directly or indirectly, the reputation of sd master plumber by reviewing his/her work for the same the professional services of the former have been officially and all professional fees have been fully paid by the client; Principle No. 19 ~ Plumbing systems shall be maintained in serviceat idition by Regist ter \ Pedi tessa oo “Advertise in self-laudatory language, act in any manner and engage in any \c bring dishonor to the dignity of the registered master National Master Plumbers Association of the Philippines imbing profession. Principle No. 20~ All plumbing fixtures shall be in be accessible for their intended use. lled properly spaced, Principle No. 21 ~ Plumbing shall be installed by registered master plumb. with due regard to the preservation of the strength of structural members the prevention of damage to walls and other surfaces through fixture usage, Application for Plumbing Permit Jumbing or drainage work for which a permit is required should Be er ae the office of the building official under DPWH, or city mayors. These works shall be incorporated by professional ices of a licensed and registered master plumber in accordance with R.A. 8 which is also known as the plumbing law. Principle No, 22 — Sewage or other waste from a plumbing system which bbe deleterious to surface or sub-surface waters shall not be discharged into tl ground or into any waterway, unless first rendered innocuous throu; subjection to some acceptable form of treatment. ication of these permits, a registered and licensed master en application athe offic ofthe building oficial in behalf ave the following: Just like with the other profession ‘maintain a professional bearing adhering master plumber’s code of ethics which registered master plumber sl 9f standards known as 1 ‘enumerated as follows: 1.) Identify and describe the plumbing work covered; , 2) Have the description ofthe land upon which the plumbing work isto be done: ‘Plumbing Reference 2 Ed. nm ‘Master Plumbing Reference 2" Ed. ne Oo ee eee ee center; ‘* The registration number of the registered master plumber shall appear at the center below the name: Lastly, “Philippines” appearingé at the lower portion of the round seal. The abovemention: Reco vementioned 6 sets will be distributed to certain personnel Senet of approved plans, 5 te follows, nations, computtions and of * One set shall be retained by is : ined by the administrati Two sets shall be returned to the app ae Two sts shall be returned tothe ovner, One set shall be kept at the jobsite is topic and practice. Most of the terms that ‘recurrence to be asked in the upcoming board exam problems. {ITION OF TERMS: Styrene AIRBREAK - physical separation, which may be a low inlet into the ‘waste receptor from the fixture, appliance or device indirectly ‘The approved and issued plumbing permit may if the plumbing work authorized lappa eeierie. i AIR GAP, DRAINAGE - the unobstructed vertical distance through the ‘atmosphere between the lowest opening from any pipe, plumbing fixture, fiance or appurtenance conveying waste to the flood level rim of the Case 1: If the plumbing work was r the date of issuance; (AIR GAP, WATER DISTRIBUTION - an unobstructed vertical through the free atmosphere between the lowest opening from any of faucet conveying potable water to the flood-level rim of any tank, vat not commenced within one year fror Case 2: If the plumbi ing work was suspended or a after having been commenced fora period wna wae ture, ‘APPRENTICE PLUMBER - An entry-level plumber, learning, learning ‘trade. Apprentices may work with a journeyman, under the supervision of ter plumber. "AREA DRAIN - A receptor designed to ‘an open area. ASP! TOR - A fitting or device supplied with water or other fluid je pressure which passes through an integral orifice or , causing a vacuum, Ifany of the aforementioned cases happened, 4 ioned cases happened, the renews Permit will require the applicant to settle a fee equivalent casi -half the amount ofthe fee paid from the inital aplication of permit cee A.S. Special Provisions A a enn epimes | registered in accordance withthe provisiong esa seal of the standard required. The code requires the seal to be round in shape and shall ne BACKFLOW - the flow of water or other liquids, mixtures or substances the distributing pipes of a potable supply of water from any source other from its intended source. and Licensed Master Plumber” at the upper portion of the oo | Master Plumbing Reference 2 Ea, Plumbing Reference 2™ Ed. 1 1s “leat Sis 8 a all tart tear ‘alin ” reverse flow can occur. ae | ecnACERE TIRE BACKFLOW - occurs due to an increased rev: ve the supply pressure. This may be du or other sources of pressure. Poet fon ACKRLOW PREVENTER- device or means to prevent flow a ig rom turing tothe source of supply. Also called vacuum breaker. ;BACK-SIPHONAGE = the flowing back of used, contaminated Polluted water from a plumbing fixture or vessel into a water supply pipe df to a negative pressure in such pipe. See backflow. BACKWATER VALVE - a devic prevent reverse flow. BACKVENT PIPE - the part ofa vent cone av directly wi ‘an individual trap underneath or behind th as the ‘or main vent pipe at any poi rhe iia py ak This is sometimes called an BALL COCK ~ a valve opened and closed by ly, of an attached ball floating on the surface of the liquid. BALL JOINT - a type of pipe connection in which a held in a cuplike shell and allows movements ine ‘i BATHROOM - a room equipped with ee — a ecumulated sediment. 2 “BRANCH - any part of the piping system other than a main, riser or stack. RANCH INTERVAL - a length of soil or waste stack corresponding in ral to a story height, but in no case less than 2.43 meters within which the zontal branches from one floor or story of a building are connected to the lers, grav “BRANCH VENT - a horizontal vent connecting one or more individual tical back vents with the vent stack or stack vent. RAZED JOINT - any joint obtained by joining of met Which melt at temperatures higher than 449 degrees ‘than the melting temperature of the parts to be joined. BUILDING DRAIN - that part of the lowest horizontal piping of a ge system which receives the discharge from soil, waste and other pipes inside the walls of the building and conveys it to the building s beginning 0.6 meter outside the building wall. ILDING SEWER - that pat] of the horizontal piping of a drainage m which starts from the end of the building drain and which receives the charge of the building drain and conveys it to a public sewer, private sewer, dual sewage disposal system or other point of disposal. "BUILDING SUBDRAIN - that portion of an underground system, which mot drain by gravity into the building sewer. "BUILDING SUPPLY - the pipe carrying potable water from the water ‘or other source of water supply to a building or other point of use or bution.on the lot. Building supply shall also mean water service led in a drainage system 4% Bath - Also known as “powder room” and cor a sarah ists only of either x NEED on FIXTURES - Any group of two (2) or more simi ae *s which discharge into a common horizontal waste or 80 BELL OR HUB - that portion of a pi pipe which, for a short di sufficiently enlarged to receive the end of another pipe ofthe same diamcl for the purpose of making a caulked or push-on joint. BENDING PIN - a tool for straightening or bending lead pipe BIBB - synonymous with faucet, cock, tap, plug, etc. The word "fauce CAULKING - plugging an opening with oakum, lead or other materials ‘are pounded into the annular space. Also, the material pounded into the ing, screwed or caulked over the end of a pipe for closing the Saree Jumpin H BASIN - a receptacle in which liquids are retained for a the body, especi ficient period of time to allow settleable material to deposit. BLANK FL. CERTIFIED BACKFLOW ASSEMBLY TESTER - a person who has ‘competence to test and maintain backflow assemblies to the satisfaction BLIND FLANGE - a flange that closes the end of a pi ‘opening for the passage of liquid or gas. BLOW-OFF - i ae *F - a controlled outlet of a pipeline to discharge liquid Fthe Administrative Authority having jurisdiction. CESSPOOL - a non-watertight lined excavation in the ground which ves the discharge of a si inage system or part thereof, designed etain the organic matter and solids discharging thereof, but permitting the jid to seep through the bottom and sides of the cesspool. Plumbing Reference 2" Ed. - 7 4 Master Plumbing Reference 2™ Fd, ee ee oe ee ee ee level. 