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Department of Education ● Republic of the Philippines

San Martin Integrated School – Junior High School

Music, Arts, Physical Education, & Health

1st Quarter – Module 1 7

Note: Do not write anything on this module, an

answer sheet is provided. Keep it clean!
MUSIC. Introduction to Folksongs of the Lowlands of Luzon

Folk songs are songs written by the folk and are sung while doing daily activities such as farming, fishing, and putting
the baby to sleep. These are traditionally passed on orally. Most Philippine folk songs have Spanish and Western
influences. The people create melodic chants and indigenous instruments based on the materials available in their
Characteristics of folk songs are as follows:
1. Originally passed down orally to the family and to the other members of the community.
2. Learned through rote or listening.
3. Sung in his/her own dialect.
4. Begins in one key and ends in the same key.
5. Composers and lyricists are usually unknown.
6. Mood can be sentimental, playful, and humorous.
7. Concepts are based on nature or people’s work, tradition, and culture.
8. Short and Simple
9. Either in 2 , 3 , 4 time signatures.
4 4 4
Take a look again at Santa Clara musical sheet. Below it is its musical elements.


Time Signature 3
Dynamic mf - mezzo forte
p - piano
f - forte
- decrescendo
Key G major

Musical Characteristics:

1. Sung in his/her own dialect.

2. Begins in one key and ends in the same key.
3. Composers and lyricists are usually unknown.
4. Short and Simple.

Now, listen to Polka sa Nayon at or ask for a copy of the file from your teacher. The
table below presents musical elements.

Tempo Musical Form

Slow Moderate Fast Vocal Instrumental
ARTS. Artworks of the Highlands and Lowlands of Luzon: Their Elements, Principles and

Visual arts may have no words, yet they have the power to communicate feelings, moods and ideas thru the elements
and principles of art.
1. Line is the path of a moving point. Lines define the edges of shapes and forms.
2. Shape is an area enclosed by line. It is 2 dimensional and can be geometric
or organic.

3. Forms are 3-Dimesional. They occupy space or give the illusion that they
occupy the space.

4. Color is the most expressive element of art and is seen by the way light
reflects of a surface and also adds interest and reality to an artwork.

5. Value is the lightness and darkness of a surface. It is often referred to when

shading. Value is also important in the study of color.

6. Texture is the actual surface feel or the simulated appearance of roughness,

smoothness and many others.

7. Space is the distance around, between, above, below, and within an object.

1. Balance refers to the visual of the elements of the composition. It is a sense
that the painting “feels stable and feels right”.

2. Contrast is the difference between elements of art in the composition, such

that each element is made stronger in relation to the other.

3. Emphasis is when the artist creates an area of the composition that is visually
dominant and commands the viewer’s attention.

4. Pattern is the uniform repetition of any of the elements of art or any

combination thereof.

5. Movement is the result of using the elements of art such that they move the
viewer’s eye around and within the image.

6. Rhythm is created by movement complied through the repetition of elements

of art in a non-uniform but organized way.

7. Unity/Variety is visually pleasing agreement among the elements in a design;

it is the feeling that everything in the work of art works together and looks like
it fits.

This lesson discusses on how the distinct characteristics of Luzon’s arts and crafts are reflected in the wide array of
exquisite textiles, crafts, architecture, pottery and wood carving.


Inabel literally means “woven” and abel is Ilocano term for weave. You can interpret Inabel as pertaining to any kind
of woven fabric but it is mostly used to refer to that distinctly Ilocano textile of plane or patterned woven cotton made in
hardwood looms using techniques passed down through generation.
The abel is the traditional woven product of Vigan and Ilocos region. The abel cloth is known for being a strong and
colorful material. The fabric is so strong and beautiful that some families have them as heirlooms that last long as their
antic furnishing. The abel is made from yarns of cotton or sagut plant that are source of their materials from the many
lands in Northern Luzon.
After the cotton is harvested, it is prepared to be made into yarns and dyed into different colors. The different colored
yarns are then arranged in a wooden hand loom to create varied and unique designs. The process is intricate and
labor-intensive. Weavers must master synchronizing the movements of their hands and feet to properly use the
wooden hand loom.
Calle Crisologo is considered as the “intramuros of the North”, retains the Spanish colonial architecture along its
narrow and cobble-stoned streets in Vigan.

