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The Study of the Universe

―a branch of science that deals with the

study of the universe, all of space and its
The Study of the Universe
―from the Greek words astron and nomos, meaning
“law of the stars”
―the science that deals with the study of heavenly
bodies and phenomena that originate outside the
Earth’s atmosphere (auroras and cosmic radiation)
―concerned with the evolution, physics, chemistry,
meteorology, and motion of celestial objects as
well as the formation and development of the
―divisions: Astrophysics, Celestial Mechanics,
Scientists and their Contribution
in the Origin of the Universe
• proposed that the universe
(cosmos) revolves around the
Earth which the latter is
• it is known as the Earth-
Centered or also called as
Geocentric Theory
Scientists and their Contribution
in the Origin of the Universe
• showed an Earth-Centered
universe, wherein key
elements such as planets,
moon, and the sun were
revolving around the Earth
Scientists and their Contribution
in the Origin of the Universe
Nicolaus Copernicus
• published his theory as
opposition to the Earth-
Centered Theory and he called
it as Heliocentric Theory in
which the universe’s center is
the sun (Sun-centered)
• The Sun-Centered was first
proposed by a Greek
philosopher named Aristarchus
Scientists and their Contribution
in the Origin of the Universe
Tycho Brahe
• built the first observatory and created
catalog of stars
Scientists and their Contribution
in the Origin of the Universe
Johannes Kepler
• proposed that planets
moved in somewhat like
elliptical in imaginary
pathway or orbits around
the sun (Kepler’s Law of
Planetary Motion)
Scientists and their Contribution
in the Origin of the Universe
Sir Isaac Newton
• described wide-scale
movements of planets,
stars, moons, and galaxies
throughout the universe
• proposed the Law of
Universal Gravitation
(gravity is a force of
attraction exists between
any two heavenly bodies,
masses or particles)
Scientists and their Contribution
in the Origin of the Universe
Galileo Galilei
• first used telescopes to observe the sky
• provided concrete evidences to
strengthen heliocentric theory such as:
➢ he noticed Jupiter moons orbiting
around it
➢ named features of the moon –
craters and mountains
➢ observed spots of the sun
➢ observed phases of planet Venus
orbiting around the sun
Scientists and their Contribution
in the Origin of the Universe
Albert Einstein
• published the General
Theory of Relativity
showing that an
energy density warps
space and time
Scientists and their Contribution
in the Origin of the Universe
Immanuel Kant
• suggested that the celestial
objects – sun, planets, moons,
comets, and others – were
formed a massive of thin veil like
gas or called as nebula
• his suggestions did not cause so
much attention from other
scientists during that time
Scientists and their Contribution
in the Origin of the Universe
Pierre Simon Marquis de
• strengthened the nebular
hypothesis as support to
the contribution of Kant
• suggested specific and
various observations
about nebular theory
Scientists and their Contribution
in the Origin of the Universe
Forest Ray Moulton & T. C. Chamberlin
• presented that a small solid body or planet
revolves around the gaseous molecule
• they called it Planetismal Theory
Scientists and their Contribution
in the Origin of the Universe
R. A. Lyttleton
• showed that the sun as surviving
star formed from binary stars or
double stars that undergo
disruptions caused by passing
star and transform into a vast
expanse of swirling gases
• gives better explanation on the
origin of the solar system
compared to other versions of
collision theory
Scientists and their Contribution
in the Origin of the Universe
Fred L. Whipple
• proposed the Theory of
Dust-Cloud which explains
the formation of the solar
system (former vast cloud of
cosmic dust and gases), sun
developed from the gases of
the former cloud and planets
developed from solid particles
collided and stuck together
Scientists and their Contribution
in the Origin of the Universe
Edwin Hubble
• demonstrated existence
of galaxies, using his
100-inch reflecting
telescope, redshift and
thus shows the
expansion of the universe
Scientists and their Contribution
in the Origin of the Universe
M. Schmidt
• discovered first quasar –
appear to be stars, but they
have large red shifts in their
spectra indicating that they
are receding from the Earth
at great speeds
• short term for quasi-stellar
radio source
• many believed that quasars
are cores of distant galaxies,
most distant objects yet seen
Scientists and their Contribution
in the Origin of the Universe
Jocelyn Bell
• discovered the pulsars –
rotating neutron star that
gives off sharp regular
pulses of radio waves at
rates ranging from 0.001 to
4 seconds
• pulsars are formed by the
collapse of a star with 1.4 to
4 times the mass of the sun
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