1y connection or arrangement, physical or between ly system and any plumbing fixture Snellen sone through which enables non- fable, used, unclean, polluted, contaminated water or other substances to into any part of such potable water system under any condition. CHECK VALVE - a valve that automat id or gas in a reverse direction CIRCUIT VENT - a group vent pipe which starts in front of the extra fixture connection on a horizontal branch and connects to the vent stack. § loop vent, also. CLARIFIER - See Interceptor. CLEAR WATER WASTE - Cooling water and condensate drain from refrigeration and air-conditioning equipment; cooled condensate fi steam heating systems; cooled boiler blowdown water, CLINIC SINK - a sink designed primarily to receive wastes from bed; and having a flush rim, an integral trap with a visible trap seal, and the sat flushing and cleansing characteristics as a water closet. COMMON VENT - See unit vent and dual vent. COMBINATION FIXTURES - is a fixture combining one sink and t ‘or a two or three compartment sink or tray in one vent. COMBINATION WASTE AND VENT SYSTEM - a ly closes to prevent the of, ns are made on the extended portion, ion of liquid or air therein. EVELOPED LENGTH - the length ofa pipe along its centerline and DI " " inal ically stated, the term "diameter" is the nominal Bey iccigtaind conta , denotes inside diameter of pipe and cesses, free from indus sfacory disposal without special treatment tis discharged into the drain, COMMON - that part of a plumbing system designed and ‘serve more than one appliance, fixture, building or system. CONTAMINATION - an impairment of the quality of the potable wi ease by sewage, industrial flui 0, defined as high CONTINUOUS VENT - a continuous vent is vertical vent that ig continuation of the drain to which the vent connects, CONTINUOUS WASTE - a drain connecting the compartments of a of fixtures to a trap or connecting other per CONDUCTOR - A pipe inside the building which conveys storm from the roof to a storm drain, combined building sewer, or other appro\ point of disposal. CORPORATION COCK - a stop valve placed at the connection of d ‘water service pipe to the water main, CPVC - Chlorinated Poly Vinyl Chloride, CRITICAL LEVEL or C/L - marking on a backflow prevention devi ined building sewer, or other means of disposal located outside of the \ductor and Leader. IN-eph ich carries ground and surface waters, storm water or ste system where pe, tubi such rigid construction using pings are of threaded pipe, tubing or other suc Sc drainage tings v> eacrepond to the types of piping: 7 Master Plumbing Reference 2™ Fd, Plumbing Reference 2" Ed. ch is designed to discharge a predetermined quantity of water int fixtures is designec EFFECTIVE OPPENING - is the minithum cross-sectional area RISHOMETER: VALVE. - is «device, which dices point of water st measured or expressed in terms ‘quantity of water into fixtures for flushing purposes diameter of a i of by direct water pressure. inGute EXISTING WORK - the on-going ins ion of the plumbing syste any part thereof which has beet Prior to the effectivity of this C. "GANG OR GROUP SHOWER - two or more showers in a common flow of water is cut off by means Dede faces, at right angles to the FAUCET - a valve located at the end of a water pipe through of whi water can be drawn from or held the pipe. FERRULE - a metallic sleeve, caulked or joined to an opening in a into which a plug is screwed that can be removed for cleaning or examin the interior of the pipe FIXTURE - a receptacle other than a trap attached +h water or wastes may be collected or retained for the plumbing system, FIXTURE BRANCH - the water suppl pipe and the water-distributing pipe FIXTURE DRAIN ~ the drai Junction of that drain with any other di FIXTURE SUPPL’ fixture branch, 9f the pil i Y Lose’ VALVE savalve in which the flow of fluid is cut off by mean Ive seat. The wular disc that fits over and against the horizontal valve se: a flow of lel to the normal direction of fement of the plane of dise see pee pein arn Sap ey plumbing syst imate dischary ly pipe between the fixture supy Tong andthe other en mon faucet for’ pantry sink. Also, the term means the flexi ection between a service pipe and a water main, AAA eO Ae, [GRADE - ithe slope or illo ino pipe wih seferenes toa horizons Tn drainage, itis usually expressed as the fall in centi Poanagh INTERCEPTOR ~ an intereepor ofa least 3 cubic meters i fixtures and which is remotely loc GREASE TRAP - « device designed to retin grease ftom one 10 8 mum of tour fixtures. GROUND WATER - the wa ipe from the trap of a fixture to pe, 'Y -a water supply pipe connecting the fixture with u.ft/minute), FLOOD LEVEL - the level ina fixture at which water begins to overfl ‘over the top or rim of the fixture, that stands in or passes through the 2) of MOOD LEVEL RIM - is the top edge of a receptacle from where wa 3 OUP VENT - a branch vent chat performs its functions for two (2) overflows, pao [LOODED - a fixtures flooded when the liquid therein rises to the 1 Bons level rim. FLUSH TANK - a tank located above or integral with water closet, urin or similar fixtures for flushing or removing exerements in the fixvane BLUSH VALVE - is a device located atthe bottom of the tank for th Purpose of flushing waster closet and similar fixtures, oi ee § Master Plumbing Reference 2" Fa, HANGERS - see supports. amination HIGH HAZARD - see Contaminat winbein Aes 3H - is a drain pipe extending | ee ae yr without vertical sections or ‘soil or waste stack or building drain with o - Plumbing Reference 2™ Ed. 80 ‘tempor it or make possipie, ©” yrary or permanent, which permit any ous whatsoever, for any are ee enter into a water distribution system for purposes; and A «The foregoing enumeration of conditions whi ‘‘insanitary" applies, shall not preclude the appli term to conditions that are, in fact, insanitary. - is any pipe or fitting installed in a horizor position or which forms an angle of not more than forty-five (45) degrees the horizontal plane, HOUSE DRAIN - is that part of the lowest horizontal piping of plumbing system which receives the discharges from soil, waste and Grainage pipes inside of a building and conveys it to the house sewer outsi and INTERCEPTOR - is a device designed and installed eee a jin deleterious, hazardous or undesirable pee ito ae wi is is its normal sewage of liquid wastes HOUSE SEWER - is that part of a plumbing system extending from house drain at a point 0.60 meters from the outside face of the foundation wi ‘of a building to the junction with the street sewer or to any point of dischat and conveying the drainage of one building site. HOUSE STORM SEWER - is the pipeline from the building to 1 Public or street storm drainage system. HUBLESS PIPES - are cast iron soil pipes with plain ends connect together with bolted stainless steel bands and neoprene gaskets, uit INVERT - The lowest portion ofthe interior part of any pipe or con isnot vertical ait SJOURNEYMAN - a plumber who has completed apprenticeship irements. nay INDIRECT WASTE PIPE - is a pipe that does not connect directly wit the drainage system but conveys liquid wastes by discharging into a plumbi fixture, interceptor or receptacle directly connected to the drainage system. INDIVIDUAL VENT - is a pipe installed to vent a fixture trap and whi ‘connects with the vent system above the fixture served or terminates in t open air. INDUSTRIAL WASTE - any and all liquid or water-borne waste fro industrial or commercial processes, except domestic sewage. INSANITARY - a condition contrary to sanitary principles or injurio to health, bearing a label of a listing agency .delibly marked with stickers, glued , specifications and logo of the LABELED - equipment or materi Jabels shall be embossed, ‘stamped or in the finished product indicating the weig! ¥ .In sewerage, a common ‘ondary pipeline. In eae in ane acwer is comected, I reclves Sewage from fice connections only. i ‘sting of a continuous trough containing LATRINE wea aner two of more adjacent sats, Probbited by th os ties for permanent installations LAVATORY - a fixture designed for the smetimes called a wash basin. LAVATORIES IN SETS - Two ( Conditions where the word "insanitary" shall apply include the ‘* Any trap which does not maintain a proper trap Any opening in a drainage system. except where lawful, which is not provided with an approved water-scaled trap, Any plumbing fixture or other waste-discharging receptacle or device, Not supplied with water sufficient to flush maintain it in a clean condition; ‘+ Any defective fixture, trap, pipe or fitting; ‘+ Any trap, except where exempted in this Code, directly connected to a drainage system, the seal of whi Protected against siphonage and backpressure by a vent washing of the hands or face. 2) or three (3) lavatories that are served t watertight. CESSPOOL - a cesspool that is not Se ces ctl om buling gute fo he downspout STENGTH (OF PIPE - is measured along its centerline. i from any fixture, appliance oF WASTE - is the discharge : cues in connection with a plumbing system which does not receiv. fecal matter. Plumbing Reference 2™ Ed. a1 ‘Master Plumbing Reference 2” Ed. ‘or a room to the outer air. Attn | LOOP OR CIRCUIT VENT - ic abillox-walte'pine bra T ~a vertical vent conn peeyeriery cai is aie fie ttveecd ie above the hig vert of fines sonectd thsrcal the nits Caneeied UEFA vent in the of loop venting or to th Vent stack near LOW HAZARD - see Pollution. rby in the case of OAKUM = hemp or old hemp rope soaked in oil or tar to make it if. “OCCUPANCY - the purpose for which ilding is used or intended to ‘The term shall also include the building or room housing used. Grreccupancy is not interpreted to mean change of tenants of uit venting SF city sf elbows or bends, which MA \CERATING TOILET SYSTEM - A system comprised of | of a su ith the original with macerating pum ip and with connect risshae fixtures, which is designed to accep, fet ey eer one pproved point of discharge, Ti gece IN - any system of contim i the system where branches are pees ches eos aia aay SEWER ~ see Public Sewer. ENT - the prin bra tAIN VENT the principal