Pottery is the process of forming vessels and other objects with clay and other ceramic materials which are fired and
exposed to high temperatures to give them a hard, durable form. Pots in the Philippines have different sizes, shapes,
and designs. Pottery became more functional as the time pass by. An example of this is palayok, which is used for
cooking. Banga and tapayan are used for storing liquids. There is also the clay-made stove or kalan. The making of
burnay pottery in Ilocos Sur is still a lively tradition that continues up to the present.

Tattoo is the marking or coloring of the skin. Tribal tattoos are derived from ancient tribal art. In many cultures, getting
tattooed was (and still is) a rite of passage. Modern tribal tattoos are based on ancient designs. These cultures used
their art to depict social status and family identification. In the Philippines, tattoos were seen as a source of
accomplishment and rank. Men bore ink on their chests and heads as a sign of their strength as warriors. Women
wore detailed lines on their arms and wrists (Visayas and Mindanao tribes) or full chest and arm tattoos (Luzon
mountain tribes) and they were seen as marks of beauty.
Wang-od is the last “mambabatok” or traditional Kalinga tattoo artist.
Kadangyan is a burial cloth known in Mountain Province, woven by female elders.

The basketry of the Kalinga shows their fine craftsmanship. The labba is a bowl-shaped basket made from rattan, with
sizes that vary from 20 to 150 cm in diameter.

Jewelry decorative objects such as wings, necklaces, and earrings that people wear on their body.
Jewelry making is a source of livelihood for the family and it is traditionally a home-based industry. The government
gives their support and attention in this industry. By this support, the country became the top producer of gold.
There are two major product categories that the fine jewelry industries in the Philippines are engaged for production.
First category is the metal jewelries which are made of gold and silver. It can be in the form of wings, earrings,
bracelets, brooches, pendants, necklaces, tie pins, and a cuff links. Decorative items like spoons and forks, and office
items such as pen and pen holders are also included in this category. Second category is the pearl jewelry, these are
unworked or worked pearls. Colored gemstones like emerald, rubies, and sapphires are also in this group.

Wood Sculpture “Bul’ul”- is a wooden sculpture that represents the rice granary spirits. It is used in rituals that are
performed to call the ancestors to protect their rice fields from pestilence and to ask for an abundant harvest.
Bul’ul has simplified shape of a human being, whether male or female. It consists of a simplified head, a torso, and a
pair of hands and legs mounted on a platform for stability. It is carve out of strong narra or ipil wood and sometimes
stone. Sizes also vary, depending on its use.
Dinumug or Lingling-o are amulets made from jade, gold, copper, bronze, stone and other materials. These are
fertility symbols worn around the neck.
Ginaspala wanes the men’s traditional attire is called wanes. The women use a short and narrow wrap around skirt
called lufid, which extends from the navel to the knees, and has side opening. The Ginaspala wanes designs are
composed of continuous zigzag patterns woven in double faced with braided warps that end as tassels.

Bankudo are noted for their white textile with horizontal stripes found in the edges (like those in the bankudo or wrap
around skirt) or vertical stripes in the center (like those found in the balwasi or female blouse).

Ivatan House is made primarily of lime, stone, wood and thatch. It commonly consists of two structures, the house
proper and the kitchen or storage area. It is famous for its resilience to typhoons. The Ivatans live in houses made of
coral and limestone cement with thatched roof made of grass. Their houses have square structures that have two big
windows as big as doorways. With the presence of typhoons all year round, the houses’ walls and roofs need to be
built almost a meter thick, while the floor is raised about two meters high.

Tumauini Church is a Roman Catholic Parish church of San Matias apostle. This Baroque church was built in 1873
and can be found in the municipality of Tumauini, Isabela. It is made from red bricks ornamented with carvings of
flowers, leaves, scallops, saints, religious symbols, and other fanciful motifs. The unique cylindrical belfry of the
church looks like a huge wedding cake because of its design motifs like laces, hearts and beads.

Bakwat is a belt used by mothers after giving birth. This cloth, unlike of the Ikat of the Ifugaos, is usually made of
white with beads as accents and patterns of rivers and mountains with beadworks on the central portion of the cloth.
Bulacan arts and crafts include the singkaban, pastillas wrappers, fire crackers, and goldsmithing in Mecauayan.
The women cut intricately- designed pastillas wrappers adorned with different linear, curvilinear, and geometric
designs that depict local floras and scenes of everyday rural life.
Singkaban is a local term for bamboo arches designed with a kayas or woodshaving. These are used as decorative
arches that adorn the entrance of a barangay or town during fiestas and other grand celebrations.

