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Distribution: ​Group EXCO, Functional Heads, CCEOs, H&S Country Network, Communications

Please circulate this newsletter to your teams

2018 Results
The H&S Leadership Team wishes you a safe New Year!
We now have consolidated results entered in iCare for 2018, thanks for
your work. These results will still have to be validated by an external
In 2018, 43 people lost their lives in activities related to our operations.
This is 43 lives too many, but it represents a reduction of -34% compared
to 2017 (65 fatalities) and -50% compared to 2016 (86 fatalities).
The number of fatalities has been halved in less than 2 years, which is a
significant achievement.
On-site Fatalities reduced from 17 in 2017 down to 4 in 2018, representing
a reduction of 77%. Off-site, non-road fatalities went from 3 in 2017 up to
5 in 2018, representing a concerning significant deterioration (+66%!): this
will need to be addressed in 2019.
Ab​out L​TIFR, Group has reached the Stretch Objective with a final 2018
figure at 0.79, ​an improvement of 13% compared to 2017 (0.91) and 23%
compared to 2016 (1.03). The process to set 2019 LTIFR Objectives
Country by Country has started.
We’ve made progress in 2018… however our foundations are very fragile
and the disastrous start of 2019 is a tragic reminder that everyone must
remain mobilized at all times to avoid incidents.
[ + ] ​Download the 2018 report
[ + ] ​Access all the results and analysis

From January 1st 2017, the data source for the monthly report is iCare


Corrective Action Plan for 2018 audits and

registration for 2019 Group H&S audits
If your Unit/site was audited in 2018, this is a reminder to ensure that
you have submitted your Corrective Action Plan to ​Group H&S​ by
January 31, 2019​. All Corrective Actions must be tracked in
TeamCentral and status updates must be made on a quarterly basis.
Corrective Action Plans may be submitted to​.
2019 audits are still open for registration. New and experienced auditors
welcome. H&S audits are an excellent way to get a deeper knowledge of
the Group H&S Standards.
[ + ] ​Learn more about the Group H&S audits Program and register for a
2019 audit

Good Practice Challenge #3

New year, new challenge:​ how have you used new technology to
improve H&S in your workplace? ​The first challenge in 2019 is to
identify new technology used to improve H&S. Technology can often
allow us to quickly accelerate progress with H&S and we know there are
a lot of good practices being utilized in the field. It is time to share your
gadget passion stories and bring out that inner geek. ​67 best practices
are already posted!
[ + ] ​Post your best practices!

Global Cement and Concrete Association

From the Cement Sustainability Initiative (CSI) to the Global Cement
& Concrete Association (GCCA)!
Since the 1st of January, Group H&S incident reporting is following the
GCCA reporting guidelines.
A guideline for safety reporting has been issued last November by the
GCCA and is now in effect, mainly reconducting the former CSI
guidelines. More documents are expected in 2019​.
[ + ] ​GCCA website
[ + ] ​Sustainability guidelines for the monitoring and reporting of safety in
cement manufacturing


Let's Talk about Health and Safety!

Let’s talk about Health and Safety ​community page​ is here!
Part of the new 'Connect' Digital Workplace, the online platform is and
will be our main channel of communication. We invite you to share ideas,
good practices and questions there! You are part of the H&S community
worldwide but haven’t joined the community yet? Time is up!
[ + ] ​Join the community on Connect

This newsletter is produced by the Group Health & Safety Team

Feel free to give us your feedback
Would you like to contribute to this newsletter? Send us your article !
​Contact: ​
> ​Link to the dedicated Health & Safety Intranet

Can't access the Intranet? Please download the attached documents or contact us

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