artery ofthe venting system to whic v MANHOLE -a large o} rietors. OFFSET - in a line of piping is a co Tone section of the pipe out of Fine but intoa _ POLYBUTYLENE - tube made of plastic and colored black ‘cross-sectional shape is normally oval and is noted by its outside er oF OD. Normally used as water service connection from main to POLYETHYLENE - tube made of plastic male | and colored black. Cross-sectional shape is circular and is denoted by its ‘outside diameter or constructed with suffic g ina sewer line or part of a plumbi Leste fala ace ee to gain access ther maintenance purposes and facility for changes of line and/or grade of 2 1 and/or grade of licensed to practice the profession of Master .D. PEX - Cross-linked Polyethylene, PIPE ~ a cylindrical conduit or co’ accordance with Republic Act 137, having passed en nat by the Professi fara pains Con Langit pereitn et ions commonly known as “pipe size” an aster Plumbing and possesses the current a Pee = see Gra license to practice. MOBILE HOME PAI RK SEWER - that sania dringe stem which ensures 0. me downsseam fom ie rom the last mobile home site and intl conveys sewage to a jividual sewage disposal system or other: Mou ceaae private sewer, pes, fixtures and other ids, substances and/or id and other cartied- 10 the pipes and fixtures apparatuses in buildings for bringing in the supply. ingredients. and removing them: astes hazardous to health, sanitation, life, proper ‘fer installation i.e, the plumbing system. PLUMBING APPLIANCE - any one of a spect Jass of device oF equipment intended to perform a special ‘plumbing function. Tts opera fud/or control may be dependent upon one oF more energized compor stich as motors, controls, heating elements and ress temperature-sensi ‘elements, Such device or equipment may operais ‘automatically through one ot rome of the following actions: a time cycle, @ temperastse range, a pressure range, a measured volume or weight; oF the device or equipment may be ‘nanually adjusted or controlled by the user oF Operate PLUMBING APPURTENANCE - @ manufactured device or a refatricated assembly or an on-thejob assembly ‘of component parts, and 83 “Master Plumbing Reference 2” Ed. © Whenever any work regulated ; human life or detrimental to mak = fein a eee to perty; an POE ny eT eC pte rers cetera 82 Master Plumbing Reference 2" Ed. eee o. ———. te motion, lable at the fixture or . il Pressure ~ the pressure avail re oF Residue a allowance 1s made for pressure drop ae 0 Teton toss, head, meter and other losses in the syste ition loss, head, imaximum demand period. ns in the operation, maintenance, servicing, economy or safety of plumbing system, PLUMBING FIRM -a sole proprietorship or corporation composed ered and licensed master plumbers together with allied professional the base of a stack to its junction wi VATI sie pes fixtures in residences and apartmen stablishm: ‘and hospital s, to rest rooms in commercial establ Tesiricted use, single fixture or group of single fixtures and where the fixtures are intended for the use of a family or an here the fixtures are intended for the use of a family ions th the ‘ATE SEWAGE DISPOSAL oes ee rsmaiees i disposal field, i e ent chr uburfacedspsal ld and expat oof forth ‘as may be permitted under the procedures se this Code. SRIVATE SEWER abuilding sewer, ore than one building drain and conveys it ied professions also only render work a services within the cognizance of their Tespective professions, PLUMBING FIXTURES - are approved-type installed rec devices or appliances supplied wit eptacl this Code. PLUMBING OFFICIAL - the Admi charged with the administration and enforcement Code, or his regularly authorized deputy, PLUMBING SYSTEM - includes all potable water supply and distribution pipes, all plumbing fixtures and traps: all sanitary and drainage systems, vent pipes, roof drains, leaders and downspouts: and « building drains and sewers, including their respective joints and connections, devices, receptacles, and appurtenances within the property; water Premises: potable, tap, hot and chilled water pipings, potable water using equipment; fuel gas piping; water heaters and vents for same. PLUMBING UNIT - a minimum standard quantity of plumbit that discharge wastes into a plumbi mn including: one (1) water meter, one (1) water closet, one shower head and drain tor a bathtub or shower stall, oné tchen sink, one (1) laundry tray and three (3) floor drains and four (4) 1ose bibb, POLLUTION - an impairment of the quality of the water to a degree which creates hazard to the public health and adversely affects the aesthetic and potable q ic use. Authority or the officer the National Plumbing ich receives the discharge from 1 public sewer, private sewage ints of disposal isos sytem, orotate aed forthe deposition of excrement ture u PAV AULT. a it beneath a privy where exerement collects assification of plumbing fixtures, te use. defined as private or private use. WER - @ common sewe t eee ch all abuters have equal rights ofeomectons ue pve Pal de. Potable water pipings are co ae tured with toxie components and are color-c .wer directly controlled by public Drainpipes are manufactures ‘gray, orange or brown. PO’ tures and mater TABLE WATER - water satisfactory for drink inary and :TERIALS - all plumbing fixtures an from domestic purposes and meets the requirements of the Philippine Natoma aun ee pnnbing system or parts thereof shall be. free Standards for Drinking Water. in any discharge PRESSURE - the normal force exerted by a homogeneous liquid or gas, defects. Per unit of area on the wall of the container. << Fo branch "SEEPAGE PIT -a loosely lined excavation in the ground, which receives discharge of a septic tank and designed to permit the effluent from the tank to seep through pit bottom and sides. ‘SEPTIC TANK - a water-tight receptacle which receives the discharge of itary plumbing system or part thereof, designed and constructed to retain digest organic matter through a period of detention and to allow the fds to discharge into the soil outside of the tank through a system of open- 'b-surface pipings or a seepage pit mecting the requirements of this nt in, the primary funetion of which is ween the drainage and vent systems igned system such a a“yoke vent and REMOTE OUTLET- when weed aan outlet dimension, meas , measuring from the m cold water piping or through the water hy ‘SERVICE PIPE - the pipe from the street water main or other source of supply to the building served. ‘SEWAGE - any wastewater containing animal or vegetable matter in water piping. RETURN BEND - with idle ad cng fe cee ee bend usually made up two 90° b ion or solution and may include liquids containing chemicals in a one hundred ei reads, flanged or welded fittin, “ tion. Tee eighty degrees bend in copper ubings esa ne Pollet also ‘SEWER - a pipe or conduit for carrying sewage and wastewater. SEWERAGE OR SEWERAGE ‘WORKS - a comprehensive term, = see backvent Rey Pipe. BM Hee eet ‘op open edge of a fixture, F Pipe, whi mor ee ich extends vertically to one full story of ag ROUGHING-IN - the insta oe : plumbing system, which can be and accessories. These include sanitary and st orm drainage, tap, hot and chilled tap, water supplies, gas pipings, vent pipings an; the necessary fi Ba gs i suding all constructions for collection, transportation, pumping, treatment final disposition of sewage. SIAMESE CONNECTION - a house fitting with clapper valves for ining the flow from two or more lines of hose into a single stream. The 4 fitting of a fire standpipe located above ground lev ‘SIPHONAGE - a suction created by the flow of liquids in pipes. A sure less than atmospheric. ‘SHIELDED COUPLING - an approved elastomeric sealing gasket with approved outer shicld and a tightening mechanism. SHOCK ARRESTER - See Water Hammer Arrestor. SLIP JOINT - an adjustable tubing connection, consisting of @ ‘compression nut, a friction ring, and a compression washer, designed to fit a threaded adapter fitting or a standard taper pipe thread. SLOPE - see Grade, SOIL STACK PIPE - a vertical soil pipe conveying fecal matter and wastewater. SOIL PIPE - any pipe, which con ixture supports SAND-INTERCEP SANITARY ree = See Interceptor, ewaterconainin g human exer domestic sewage. ans | ede tore ENE ive sanitary sow dustrial wastes and without the oe oe Dee rain or ground water SCOURING - me: means to fh wweys the discharge of water closet, urinal ‘th or without the discharges from other ing sewer. obtained by joining metal parts with at a temperature below 427 degrees igrade. fits into a bell, Also a word used ‘i lush or wash out, to remove dirt or grease b 1 y indard dimensional i specified outside diameter to the’ led diameter pl L. nce between the di ter in the trap between the dip and heeronng en mn weir. OAL ‘Master Plumbing Reference ™ Fa. centigrade and above 149 degrees cent SPIGOT - the end of a pipe which synonymously with faucet. ofa tap. ‘Master Plumbing Reference 2" Ed. ail Tie o ECIAL WASTES - wastes which Tequire some special methods handling such as the use and receptors; corrosi umbing ETAILPIECE - the pipe or tubing that conneets the outlet of a plum! resistant " pretreatment i to eae IE - a tee with the branch tapped to receive a threaded pipe STACK - the vertical main of a system of ear i extending through one or