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Materials Science Forum Submitted: 2017-10-02

ISSN: 1662-9752, Vol. 919, pp 396-403 Revised: 2017-11-27

doi:10.4028/ Accepted: 2017-11-28
© 2018 Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland Online: 2018-04-10

Maintenance and Cleaning of Heat Exchangers

Jiří Kuchař1,a, Viktor Kreibich1,b, Vladimir Agartanov2,c and Milan Petřík3,d
CTU in Prague, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Technická 4, 166 07, Prague, Czech Republic
Zetfaza s.r.o., Dukelských hrdinů 2730, Rakovník II, 269 01 Rakovník, Czech Republic
Olympus Czech Group, s.r.o., Evropská 176, 160 41, Prague, Czech Republic

Keywords: Chemical cleaning, heat exchanger, heating system, clean inner surfaces.

Abstract. Each machine and energetic equipment needs maintenance or cleaning time. Energetic
equipment needs more regular cleaning to it works well and reliably, and the heat transfer is
permanent and there is no energy loss. The inner surface of heating systems are successively
covering during their operation, due to the chemical and physico-chemical reactions, solid, some
dirt, minerals and corrosion products. It is therefore advisable to regularly clean and service these
devices. The article deals with the distribution of exchangers, formation of sediments and corrosion
products associated with their operation. In addition, the article describes the types of internal
surface cleaning methods. The whole article ends with a chemical cleaning experiment, where the
heat exchanger clogged with mineral deposits was cleaned. The defectoscopic images show how the
chemical can remove all deposits and restore the exchanger flow to its original state.

Maintenance and cleaning of the internal surfaces of these systems is very difficult, but can be
implemented by appropriate means. Different deposits, mineral deposits, corrosion products are
responsible for the interior surfaces of these facilities and it is therefore advisable to regularly
inspect and clean the equipment. The construction of heating systems is from a variety of different
materials (steel, brass, copper, plastics), so it is necessary to choose such safe methods and versatile
cleaning agents that none of the materials used in the system will damage. [1]

Heat Exchangers System

Heat exchangers are devices designed to heat or cool heat exchanging liquids due to heat
sharing. Solid particles, liquids and gases can enter the heat exchangers. According to the function
we divide the heat exchangers into: condensers, vaporizers, coolers and heaters. Condensers are
liquefied by gases. Conversely, vaporizers that convert liquid into steam work in the opposite
direction. The chillers and heaters allow the temperature change of the heat exchange medium.
The heat exchangers are divided according to the direction of current flows to: co-currents,
countercurrent and cross-flow. In the case of co-current exchangers, the highest temperature
difference occurs because the warmest and coldest current is encountered at the beginning, and the
temperature difference with the distance decreases. A more appropriate solution is a countercurrent
heat exchanger, which has a full temperature distribution and no extremes. Another advantage is the
use of a lower flow temperature than the co-current device to achieve the desired temperature. [2]

Fig. 1 Direction of the flow of exchanger currents: left - co-current arrangement,

center - countercurrent arrangement, right - cross configuration. [2]

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Materials Science Forum Vol. 919 397

Basic Types of Heat Exchangers

This type of exchangers is designed for liquid-liquid or liquid-to-gas heat exchange. Surface heat
exchangers are divided according to the following types.
1) Duplicator
A double jacketed container or a coiled pipe on the outer surface of the medium. This is the
easiest heat exchanger.
2) Tube heat exchanger
Covered with casing where there are bundles of pipes through which the liquid is flowing to
change the temperature. The heat exchange surface is the walls of the tubes which are cooled or
heated from the outside by the medium.

Fig. 2 Straight-tube heat exchanger consists of a casing in which there is a bundle of pipes, he is
well cleanable - he has one passage. [2]
By introducing different bulkheads into the inter-tubular space, we achieve greater efficiency of
the exchanger.

Fig. 3 Heat exchanger partitions that improve the efficiency between the medium and the outer wall
of the pipes. [2]
3) Plate exchanger
The heat exchange surface is a set of plates that are screwed together. The plates are located very
close to each other channels, in which fluid for cooling or heating are flowing. Advantageously, the
exchanger has 3 to 5 times more efficiency than the tube heat exchanger.