Pampanga is known for its giant lanterns or parol. Its special feature is its dancing lights and several shapes, and
colors that form intricate geometric patterns.
The patterns change with the rotation of a special rotor that controls the lights inside the parol. The parols are used to
adorn houses, streets and building, not only in Pampanga but all over the Philippines during the Christmas season.
These are created from steel frames and other locally available materials. The Pampanga lanterns are progressively
developed as they become bigger and the designs become more complicated.

Spanish gate is one of the historic landmarks located in Olongapo City, Zambales. It was built in 1885. It faced the
Spanish era settlement of Olongapo and used to serve as the west gate of the armory of the town. It has high walls
made from locally quarried stone connected to the south gate that faced the waterfront. Aside from being used as an
entrance and exit to the naval station, it was also used as a jail during the Spanish and American occupation.

Abucay Church is a 17th-century Baroque church located at Brgy. Laon, Abucay, Bataan, Philippines. The parish
church founded by the Dominican Missionary Friars in 1588, is dedicated to Saint Dominic of Guzman. The church
door was embossed with figures of a bull, a man, an eagle and what appears to be a jaguar.

Taka refers to paper machѐ (papier machѐ) made using a curved wooden sculpture used as a mold. The craft
originated in the town of Paete, Laguna.
Paper Machѐ is a composite material consisting of paper pieces or pulp, sometimes reinforced with textiles, bound
with an adhesive, such as blue starch, or wall paper paste. Paper machѐ makes use of paper strips glued together
with adhesive, and the other uses paper pulp obtained by soaking or boiling paper to which glue is then added. A form
of support is needed to glue the paper strips.
Paete one of the towns in Laguna, is famous for its wood carving and is considered as the “Woodcarving Capital of
the Philippines.” The local term for carving is ukit. Paete carvers usually produced wooden religious images and wood
panels with decorative floral patterns and florid geometrical designs.

Higantes are big papier machѐ figures of humans that represent farmers and fisherman. According to stories, the
original higantes were representation of hacienderos during the Spanish colonial period. The inhabitants of Angono
paraded theses higantes on the streets to ridicule the arrogant and cruel landlords. The earliest known “higantes” are
composed of a father, mother, and a child measuring between seven to ten feet. These are traditionally paraded on
the 22nd and 23rd of November in Angono during the higantes festival that highlights the town fiesta celebration.

Taal, Batangas is famous for producing embroidered piña fabric, made from the fibers of pineapple and woven into a
costly fabric. These are used for piña barong, wedding gowns, and other formal attires.The burda, called calado, is
painstakingly made by three groups of people- the designer, the embroiderer, and the cutter. The most common
motifs for their embroidery are leaves and flowers, which enhance the fine, smooth, and delicate qualities of the
Balisong is also known as butterfly knife. Its name is derived from “bali”, the Filipino term for broken, and “sungay”,
which means horn. This is a type of knife that can be folded closed like a fan and come in different sizes. Batangas is
considered as the “Balisong Capital of the Philippines”.

The town of Lucban is famous for the Pahiyas Festival celebrated on the 15th of May to honor San Isidro Labrador,
the patron saint of farmers.During the festival, the town’s people decorate their houses with product and colorful thin
rice wafers called kiping. The kiping is made from ground glutinous rice that is thinly “on mature leaves and steamed
over low fire”.

Among the arts and crafts of the Bicol Region includes baskets, bags, slippers, coin purses, and other crafts that are
made from abaca and raffia fibers. The abundance of these natural fibers in the region allowed the Bicolanos to excel
in weaving. Their motifs are simple yet very colorful when compared to those of Northern Luzon cultural communities.
PHYSICAL EDUCATION. Preparing An Exercise Program

Exercise Program is a planned activity detailing a range of physical exercises and the amount of time each exercise
should be performed where it is typically designed to individuals' needs.
What are some points to keep in mind when you design your exercise program?
1. A Goal or AimP
2. Have a Maximum Heart Rate and Target Heart Rate
3. Apply the Principles of Training
4. Plan a Training Session
5. An Exercise Log to Monitor Your Progress