more stories and extend. ee. fi STACK GROUP - is a term applied to the location of aes? to the stack so that by means of proper rly vent minimum, tewater ‘without materially affecting the flow of sewage ot was wane gas ‘ . RAP ARM that potion of fixture dain bet ea UTRAPSEAL- thata . ~ the maximum veri Dri erect an weicend tho op of in ip ofthe tap TUBE - a cylindri sions known as STANDPIPE - a vertical pipe, or a to give it ata head, classified as: $ Wet Standpipe - water pressure is maintained . System ~ Teservoir, into which water is pump ibe sizes" and denoted by its outside diameter or O.D. - us Portion of the rainfall “UNIT VENT - an arrangement of venting so installed that one vent pipe : ‘er the earth surface after I serve two (2) traps. ‘uded between the upper surface floor next above und drainpipe that receives only subs °Y i€ 10 a sump for disposal by gravity flow STACK VENT - the extension of a soil or waste stack above the highest zontal drain connected to the stack. The uppermost end above the root ig Called stack vent through roof (SVTR) SUMP - an approved tank or pit which receives Sewage or wastewater and is located below the normal grade of the gravity system and must be emptied by mechanical means, SUPPORTS - supports, hangers, anchors, bracket cradles are devices for = Laat VACUUM = at her li cul in air pressure less than atmospheric. Also, implies VACUUM BREAKER - sce Backflow Pevnter ee VENT PIPE pipe or opening used for ensuring the circi VEN’ : i certed on trap plumbing system and for relieving the negative pressure ex« VENT STACK - the vertical vent pipe installed primarily for providing lation of air to and from any part of the soil, waste of the drainage system. EI to provide flow of air to or from a SYSTEM - pipes instal a system to protect holding and securing pipes and fixtures to wn 1G, floors or structural M Waa ‘orto provide a circulation of air within such sy peters: Peale Bean tpbonege itd boy er Me ara eceeal poate SURFACE WATER - that portion of rainfall or other precipitation which VERTICAL PIPE - any pipe ot Sees eraled dope vic tieveaeal tuns off over the surface ground, ch forms an angle of not more than forty-fivs SWIMMING POOL - a water basin used for swimming designed to Ee accommodate many bathers at a : and properly connected to a disposal Pires and draws water supply or provided win approved water Purification and recirculation system. 88 Master Plumbing Reference ™ Fd, cee ie iquid Waste and Industrial Waste. epee! WASTE PIPE apps which conveys only wastewater ogy -WATER-DISTRI tpn: Temove suspended solids by filtration, WATER-DISTRIBUTI 'G PIPE ~a Pipe which conveys potable w; ‘fom ihe building supply pipe tothe plumbing fixtures and ater oe community use, WATER SUPPLY SYSTE} water service pipe, water supply branch pipes, potable water, -ofa 1ppu WET VENT - that portion of a vent pipe through where wastewater a flows through, WELDED JOINT OR SEAM- any joint or seam obtained by the joini of metal parts in a plastic molten state WELDER, PIPE LINE - a person who specializes in the welding of pi and holds a valid certificate of competency from a Tecognized testing agen based on the requirements of the regulating authority. WHIRLPOOL BATHTUB - A b: 4 circulating piping system designed to accept, circulate arg discharge bath water upon each use. WYE - a hose conn connections of the sam supply line. Also, a pipe fi with ing of three br YOKE VENT - a pipe connecting upward from a soil or waste stack below the floor and below horizontal connection to an adjacent vent stack at a Point above the floor and higher than Dreventing pressure changes in the stacks, C. General Regulations Provis G1. General Regulations in Plumbing One of the essence of plumbing is the excrement or other waste water distributing pipe and the necess coupling diameter to be taken fro1 oe building or premises consists of irtenances required for the supply tub fixture equipped and fitted wit two-gated outlets permitting 1 ranches that form the letter “Wye”, wie highest spill level of fixtures for cover Problems and discussions regarding in the plumbing ‘pabection and tests, fixtures, quality and weights of Proper disposal of sewage, human waters by means of an approved excreta and storm Master Plumbing Reference 2" Ed, consideration to avoid clogging inside the pipe. uring “ :” is a way of flushing i ‘ise known as “self-cleaning” is aie Self-sco eas with he low of wastewater. Ts one ee apie ‘way to decide the proper slope of a hori i acanate ne Honontal drainage pipes shal be run in protic alignments and st: By lepe beoween manholes of ot eps than 26min oe 2% ead 1 et ae sal. There are also some exceptions in slope cee in Ee ok ‘to follow the standard slope due to the following cons a Excessive depth of the proposed ey Structural/geological fase ee: oot dverse in arrangem« ae If any of one of haze scoaros can't be avoided o coc, slopes © any sd depending on its sizes. FLOW JANGES IN DIRECTION OF DRAINAGE FLO} L PIPING MEESE HORIZON | ALLOWABLE re si iim oF 2% Tess than 102 mm CD ter than or equa inte io 204 mm Smmim or 0.5 % ater than or equal 10 a esa lear most likely oe ing of pipe in plumbing is the clogging of jlem is the EES tal pe turns. One ofthe reason ofthis Lge ahi to occur at joints an ‘connections, The code stated t sacs ene forthe changes in dceton of rinage ping ang ‘APPROVED PIPE ANGLE BENDS 22-4 degree angle bends 45 degree angle bends 60 degree angle bends Gi ‘Other approved fittings of longer sweeps o1 Be ree neta neste te ‘Master Plumbing Reference 2™ Ea. —PIPE TRANSITIONS Al .PPROVED PIPE BENDS 45 dey le bends Horizontal Drain Lines [~ ‘60 wye branches to Combination ang bend (“COMBO”) Vertical Drain Lines * ee Or other approved fittings of longer sweeps pes 45 dey /e branches and 1/8 bend branches Or other approved fittings of longer sweeps 45 degree branches Or other approved fit Vertical Drain Lines to Horizontal Drain Lines ** {228 May be used when the barrel of the fitting is at least ‘wo (2) Pipe sizes larger than the largest side inlet. Nominal pipe sizes. diame Ot these purposes are 51, 63, 76, 89, 102, 114, 127 & 152 nan diameters, ** Sixty (60) degree branches or offsets may be used only when installed in a true vertical position, HORIZONTAL TO VERTICAL CHANGES IN DIRECTION Reeser acy oe Uae a Master Plumbing Reference 2” Fd. Sa ee eee Le ‘Qiktencewo — wreano va neno ome EQUVALENT yowve ano i {0M LEVATION VW PROHIBITED FITTINGS AND PRACTICES: follows *: ¥s for drain line are enumerated as a Se ae fa fitting for lead-caulked joint in. vertical : Ch ‘or double tee branch; or double tapped tee branch; et quarter bend; and 5.) Running thread band or saddle. * ical lines ee rrjouble hub sanitary tapped tee may be used on vertical In wee vad stainless steel bands with neoprene gaskets for jointing hubless cast iron soil pipes. 93 ‘Master Plumbing Reference 2" Ed. Double Tee Branch Side inlet Quarter Bend Coupling Ce ar Running Threads llows: The prohibited practices are enumerated as ig shall be drilled and tapped; I be threaded; 6.) Valves, to the dit lowing provisions are all stated from code to ensure the quality and strength of all pipes to be used for plumbing practices. These provisions a used to have an efficient plumbing system, PROTECTION OF PIPING, MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES |.) Pipes should be protected from breakage by embedded metal sleeve ' passing through corrosive materials should be encased PE sheath for protection, 3.) Void between pipes and sleeves through conerete floors (In ‘ground) shall be sealed with bitumen ly embedded in concrete and masonry without metal sleeve, tructural_member shall be seriously weakened or impaired. 6.) The bottom of al pipe trenches deeper than the footing of any adjacent structure must be at least 45 degrees therefrom, (To avoid the zone of influence line from footing pressure) ‘Master Plumbing Reference 2™ Ea. within 0.6 m of any building or structure, nor less than ish ground surface. : : ee ere tet to undue corosion, ersion of dama red materials shall be protected of appro aac {ning proper bedding and top shielding concrete. INGERS AND SUPPORTS ‘or Vertical Piping red at sufficiently close intervals to keep its . ted at and a4 its weight and contents, Stacks shall be suppor fignment an cir base a follows ie sles peliaie See eet SS: PING SUPPORT. Sea ee PIPE SUPPORTS ee Every storey of closer ee Every other storey height en ‘Supported at each storey or at Oma ‘maximum intervals of 3 meters on ‘center : ceding 1.20 meters at center Lead Pipe Not exceeding 120 meters at Plastic Pipe Shall be every 1 meter interval istic 95 ‘Master Plumbing Reference 2™ Ed. t ewe!) One Ho Stapf Vr Pipe For Horizontal Piping All pipes shall be secured at sufficient! at sufficiently close intervals and must Supported within 0.45 m from the hub or joint to keep its alignment and av HORIZONTAL PIPING SUPPORT. TYPES OF PIPE i oe | Cast iron Soil Pipe era | Where joint occurs Supported not more than 1.5 m intervaly Pipe exceeding 1.5m | Supported at not more than 3 m Hubless or compression joint ~ At every other joint Ifdeveloped length > 1.2 m — every joint 4 ‘Screwed Pipe __19 mm and smaller _25 mm and smaller | | Cooper iEpbidirestaP ea 38 mm and smaller Sl_mm and larger Lead Pipe In Grou ound length or