Fig. 4 The principle of heat transfer in the plate heat exchanger between individual plates which
are sealed and flow between the coolant / heated liquid and the cool / heated medium. [2]
4) Air cooler
The fan blows cold air on the heat exchange surface and there by cools it. Tubes may have ribs
that significantly increase cooling efficiency. The air cooler must be large because the air has a low
heat transfer coefficient. Another disadvantage is the low efficiency of the device at high
temperature in the summer months. The main advantage is the reduction of water consumption
in the plant. [2]
398 Novel Trends in Production Devices and Systems IV

Fig. 5 Air cooler principle. Air cooler cool fast air flow through the driven fan. Ribbing of pipes
significantly increases heat exchange area. [2]

Materials Used for Heat Exchangers

The various materials used for heat exchangers have to meet mechanical properties (tensile, high
creep strength, good fatigue, corrosion fatigue and creep-fatigue behavior, high fracture toughness
and impact strength) and physical properties (high heat transfer coefficient, low coefficient
of thermal expansion) and corrosion resistance. The most common types of corrosion in heat
exchangers are galvanic corrosion, pitting, crevice corrosion. But stress corrosion cracking (SCC)
and microbiological influenced corrosion (MIC) may also occur. [5, 6]
Table 1 Materials for plate, shell and tube heat exchangers. [5]
Common steel Stainless steel (Mo < 4%) Stainless Steel (Mo > 4%) Titanium Copper
Bronze Copper-nickel (70/30 or 90/10) Incolloy 825 Monel Nickel
Hastelloy B Hastelloy C Aluminum Zirconium Tantalium
Table 2 Materials for heat exchanger plates gaskets and maximum service temperature
for gaskets. [5]
Material Max. temperature
Natural rubber, styrene, neoprene 70 °C
Nitrile rubber, viton 100 °C
Butyl rubber 120 °C
Silicone 140 °C

Fig. 6 Two examples of unexpected crevice corrosion- the one on the left is of a 321 tube-to
tubesheet joint with S44660 tubes and that on the right is under paint in the shape of OK on a 416
stainless pump shaft. [6]
Materials Science Forum Vol. 919 399

Fig. 7 MIC attack of three different alloys – 90/10 Cu/Ni, Type 304 stainless steel, and Type 439
stainless steels. All of these occurred in less than 1 year after installation. [6]

Drinking Water Distribution

Piping systems made of hot-dip galvanized iron are often used in potable water distribution
systems. In the drinking water environment there is a risk of corrosion damage to the internal
surfaces of hot-dip galvanized pipes. Generally, there is a risk of damage caused by corrosion
probability. To assess the likelihood of corrosion on hot dip galvanized of the inner surfaces of the
pipes, it is necessary to determine the most likely form of corrosion, which can be found on the
pipes in the drinking water. It is mainly about even and pitting corrosion. The probability
of corrosion of hot dip galvanized pipes depends mainly on the formation of the corrosion layer of
the products formed upon contact of the galvanized surface with water.
For each form of corrosion has influence of the state of the inner surface of the hot-dip
galvanized pipes, the properties and composition of the drinking water, design of piping systems
and operating conditions. [7]

Even Corrosion
Corrosion of internal surfaces of hot dip galvanized pipes is dependent on the properties
of corrosion products in drinking water, which may not always protective properties. If hydrated Zn
carbonates are formed, these products are of a protective nature (depending on the HCO3 content).
Even corrosion can be manifested by a gradual attack of the zinc coating until the zinc coating is
completely lost. Because Zn metal coating is not homogeneous and contains different
Zn - Fe phases (Figures 8, 9), Fe compounds are present in the corrosion products. Zn compounds
have a higher solubility in water and then, in the case of loss of Zn coating or formation of Zn
compounds without protective effects arise layer of corrosion products composed of Fe oxides
without protective effects. This results in corrosion damage to the base material of the pipes and
possible crash in water distribution. [7]

Fig. 8 Structure of the hot dip Zn Fig. 9 The ferritic-pearlitic structure

coating on the inside of the tube. [7] of the base material of the tube. [7]
400 Novel Trends in Production Devices and Systems IV

Pitting Corrosion
Pitting corrosion in hot water above 35 °C is due to corrosion in defects in the Zn hot dip coating
or under the deposits where it occurs corrosion (eg, different aeration, changes in ion concentration,
etc.). Hot-dip galvanized coatings are pitting corrosion in hot drinking water often initiated by
blistering (Figure 10). Pickling the base material generates atomic hydrogen, which is absorbed and
reacted to form molecular hydrogen with a higher volume. Zn-Fe, when galvanized in the Zn-Fe
zone, escapes to the surface, causing defects and subsequently blisters.
In these places, corrosion cells are formed to initiate pitting corrosion. The influence of
temperature on pitting corrosion is significant. Probability of occurrence blistering and hence
formation of sites of initiation of corrosion attack with temperature rises. Potential pitting corrosion
may also be sudden temperature changes of water, in which the corrosion products are released due
to the different thermal expansion of the corrosion products and the base material. Origin pitting
corrosion is supported by non-flowing water, where local anode sites are stabilized as sites of
initiation of corrosion attack. [7]

