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Univesitatea Pedagogică de Stat “Ion Creangă”

Situational Study

A efectuat: Delimarschi Daniel

A verificat: Nazaru Cristina
Group: 302 English-French

Chișinău 2022
Educational system in Moldova
The education system in Moldova consists of preschool, primary, secondary and
higher education. The preschool education is for children up to the age of seven years.
The primary education is between grades one through four and typically involves
children between the ages of 8-12. The secondary education consists of two tracks:
general and vocational. General secondary education from grades 5-9 is called the
gymnasium, and grades 10-12 is called liceul (lyceum). The vocational track is called
the professional liceul. Higher education consists of two stages, short-term college
education and university education. These institutions were traditionally awarding
Diplomas but, in the year 2000, were also using the titles of Bachelor and Master to
conform to international standards.

The language of instruction under the Soviet rule was Russian. However, since
1989, Moldovan was adopted as the official language and in the year 2000, nearly
two-thirds of all pupils were studying in schools where Moldovan was the language of
instruction. However, schools serving the needs of minorities and schools with
Russian, Gagauzian, Ukrainian, and Bulgarian as the language of instruction are also
present. Students of other nationalities (Jewish, Polish, and German) have the
opportunity to study these as a separate subject. Nonetheless, state policy emphasizes
that all citizens should study Moldovan. Since its independence the Moldovan
government has also added substantial courses in Romanian literature and history to
the curriculum. Strong ties have been established between the education systems in
Romania and Moldova. Throughout the 1990s Romania extensively donated
textbooks to replace books from the Soviet era. At the university level, change is
coming slowly and Russian still remains the predominant language of instruction. The
academic year starts on September 1 and continues until June with a winter break in
December and January.

In 1994, there were 2,062 preschools with an enrollment of 223,300 students and
20,100 preschool teachers. In 1994, there were 1,692 primary and secondary schools
with 731,000 students and 50,300 teachers. The number of colleges was 62 with an
enrollment of 43,800 students. The higher education institutions were 18 in number
and enrolled 55,200 students. In addition, there were 87 vocational institutions with
39,800 students.
Educational system in the UK

The education system in the UK is divided into four main parts, primary
education, secondary education, further education and higher education. Children in
the UK have to legally attend primary and secondary education which runs from
about 5 years old until the student is 16 years old. The education system in the UK is
also split into "key stages" which breaks down as follows:

 Key Stage 1: 5 to 7 years old

 Key Stage 2: 7 to 11 years old
 Key Stage 3: 11 to 14 years old
 Key Stage 4: 14 to 16 years old

Generally key stages 1 and 2 will be undertaken at primary school and at 11

years old a student will move onto secondary school and finish key stages 3 and 4.
Students are assessed at the end of each stage. The most important assessment occurs
at age 16 when students pursue their GCSE's or General Certificate of Secondary
Education. Once students complete their GCSE's they have the choice to go onto
further education and then potential higher education, or finish school and go into the
working world.

Primary Education
Primary education begins in the UK at age 5 and continues until age 11, comprising
key stages one and two under the UK educational system.

Secondary Education
From age 11 to 16, students will enter secondary school for key stages three and four
and to start their move towards taking the GCSE's - learn more about secondary
education in the UK and what it will involve. Primary and secondary education is
mandatory in the UK; after age 16, education is optional.

Further Education
Once a student finishes secondary education they have the option to extend into
further education to take their A-Levels, GNVQ's, BTEC's or other such
qualifications. UK students planning to go to college or university must complete
further education.

Higher Education
Probably the most important subject area on this site, this explains more about the
higher education system in the UK and how it works for international students. Most
international students will enter directly into the UK higher education system, after
completing their home country’s equivalent to the UK’s “further education.”

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