concrete Plastic Tube [" a 38mm and smaller | __Stiff 4 [ metal or wood backin, |_ Simm and larger seal a Metal hangers I eee Master Plumbing Reference 2™ Ed. NCHING, EXCAVATION AND BACKFILL nels have a clear height of 0.6 m. above the pipe Evi Yo of the depth of the trench © © Minimum length of ‘© Maximum length of 2.4 m. Driven Pipe to «The driven pipe should be at least one pipe size larger than the Pipe be laid. Open Trenches of drainage system shall be Kept Se aie sed, tested and accepted and should ‘open until the piping has been inspect s le after approval Seen “thin layers of 0.3 m above the top of the pipe with th and inders or other clean earth and sl ‘materials that can cause Bo a ee ‘Master Plumbing Reference 2% Ea. ‘not contain stone, bot breakage or corrosive act eee sctions. the highest level of ‘¢ Water test can be done entirely or in se ‘All opening should be closed except at the system. ‘© Should be done at least 3m head of water. Inspect the system after 15 minutes of being under the ‘water test. «Can be done by attaching an air compressor testing tus, forced to a uniform gauge pressure of 34.5 kPa or an. ent 254 mm in Mercury head. system after 15 minutes of being under the air ilding Sewer Test a. Water Test «Shall be plugged at its point of connection with the public sewage disposal system, the system with water from the lowest to C.2. Inspection and Test One of the most iny portant contol of the pipe alignment and instal such portions of existin, plumbing works is the qualit quali s. All new plumbing work and m after 15 minutes of being under the tion of the plumbing system b. Air Test 's and specifications. are in accordance with approve ively with approved ‘¢ Water test can be dons equivalent low pressure ai fe Inspect the system after 15 mim test. Registered master of being under the air plumbers are to notify the adminis administrative ection. St ive authority that Seach sat fr ispetion, Such ntitcation shall be given not less = The code allows two (DW Vieyierh ahiconcnione, a drainage, water and vent syste io ‘water. Enum, m tmethods of testing stated froma the cade nd rom ae the acceptable a. Water Test under a water pressure ‘¢ Hot and cold water supply shall be used plus 50% (150% of not less than the working pressure of working pressure). «Shall be tested using potable source of supply. 1.) Drainage and Vent System % ‘Master Plumbing Reference 2™ Ed. “Master Plumbing Reference 2 Ed. eee 100 a anergy co) aT maaan er a b. Air Test ect the system after 15 minutes of inder Pe ¢m after 15 minutes of being under the: lumbing fixtures unnecessary concealed foul surfaces shall be acid resistant cause discoloration or strai Public use should be an elo accommodate a variety of users’ siz required plumbing materials and ‘occupancies. Master Plumbing Reference 2" Ed. ALI plumbing fixtures other than [NERS AND CONNECTIONS water closets and siphon action Jon or blowout urinals shall be equipped with approved strainers having roved waterway area. Strainers ‘Serving Shower Stalls Roof Gutter Drains Flat Roof Drains OH IBITED FIXTURES: 1.) Water Closets ‘© Invisible Seals ‘© Unventilated Space Having walls which are not thoroughly was! discharge «dry or chemical closet (unless with approval of Health Officer ini ‘Authority) « Any-water closet which might permit siphonage of the contents of the bow! back into the water tank. 2.) Urinals ‘¢ Trough urinals which might have back siphonage. 3.) Bathtubs ‘Sheet metal lined wooden bathtubs 4.) Drinking Fountains . In 5.) Sacrarium (Special Fixture) ‘© Connected to the sanitary drainage system (Ghall be discharged directly to the ground) shed out at each of public toilet rooms 101 ‘Master Plumbing Reference 2” Ed. Shower receptors and and shall be provided wi loor drains shall be considered as plumbi approved-type and hinge strainer pl ‘tile _ ean ote od | ees H iA 0.6m? (un) GB fal Ha ae peg 2 i si Ae Bertin: for wheelchair use may eliminate the curb or threshold. Th imum distance between the door or hold, The minimum : entry to the drain opening shall be 1.2 meters, retaining the required slope and depth from the door entry to the drain opening. my 4 Special shower compartments SHOWER RECEPTOR POOL BATHTUBS ‘Shower Receptor Requirements; © Shall have a finished dam, curb or th mm and lower than the outside floor at th receptor. Shall have a red dam, curb or threshold be no less than 5] 228 mi shall be sloped uniformly from less than 2% or more than 4%, Thresholds shall of sufficient width to accommodate a mininaum of 559 mm wide door. ‘¢ a minimum finished interior area of 0.6 square meter be capable of encompassing a 762 mm diameter circle * The minimum area and dimensions shall be maintained from a Point above the shower drain outlet to a height of 1.78 m with Protrusions other than the fixture valve, head and safety gr * Floors of public shower rooms shall have a non-skid surface 102 Master Plumbing Reference ™ Ea. Whirlpool bathtubs shall comply with the following requirements: rtp ‘Master Plumbing Reference 2™ Ed. the pump. b.) The circulation pump shall be located above the crown wei the trap pump and the circulation pipping shall be self-draining ater retention ings on whirlpool bathtubs shall comply with the lis PLUMBING FIXTURES REQUIRED Each building shall be provided with sanitary facilities as prescribed bel Types of | Water Bathtubs Tpers | Building or | Closets Lavatories | or | Occupancy Showers Assembly | Male Male | I per 40 i | Female | fixture for | 1 per 40 eal 50 make fxure for s each cad Convention additional ty Pokns additional Halls ~ for 50 males males: 20 males permanent. | 4:36-55 and 1 for use Over 55, nye each 15 i 1d) Pa additional add 1 1 for a ee raat females | addition Lana | al 40 a ‘ females ‘Assembly 5 Dormitorie peso [Male | pers per 2 Bs for, staf Female | 200 use 1 per 40 3:201- 400 & I per 75 Halls — for | Female 2:201-400 public use | 3:1-50 3:401-750 4:51- Over 750, 100 add 1 fixture for] 104 ‘Master Plumbing Reference 2™ Ed. ‘fixture for each addition al 40 persons ospitalfor [Male | 0:1-9 Male Tper 75 employee 1:10-50_ | 1 per 40 we Add 1 | Female pater aniere fixture for | 1 per 40 ia pe a cach Over 150, Add 1 Female additional {add fixture for | 1 per 40 50 males | fixture for ae additional 50 males additional females Hospitals Rooms: Sipe 11-150 Individual Berita Mant add fixture for each additional Office oF 150 males Public Buildings 1 fixture for each addition al 200 persons Schools —|Male | Tpers0_| Male For Staff | 1:1-15 Lper 40 2:16.35 “Or water piping when pipit PERRULLS ae eee building, or underground outside aa 7 DIMENSIONS ANDD WEIGHTS OF (CAULKING FERRULES in addition to the incised marki Pipe Size | Inside Diameter Length | Minimum Weight shall be marked by m ings, all hard drawn copper tubi Teast 64am in With, maMOUs tnd indelibly colored stripe a fa Hasse Types of 76 82.6 0.790. copper tubing: 102, 108 1.132 * Tape - isthe heaves and is sutable for undergo SOLDERING BUSHINGS 4 Rstalation. Shall have a green colored strip a De ue = ahr than ype K and is availabe in both DIMENSIONS ANDD WEIGHTS OF CAULKING FERRULES seen oes le form. It is commonly used in Pipe Size | Minimum Weight | Pipe Size | Minimum Weight ater suprly ine and for heating i (mm) Each kg (mm) Each kg. Laban Ae pre strip bands, 32 0.168 6 0.622 pe it thinnest and available only in a rigid fo 38 0.224 76 0.908 sakes ely ieee ore Larne designed for smal 31 0.392 102 1.586 and for radian i Pa have red colored sp bands Sioa ine neS 7 ype — it is i st Pereeitigy pakg pai Ee for drainage, waste and. ‘© Closet rings or flanges for water closets or similar fixtures shall ‘Stall have a panese ca typically found in older systems, be approximately 178mm in diameter and when installed, shall colored etry braids, together with present a 38 mm wide flange and a LEAD groove face to receive the fixture gasket or ball wax. ‘© Caulked on closet rings or closet flanges shall not be less than Minimum W. ; 64 mm thick and not less than 51 depth For safe pans eight and Tricks of Sheet Lead 7 ‘© There shall be a minimum of four Its per water closet Sul not be ess than 19 56g and made of brass, copper or other listed equally corrosion resistant mit Sie gears materials. ‘or Flashings or vent terminals ings Or vent terminals Shall not be less than 14.63 kg per D. He \d Cold Water System Pecan gees 2mm Pe (ae This topic will cover problems and discussions regarding in the water Lead bends and lead traps ‘Shall not be I distribution in the building and premises. Included in this topic are the Water 5 Tess than . i Louk en Tae ll ree | Supply and Distribution, Fixtures’ Water Supply Fixture Units, ‘D.1. Materials: ‘Water Pressure Pipes: © Brass © Copper © Centrifugal Cast Iron «© B&SEnds / F & F Ends “Master Plumbing Reference 2™ Ed. m1 ‘Master Plumbing Reference 2" Ea. ———— al a re T uypseealippteiestaN) 2) 170 2 ob Suk Ot en ae © Galvanized Wrought Iron Teal stall) : : 5 * Galvanized Stee! ven ay * 3 i U (we © Polyethylene and Polyvinyl Chloride 4 a icioser ini nl _ os 7 ical lus Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride (CPVC) — Can be used for hot and 23_| Water cose ee ) 3 5 water distribution systems within a building. Se Na oiet (Mlushometer valve) Y for items not ‘ Cast iron up to and including $1 mm in size should