Fig. 10 Corrosive blisters on the Fig. 11 Corrosion products on the

inner surface of the tube in warm inner surface of the tube in warm
water. [7] water. [7]

Fig. 12 Inner surface with pierced Fig. 13 Corroded tube. [7]

space. [7]
Materials Science Forum Vol. 919 401

Fig. 14 Internal surfaces of tubes after removal of corrosion products. [7]

Cleaning of internal surfaces
Regular cleaning of the heat exchange device prevents deposits and corrosion. At the same time,
smaller heat and energy losses are achieved. In addition, the lifetime of the system is increased due
to passivation of the surface. By slowing corrosion damage, we will provide power systems in an
effective and safe state. By improving heat transfer of the heat exchange medium, we reduce the
number of shutdowns and repairs. Subsequently, everything will be reflected in the economy of
operation, where significant heating and cooling costs will be saved.
Methods for cleaning internal surfaces of heat exchange systems can be divided into two groups
according to the principle of technology.
• Mechanical cleaning (high pressure cleaning, projectile cleaning etc.)
• Chemical cleaning (previously used pickling) [3, 4]
Chemical cleaning the Alfa Laval heat exchanger and determining the influence of corrosive
deposits on heat loss
A contaminated heat exchanger was selected for practical measurement. Prior to cleaning, the
exchanger was checked using an Olympus videoscope. In the figures below, you can see that the
heat exchanger is more clogged on the primary side. The photos are both circuits, both primary and
secondary. The primary circuit input covers significant incrustations. There is much less
sedimentation on the primary side of the exchanger. The secondary side of the heat exchanger is not
so heavy compared to the primary side.

Fig. 15 Inlet of the primary side of the heat exchanger before cleaning.
402 Novel Trends in Production Devices and Systems IV

Fig. 16 Inlet of the primary side of the heat exchanger before cleaning.
Plate heat exchanger was cleaned using a Z-phase cleaner which was diluted 1:20 with a water.
This detergent was selected based on its proven efficacy and properties. In this attempt to clean the
plate heat exchanger from Alfa Laval were used the Landis flowmeter, two thermometers, two
pressure gauges and pressure pump.
Table 3 Comparison of primary circuit flow increase after cleaning.
Before cleaning [ ] After 1. cleaning [ ] After 2. cleaning [ ]

0,29 0,83 1,12

Fig. 17 Inlet of the primary side of the heat exchanger after cleaning.

Fig. 18 Comparison of the temperature increase of the heated circuit.

Materials Science Forum Vol. 919 403

In Figure 18, the resulting values show a gradual improvement in surface cleanliness and
improved heat transfer at the maximum measured values. In the figure, the blue curve was left for
demonstration of chemical consumption and the course of the purification reaction, respectively the
slowing of the cleaning reaction. The second curve shows cleanup with the regenerated agent from
the first cleaning after the removal of corrosive and mineral impurities. This regeneration,
respectively filtration was performed to improve the flow of the purified heat exchanger, as can be
seen from Table 3 of the measured flow. It is obvious from the graphic dependence that it is
appropriate to filter out the first part of the cleaning, respectively to remove large mechanical

Based on visual inspections of hot-dip galvanized tubes and the measurements made, it appears
that the reason for damage to pipes in warm drinking water is in the imperfect protective effect of
the zinc layer at an operating temperature above 55 °C. Hot water above 35 °C may occur to pitting
corrosion and at a temperature of about 55 °C, the zinc becomes anodic, the polarity of Zn/Fe can
be changed, and Zn becomes Fe cathodic in context with a Zn potential change at temperature rise.
The corrosion products are then formed by strong layers of hydrated Fe oxides. In locations below
corrosion the corrosion processes result in pitting corrosion and gradual perforation of piping
The surface of the heat exchanger was examined using a videoscope. Conversion of the heat
exchanger flow was carried out and subsequently cleaned. From the measured values, it is clear that
by removing the corrosion products of the heat exchanger, heat transfer will be improved. In
addition, energy and heat losses will be reduced, the heat transfer medium will increase and the
system will reduce the probability of system failure, to save heating and cooling costs. The heat
transfer was improved by 31.25 % after the heat exchanger had been cleaned.

This article was supported by the SGS16/217/OHK2/3T/12 project.

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