An exercise program that is designed specifically for you is a great way to stay physically and mentally fit. It also
provides many other benefits, including:
→ improved condition of the heart and lungs
→ increased muscular strength, endurance and motor fitness
→ improved muscle tone and strength
→ weight management
→ better coordination, agility and flexibility
→ improved balance and spatial awareness
→ increased energy levels
→ reduced risk of chronic disease (such as type 2 diabetes and heart disease
→ improved sleep and brain health
→ improved general and psychological well being

A SMART Guide to Goal Setting

When taking on any challenge, it is a good idea to define your goals. You should identify what you want to accomplish
and how you will carry out your plan. We have two types namely:
1. Short Term Goal. It should be developed with a limited amount of time in mind.
Example: A 12-year-old athlete is aiming to improve his road running time over 2 kilometers by 10 seconds each
2. Long Term Goal. It is something you want further in the future, and it requires time and planning.
Example: A boy is aiming to run a total distance of 10 kilometers by the end of the school year.

Setting Realistic and Attainable Goals by Following the SMART Acronym

Letter What does the What does it mean?

letter stand for?
S Specific Write down what you want to achieve
M Measurable Write down the days in a week (frequency), amount of exercise (intensity),
number of minutes/hours (time), and other measure factors
A Attainable Set goals that are achievable
R Relevant Set goals that are necessary for your improvement
T Trackable Record your progress to help you see what you have achieved

Understanding the Principles of Fitness Training

The basic training principles are rules to follow which describe how the body responds to the stress of physical
activity. These principles provide the conceptual foundation for safe and effective physical program design.
The physical fitness activities should follow these training principles to get the most out of the training.

Principles of Fitness Training

1. Principle of Overload. It is the most basic of all fitness principle. It specifies that you must perform physical
exercise than normal amounts (overload) to get an improvement in physical fitness and health benefits.
Example: If improvement in muscular strength in arms is the goal, that muscles must be exercised with greater
weight than normal.
2. Principle of Specificity. It indicates that you will train a specific energy system and specific muscle groups in
order for them to improve
Example: If you want to develop the cardiovascular endurance, design a training program loaded with activities
that emphasize the development of the cardiovascular system.
3. Principle of Progression. It indicates that load could be increased gradually overtime to remain effective and
safe for best results.
Example: Week after week, the overload could be adjusted until the desired level of fitness is attained.
4. Principle of Variation. Variation into a training program maintains individual's interest. It lessens boredom and
overcome periods where there seem to be little progress.
Example: A change of activity while still making progress toward desired goals.
5. Principle of Recovery. The body needs time to adapt to the demands placed on it. Incorporating time to rest
into the fitness program aids the body in this effort.
Example: An individual may work one day on improving upper body strength and devote the next day's training to
working lower body strength.

The FITT Formula

A well-designed physical activity plan will outline how often (Frequency), how long (Time), and how hard(Intensity) a
person exercises, and what kind of exercises (Type)are selected. FITT principle is a formula in which each letter
represents a factor important in determining the correct amount of physical activity.
■ Frequency refers to the number of exercise sessions per week.
■ Intensity is the degree of effort put forth by an individual during exercise.
■Time is the duration of the length of the activity, or how long an exercise must be performed to be effective.
■Type is the mood of exercise being performed. It should be guided by the fitness goal to be achieved.

Cardiorespiratory or Physiological Fitness Training

An individual who possesses a high level of cardiorespiratory fitness is less susceptible to generative diseases. That is
why the Department of Health encourages us to participate in physical exercises. Cardiorespiratory fitness involves an
understanding of the following:
A. The heart is a pump. It pumps blood in all parts of the body. Blood contains oxygen, nutrients, waste that
needs to be eliminated and antibodies that fight infection and maintain body temperature. It is important to have a
strong heart for it to function and perform adequately and effectively.
B. Heart Rate is the number of times the heart beats per minute and is counted by putting slightly pressure on
any artery in the body where pulsations can be felt.

Resting Heart Rate is when you are calm and relax, your pulse is slower and is best determined right after waking up
in the morning.
How to Measure Resting Heart Rate?
It should be measured first thing in the morning with your index and middle finger and stopwatch. Once you find your
pulse, count how many beats occur in 10 seconds and multiply this number by 6.
Example: (11 beats in 10 seconds) x 6 = 66 bpm
■ Maximum Heart Rate (Hrmax) is the fastest and hardest your heart can beat when doing activity.