be galvanized jstopheccpepes neat * using for potable water piping. a maximum demand but in case ‘The code allows 8 percent lend content as the maximum allowable eo aos 1 a content used in potable piping systems. Loe z + = 19mm, 10 D.2, Water Supply Fixture Unit (WSFU) 25mm. 6 Every fixture has a required amount of water to function satisfact ‘hich is measured by fixture units, Below are the values of water su fixture units (WSFU) for different types of fixtures. Gravity Supply Tanks EQUIVALENT WATER SUPPLY FIXTURE UNITS (Includes Combined Hot and Cold Water Demands) Number of Water Suppl Item Fixture Fixture Units (WSFU) No. Private Use | Public Us 1 Bar Sink 1 2 2__| Bathtub 2 4 3_| Bidet 2 4 4_| Dental Unit or Cupsidor 1 5_| Drinking Fountain 1 2 6_| Hose Bibb 3 5 7_| Laundry Tub_ 2 4 8 [Lavatory 1 2 Seorenrar on, ‘9 | Lavatory (Dental) 1 1 SaGtroseremron 10_| Lawn Sprinkler 1 1 wit Lyf Mobis home £ £ “The following provisions are the requirements ofthe code for the gravity 12__| Shower (each head) 2 4 ‘ i See pt ia : Fa supply tanks. be tightly covered to avoid unauthorized persons, di 14 i lushing rim clinic) - amin. 15_| Sink or dishwasher 2 4 S 16 sh-up circular spray) E 4 17__| Sink (wash-up, each faucet) zz 112 Master Phambing Reference 2™ Ed. ‘Master Plumbing Reference 2" Ea. OE en mc vend pipe having an area not less than the area of the down-f riser pipes. Il be screened with a fine corrosion resistant screen wit § Not less than 14 nor more than 18 mess per 25 mm, controlled by a float valve, float switch or electro: level control. Provided with valved drain pipe and an overflow Pipe screened, ee ee ce Outlet drain pipe shall be pointed downward with a max distance D.3. Water Pressure, Pressure Regulator and Pressure Relief Valves Water pressure supplied by water distributors have some fluc service. We can categorized those service excessive water pressure Inade, Water Pressure — Main source of water supply is less than 103 kPy (ess friction and other pressure losses), Solutions: * Use of hydro-pnew * Elevated tank and ion Tank - when the pressure is greater than the relieve pressure setting, Valve is used for hot water supply pipe system. Shal drain. © Approved side. ‘Pe pressure regulator with strainer on the building Pressure Relief Valve counts, With drain should be provided in storage water heating equipment with a pressure regulating device or check valve. Master Plumbing Reference ™ Ed. faster Plumbing Reference 2™ Ed. oe ete Service Tap Connection Detail water that passes through a pipe or other outlet. Meter Stop ~ It is used as a device for restricting water supply to enter the meter to avoid water reading. Gate/Check valve ~ A control ‘valve for the water supply in the building ide of the water meter, usually used to regulate or check the water flow. 1 Provisions ater pipes shall not be laid in the same trench as building sewer or storm Wi nage piping unless both of the following conditions are met: 1) The bottom ofthe water pipe at all points shall beat least 0.3m above the top of the sewer. 2.) The water pipe shall be placed on a solid shelf atone side with at least 0.3 meters clear horizontal distance from the side of the sewer. 43.) Water pipe joints shall be installed not less than 3m away line in both directions. Corporation Stop/Cock — supp he mec hCock = A valve screwed into the street water main i ne Goseneck- The pat ofthe pipe curved i ‘ible. Also the lea connection between a servce pipe and toprCoek ~ A control valve for the water supply of = + supply in case of emer; fF the GeeaeL rgency or should the water supply of the ‘building Water Meter Connection Detail Water piping installed within a bui should be installed in accordance with 1 Master Plumbing Reference 2 Fé, ‘Master Plumbing Reference 2" Ed. | NS SR CE a 18 ey ae ee es 2.) Copper tubing Unions — Shi water heater, conditioning tank for servicing or replacement. Thrust Blocking are required to resist the impact of water hammer due to hi pressure on the following locations: E. Drain and Waste System This topic will cover problems and discussions regarding drain and waste system in building and premises. Included in this topic are the joints and (DFU), minimum drain sizes, indirect waste systems and special waste regulations. ae ee ed approved material. 2.1) No joints, if possible. If not, brazed joints are permitted. 2.2) Fittings shall be made of wrought copper 2.3) External protection are required such as bitumastic coating fiber glass wrapping. When installed underground, copper tubing s be in a split rigid case. be installed within 0.3m away from regulat equipme lar equipment which requires remo ‘Changes of directions — Tees and Bends Changes in Size — Reducers Stops ~ Dead Ends Valves —where thrusts may be expected ft. SJ 5, cleanout and trap requirements, fixtures” drainage fixture units ‘Master Plumbing Reference 2™ Ed. ee ‘Allowable Drainage Pipes: Galvanized Wrought Iron Steel Lead Copper Brass Series 1000 PVC - DWV Extra strength vitrified clay pipe . Installation No galvanized wrought iron or galvanized steel pipe shall be used underground, it shall be laid 152 mm above ground. ‘ABS and PVC piping can be used in high-rise buildings. ‘No vitrified clay pipe of fittings for building drain or sewer, shall be used above ground or when pipe is pressurized by a pump or ejector and shall be laid at least 0.3 meters above the ground level. Fittings on screwed pipe joints shall be of recessed drainage type: The threads of the drainage fittings shall be tapped to allow two (2) percent or 21 mm/m grade. E.3. Drainage Fixture Unit (DFU) Every fixture has an approximated amount of discharged which is ‘measured by fixture units. Below are the values of drainage fixture units (DFU) for different types of fixtures. ME EE cab dike eh Lal Bee oe, MINIMUM TRAP DIAMETERS AND DRAINAGE FIXTURE UNIT tem Trap & | Drainage No. Fixture ‘Trap Fixture Arm Size | Units (mm) | (DFU) 1_| Bathtubs. 38 2 Bidets. 38. 2 7 Plumbing Reference 2 Ed. = = RT ar ee we hye A Se 1 pump or ejector, air conditioning equipment or similar devices, eo 1 bwo (2) fixture units shall be allowed for every 0.063 L/s (1 gpm) SI 2 of flow. SI 3 76 6 ‘Traps and Cleanout Requirements 38 2 51 2 4 crown wei Tap 41 wt te Outiot 12_| Sinks or dishwashers 38 2 Bo 13_| Sinks, bar, commercial 38 5 aoe bbe iz 38 1 Z $i i 16 $ a ed type water seal seal 7 ub 6 Each plumbing fixture excreting shall have an approved type W: t SI 3 on ihe basic principle of the code. The code also follows the one trap a 6. 6 ‘rule with the prescribed type of trap shown below: 2 31 2 Trap iS Fixtures Re ’ Water Closet Integral Trap 2 31 2 Lavatory Brae 22 | Urinal, washout 38 2 Shower Drain/Floor Drain ap 2 38 2 Bath Tub, ‘Drum Trap 2 32 1 2 76 4 26 76 6 Note: Water closets shall be computed as six (6) fixture units. wh determining septic tank size. BPI DISCHARGE CAPACITY (For Intermittent Flow Only) IN | irgae: Liters per second Fixture Unit = o CE 1 ‘Up to 0.47 Pr N 2 0.50 t0 0.95 3 110 1.89 4 1.95 to 3.15 Ri, ES . ‘can served not more than 3 single compartment laundry sin} “ oe ube having same elevation and distances not more than © Capacity over 3.15 L/s shall be determined by the administrative OTS peters ee authority. Y apart. ia “Master Plumbing Reference ™ Ed. ‘-Compartmont Sik Psion 4 bain ‘+ The vertical distance between a fixture outlet and the trap weir be as short as practicable, but in no case shall the tailpiece from fixture exceed 0.6 meters in length. Laatoy aura Dstancs fom Fore (ate Tap War Fite Ott —/ Fate Tape Tope * Trap seal shall have a minimum of 51 mm up to 102 mm meast from its the top dip to crown weir. To protect all plumbing fixture trap agai pressure, We connect the trap arm with the vent pipe. The code prescri @ minimum horizontal length of trap arm for this prevention to adequate. Horizontal Distance of Trap Arms (Except for water closets and similar fixtures) ‘Master Plumbing Reference 2" Ed. Prohibited Traps ‘The code stated some type of traps that are prone in siphonage and Joss of water seal which are: ‘© “S", Bell and crown vented © No fixture shall be double trapped ‘© Drum traps shall be installed without a vent ie YH a oe aig Croan Vented & Grease Trap large amount of grease nd oil receptor 1d oil discharging from a fixture. agrease a ahd should have an approved water seal of not less than 51 mm or the ‘Usually, grease traps are not required for individual dwelling unit © ach cin af pining which is more than 15m; for any private living headquarters and shall not be installed for a facili «Each run fer bee nae oe oy eM © Atevery 15m lenj : ans . Ri ‘additional cleanout shall be provided on a horizontal line with an approved or installed since grease traps are not self-cleaning and shoul ‘offset angle of direction exceeding 135 deg. be maintained manually. | y \ d | sot - “Stack ‘Maximum trap loadings for sizes up to 102 mm are as follows: Sr ce lh LR eee ay Ttem | No 1 2 38 3 3 3 4 4 76 6 smi) 15m) is 102 8 ean be omitted on horizontal drain lines less than 1.5 meter (Unless such line is serving sinks or urinals) © Cleanouts may be omitted on short horizontal slope of seventy-two (72) degrees or less f «An approved type of two-way cleanout building wall nar the conection : building sewer or installed outside o : the building drain and extended to grade may substitute for an upper terminal cleanout, Note: ‘© Clothes washers in groups 3 or more shall be rated at 6 fixture units cach for the common horizontal and vertical waste pipe sizing. ‘© Water closets shall be computed as 6 fixture units when determining septic tank. © Trap sizes shall not be increased to a point where the fixture discharge may be inadequate to maintain their self-scouring properties. Sizing of Cleanouts The size of cleanout can be based on the table shown below: CLEANOUTS 7 Size of Pipe Size of Cleanout Threads per 25.4 mm (mm) (mm) 38 38 El 38 64 64 76. 