GIYA Teachers

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Project “GIYA Teachers”

Guides for Instructions Yielding

Archetype Teachers
“Sulong Edukalidad”
Four Key Reform Areas
• K to 12 Curriculum review and update

• Improvement of learning environment

• Teachers’ upskilling and reskilling

• Engagement of stakeholders for

support and collaboration
22 April 2022 Department of Education Region VIII 2
Assistance Instructional supervision
Classroom visitation

22 April 2022 Department of Education Region VIII 3

Goal Advice

Direction Assistance

Guidance Motivation

Inspiration Support

GIYA Teachers Team and Teachers’ Circle

22 April 2022 Department of Education Region VIII 4

Objectives of the GIYA Teachers
determine teachers’ needs and challenges and the
corresponding interventions in instructional delivery;
enable the provision of a systematic and direct technical
assistance from education leaders to teachers;
strengthen teamwork of education leaders and teachers in
improving the delivery of instruction; and
allow education leaders and key program implementers to
grasp firsthand information from the grassroots.
Mechanics of the GIYA Teachers
teachers and guides work together
classroom visitations
provide sufficient feedback and technical
assistance on instructional delivery
open communication
acquire an increasing degree of competency,
interest, and self-confidence in teaching-
22 April 2022 Department of Education Region VIII 6
Roles of the Guides
•Class Visitors

•Teaching-Learning Delivery Overseers

•Instructional Technical Assistance Providers

22 April 2022 Department of Education Region VIII 7

Process Flow of the GIYA Teachers
Schools Division Office List of schools GIYA Teachers Classroom Teachers
Process Visitation Tool
School Administrators Class Program accomplished Learners
and Teachers (from
SBM Level 1 Schools) Teaching- Teachers provided
learning with technical
delivery plan assistance
WLP, and/or


Visitation Tool
GIYA Teachers Process

tation Dissemin
Organizati Planning Proper Analysis ation of
on of the of the • Pre-visitation of Findings
Guides’ Guides’ • Classroom
Visitation and
Teams Teams Visitation Results Recomme
• Post ndations
Implementation Guide
Objectives Actions / Strategies
1. Organize the Guides’ Teams 1. Submission by Host SDO the list of SBM Level 1
schools for visitation and their respective class
program for the week or set days
2. Assign members to an agreed number of teams
3. Disseminate to the members the assignment

Output: List of Guides’ Team Members with

corresponding schools and class program for visit

22 April 2022 Department of Education Region VIII 10

Implementation Guide
Objectives Actions / Strategies
2. Plan by the Guides’ Teams 1. Discuss with the Guides’ Team members their
roles and assignment for class visitation
2. Assign member to a teacher for the visitation

Output: Guides’ Team Plan for School Visit

22 April 2022 Department of Education Region VIII 11

Implementation Guide
Objectives Actions / Strategies

3. Conduct classroom visitation 1. Conduct of Pre-classroom Visitation Activity

2. Conduct of Classroom Visitation
3. Conduct of Post Visitation Conference

Output: GIYA Teachers Classroom Visitation Tool

22 April 2022 Department of Education Region VIII 12

Implementation Guide
Objectives Actions / Strategies

4. Analyze the Visitation 1. Collect the accomplished visitation tool

Results 2. Consolidate the results
3. Interpret results

Output: Consolidated Visitation Tool Results

22 April 2022 Department of Education Region VIII 13

Implementation Guide
Objectives Actions / Strategies

5. Disseminate Findings and 1. Present the results and findings of the visitation
Recommendations to all members of the teams
2. Discuss points to ponder, possible interventions,
and recommendations
3. Share to the field the results and

Output: Consolidated Visitation Results, Findings,

and Recommendations
22 April 2022 Department of Education Region VIII 14
Classroom Visitation Tools

Grade Level Categories

• Kindergarten
• Grades 1 – 3
• Grade 4 - 12
Classroom Visitation Tools
• Classroom Preparation and
Class Management
• Teaching – Learning
• Learning Delivery: Mastery of
the Subject Matter
• Learners’ Understanding and
• Instructional Strategies
• Learning Assessment
Classroom Visitation Tools
Part 2. Kumustahan
• Other Observations/Remarks
• Identified Teacher’s Needs and
• Agreements
Quality Assurance System
intended to guarantee the
effectiveness of the implementation
of the program and its objectives
are achieved

adherence to the standards for

monitoring the performance

22 April 2022 Department of Education Region VIII 18

Program Evaluation

impact evaluation

external expert
group assessment

22 April 2022 Department of Education Region VIII 19

“GIYA Teachers”
Guides for Instructions Yielding Archetype Teachers

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