Formula :Hrmax= 220- age

Ex: Hrmax of student who is 12 years old
Hrmax = 220-12=208 bpm

■ Target Heart Rate or Training Heart Rate (THR) is a desired range of heart rate reached during aerobic
exercise which enables one’s heart and lungs to receive the most benefit from workout.
Target Heart Rate Calculation:
1. 220- Your Age =_______
2. _______x .70 = Target Heart Rate
Example: 220 - 18 = 202 bpm
Note: 220 = constant and highest possible beats per minute

Warm-Up Phase
Warm up exercise is a preparation for an intensive physical exercise. An effective warm-up increases both the
respiratory rate and the heart rate. This helps increase the body's core temperature, while also increasing the body's
muscle temperature through an increase in the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the working muscles. A warm-up
should consist of light physical activity for 5 to10 minutes of exercise, such as walking and slow jogging.

Flexibility Exercises
This phase of exercise follows immediately after warm-up. It is done by doing gradual stretching activities from upper
to lower activities. There are different ways to stretch your muscles: static and dynamic stretching

Which Stretching Works Best?

Static Stretches are more appropriate in the cool down as they realign muscle fibers and re-establish their normal
range of movement. These stretches should be held for at least 10 seconds.
Dynamic Stretches are exercises that prepare the muscles for active contraction. However, they do not cause long-
term improvement in flexibility because of the short stretching time.
Cool Down Phase. This phase of exercise follows immediately after doing an intensive physical exercise. It is done
by doing gradual stretching activities from upper to lower activities. It helps muscles to relax, and slowly go back to its
normal range of movement. Cool down exercises
Name: ________________________ Section: __________
Subject Teacher: Sir. Erl Casiño Score:

ACTIVITY 1. Read the statements carefully, then write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if not.
_____________1. Folksongs are short and simple.
_____________2. Nature or people’s work, tradition, and culture are the concepts of folksongs.
_____________3. These songs begin in one key and end on another key.
_____________4. It is originally passed down orally to family and to the other members of the community.
_____________5. Dreams are the main element why folksongs are created

ACTIVITY 2. Identify the following. Write your answer on the space provided.

____________ 1. It is an element of art that is 3-dimensional.

____________ 2. It adds interest and reality to an artwork.
____________ 3. It is an area enclosed by line and is called 2-dimensional.
____________ 4. It is the uniform repetition of any of the elements of art.
____________ 5. It is a mark drawn by a tool such as pencil, pen, or paintbrush.
____________ 6. It is the distance around, between, below, and within an object.
____________ 7. It is an art that gives sense to the painting feels stable and “feels right”.
____________ 8. It is the actual surface feel or the simulated appearance of roughness and softness.
____________ 9. It creates an area of the composition that is visually dominant and commands the viewers’
____________ 10. It is the result of using the elements of art such that they move the viewer’s eye around and within
the image.

ACTIVITY 3. Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided.
____ 1. It should be measured first thing in the morning with your index and middle finger.
A. Maximum Heart Rate B. Resting Heart Rate
C. Training Heart Rate D. All of the above
____ 2.It refers to the number of exercise sessions per week.
A. Frequency B. Innovative
C. Intensity D. Time
____ 3. When you are calm and relaxed, your pulse is slower and that is your _____.
A. Maximum Heart Rate B. Resting Heart Rate
C. Target Heart Rate D. Training Heart Rate
____ 4.It is the degree of effort or exertion put forth by an individual during exercise.
A. Frequency C. Time
B. Intensity D. Type
____ 5.It is the most basic of all fitness training principle.
A. Principle of Overload C. Principle of Recovery
B. Principle of Progression D. Principle of Specificity
____ 6. It indicates that load could be increased gradually overtime to remain effective and safe for best results
A. Principle of Overload C. Principle of Recovery
B. Principle of Progression D. Principle of Specificity
____ 7. An exercise program is designed specifically for you to be mentally and ______ healthy.
A biologically C. emotionally
B. eternally D. Physically
____ 8. In designing an exercise program, all are points to keep in mind EXCEPT ____.
A. A Goal C. Stopwatch
B. An Exercise Log D. Target Heart Rate
____ 9. Long term goals require time and _______.
A. grasping C. planning
B. motivating D. schooling
____ 10. A ______term-goal should be developed with a limited amount of time in mind.
A. end C. middle
B. long D. short

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