64 8 102 & larger 89 8 Cleanouts are required to be an access entry for cleaning, blow off and unclogging of waste pipelines. Cleanouts are necessary when: 124 ‘Master Plumbing Reference 2™ Ed. e Drain It is a portion of the plumbing system that receives discharges of all soil ‘waste stacks within the building and conveys the same to the house sewer. is sometimes referred as the collection line of a plumbing system. Sewer Ttis defined as that portion of the horizontal drainage system which starts the outer face of the building and terminate at the main sewer in the street 1) 51 mm or less in pipe i 305 mm horizontall a Tanger Simi ize - 450 mm horizontal ) Underfloor cleanout ~ 450 mm vertically and. 750 cee ontally. To be extended above floor or outside building if 4.) Underfloor cleanout ~ 6.1 ae ieeaee m clearance from an access door, trap Cleanout provisions: © For ease of cleaning, each direction of flow or at ape rae Se oe trp cea in * Bach cleanout for alli h reeptor shall be outside of such interceptor. * Cleanouts shall be provided for f pressure dra * Countersunk cleanout shal be installed where rased heady Based on the principle of the code, every building with a plumbi hazard to vehicles or personnel may cause installed shall be connected or provided by a public or private sewer is located more than 61 The public sewer can be classified as not avai ‘meters from any proposed lot, building or premi ewer and building drain shall be determined by the basis of fixture unit drained by such sewer. Also, the building shall not be smaller than 150 mm diameter nor less than the size of the build drain, * When a hubless blind plug is used for a required cleanout, The coupling and pl : Feral cee ier Seman FG Fp licecent of ‘The building sewer shall be laid 0.6 meters from the building wall and 0.3 ‘meters below the finished surface of the ground. Drainage of fixtures located below the upstream manhole or below the ‘main sewer level should have an installed backwater valve. Backwater valve shall be installed when the elevation of the nearby ‘upstream manhole invert is higher than flood level rims. ESE RELA eM nine 126 Master Plumbing Reference 2™ Ed. 127 Drainage piping serving fixtures located bel iP low the ct seve: shall be dicharged into an approved watertight a 10 be then lifted and discharged into the buildi eet ilding drain or buildi Backwater valves, gate valves, motor. i ier valve , motor compressors, air tan er ‘mechanical devices shall be accessible fener eet E.6. Hot and Steam Waste Disposal Steam and Hot Water Drainage Condenses and Sumps ‘© Nosteam pipe or any water having 60 degrees Celsius shall be directly connected to the plumbing or drainage system, All interceptors and tanks shall have a wall of less than 104 mm less than 13mm in I be provided with an access in cleaning not less than twice the volume of water removed from the boilers and should have a normal water level of not less than 102mm. E.7. Indirect and Special Waste Systems Use of air break: No evaporative cooler, air conditioni should be indirectly connected to any drained through an indirect waste pipe or ts or similar equipment drains snt or waste pipe and shall be ‘Arba Por Sk Use of air gap: Food equipment shall be separated from the drainage system by the use of a full air gap. ‘Master Plumbing Reference 2" Ed. 129 ARG = Twice THE PPE DAMETER FLOOR se Indirect waste piping: ‘+ No vent from the indirect waste pipe but shall extend separately to the outsi Indirect waste pipe exceeding 1.5 m but trapped need not be vented. be combined to any vent drain outlet but should not be less than 13 mm in diameter. Chemical Wastes © All-chemical wastes shall be pre-treated * No chemical vent should be connected to other vents + No chemical wastes shall be discharged to the ground * Th and venting carrying chemical waste. Refrigeration Wastes Indirect waste lines carrying refrigeration waste shall not be smaller than the following pipe size schedule: 32mm Simm 4-12 m3, 32 mm inlets or the equivalent refrigeration wastes 76mm 13-36 m3, 32 mm inlets or the Master Plumbing Reference 2" Ed, less than 4.6 m shall be Indirect waste pipe less than 4.6 m, pipe size need not be larger than shall make and keep a permanent record of the location of se iscussi jing vent i ill cover problems and discussions regardi Pee fiasane, Tactuded in this topic are the types of ventilation in pipe tem, Vent pipe lengths and sizes. =. Materials Allowable vent pipe materials: Schedule 40 ‘Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene Series 100 PVC - DWV Provisions: = No galvanized wrought iron or gah underground and be kept at least n a « No pens malleable iron or galvanized stee! eae — buried underground and be kept at least 150 mm above gro ‘e No vent piping shall be strained or bent. vanized steel pipe shall be used '50 mm above ground. F.1. Types of Vents and which pe installed to vent a fixture trap and \ et lea iateldhe ben so called as re-vent pipe and back-vent pipe. ‘Master Plumbing Reference 2" Ed. eee eel nomoua vet |} wan LAE ce circulation of air to and from any part of __NowUAL VENT © Unit Vent — An arrangement of ventin; be ig So installed that one vent pi il serve two (2) raps. Also called as common vent and dual vert. system, vt Yew | VENT LL ory _ co ee ea | i HORIZONTAL. BRANCH ae . «Vent Stack Through Roof (VSTR)—the part of vent stack that extends . a tsi through the roof as vent termination. + Growp You —a ranch ent it performs fantom fa two (2) of + Sk Yn Teoh Ref STB) — vemos of ck above the roof as vent termination. ‘more traps, Pee RLS eA MRR S| “Master Plumbing Reference 2" Ed. 133 132 ‘Master Plumbing Reference 2™ Ed, horizontal drain connectedtothestack. == vor or Ol. STACK connec : case of i in the case of cuit onnng 2? Vemln 910 the ven stack nea Focruge © Relief Vent ~ is installed to ventik i ‘ late the soil i ‘connecting branches rather than the Paws Gah ioe REUEF VOUT ‘© Yoke Vent—apipe connectin, ig upward from a soil or waste the floor and below horizontal connection to an adjocent anna © Looped Vent—is one type of ventilation use on fixtures ina room away 4 point above the floor and higher than hi pecent vent stack af from partitions. This is common to beauty parlor, barber shop, dental for preventing pressure changes in the mea Spl level of fares clinic and operating room. This is not usually used but i useful when vent stack and soil stack in every fifth 6") flo to connect the ‘other methods of ventilation could not be possible. to convey foul air from a plumbing fixture © Local Venta pipe ot of a room to the outer air. ‘© Dry Vert ~a vent that does not carry liquid or water-borne wastes. ‘© Wet Vent ~ the portion of a vent pipe through where wastewater also flows through. F.2, Wet Vent Vertical Wet Vent Piping ‘© Wet venting is limited to trap arm receiving | to 2 fixture units ——— ‘« All wet vented fixtures shall be on the same floor level 2 —— 135 ‘Master Plumbing Reference 2™ Ea. ‘Master Plumbing Reference 2™ Ed. ee © Bach wet vented section shall be a minimum of one pipe size lar; than the required minimum waste pipe size of the upper fixture. LavaTORY FLOOR WET VENTILATION LavaTorY Wo, we, = FD. e iF SOIL BRANCH ‘Combination waste and vent systems pipe size larger than size required. F4 Vent Terminals arram = muster As stated on the basic principles, at least one stack shall be exten through the roof to have a proper air circulation and to direct the foul smell to the atmosphere 7 a.) SVTRextension © Vertical distance from roof - 150 mm © Horizontal distance from any vertical surface — 300 mm. )) When there is openable access nearby (i.e. window) © Vertical distance ~ 900 mm ‘© Horizontal distance ~ 3m ¢.) Should extend not less than 150 mm above the roof or fire wall. Flag poling of vents is prohibited except when the roof is used for purposes other than weather protection. © 3m from any part of the roof that is us re pay oO Toof that is used for other purposes ( aN ee 1 m above such roof. -) Joints at the roof around stack vent pipes shall be made waterti t tertight the use of approved flashing material and installation (Ge soldering ‘A. length . change in direction B. slope D. orientation lead around/sealant) curb or threshold of a shower compartment may be eliminated ‘A. to comply with C. in hospitals only accessibility standards B. for gang showers D. if'so desired for safety iis the PRC resolution number issued by the Board of Master Plumbing ‘and promulgation of the revised National Plumbing Code of i C. Res No. 1378 D. Res No. 4 metro manila area ‘76 mm/hr B, 51 mmv/hr ). 