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 Name & Surname (Full name as printed on Passport or ID card)

 Date of Birth (DD/MM/YYYY): 

 Gender: [ ] Male [ ] Female

 Nationality: [ ] Indian [ ] Others If others, please specify 

 Permanent Address: 

 Present Address:

 Personal Email Id.: 

 Contact No. Residence: Mobile: 

 Marital Status / Preferred (Tick):

[Single] [Married] [Divorcee] [Widow]

 Father’s Name. 

 PAN No.: 

 Department Applied / Preferred (Tick):

[ ] Agency Sales [ ] Direct Distribution [ ] Others

 Position Applied / Preferred: 

 What is the source you have walk-in for the interview?

[Consultant] [Employee Referral] [PAPER AD] [JOB PORTAL]

[OTHERS] If consultant, Consultant Name:

If reference, Referral Name & Referral Employee Code:

 Have you ever applied / worked for this company before? [ ] Yes [ ]
No If yes, please explain & share last designation with Employee Code:

 Do you have any friends, relatives or acquaintances working for this

company? [ ] Yes [ ] No

If yes, state Name & Position:

 Do you have your own means of Transport? [ ] Yes [ ] No

 Total Years of Experience: 

 Total Years of Insurance Experience: 

 Work Experience Details

Compan Designatio Salary (CTC) From To Reason for

y n leaving

If selected, on what date can you start working?

 May we contact you present employer? [ ] Yes [ ]No 

 Have you ever been convicted of any offence? / do you have any past criminal
record? [ ] Yes [ ] No
If yes, please explain:

References: (Name, Designation, Company, Mobile No.)



Educational Qualifications:
Qualification / Board / Year Percentage / Marks
Course / University /
Degree Institute

Other Qualifications: Licenses, Skill, Training, Awards, Achievements, etc.;

Certify that information contained in this application is true and complete & I understand that false information may be grou nds
for not hiring me or may result in immediate termination of employment at any point, if I am hired. I authorize the verificat ion of
any or all information listed above.

Date: Signature:

Only for HR Manger:

Date of Interview: Date of Joining:

Designation: Salary:


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