127 mmr shall be supplied with water in Plumbing fixtures, to enable them to function ‘under all normal conditions. . sufficient, adequate B. efficient, equi half, full An organization that conforms th materials, ‘A. Product Standards of the C. Department of Trade and Philippines Industry B. Department of Labor and D. Underwriters’ Laboratories Employment and specifications of all plumbing ‘Shower water heaters shall be adjusted to deliver hot water with maximum temperature of. A.32.33C €.60.28C B. 25.65 C D. 48.88 C ‘Apprentice of Master Plumber ‘A. Journeyman C. Apprentice Plumber B. Pipe Fitter D.or “Master Plumbing Reference 2™ Ed. 139 i Ne 138 Master Plumbing Reference 2™ Ed. B. Association of National D. American National Sewerage 9. ECC means. 4 a A. Effective Cross C. Environmental Compliance Sewerage International Institute Connection Certificate B. Enclosed Circuit D. Elbow Corporation Cock aoe interceptor. ae Connection a2 cs 10. A pressure relief valve is required if water pressure in the system exceeds. A.15 psi C. 100 psi B.80 psi D. 150 psi aM Ee B. cesspool D. seepage pit 11. What fitting may only be used for vertical to horizontal change of di drainage piping when installed in true vertical position? A.wye C. 90 degree bend B. 60 degree D. combination wye shall be unlawfal for any person to deposit, by any means whatsoever, into is connected to any excreta plumbing and storm drainage private sewer, septic tank or cesspool any ashes, ‘able, poisonous, explosive liquid or gases, oils, rer which would or could cause damage to 12. Which fixture do not ‘Jeanout on its horizontal drain having a length of less than 1.5m, { publie sewer or p See ene oc Moov A. Seetion 1202 Section 1202.3 ; i B, Section 1202 ). Section 1202.4 that every request for inspection be filled the free atmosphere between the fixe, applince/ppurtenance ‘The unobstructed ver lowest opening of 14, Elevated or gravity air gap, water distribution having an area not I ‘A. up feed riser pipe B. fixture supply pipe ithe . down feed riser pipe building supply pipe Yt contain fecal matter. liquid waste water-borne waste Discharge from any fixture whick ‘A. waste water B. solid waste 15. Void between pipes and sleeves through concrete floor in the ground shall be appropriately sealed with? A. epoxy C. oakum B. bitumen D. solder Fixture unit for ai-condtoning unit having a ow of 0.05 Ls Al B2 Da Pipe flange that is not drilled for bolt holes. 16. Portion of vent pipe through which wastewater also flows through. 'A Blind aga C. closet flange A. Dry vent Stack vent B.Wetvont DEV eid aaa B. bolt flange. D. blank flange 3. No cast iron pipe shall be _- LiaentsLameta:: . p A. caulked C. threaded ‘A. American National __C. Authority of National Sanitary ages D. welded Standards Institute Institute : 140 Master Plumbing Reference 2" Ed, 26. Plumbing Law of the Philippines A.RA 1364 C.RA9SI4 lead pipe shall be supported at intervals not exceeding _at centers B.RA 1378 D.RA 1096 rigid vertical back-up. at AL2m m 27. IPS means B.20m D.3.0m ‘A. Internal Pipe Si . International Piping Syst ete i Bltiscaieal Phianee nO Tees Sasi arrangement of venting so installed that one vent pipe will serve two (2) cone tis also called as Unit vent or Dual Vent. = ‘A. Yoke vent C. Common vent 28. A non-watertight receptacle in which raw sewage is discharged that seeps. B. Vent stack D. Loop vent through the sides and the floor. A. Seepage Pit C. Cesspool B. Septic Tank D. Catch Basin recommended hot water supply to a hotel lavatory (private) A.2 gph C.6 gph B.4gph D.8 gph 29. Maximum horizontal distance of cleanouts A.30f. C.50R. B. 40 ft. D.60 ‘inate not less than __meters from any air- sry waste and storm water. ". Combination drain D. all of the above A Sanitary drai B. Storm drain ‘A. International L Sewerage Office " Organization ee i. “Asbestos cement 5 oined by means of. Win pice B. International D. International System Order A. flanged een amen Organization for sealed with neopree rubbet joint mates Standardization Rea coupling sealed J). Cement mortar and jute soaked 7 ent 32. The bottom of all pipe trenches deeper than the footing of any adjacent ‘with neoprene rubber rings “in a slurry of cem building or structure parallel to it must be at least how many degree? peace C. 60 degrees, “To provide easy access for repair and cleaning, itis recommended that all pipes from plumbing fixtures should. : eee ae Gra parallel and close to C. damage doing repair and 33. The extended portion of a pipe that is closed at one end to which no the nearest wall maintenance B. be installed away from _D. if practicable, run in opposite the nearest wall to avoid direction to avoid or minimize ‘damage to other pipes ©. Dead end Dae Pert Wiped tead joints shal have an exposed surface on each side of a joint not less 34, Which of the following is normally installed as an indirect waste? ‘A, Water Closet C. Bathtub Cen B. Lavatory D. Drinking Fountain 142 ‘Master Plumbing Reference 2™ Ed. i : ee ee eg ee bs. eg 7 eee veces shall extend from the valve to the outside of shall discharge through. Tah yr pane of the pipe pointing downward and mounted above ‘A direct connection into Can indirect waste by means of an ‘A. 0.15 m—0.30m Chis aln eda the drainage system air gap B.0.30 m—0.60m Sane B. acclarifier before indirect waste by means of an discharge tothe drainage __air break 44, Each outlet on the non-potable water line, which may be used for drinking fuss ee aves tel beret | Where a public sewer is available in the area, the owner has the right to At “| to patie Vato leita ee yee ation elevated more than 1.52 m above the floor grade of a backflow cention assemblies shall be provided with capable of supporting 127. All ee tank covers shall be capable of supporting on earth load of not | when the maximum coverage does not exceed 9m. oe 14.4 kPa C. 18.3 kPa B. 15.3 kPa D. 16.2 kPa ‘A. temporary platform —_C. removable platform 128. Which type of fire line installation has become obsolete and seldom install permanent platform _D. none of the above A. Automatic system Giiecal vec B. Wet stance D. Dry standpipe and clearance for the backflow prevention assemblies shall require a iin um clearance from a lowest portion of anassembly and the grade floor platform. ‘A. 305 mm C.605 mm B. 255 mm D. 835 mm 129. The maximum fixture unit loading allowed on 2-inch waste stack is? A.4 DFU C. 16 DFU B. 6 DFU D.8 DFU 130. What dos CS and Ps means? ted at the lower end of the pump used to prevent loss of priming the C. Commercial Systems and Product Systems 1. Commereial Sizes and Product izes ‘maximum height of lavatory for perso B, Closed tee ‘Whats the interval d A1Sm, Baan p.91 m 132. Who originally proposed using Joad-producing effect on the pl A.F.M, Dawson B. Roy B. Hunter Birth of Plumbing practice in ‘A. 16th Century B. 17th Century Sizing of rainwater piping for two adjacent walls; add __of the total wall areas to the roof area. A45% C.60.% B.50% D.35% 133. The primary purpose of a septic tank is to A. Distribute raw sewage to C. Chemically treat raw sewage the leaching field B. Vent doors to atmosphere D. Act as settling tank ‘The maximum lead content allowed in pipe used to convey potable water. ‘A. Waste water C. Rain water B. Sea water D. Potable water ¢ An outhouse or structure used for the deposition of excrement. A. Privy C. Catch Basin D. Latrine 135. It is inserted into the water main and it serves as the control of the water service? A. Curb stop C. Water stop 154 Master Plumbing Reference 2 Ea. ANOWER RET PLUMBING CODE 145. Equipment which includes all valves and controls used in the plumbit system which are required to be accessible or readily accessible is called ‘A. Machine C. Regulating Equipment Bae Bete A | 26.8 | 51.c | 76D | 101.D | 1268 146. Every building in which plumbing fixture are installed shall have connecti A | 27D | 52C | 77. A_| 102A | 127.A ee A | 28.A | 53.D | 78. A | 103.C | 128.D A. Dry Well C. Storm sewer P c i A | 2.c¢ | 54.¢ | 79.D | 104.8 | 129. B. Cesspool D. Public or Private sewer ae i. Cc | 30.¢ | 85.C | 80.A | 105.8 | 130.6 147. A pipe joint obtaining by jointing metal parts with metallic mixtures whi 106.D | 131.A melts mperature below 427 degrees Celsius and above 149 de; c 31.8 56. A 81. A : p | 32B.| 657A | 82A | 107.C | 132.8 en cheng A | 33. ps8. D | 83.D | 108.C | 133.D aa — c | 34.¢ 84D | 109.B | 134.¢ between the threads of a pipe it is called B 35. A 60. 85. B 110.C | 135.B . Pipette .D | 36. C |i agt. 86.A | 114. | 136.6 ). Close nipple WA | 37. A 87.¢ | 112.B | 137.A 8. | 113.C | 138.A 149. Multiple seepage pi I be serve through an approved c | 38D : Junction bo . Distribution box c | 39. D ify 64. 89. | 114.B | 139.D B, Trench None of the above B | 40. BW 65. 90.A | 115.D | 140.D 150. The valve for controlii outlet in a cold water supply Line maj B | 41.A | 66. 91.c | 116.C | 141.B bea? : .B | 117.A | 142.0 ‘A. Heavy duty gate valve “11C. Ground key valve BA || | 42 AS. re eae B. Full way gate valve Non-rising stem globe valve . B 43. C 68. B 93. A 5 . .c | 44.c | 68.8 | 94.A | 119.C | 144A A | 45.c | 70.c | 95.0 | 120.¢ | 145.C -B | 46.A | 71.A | 96.0 | 121.¢ | 146.0 Cc 47. C 72. A 97. B 122.B | 147.B .B | 48.A | 73.C | 98.A | 123.B | 148A .D | 49.A | 74 C | 99.C | 1248 | 149.C c | 50. | 75.B | 100.6 | 125.A | 150.8 arn er 156 Master Plumbing Reference 2" Ed. -r Plumbing Reference 2™ Ed. 157

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